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Armor Categories


Simple Armor: Essentially just thick, protective clothing, this is the most basic armor available to any adventurer.

-Wearing Simple Armor does not require any armor proficiency.


Light Armor: Armor made from lightweight, flexible materials, generally covering the torso and other large target areas. This provides decent protection while still allowing very high mobility. (Requires Light Armor Proficiency)


Medium Armor: Covers the entire body with padding, plus additional layers of materials such as cured leather, chain, or metal plates. This provides a good mix of protection and mobility. (Requires Medium Armor Proficiency)

-Wearing Medium Armor imposes a -1 Attack Penalty.

-Your Run Speed is reduced to 1.5x per Run Action (as opposed to x2) in Medium Armor.


Heavy Armor: Covers the entire body with multiple layers of metal plates, chain, and padded cloth. This offers maximum protection at the cost of reduced mobility. (Requires Heavy Armor Proficiency)

-Wearing Heavy Armor imposes a -2 Attack Penalty.

-Your Move Speed is reduced by 5 feet in Heavy Armor. (If your Move Speed is 50+, it is reduced by 10 feet)


Wearing Armor: What Equip Slot does armor take up? What else can you equip or wear while wearing armor?

-You may wear normal clothing under all armor types.


-Simple & Light Armor: may be equipped in the Torso-Under Equip Slot or Torso-Over Equip Slot. Simple & Light Armor may be worn under loose clothing or other items that could feasibly cover the bulk of the armor. 


-Medium Armor: must be equipped in the Torso-Over Equip Slot. Covers your arms, legs, and torso.


-Heavy Armor: must be equipped in the Torso-Over Equip Slot. Covers your arms, legs, and torso.


Armor and Clothes: Clothes or other items equipped in the Torso-Over Equip Slot physically cover the clothes in the Torso-Under slot. Any full-body armor set covers the arms and legs, but does not actually take up the Arms or Legs Equip Slots. Any clothes covered by your armor cannot provide an Attractive Bonus or Social Bonus. 

-Belts, scabbards, backpacks, pouches, and cloaks/tabards are worn over armor. 


Armor Table: How to read the Armor Table

Armor Rating (AR): The amount this armor adds to your Armor Class(AC). (Higher Armor Rating = Better Defense)

Armor Rating vs Crit (ARvC): The amount this armor adds only to your Armor Class vs Critical Hits (ACvsCrit). 

-Note: You may not gain an Armor Rating from multiple sources. If you equip multiple items that provide AR, or if you have been granted a magical Armor Rating, only the strongest AR applies. 

-Ex: Mage Armor provides AR4, Padded Armor provides AR2. If using both, you only use Mage Armor’s AR4.

-Any bonus or penalty that applies to AR also applies to ARvC.

-Ex: A spell that provides a +1 Enhance Bonus to Armor Rating adds +1 to AR & ARvC.


MAX DEX: This indicates the maximum Dexterity Modifier (DEX Mod) that you can apply to your AC and Attack Rolls in this armor. (MAXDEX does not affect REF Saves or other DEX-based rolls) 

-If multiple sources note a Max DEX, only the lowest Max DEX applies.


Mobility Penalty: This number is subtracted from all Physical Skill Checks while the armor is worn. 

-If you attempt to cast a spell while suffering from a Mobility Penalty from any source (Armor, Shield, Backpack, Encumbrance, etc), you must make a DC(10+[2xSpell Level]) Perseverance check or the spell fails & is wasted. 


Weight: The actual weight of the armor in pounds. Armors with a weight in parentheses next to them are treated as this lighter weight while the armor is worn, as the weight is well-distributed across the body. This makes the armor seem lighter to the wearer for purposes of determining carrying capacity. 


Other: This section has additional important information about the armor, such as if it covers your entire body, holds in heat, or more. Detailed information about the armor is available in the descriptions below.


Damage Resist (DR): Many armors also reduce the amount of incoming physical damage. The Damage Resistance provided by armor is listed as DRX/AA, where X is the amount of damage resisted, and the AA indicates it is bypassed by any weapon or attack with the Anti-Armor trait.  (Reminder: DR may reduce incoming damage to zero!)


Merchant Price (gp): Amount of Gold Pieces (gp) needed to purchase this armor; new and ready-to-wear.

-The listed price includes proper tailoring for any “Made to Fit” armor. This may take time in your story!


Simple Armor

Light Armor

Medium Armor

Heavy Armor

Fit: This armor is considered “Made to Fit,” and must be specially made to fit you personally. (May be adjusted with Craft Skills)

See Description: This armor has unique traits explained in its description below.

Comfort: Perseverance Check DC due to wearing your armor for long periods or sleeping in your armor reduced by 5.

Torso: This armor does not fully protect your arms or legs. (This may affect Roleplay or strikes that damage your limbs.)

Warm or Hot: +1 Gear Bonus vs Extreme Cold/-1 penalty on Perseverance checks caused by Hot Environments. (Hot is +2/-2)


Armor Info & Descriptions


-Armor ALWAYS takes up the “Torso-Over” Equip Slot.  Even though many armors will describe having pants, bracers, or greaves, they do not take up any other Equip Slots unless specifically stated in the descriptor.


-Armor does NOT include a helm or other head protection! Whenever you find a blacksmith or shopkeeper that has an available armor set, they should also have a matching helm for additional cost. Helms provide additional protection that is added to that of your body armor. (See Helms, Ch7.4g)


-Arming Wear: This indicates a lower layer of padding and protection that is worn with the described armor. The Arming Wear is included in all the armor’s statistics, including price and Equip Slot location. 

