Monsters: Chapter 15
This chapter details the rules and statistics for all the different types of monsters.
No fantasy setting is complete without gruesome ghouls, greedy goblins, mighty ogres, and other beasts of myth and legends!​
​Monsters are listed in Alphabetical order. *Monster Stats best viewed on desktop.
​How Monsters are Classified: Every monster in LFG is given a Monster Level, Monster Role and Creature Type.
-The Monster Level indicates the overall ability & threat level of the creature. A monster should be considered as capable (or dangerous) as a Player Character of the same level, depending on the creature’s Role.
-The Monster Role indicates the type of combat training & skills possessed by the creature.
-The Creature Type indicates basic form, biology, and other natural characters of each creature.
Monster HP & Monster Level:
Just as player characters have Character Levels, monsters have a Monster Level. Monsters gain a set number of Hit Points per monster level based on their Monster Role. Monster Levels function just like character levels when used to determine Feats, Skill Ranks, Saves, HR, and so on.
Note: Every starting character & creature gains +2 Hit Points and +10 Skill Ranks upon creation at level 1.
Monster Skills & Proficiencies: Many Creature Types are simply incapable of wielding weapons, wearing armor, or using certain Skills. Monsters may also gain additional Skill Bonuses, Feats, or Proficiencies that match their ecological needs or social structure. Always consult each specific creature’s stat block and description to determine which items & abilities it could use properly. When in doubt, make the logical choice!
-A monster is proficient with any weapon or armor listed in their official Stat Block.
Monster Roles Don’t Tell You Everything!
-Each specific monster has additional Skill Bonuses, Feats, Proficiencies, and Special Abilities that set it apart from other creatures of a similar level and Monster Role.
-The Monster Role is the foundation upon which a unique and interesting creature is developed. The Monster Role gives you good idea about a creature’s basic capabilities and how it would be expected to behave in combat. However, the extra features not listed in these Monster Roles are what make the monsters unique, dangerous, and interesting! Read each creature’s full stat block & descriptions to find out everything it can do!
-For a list of Hit Ratings & Save Ratings by Level, see Ch 9.3 – Combat Statistics.
​​15.1 – Monster Roles:
-Each creature is given a Monster Role which determines many of the creature’s base statistics such as HP, HR, Saves, and Skill Ranks. The Monster Role functions like a PC’s Character Class.
-Monster Roles provide a quick overview of the qualities you could expect from a specific monster.
-There are 5 Monster Roles. Every creature in LFG is classified into one of these 5 Roles:
1. Assault: Powerful or aggressive creatures that focus on direct combat.
2. Balanced: Well-rounded creatures able to function adequately in most scenarios.
3. Hunter: Skilled yet specialized combatants.
4. Tough: Hardy creatures that can withstand punishment.
5. Trickster: Crafty creatures with many Skills. Often nimble and creative, but not very resilient.
​15.1a – Monster Role Tables & Additional Details
-Hit Points, Skill Ranks, Saving Throws, and Initiative are calculated in the same manner as for a Player Character.
-Be sure to add appropriate Ability Modifiers as normal.
​​Monster Role: ASSAULT
-Gain a combat Bonus Feat at level 1.
-Assault creatures often gain special abilities that make them more effective in combat such as weapon & armor proficiencies, multiple attack types, natural attacks, reactions, critical threat range, and increased damage. Assault creatures are usually bold and assertive.
Monster Role: BALANCED
-May have any 2 Good Saves and 1 Bad Save
-Balanced creatures possess a well-rounded array of abilities that allows them to function decently in most scenarios. Balanced creatures are often humble, reasonable, prudent, and open-minded.
Monster Role: HUNTER
-May have any 2 Good Saves and 1 Bad Save
-Hunters gain special abilities that allow them to move swiftly, evade detection, and locate, track down, or ambush foes. These abilities include natural attacks, Sneak Attack, Scent, Primal or Guile magic, and extra movement modes. Hunters are usually observant, patient and efficient.