You may choose to wear only the Arming Wear without the heavier portions, in which case the armor functions exactly as the lighter armor set stated in this section. Not all armor has arming wear.


-Time to Don: How much time it takes to put on the full suit of armor, including arming wear. Removing the armor takes half the time indicated here (minimum 1 Big Action, provokes AOO). 

-A single assistant can reduce the time to don armor by half. (Minimum 1 Full-Round Action)

-Some armors state a specific time with an assistant, while others cannot be donned without an assistant. 

-Alternative Descriptions: This describes other possible varieties of armor found throughout history that would have similar protective values. These options may be a better fit for certain stories, settings, or characters.


-Made to Fit: This armor must be specially fitted to your body. If not properly fitted, you suffer an additional -2 Mobility Penalty and lessen the MAX DEX by 1 (Min 0). 

-Armor may be modified to be “made to fit” using the exact same rules for repairing tattered armor.

-All Stats are given for Armors and Shields for Medium Sized creatures


Simple Armor Descriptions


Padded Vest (Aketon, Short Gambeson, Padded Jack): This padded vest protects the torso and upper arms, covering the same area as a modern T-Shirt. This is generally made of 15-20 layers of linen. 

  Time to Don: Double Action

  Alternative Descriptions: A shirt of padded fur-covered hides. A short-sleeve Buff-Coat of thick leather.


Limb Guards (Bracers & Greaves): These rigid, form-fitting plates are secured to the limbs with leather straps. These may be made of thick, hard, cured leather or solid steel. They cover only the front of the forearm and the shin, and generally have a backing of padded cloth for comfort.

  -Limb Guards take up the “Arms” Equip Slot. Even though they also go on your legs, they do not also take up the “Legs” slot. They may be worn in conjunction with pants, skirts, kilts, etc.

  Time to Don: 1 Minute         -The “Limb Guards” and “Padded Vest” may be worn together to offer 1 AR and 1 ARvC.


Simple Armor Kit (Thin Gambeson): These simple kits are cheap and easy to make, providing slightly more protection that normal clothes. A lightweight, long-sleeve gambeson made of 15-20 layers of linen (or padded cotton) covers the torso, arms, and thighs. This kit is often used as the arming wear for heavier armors.

  Time to Don: 1 Minute


Light Armor Descriptions:


Cloth with Guards: The simple cloth kit combined with a set of metal limb guards (bracers & greaves).

  -The bracers & greaves must be worn in the “Arms” slot. The Simple Armor Kit is worn in the “Torso-Over” Slot.

  Time to Don: 2 Minutes. This armor set retains the Comfort Quality. 


Gladiator Kit: This set of asymmetrical armor allows some of the best mobility by leaving certain areas uncovered. The dominant arm is protected by a full-length padded sleeve covered in articulated metal plates. The legs are protected from the thighs to the ankles with cloth padding, plus solid metal greaves over the shins and knees. A belt with leather tassets may protect the thighs and groin. The chest is left mostly unprotected.

  Time to Don: 5 Minutes

  Alternative Descriptions: Mail or hardened leather may be used to protect the dominant arm. The torso may have light protection such as a few layers of linen, a leather breast piece, or another shoulder pauldron.


Armored Doublet (Jack of Plates): A high-quality quilted vest with small metal plates stitched between the layers of fabric. Its design allows it to be quickly donned or removed, while the built-in padding makes it reasonably comfortable. Since its appearance matches the jacket style of many cultures, it may be acceptable in social settings where other more obvious armor would be suspicious or frowned upon. 

  Time to Don: Full-Round Action


Padded Armor Kit (Gambeson): The gambeson is a large jacket made of 20-30 layers of linen that covers the full length of the arms, torso, and extends from the waist down to around your knees. The many layers dampen blunt impact and are very difficult to cut through or pierce with an arrow. 

  -Padded Armor gains the Comfort trait in cooler temperatures above freezing (32-55 oF / 0-13 oC).

  Time to Don: 1 Minute


Winter Survival Suit (Tundra Armor): The fur-covered hides of various cold-weather animals make a thick coat and pants that protect you from the cold. They also provide a decent amount of protection against arrows and blades. The long, thick coat has a hood, high collar, and may extend fully to the knees. The legs are protected by thick fur pants and boots. Thick winter gloves or mittens are included.

  -If you are in a cold environment, even below freezing, this “armor set” gains the Comfort quality and grants a +4 Innate Bonus to endure cold environments (as opposed to only +2). You gain Cold Resist 2. 

  Time to Don: 1 Minute


Chain Shirt (Haubergeon, Mail Shirt): A short-sleeved shirt of 4-in-1 riveted chainmail that extends just below the waist. It is usually worn with a cotton or linen shirt underneath and a belt to support the weight. 

  Time to Don: Full-Round Action


Chain Shirt+Padding (Haubergeon + Aketon, Mail Shirt with Padding): A short-sleeved shirt of traditional 4-in-1 European riveted chainmail that passes just below the waist, worn atop an included padded vest and secured by a sturdy belt. The torso is well-protected, but the arms and legs are vulnerable.

  Arming Wear: Padded Vest        Time to Don: 1 Minute


Chain Hauberk: The 4-in-1 chainmail hauberk has three-quarter sleeves and extends to protect the thighs, with a split for riding. It is usually worn with a shirt underneath and a belt to support the weight.

  Time to Don: Full-Round Action


Light Hide Kit: A hardened leather cuirass (torso piece, front & rear) worn over a padded vest, along with hardened leather bracers on the forearms and leather greaves covering the shins.

  Arming Wear: Padded Vest         Time to Don: 1 Minute


Light Chain Kit (Mail Hauberk + Gambeson, Light Mail Kit): A 4-in-1 mail hauberk worn atop a sturdy gambeson. The hauberk has three-quarter sleeves and extends to protect the thighs, with a split for riding. A sturdy belt supports a good portion of the hauberk’s weight.

  Arming Wear: Padded Armor (Gambeson)         Time to Don: 2 Minutes


Gnomish Zip-Kit (Tinker Armor): This set of full-body armor, designed by gnomes, consists of a leather or heavy cloth jacket and pants, reinforced with padding and metal strips sewn between the layers. The jacket and pants can pass for a decent set of leather clothing, albeit with a slightly “ribbed” appearance. This ingenious armor may be quickly donned using a gnomish invention called “the zipper.” The Zip-Kit also has multiple hidden, zippered pockets, providing 4 Storage Slots in the torso and 4 Storage Slots in the pants (Max 10 pounds each). 

  Time to Don: Full-Round Action (or Big Action for Jacket only, counts as Armored Doublet)


Medium Armor Descriptions: (-1 Attack Penalty, Run at 1.5x Move Speed)


Patchwork Armor: A collection of salvaged armor pieces turned into a mismatched yet functional armor kit. This armor is more cumbersome than properly matched and crafted armor. This type of armor is often found on raiders, nomadic tribes, or groups without access to quality metallurgy or finances. 

Time to Don: 5 Minutes (The mismatched pieces makes donning and removing the armor more tedious.)

  Alternative Descriptions: Many possible variations exist. GM has final say on what qualifies as a Patchwork set.


Hard Leather Kit: Plates of thick, cured, hardened leather worn over a set of light cloth arming wear. Each leather plate has been shaped to fit to the wearer. This kit contains a leather cuirass (torso piece, front & rear) with pauldrons (shoulder guards). The upper & lower arm is protected with solid, form-fitting bracers. The upper legs are protected with leather tassets and a set of leather cuisses, while the lower leg is protected by thick, hardened greaves that wrap from the ankle to above the knee. 

  Arming Wear: Cloth Simple Armor Kit            Time to Don: 5 Minutes


Chainmail (Medium Chain Kit): A longsleeve, 4-in-1 mail hauberk worn atop a thick, padded gambeson. The hauberk extends almost to the knees of the wearer, with a split for riding. A sturdy belt supports a good portion of the hauberk’s weight. The legs are protected by mail leggings (chausses) secured to the arming wear at the hips.

  Arming Wear: Padded Armor (Gambeson)         Time to Don: 3 Minutes

      -The hauberk may be worn independently if needed. It counts as the light armor “Chain Hauberk.”


Reinforced Mail (Plated Mail): This armor has the same description as regular chainmail, but with a sturdier mail hauberk protecting the torso. The hauberk has solid metal plates “woven” into the metal rings of the chain armor. Large plates cover the chest, while smaller plates protect the sides and back. A small plate also covers each knee.

  Arming Wear: Padded Armor (Gambeson)         Time to Don: 4 Minutes

      -The hauberk may be worn independently as the light armor, “Chain Hauberk,” but with a -3 Mobility Penalty.


Tosei Gusoku (Medium Samurai Kit): Lacquered metal bands fastened together by rivets or cord form the cuirass (dou), pauldrons (sode), and tassets (kusazuri) of this armor. Special armored sleeves are tied across the torso, protecting from the underarm and shoulder to the wrist. These sleeves are made with a silk base covered by a unique weave of mail and metal strips. Bracers and greaves are made using a mix of metal plates, mail, and fabric. This armor has more vulnerable points than comparable armor of European design, but with superior mobility. The palm and fingers are left uncovered to allow manual dexterity and improved archery.

  -Special: This armor does not impose a -1 Penalty to attacks made with a Bow, Crossbow, or Firearm.

  -This armor must be Made to Fit. (Add additional -2 Mobility Penalty if not properly tailored)

    -This armor may be donned without the shoulder guards, tassets, and cuirass to function as the light “Gladiator Kit.”

Arming Wear: None         Time to Don: 4 Minutes with 1 Assistant. (12 Minutes Alone)

Heavy Armor Descriptions: (-2 Attack Penalty, -5’ Move Speed)


O-Yoroi (Heavy Llamelar Kit, Great Armor): This heavier set of lacquered metal llamelar was the predecessor to the Tosei Gusoku. It has the same description, but O-yoroi has much larger shoulder guards (sode) and tassets (kusazuri), plus additional padding and mail throughout. Designed for mounted archery, the llamelar is covered by silk along the chest to avoid interference with the bowstring, and the palms and fingers are left uncovered.

  -Special: This Heavy Armor only imposes a -1 Penalty to attacks made with a Bow, Crossbow, or Firearm.

  -This armor must be Made to Fit. (Add additional -2 Mobility Penalty if not properly tailored)

    -This armor may be donned without the shoulder guards, tassets, and cuirass to function as the light “Gladiator Kit.”