Monster Role: TOUGH
-Gain True Fortitude at Level 2
-Tough creatures can soak up or resist damage until they finally win battles through attrition. They gain special abilities that make them more resilient such as stronger Natural Armor, Ward magic, Damage Resistance, or proficiency with heavy armor and shields. Tough creatures are often stubborn.
Monster Role: TRICKSTER
-Tricksters gain Evasion at Level 3, and Improved Evasion at Level 10.
Tricksters gain special abilities that allow them to avoid, escape, or maneuver through combat such as Mobility, Sneak Attack, Uncanny Dodge, or magic spells. Tricksters are usually creative and devious.
Monster Roles - Table

Intro to Creature Types:
Monsters - Creature Types: (Chapter 15.2)
-There are 11 Creature Types:
Aberration, Animal, Construct, Elemental, Fae, Hominid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Outsider, Plant, Undead
-Every player character, monster, and goon has a Creature Type.
For a Player Character, the Creature Type is determined by your Race. (Most Player Characters are Hominids)
-Creature Type provides information about the basic functions, abilities, biology, and ecology of each monster or player character. It also tells you which Knowledge Skill can be used to learn about the creature, as well as any Languages commonly known by such creatures.
The Creature Type allows you to answer questions such as: Does it need to eat food? Does it breathe air? How long do they rest? How do they heal? Can they be mind-controlled? Does silver deal extra damage to them?
-Some spells and special abilities only work on certain Creature Types.
-Unless indicated otherwise, all Creatures can see and hear.
-All Living Creatures are healed by Positive Energy and harmed by Negative Energy.
-Note: Undead Creatures & Constructs are not considered “Living Creatures.”
There are also numerous Creature Subtypes that provide additional details about the creature.
-Some Creature Subtypes are: Angel, Demon, Fungus, Goblinoid, Giant, Mindless, Reptilian
<-- Click the link to view the full pdf of Chapter 15 - Monsters.
Creature Types - Details
Aberration (Ch 15.2a)
Aberration – Summary: Aberrations are the strangest of all creature types. Consisting of freakish results of magical accidents or experimentation, these creatures are the “grab-bag” of monsters. They have no set appearance or anatomy, and so their defenses and abilities are incredibly varied. Creatures are generally considered aberrations when they are simply too weird to fit into any other creature type.
Examples of Aberration Creatures: Mimic, Rust Monster
-The Knowledge[Dungeons] Skill is used to determine information known about Aberrations.
Aberration - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Most aberrations eat, sleep, and breathe.
(Those that do not will indicate this in their descriptions.)
Aberration Traits: Aberrations vary wildly in shape, size, biology, and behavior. Because of this, they have no set abilities or resistances. Most Aberrations have some type of SLA or Supernatural abilities, and most are resistant to certain attacks types, materials, or magic. Aberrations that can speak usually know the Protean language.
Construct (Ch 15.2c)
Construct – Summary: Constructs are inanimate objects that have been animated and given a basic intelligence through powerful magic. Constructs are essentially “magic-powered robots” and are not considered to be alive.
Examples of Construct Creatures: Clay Golem, Stone Golem, Iron Golem
-The Knowledge[Arcana] Skill is used to determine information known about Constructs.
-If using Historical Golems, Knowledge(Religion) may be used for information about Golems.
Construct - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Constructs do not eat, do not breathe, and do not sleep.
-Constructs do not repair lost HP over time or after rest.
-Constructs are automatically destroyed upon reaching 0 HP.
-Repair: Constructs do not heal as normal creatures. Instead, they must be repaired. A Mend spell repairs a construct +1HP, while a Make Whole spell repairs +4d6+4 HP.
-An appropriate Craft Skill may be used in place of a Heal check for a Construct.
Construct Traits:
-Constructs have no language of their own and usually cannot speak. They are normally created with the ability to understand a single language of their creator. Constructs are not alive.
-Immune to: Biological Damage, Bleed, Confounded, Disease, Fascinated, Fear, Mind-Affecting spells and abilities, Pain(Agonized/Distressed), Poison, Sleep, Staggered, Stunned, Weakened, Injured. Cannot gain Morale Bonuses, Confidence Tokens, or Confidence Failures.
Note: Constructs are NOT immune to Critical hits, Sneak Attacks, or Precision Damage.
-Immune to Positive Energy Damage and Negative Energy Damage.
-Unlike other creatures, Constructs are neither harmed nor healed by Positive & Negative Energy.
-Constructs have less vital areas and gain a +4 Innate Bonus to ACvsCrit.
-Most constructs have some type of Damage Resistance (DR) and/or Natural Armor Rating.
-Constructs cannot use or be affected by any Social Skills.
-All Constructs have Balanced morals and have a unique set of motivations described as “On-Command”
-On-Command Motivations: Constructs can function mentally as well as any creature with their listed mental attributes. However, they must follow orders, and are not capable of truly independent thought. The full flavor and detail of construct understanding & problem-solving ability is left to GM discretion.
Animal (Ch 15.2b)
Animal – Summary: The Animal Creature Type represents all animals you may encounter throughout your adventures. The animals that your characters encounter that could affect your story are usually at least level 0.25 or higher, such as predatory animals capable of harming an adult human, service animals & beasts of burden, or powerful beasts that could become dangerous due to their sheer size and strength.
-Note that regular small animals such as squirrels, raccoons, and common small snakes, insects, and other minor animals are not given specific stat blocks, but they are still considered Animals.​
Examples of Animal Creatures: Wolf, Horse, Crocodile, Razortooth Gar, Bear, Griffon
-The Knowledge[Nature] Skill is used to determine information known about Animals.
Animal - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Animals eat, breathe, and sleep.
-Animals never have magical, supernatural, or spell-like abilities.
Animal Traits:
-Animals do not have a language. They cannot wield weapons or shields. They cannot wear normal armor, but properly designed animal armor (called barding) is available for certain animals. (See Barding, Ch7.7)
-All Animals have Balanced Morals with Animalistic Motivations.
-Animalistic Motivations (Survival): The natural tendencies and behaviors animals and organisms undergo in order to survive and reproduce. This includes finding mates and protecting territory, herds, and their young. This can also include a basic understanding of pack structure or simple social hierarchy.
All Animals gain Animal Instincts:
-Animals suffer no penalty to number of Skill Ranks for having a negative INTMod.
-Animals cannot use any of the following Skills unless specifically noted in their creature description:
-Bluff, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Any), Linguistics, Perform(Any), Ride, Seafaring, Sleight of Hand, Tactics, Under Cover
-All Animals can use the Intimidate Skill to demoralize and opponent or force an opponent to retreat. Animals may also use base Charisma checks (without Skill Ranks) to attempt to influence other creatures.
-Animals with INT 0-9 cannot gain Confidence Tokens or Confidence Failures due to low Charisma
-Animals cannot be affected by conversational skills & other skills used to gather information, such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Under Cover, or Linguistics.
-Some special animals, familiars, or animal companions may develop exceptional INT scores, at which point these Skills may be able to affect them at GM Discretion.
-Note - Animals and Survival: Most animals are specially adapted to a single environment, and therefore do not usually possess the Survival Skill. In its natural habitat, an Animal (or other wild beast) gains a +5 Innate Bonus to Survival.
Elemental (Ch 15.2d)
Elementals – Summary: Elementals are a physical manifestation of the raw magic powers of nature. These mystical creatures have behaviors and mannerisms akin to those of wild animals.
Examples of Elemental Creatures: Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Water Elemental
-The Knowledge[Planes] Skill is used to determine information known about Elementals.
Elemental - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Elementals do not eat, do not breathe, and do not sleep. They are a living embodiment of the powers of nature. Elementals rest in a trance-like state for 1-hour intervals about 4 times per day (Treat as a “Short Rest”). They are considered distracted while resting in this way. Elementals gain the benefits of a “Long Rest” after completing these 4 short trances. Elementals do not eat as normal, but somehow manage to obtain energy from their environment. They cannot starve or “go hungry” in the normal sense.