  Arming Wear: None         Time to Don: 5 Minutes with 1 Assistant. (15 Minutes Alone)


Heavy Infantry Kit: A brigandine vest (or “coat of plates”) encases the entire torso, worn atop a long-sleeve mail hauberk with simple arming wear. Brigandine is made of leather or heavy canvas with dozens of overlapping steel plates riveted between the layers. The shaped plates overlap and properly conform to the body, allowing some flexibility. Sturdy brigandine spaulders and tassets add additional protection for the shoulders, thighs, and groin. Chain chausses are worn on the legs, plus a set of metal greaves protecting the shin and knee. Metal bracers and sturdy metal gauntlets protect the hands and forearms.

  -The torso piece for this armor must be Made to Fit. (Add additional -2 Mobility Penalty if not properly tailored)

  Arming Wear: Cloth Simple Armor Kit         Time to Don: 5 Minutes with 1 Assistant. (15 Minutes Alone)

      -The hauberk & cloth armor kit maybe worn without additional pieces to serve as “Light Armor-Chain Shirt+Padding.”


Half-Plate Harness (Plate & Mail): A solid metal cuirass (breastplate & back plate) with metal spaulders over the shoulders, plus articulated plates that extend from the waist to cover the thighs and groin. Plate cuisses, poleyns (knee-guards), and demi-greaves protect the front and sides of the entire leg, from the upper thigh to the ankle. These plates strap together along the back of the legs. The arms are protected in a similar manner, with a three-section plate harness strapped on and covering the upper arm, elbow, and forearm. A pair of articulated metal gauntlets protects the hands. The cloth arming wear has been specially modified with mail voiders; sections of mail stitched directly to the padding to cover weak areas like the groin or other joints.

-This armor must be Made to Fit. (Add additional -2 Mobility Penalty if not properly tailored)

  Arming Wear: Custom Simple Cloth Armor with Mail Voiders

    *If worn independently, this custom arming wear functions as a normal Simple Armor Kit

  Time to Don: 10 Minutes with 1 Assistant. (20 minutes alone)

      -This armor may be donned as medium “Patchwork Armor” in 5 minutes without wearing some of the parts.


Full Plate Harness (Plate Armor): This perfectly tailored suit of armor is the pinnacle of blacksmithing and metallurgy. Articulated solid metal plates fully encase the wearer, providing unparalleled protection with a good range of motion. The torso is protected by a cuirass with an overlapping plackard and breastplate that connect seamlessly to a solid backplate. An articulated fauld protects the groin and upper thighs, while cuisses, poleyns, and cased greaves wrap the entire leg in metal, even covering the feet. Pauldrons overlap a fully encased arm harness, while sturdy metal gauntlets protect the hands. A set of arming wear with chainmail voiders stitched to the cloth covers any gaps between plates, especially the underarm or groin areas. 

-This armor must be Made to Fit. (Add additional -2 Mobility Penalty if not properly tailored)

  Arming Wear: Custom Simple Cloth Armor with Mail Voiders

  Time to Don: 10 Minutes with 1 assistant. Cannot be donned properly without assistance.


Dwarven Battle Plate: This special suit of full plate armor has been reinforced with hefty dwarven craftsmanship. The plates over jointed areas interlock in such a way as to leave even less openings than traditional full plate. This restricts evasive movements even further, but, as the Dwarves say, “That’s what the armor’s for!”

  -This armor must be Made to Fit. (Add additional -2 Mobility Penalty if not properly tailored)

  Arming Wear: Custom Simple Cloth Armor with Mail Voiders

  Time to Don: 10 Minutes with 1 assistant. Cannot be donned properly without assistance.

Armor for Different Size Categories


Small Size Armor: 1/3 Weight, Same Cost

-For simplicity, small size armor retains the same stats as medium size armor.

Large Size Armor: 3x Weight, 2x Cost, +2 Craft DC

-Large Size Armor is thicker and increases any provided DR/AA by 1 (Ex: DR1/AA becomes DR2/AA)

Huge Size Armor: 9x Weight, 4x Cost, +5 Craft DC

-Huge Size Armor is thicker and increases any provided DR/AA by 2 (Ex: DR1/AA becomes DR3/AA)


Armor for Other Creatures: Races with developed societies, such as lizardfolk, giants, demons, centaurs, and other special races, can acquire all the standard armor types, though they may be difficult to find outside their own societies.

-Creatures with vaguely humanoid bodies should be allowed to craft or pay extra for a set of armor from the standard armor list that fits their body properly. Such a modified armor set costs +25% more than normal.

-For any sort of animal, quadruped, mount, dragon-shaped creature, or creature with unique movement styles, barding should be used instead (see Barding, Ch7.7).

Mobility Penalty


Mobility Penalty: Many armors and shields hinder your ability to move freely.

A mobility penalty is a numerical penalty applied to Skill checks depending on physical capabilities. 

The Mobility Penalty is applied to ALL PHYSICAL SKILLS (Skills that use your STR/DEX/CON Ability Modifiers)

-Physical Skills are noted with an asterisk (*) on the standard character sheet.

-A Mobility Penalty also applies to any check made to sleep or avoid exhaustion from exertion.

-Shields always incur the listed Mobility Penalty, whether being carried, strapped on, or wielded.

-Carrying too much weight can increase your Mobility Penalty. This is referred to as Encumbrance. (See STR Score, Ch2.3b) Being Encumbered incurs a -3 Mobility Penalty, and Heavily Encumbered incurs a -6 penalty. 

-Like all penalties, Mobility Penalties from multiple sources stack with one another.

Note - Armor and REF Saves: Armor does not affect your REF Save. Any mobility reduction caused by your armor is offset by the protection granted by the armor. 