-Although they do not have eyes or ears, nor the physiology associated with these senses, elementals can see and hear normally as per their indicated senses.
Elemental Traits:
-Elementals do not have a language. Elementals cannot wield weapons, armor, or shields.
*Older elementals may learn to understand the Sylvan or Common language, but they cannot speak.
-All Elementals have Balanced Morals with Animalistic (Survival) Motivations.
-Elementals have Animals Instincts. (as described in Animal Creature Type)
-The Handle Animal Skill may be used to affect the attitude of an Elemental at +5DC.
Immune to: Biological Damage, Blind, Poison, Disease, Sleep, Pain(Distresses/Agonized), Precision Damage & Critical Hits. Elementals cannot be tripped or knocked prone.
-Elementals may be healed using Positive Energy, but they cannot be resurrected. The Heal Skill has no effect on an Elemental.
Elemental Core: Although an elemental has no real “body,” it has a central core composed of a mysterious, dense material that provides it with life force and a means of affecting the material world. This is the only portion of the elemental that can be physically damaged in combat. Because the elemental core is surrounded by earth, water, ice, flames, lightning, or fog, it is incredibly difficult to land damaging attacks against an elemental.
-All attacks against an elemental suffer a 20% miss chance due to natural concealment
-An elemental is destroyed (killed) when it reaches 0 HP, leaving only the elemental core behind. An elemental core crystallizes and drops to the ground as a large, rough gemstone when the elemental is killed.
-Each type of elemental leaves a particular color of gemstone as their core crystallizes:
Fire Elemental: Red Earth Elemental: Black
Air elemental: White Water/Ice Elemental: Translucent Blue
Regardless of color, each gem is considered “Medium Quality” and is worth a set amount based on elemental size:
Small = 100gp / Medium = 300gp / Large = 1000 / Huge = 2500gp
-Advanced Skills: Elementals can place Ranks in Skills as a monster of +2 Levels Higher.
Fae (Ch 15.2e) (Faerie, Fairy)
Fae – Summary: The fae are magical protectors of nature. Most Fae creatures (also called Faeries/Fey/Fairy) are small and human-shaped. When the mysterious fae choose to make themselves known, they are generally cheerful and friendly, although their curiosity and love of pranks can get them into trouble. When defending the wilderness and its creatures, the good-natured fae can become fierce and resolute foes.
Examples of Fae Creatures: Pixie, Dryad
-The Knowledge[Nature] Skill is used to determine information known about Faeries.
Fae - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Faeries eat, breathe, and sleep.
-Most fae have human-like hands & can wield properly sized weapons, armor, & shields.
Fae Traits:
-Fae speak the Sylvan Language. They can learn to speak & understand other languages normally.
-Fae can gain levels in any PC/NPC class.
-Class Improve – Class levels are added to existing Fae Monster Levels)
-Fae gain a minimum +2 Innate Bonus to Knowledge(Nature).
-Minimum Damage Resistance 5/Metal (metals include: steel, iron, silver, Mithryl, adamantium, etc)
Faerie Magic Resilience (Ex): Fae are Fortunate on all Saving Throws made against Spells, Supernatural Effects, or Spell-Like Abilities (SLA). A faerie suffers no ill effects on a successful Save against any such effects.
Hominid (Ch 15.2f)
Hominids – Summary: The creature type of "people" and most civilizations in fantasy realms.
Examples of Hominid Creatures: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Neanderthal, Orc, Spriteling [Fae]
-The Knowledge[Civilization] Skill is used to determine information known about Hominids.
Hominid - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Hominids eat, breathe, and sleep.
-All hominids have the same basic body plan as a Human: a head on top, bipedal walking, two arms with hands, two eyes, nose, mouth, and so on.
Hominid Traits:
-Hominids can learn to speak & understand a wide array of languages.