Spell-Casting & Mobility Penalty: In order to cast a spell, you want to be as free of hindrance as possible. The mental focus required to cast most spells can be affected by uncomfortable clothing, armor, and heavy gear.

-If you attempt to cast a spell while suffering from a Mobility Penalty from any source (Armor, Shield, Backpack, Encumbrance, etc), you must make a DC(10+Spell Level) Perseverance check or the spell fails. 

-Armor, shields, and other gear with 0 Mobility Penalty do not hinder your casting ability.

-Some class abilities and Feats allow you to bypass certain Mobility Penalty-related Perseverance checks.

-This does not apply to Spell-Like or Supernatural abilities (SLA or Su); they are unaffected by armor.

-Spells cast using a Swift Action or faster, or cast from magic items or scrolls, do not require this check.

  • Reminder: Casters with enough Ranks may be able to pass the Perseverance check using “Take 5.”

Other Armor Drawbacks

-While there are many types of armor available to an adventurer, there is no one superior choice. Every set of armor must balance between protection, mobility, comfort, and more. Use the information presented here to select the armor that best suits your character! Think about it; If wearing armor had no drawbacks, then everybody would wear it all the time!

-Lighter armor has less drawbacks than heavier armor.


Here are a few drawbacks you must consider when choosing to wear armor:

  • -Decreased nimbleness and maneuverability (Attack Rolls, Mobility Penalty, Move Speed)

  • -Cost (Very strong armor is very expensive!)

  • -Long-term wear: Comfort, Sleeping, Heat Exhaustion, and Armor Maintenance

  • -Time to don or remove (put on and take off) the armor

  • -Spellcasting may require Perseverance checks (see Mobility Penalty, above)


Reminder - Armor Proficiency: If not proficient: -5’ all Move Speeds, -1 all d20 Rolls.


Armor Drawbacks – Offense & Movement: How does wearing armor affect my Attack Rolls and Move Speed?


Light Armor: Attack and Move Speed are unaffected.


Medium Armor: Run speed is reduced to only 1.5x Move Speed. (instead of 2x using the Run Action)

-Wearing Medium Armor incurs a -1 penalty on all Attack Rolls.


Heavy Armor: Your base Move Speed is reduced by 5 feet. If you have a move speed of 50+, your base Move Speed is reduced by 10 feet.

-Wearing Heavy Armor incurs a -2 penalty on all Attack Rolls.


Overheating: Any armor with the Warm of Hot trait can lead to overheating.

-In average temperatures, any character wearing armor with the Warm or Hot traits requires a DC15 Perseverance check after 6 consecutive hours of activity in the armor. Each additional 6-hour interval the armor is worn adds +2DC. Failing this check causes +1 Weakened Stage. In hot climates (or extreme exertion) this check may be required more frequently, up to 1/hour (GM Discretion).

-Cold temperatures may reduce the check frequency (or even remove the need for a check) at GM Discretion.

-A Short Rest with 30 minutes spent out of your armor is needed to reset the check DC and overall timer.


Uncomfortable: Wearing armor gets uncomfortable, especially over long periods of time. This is essentially a role-play suggestion, but a GM may call for Perseverance checks in certain scenarios. (Ex: A stalking mission where you must sit, hide, and observe for hours would be very unpleasant in plate armor.)

  • -A character wearing Medium or Heavy Armor for over 48 hours automatically gains +1 Weakened Stage. 

  • -A character wearing Light Armor for over 72 hours automatically gains +1 Weakened Stage. 

  • -A Short Rest with 30 minutes spent out of your armor is needed to reset this overall timer.

  • -Note: Going to the bathroom and sitting or moving about small areas can become quite difficult in armor.


Sleeping in Armor can cause a Disrupted Long Rest:

-Getting a full Long Rest while Sleeping in Armor requires a DC(10+AR) Perseverance(CON) check. 

-Each consecutive day you sleep in armor adds +2DC to the Perseverance check.

-The DC is reduced by 5 for armor with the Comfort quality.

-If you fail this Save, you are only able to complete a Disrupted Long Rest. (see Sleep & Rest, Ch8.8)

-Disrupted Long Rest: You heal only +1HP/2Levels (+1HP per +2CONMod). Half Confidence Tokens. Recover only 1 Weakened Stage (Stage 1 or 2 Only). You do not recover any spell slots of highest Spell Level.


Social Interactions & Armor (and Weapons): Medium and heavy armor are normally reserved for warfare. If you are wearing this type of armor, many people will assume you are expecting a fight. This is socially off-putting in nearly all cultures. Commoners may run away from you, act suspicious, or ask guards to protect them.

-Most peasants and shopkeepers are used to seeing the light armor frequently worn by hunters, guards, and cautious travelers, but they are not expecting battle-ready warriors stumbling about their taverns. 

-Just think of how you (or a bartender) would feel personally if a modern soldier with bullet-proof vest and helmet with his rifle over his shoulder and pistol at his side walked into your local pub!

-Some towns and cities may have specific rules about wearing weapons and armor. In most societies, sheathed single-handed weapons and light armor are acceptable. Obviously, the restrictions for a dinner party or visit from a noble would be more restrictive. Just like in real life, the setting dictates proper dress. 

  • Ex: Some very war-like cultures may normalize their people being constantly dressed for battle.

-While the exact ruling depends completely on the story, the GM may use their discretion to apply a -1 to -5 penalty on Social Skills for wearing “war-ready” dress (Medium/Heavy Armor & Weapons) when interacting with people who are uncomfortable in such a situation. (This could also turn into a bonus for things like Intimidation).