-Hominids can gain levels in any PC/NPC class.
(Class Replace – Class levels are used in place of monster levels)
-Hominids have few, if any, magical abilities. All equipment, weapons, and armor in LFG are designed for use by Hominids unless expressly indicated otherwise.
Magical Beast (Ch 15.2g)
Magical Beasts – Summary: These are mythical beasts enhanced with magical powers.
Examples of Magical Beasts: Gargoyle, Red Dragon [Dragon]
-The Knowledge[Arcana] Skill is used to determine information known about Magical Beasts.
Magical Beast - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Magical Beasts eat, breathe, and sleep.
Magical Beast Traits:
-Magical Beasts always have Supernatural or Spell-Like abilities.
-Creatures that seem animalistic yet possess magical or supernatural abilities are probably Magical Beasts.
-The Handle Animal Skill may be used to affect the attitude of a Magical Beast, but at +5DC.
- Some Magical Beasts can speak & understand languages, though they have no set language of their own.
Magical Beast Subtype – Dragon:
-Dragons are highly intelligent & immensely powerful magical beasts. All dragons have elemental breath weapons, spell-casting abilities, and are resistant to enemy magic.
Outsider (Ch 15.2i)
Outsiders – Summary: Outsiders are creatures that originate from other planes of existence.
Examples of Outsiders: Valefor [Demon], Aesir [Angel], Succubus [Demon], Valkyrie [Angel]
-The Knowledge[Planes] Skill is used to determine information known about Outsiders.
Outsider - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Outsiders eat, breathe, and sleep.
-Most outsiders have human-like hands & can wield properly sized weapons, armor, & shields.
Outsider Traits:
-Outsiders gain a +2 Innate Bonus to WILL Saves. Outsiders are difficult to influence mentally.
-Outsiders often build societies and civilizations similar to those of normal hominids.
-Outsider Subtype – Angel: Most Angels have Damage Resistance bypassed by Obsidian. (DRX/Obsidian)
-Angels speak the Celestial Language. Angels always have at least Fire Resist 5 and Cold Resist 5.
-Outsider Subtype – Demon: Most Demons have Damage Resistance bypassed by Mithryl. (DRX/Mithryl)
-Demons speak the Infernal Language. Demons always have at least Acid Resist 5, Fire Resist 5, Electric Resist 5.
Monstrous Humanoid (Ch 15.2h)
Monstrous Humanoids – Summary: These creatures have human-like builds, but with additional monstrous features. They often have societies and social structures like those of hominid races.
Examples of Monstrous Humanoids: Lizardfolk [Reptilian], Ogre [Giant], Troll [Goblinoid]
-The Knowledge[Civilization] Skill is used to determine information known about Monstrous Humanoids.
Monstrous Humanoid - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Monstrous Humanoids eat, breathe, and sleep. They are normally bipedal with 2 arms, 2 legs, and a head. Most monstrous humanoids have human-like hands and are capable of speech.
-Most monstrous humanoids can wield properly sized weapons, armor, & shields.
Monstrous Humanoid Traits:
-Monstrous Humanoids have a somewhat similar body plan to a human, although modified with some “monstrous” traits such as massive size, slashing claws, reptilian tails, or predatory jaws.
-Monstrous Humanoids often build societies and civilizations similar to those of normal hominids.
-Monstrous Humanoids can learn to speak & understand a wide array of languages.
Plant (Ch 15.2i)
Plants – Summary: Plant Creatures are enhanced versions of flora capable of interacting with adventurers in a way akin to that of wild animals or mythological monsters.
-Note that regular plants such as pine trees, grass, seaweed, and sunflowers are not considered “creatures,” but are instead treated as terrain objects.
Examples of Plant Creatures: Shambling Mound, Starlight Fungus [Fungus]
Plant - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep. Plants can Hold their Breath for 10 minutes per point of their CON Score. Plants require half the standard amount of food for creatures their size.