Armor Maintenance: Armor must be maintained once per week of normal adventuring use. 

  • -Maintaining armor requires expenditure of 1 gp worth of CraComs, as well as a certain amount of crafting work based on armor type:

  • -Heavy Armor = 4 Hours-DC10, Medium Armor = 2 Hours-DC7, Light Armor = 1 Hour-DC5 

  • -If you do not maintain your armor as indicated here, it gains the tattered condition. 

  • -For repairs - See Craft(Tailor) for Cloth & Leather Armor, or Craft(Blacksmith) for metal armor, Ch4.4.


Tattered Armor: Loses 1 point of Armor Rating and increases the Mobility Penalty by 1. The armor can no longer grant Social Bonuses. All magic abilities of the armor function normally. May be repaired. (Armor cannot gain multiple tattered conditions, but extreme neglect could lead to the armor falling apart & becoming useless at GM Discretion.)


Carrying Armor Around: Carrying armor without wearing it takes up a lot of space in your inventory:

-Storage Slots – Simple Armor: 4, Light Armor: 6, Medium Armor: 8, Heavy Armor: 12

-Collapsible materials such as chain take up 2 less Storage Slots. Large Armor takes up 3x Slots, Small Armor takes 1/3 Slots.

Armor Sizes


-Helms take up the “Head” Equip Slot on your character sheet.

-Putting on or taking off a Light or Medium helm is a Big Action (AOO).

-Heavy Helms require a Double Action (AOO) to put and to remove.


Note: Helms are not included in the price of statistics of a suit of body armor. Anywhere you find an armorsmith selling a suit of armor, a matching helm should be available. Helms provide additional protection if desired.

Helm Types

-Perseverance, Listen & Spot Penalty: You suffer the listed penalty on all these Skill checks while wearing the indicated helm. Helms reduce peripheral vision, hearing, and can make breathing more difficult.


-Non-Proficiency Penalty: You suffer the listed penalty to all Attack Rolls while wearing the helm of an armor type with which you are not proficient. (Ex: Medium Helm = Medium Armor Proficiency)

-Helm Bonus is a special Bonus type that adds to AR or ARvC. It is only provided by helmets or other headgear.

-You cannot sleep while wearing a medium or heavy helm.


Light Helm - Top & side of head covered, often with nose or neck guard. (Ex: Norman Helm, Open Sallet, Kettle Hat, Skull Cap & Coif) Light helms may be made of solid metal, chain, or strong leather. (Craft DC10)


Medium Helm - Full head & neck protected, face partially protected: (Ex: Barbute, Burgonet, Kabuto, Roman Gallic, Sallet/Norman with Mail Aventail) The majority of a Medium Helm is made of solid metal, often with chain or leather protecting the neck. (Craft DC15)


Heavy Helm - Full head and face entirely enclosed, attached to neck protection: (Ex: Hounskull, Great Helm) A Heavy Helm encase the entire head in solid metal, protecting the face and neck from all angles, but they greatly limit visibility. The helm sits atop a set of padding to increase comfort and protection. (Craft DC20)

-You suffer a -1 Penalty on all Attack Rolls while wearing a Heavy Helm.

-You lose the Uncanny Dodge ability (and Improved Uncanny Dodge) when wearing a Heavy Helm.

-Your face is completely covered in a Heavy Helm. It is up to GM Discretion to decide if this has additional implications (penalties on Bluff or Diplomacy checks, etc). Many social situations may require you to remove the helmet.

-For +20gp, you may add a visor that you can lift or drop as a Swift Action to cover/reveal your face on a Heavy Helm. When the visor is lifted, the helm instead functions as a Medium Helm.


Mithryl Helm: Reduce Initiative penalty, non-proficiency penalty, and Perseverance/Listen/Spot Penalty by 1. Half weight of standard helm. More durable than steel, less prone to rust. Cost is 6 times the standard helm price.


Adamantine Helm: Reduces Perseverance/Listen/Spot Penalty by 1. Weight unchanged. Increases Helm Bonus to ARvC by +1. Extremely durable, less prone to rust. Cost is 6 times the standard helm price.

-Mithryl & Adamantine Helms are always masterwork quality. Indicated stats include the benefits of MW quality.



Shield Proficiency: A character who is not proficient with a wielded shield suffers a -2 penalty on Attack Rolls and the provided Shield Rating is reduced by 1. 


Wielded shields add their Shield Rating to your Armor Class, making you harder to hit with attacks. 

-If you are unaware of an attack, you cannot move your shield to block it, and as such you do not add Shield Rating to your FFAC (Flat-Footed Armor Class). Shield Rating is applied to your normal ACvsCrit.


Ready a Shield: Readying a shield means that you are changing from CARRYING the shield to WIELDING the Shield to make it useful in combat; a wielded shield grants you its Shield Rating to AC. A carried shield is either strapped over your shoulder (in the Back Sheath slot), tied to your backpack, or, in the case of a buckler, buckled to your belt. Carried shields are not being actively manipulated for protection; wielded shields are.

  • -Readying a Shield from a shoulder strap is a Little Action (AOO). (Also readying a buckler from your belt)

  • -A buckler may be buckled to your belt at no cost of an inventory space.

  • -A Light or Heavy shield comes with a strap so it can be slung over the shoulder and across your back. This uses up one of your available “Back Sheath” locations. Shields may also be tied onto your backpack if desired, using one of your tie-on inventory slots. Readying a tied-on shield requires a Full-Round Action.

  • -A Tower Shield is so large that it cannot be strapped to your shoulder when not in use, but it may be lashed onto your backpack. You may not access any items inside your pack while the Tower shield is tied on. Readying or removing the tied-on Tower Shield requires a Full-Round Action.

  • -The Mobility Penalty of a shield always applies, whether being carried, wielded, or worn.

Reading the Shield Table


Shield Rating (SR): The amount this shield adds to your Armor Class(AC). (Higher = Better Defense)

MAX DEX: This indicates the maximum DEX Mod that you can apply to your AC while using this shield.

Mobility Penalty: This number is subtracted from all Physical Skill Checks while the shield is carried or wielded. 

Hit Points (Hardness): Hit Points represent the structural integrity of the shield. Hardness represents how much damage the shield can stand from any individual strike before damaging the overall integrity. When a shield reaches 0 Hit Points, it is destroyed.

MinSTRX: A Strength of X is required to wield the shield properly. A player with lower strength is treated as non-proficient with the shield, even if they have the required proficiency. 

-Small sized shields reduce the MinSTR by 2. Large sized shields increase the MinSTR by 2.

Merchant Price (gp): Amount of Gold Pieces (gp) needed to purchase a new shield.

Shield Table

-Stats for Leather shields may be used to represent shields made of wicker or other plant fibers. 

GM Note: If you like, you may add a distinction between shields held in hand and shields strapped to the arm.

Breaking Shields: Shields are a unique piece of equipment designed to be struck in combat. This obviously leads to them being damaged & eventually destroyed. 

  • -Shields have an amount of Hit Points and Hardness, as shown in the Shield Table above.

  • -Attacks from regular weapons do not normally damage shields. 

  • -Attacks that strike the shield may deal damage to shields.

  • -If you attack an enemy wielding a shield and miss by an amount less than or equal to their Shield Rating, your attack strikes their shield, which may damage it. Roll damage normally; if you deal more damage than the shield’s Hardness, you damage the shield by the remaining amount. -Some magic spells, elements, and special abilities can deal damage to shields.

  • -If the shield is destroyed, any additional damage is lost. A strike that damages the shield is considered a “successful hit,” for purposes of Feats or abilities that activate on successful attacks.

  • -A shield functions normally as long as it has at least 1 HP.

  • -When a shield reaches 0 Hit Points, it is destroyed.

​Repair a Damaged Shield (Craft DC10, DC15 for MW): After 1 hour of work & a minimum of 1gp of CraComs used, a shield is repaired +5HP. A shield must have at least 1 HP remaining to be repaired.


Wearing a Shield on your Back: Any character may wear a Light or Heavy Shield in the Back Sheath location and slung over the back. When worn in this manner, the wearer has both hands free and may still gain some protection from the shield. The Shield Rating is reduced by 2 when worn in this manner by a proficient user.

-Non-proficient users who wear the shield in such a manner gain no benefit.



Shield Descriptions


Buckler: Historically, a buckler is a very small, hand-held shield made of steel. However, the game world has modified this term for basically any very small shield, generally about 8-14” in diameter. Bucklers are easy to carry and provide a good defensive option. They are very easy to keep on your person and were often strapped to belts when not in use. Fun fact: The loud clang made by brash men who enjoyed fighting with these led to the term “swashbuckler.”

  • Wielding a Buckler does not require any Shield Proficiency! 

  • A buckler may be strapped to your belt without using any Equip Slots or Storage space. 

A buckler may be equipped in two ways:

  1. Held in 1 hand by itself. Readying a buckler in this way is a Little Action (AOO), just like drawing a weapon. This is the only item that this hand may hold. (This represents the way a buckler was used historically.)

  2. Strapped to your forearm. Readying or removing a buckler in this way is a Big Action (AOO). A strapped buckler cannot be disarmed. This leaves your hand free to hold other items. If you wield a weapon with the same arm as a buckler (or in both hands), you suffer a -2 penalty on Attack Rolls with that weapon.

You can play an instrument or craft items with a buckler strapped to your arm, but you suffer a -2 penalty on the Skill Check. You may not Shield Bash with a buckler, but you may use one to make a normal “Punch Attack” if desired.


Light Shield: (Scottish Targe, Heater Shield) A light shield is typically a round shield about 14-24 inches in diameter, though they can come in a wide variety of shapes. The best historical example of what this game considers to be a “light shield” is the traditional Scottish Targe. These shields are big enough to defend against upper body blows and some ranged attacks, but small enough that they can be worn casually without getting in the way of daily tasks or catching on brush in the forest.

  • You may hold items or horse reins in the same hand that is wielding a Light Shield at no penalty.

  • If you attempt to make an attack with the hand that is wielding a Light Shield, you suffer a -4 Attack Penalty.

  • A Light Shield slung over your shoulder in the Back Sheath location still grants you [Shield Rating -2] (if proficient).

Heavy Shield: (Hoplite, Viking Round, Norman Kite Shield). A Heavy shield is typically a round shield about 28-36 inches in diameter, though they can come in a wide variety of shapes. The best historical example of what this game considers to be a “heavy shield” is the hoplite shield, made famous by the Spartans. These shields are big enough to defend nearly the entire body against blows and most ranged attacks, but their size makes them cumbersome in daily life or during travels.

  • Wielding a heavy shield requires full use of the arm and hand. No other items may be held in the hand with the shield.