-Plant creatures often have a photosynthetic ability that aids in healing & nutrition.
-Plants can benefit from Long or Short Rests as normal, but they do not need sleep during these times.
Plant Traits:
-Plants do not have a language.
-Immune to: Critical Hits & Precision Damage, Bleed, Poison, Sleep, Pain, Injured
-Minimum DR5/Slashing & Natural Armor Rating 1. Minimum Electricity Resist 5, Acid Resist 5
-Innate Bonus of +4 to WILL Saves. Plants are incredibly difficult to influence mentally.
-Plant Subtype – Fungus: While taxonomically & biologically very different, fungi are similar enough in the game system to be considered a subtype of plants. Fungi creatures cannot do photosynthesis and often feed off dead creatures.
Undead (Ch 15.2k)
Undead – Summary: Undead are creatures that were once living. After death, these creatures have been animated by necromantic or otherworldly powers. These creatures retain a somewhat recognizable form to that they had in life, albeit ravaged by dark magic and time.
Examples of Undead Creatures: Ghoul, Zombie, Skeleton
-The Knowledge[Religion] Skill is used to determine information known about Undead.
Undead - Body Functions & Metabolism:
-Undead do not eat, do not breathe, and do not sleep. They do not require any form of rest.
-Do not repair lost HP over time or after rest. Undead are automatically destroyed upon reaching 0 HP.
Undead Traits:
-Immune to Biological Damage, Poison, Pain, Disease, Fear, Sleep, Weakened, Injured, Bleed
-All undead creatures have less vital areas and gain a +2 Innate Bonus to ACvsCrit.
-Damaged by Positive Energy (Ex: The SL1 spell Cure Wounds deals 1d8+WISMod [PE] Damage to an Undead Creature.)
-Lost HP is Repaired by Negative Energy spells & abilities.
-Note: Undead creatures are not “Healed,” but are “Repaired.” This is to avoid confusion between the word “Heal” and the damage being dealt or restored to an Undead creature.
-Undead sink in water due to their high density, but they can walk along the sea floor underwater with the Hindered status.
-A creature that becomes Undead loses its original Creature Type.
-Undead creatures are treated as having Morals of Glory.
(Most undead have no real motivations, except for killing living things or following their master’s commands, but some may have unique morals & motivations in their descriptions.)
Creature Subtype - Mindless (Ch 15.2L)
Creatures of some types may also have the Mindless Subtype.
Mindless – Description: These creatures function either on survival instincts or based upon simple commands given by a master. They cannot be reasoned with.
-Examples of (Mindless) Creatures: Starlight Fungus, Zombie, Skeleton
Mindless Traits:
-No CHA Score. Cannot use or be affected by Social Skills (CHA-based Skill Checks)
-Cannot Speak or communicate in any way, although some may understand one language of their creator.
-If they have a master, they can recognize their creator and can usually follow simple audible and/or visual commands (point at a creature; “Kill it!”).
-Immune to all Mind-Affecting spells & abilities. However, they may be fooled by audible & visual illusions.
-Unaffected by Confidence Tokens/Failures and Morale Bonuses. Immune to Fear.
-Have INT and WIS scores that serve to locate and differentiate living targets, terrain, and other undead.
Special Type & Subtype – Undead (Mindless): These creatures have all the Undead Traits & Mindless Traits.
-Mindless Undead creatures only follow commands from their master. If they do not have a command or a master, they become “wandering mindless undead” and simply attack anything living.
-Mindless Undead have very low self-preservation instincts. If physically possible to pursue a target, they will try. They continue to attack against all odds, and never retreat unless commanded.
-Wandering Mindless Undead: A mindless undead without a master becomes a wandering killing machine. They generally remain close to their last area of command, although some roam aimlessly for hundreds of miles until finally destroyed. These creatures will attack any living thing that they notice that is at least small size (or tiny size, if small undead). If attacked by anything, they will fight to the death. Wandering undead that come across others will gather together, moving in small clusters or large hordes, killing anything in their path.