  • A Heavy Shield slung over your shoulder in the Back Sheath location still grants you [Shield Rating -2] (if proficient).

Tower Shield: A tower shield is typically a curved, wooden, rectangular shield about 24” across and 40” tall, though they can come in oval, larger, or more unique shapes. The best historical example of what this game considers to be a “tower shield” is the scutum, as famously used by the Romans. These shields are so large that they serve as a mobile wall that blocks nearly all ranged attacks when used properly. Their immense size makes them incredibly cumbersome in daily life or during travels, and even makes attacking with your main hand more difficult, but the level of protection is unmatched.

  • Wielding a tower shield requires full use of the arm and hand. No other items may be held in the hand wielding the tower shield. You suffer a -2 penalty to Attack Rolls while wielding or wearing/carrying a Tower Shield.

  • Allies of your size or smaller can use a Big Action to “take cover” directly behind you, gaining Superior Cover (+6AC) against ranged attacks from that direction. -Allies at least 1 size smaller than you gain Total Cover by doing this.

  • You do not provoke AOO when attempting a Shove Wrestling maneuver while wielding a Tower Shield.

  • You cannot sling a Tower Shield over your shoulder. If tied to your backpack, it may grant cover against ranged attacks from certain directions or against flanking attacks at GM discretion.  (if proficient).

  • Tower Shields may only be made of Wood. (or Mithryl, which is very expensive!)

Tower Shield Option – Pavise (w/stakes): This tower shield has been specially modified for crossbowmen and archers to use as a piece of mobile cover. It has 1-2 large metal stakes on the bottom that allow it to be firmly planted into the ground and stand upright independently (Big Action, AOO). When planted, the pavise functions as a “low wall” about 4’ tall placed along any 2 adjacent edges of the hex. This provides “Good Cover” (+4AC) to the archer standing directly behind it, although you can duck down for even more protection. A crossbowman can make attacks from behind the pavise with “Superior Cover” (+6AC). Ranged attacks that strike the pavise will not knock the pavise over (except for massive projectiles, such as boulders).

  • Anyone may use a Big Action (AOO) to knock over the pavise with a melee strike. This version of the pavise cannot stand upright on hard terrain such as stone or wood floors.

  • A free-standing pavise no longer grants you a “Shield Rating.” Instead, it acts as a piece of inanimate cover.

  • Pavise (w/legs): This pavise has 1 or 2 folding support legs that extend from the top to allow the shield to stand upright like a tripod (Big Action, AOO). This version is heavier but can stand upright on any surface.

​Shield Spike: The most common form of shield spike is a triangle or diamond cross-section metal spine 8-12” long attached to a central shield boss. You may modify a Light or Heavy shield for 2gp (20gp if MW shield) to accept a spike. A shield spike costs 5 gp, weighs 1 pound, and adds a -1 Mobility Penalty when attached to a shield.

  • Any damage dealt by striking with the shield increases by +1, and damage dealt becomes [b+p].

  • You gain a +1 Gear Bonus on rolls to resist being grappled while wielding a spiked shield.

  • A spike may be removed or added to the shield (screw on/off) as a Big Action (AOO).

  • A Masterwork Shield Spike gains no additional benefit and cannot be enchanted as a weapon.


Shields for Different Size Categories

Small Size Shields: 1/3 Weight, 3/4 Cost, 3/4 Hit Points

Large Size Shields: 3x Weight, 2x Cost, 1.5x Hit Points

Huge Size Shields: 9x Weight, 4x Cost, 3x Hit Points

-Except as noted here, all other shield stats remain the same.

Shields: Different Sizes

Armor & Equipment for Animals & Beasts

-Animals and most other beasts do not use “adventuring equipment” like characters do. However, when these beasts are used to help humans or other races, their owners often design things to help them survive in battle or carry more gear.

Animal Equip Slots: Animals and most other beasts have only 2 Equip Slots: Neck and Accessory. The Neck slot is for collars. The Accessory slot is generally used for barding or a harness. 

-Barding is armor specially designed for an animal or other beast. It occupies the Accessory Slot.

-The Accessory slot may also be filled by things such as decorative wrappings of a horse’s mane or tail, a bracelet on a large bird’s leg, or decorative rings on a boar’s tusks. Player Character Accessory Slot items may be worn by animals.

-Only these slots may be filled by items granting magic powers to the animal. 

-Some animals, such as Horses and Oxen, also have a Saddle/Pack Equip Slot.

-Animals & similar beasts cannot wield weapons or shields, wear normal armor, or wear any equipment normally designed for player characters (except necklaces or accessories).

Barding Proficiency: Any creature wearing barding with which it is not proficient suffers -5’ to all Move Speeds and a -1 Penalty on all d20 Rolls. Just like normal armor, Barding has Light, Medium, & Heavy Proficiencies.

Animal Armor - Barding

Animal Packs - Carrying Containers

Animal Packs - Carrying Containers for Animals (or other Large Beasts)

These containers are carried upon the back of a horse, donkey, camel, oxen, or similar creature. These creatures can carry 1 saddle and 1 set of saddlebags.

Saddlebags: Has two 18-slot bags & 2 Tie-On Locations.

Heavy Saddlebags: Has two 24-slot bags & 4 Tie-On Locations. Causes the animal a -1 Mobility Penalty.

Pack Carrier: Has three 32-slot bags & 6 Tie-On Locations. This fully replaces the saddle & saddlebags. No room for a rider. Causes the animal a -1 Attack Penalty & -1 Mobility Penalty. 

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