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Getting Started

 Steps to Character Creation

Before you can go off on amazing adventures, you need to have a character! Here’s how to make one:


Basic Character Information

1. Speak with your Game Master

Before you start making a hero for a story, you’re going to need to know in what sort of world your story takes place. If elves don’t exist in the world your GM created, then you won’t be making an elf character! The GM may provide you with additional guidelines or suggestions. If the GM tells you that their world is made only of tiny islands and everyone uses boats to get around, you may want to put a few more ranks in the Swim or Seafaring skills than you would if playing on a desert world!

It’s also a good idea to speak with the other players in your group, or for players to build characters together with the GM. This helps build an adventuring party with complementary strengths to avoid any glaring weaknesses. This is sometimes referred to as having a good party dynamic, or a “balanced party.”

-NOTE: Do not start filling out a character sheet until all the below steps have been completed! Use a piece of scrap paper or a digital file to make notes first!


2. Choose your Race and Character Class

You choose both your class and race in the same step because certain races are better suited to certain classes. Big, strong races such as Orc and Neanderthal are excellent physical combatants, while Gnome and Elf characters are skilled with magic and stealth. You are free to create any character you desire, but you should be aware of the abilities of the class and the race before making your selection. 


The 9 available Player Character Classes are: 

Barbarian Bard | Druid | Fighter | Priest | Ranger | Rogue Sorcerer | Wizard


The 10 available Player Character Races are:

Aesir | DwarfElf | Gnome | Goblin | HumanNeanderthalOrcSpritelingValefor

-Note: Orcs & Goblins are often used as villains in many fantasy realms. Ask your GM before building one! 


3. Determine your Ability Scores

Your ability scores represent the basic physical and mental capacities of your character. There are six Ability Scores, three of them for your physical attributes, and three of them for your mental attributes:

Physical Ability Scores: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON)

Mental Ability Scores: Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Charisma (CHA)

-You determine your Ability Scores using a “Point-Buy” system, in which Ability Scores are “purchased” using a set number of points. This system allows customized attributes that are balanced for all players.


4. Determine your Morality

Your character’s Morality is determined by your personal motivations. Your morals serve as guidelines for your character’s behavior and personality. If you are unfamiliar with Role-Playing, your motivations can help you figure out what your character may wish to do in certain situations.

When you make a character, you select two motivations to determine your Morality. Each motivation falls under the moral category of either Justice or Glory. If both motivations are from the same category, then you have the same corresponding morality. If you have one motivation of Justice and one motivation of Glory, your character has Balanced morals. 

  • A character with morals of Justice seeks to improve society or the world in which they live.

  • A character with morals of Glory seeks self-fulfillment or self-improvement.

  • A character with morals of Balance is seeks a mix of goals tied to both glory and justice. 

  • The moralities of Justice and Glory are each described by 4 corresponding motivations, for a total of 8 possible motivations. Choose two Motivations from this list:



Justice  |  Benevolence  |  Reason  |  Honor  |  Protection

Glory  |  Power  |  Excitement  |  Freedom  |  Achievement



5. Select your Character Traits

-Each player character has 2 “Trait Points” with which to acquire traits that set you apart from other characters of a similar race or class. Traits are used to build character personality and individuality.


6. Allocate your Skill Ranks

Skill Ranks represent your character’s training or competency in all the other aspects of adventuring, apart from wielding weapons and controlling magic. Every character gains a set number of Skill Ranks each level, as determined by your character class. You also gain (or lose) additional Skill Ranks based on your Intelligence.

-You may place Ranks in any Skill, but may not place more than 5 Ranks in any one Skill.

-Characters of level 5+ may place up to 10 Ranks in each Skill, and even more at higher levels.

-Note: All characters gain +10 Free Skill Ranks at Level 1!


7. Select your Feats

All characters gain 1 Feat for free at level 1. Feats represent a special talent, training, or understanding of a particular area of combat or adventuring. Feats are more powerful and valuable than a single Skill Rank or Trait, and as such, characters generally have fewer Feats than Skill Ranks. Certain character classes and races provide additional Feats. Sometimes these Feats may be selected by you, and sometimes a specific Feat is automatically granted to you. Some Feats have prerequisites that must be met before you can learn them.

-View your selected character class and race to determine if you gain any additional Feats.

-All characters also gain 1 free Feat at every third level (levels 3,6,9,12,15,18).  

8. Select your Starting Equipment

-All Level 1 characters begin with the following money and equipment:

  • 150 Gold Pieces (gp)

  • 3x Belt Pouch

  • 1 Back Sheath (or Bandolier)

  • 1 Waterskin

  • 2x Side Sheath (or Quiver)

  • Soft Boots

  • Basic Shirt

  • Basic Pants and Belt

  • 2x Leg Sheath

  • 1 Knife

-You also gain 1 Backpack (or 1 Light Backpack) with the following gear inside or tied on:

  • 2x Torch 

  • Flint & Steel

  • 5x Day Rations

  • 1 Bed Roll

  • Mess Kit

  • 10 Bandages

-A Wizard also starts with a Spellbook and a Priest gains a single Divine Focus (see class details).

You may use your starting money to buy weapons, armor, and additional equipment, or you may save it for later use. You are free to purchase any regular equipment that would likely exist in your campaign world, subject to the GM’s approval. Depending on how your campaign starts, some equipment may not be available. 

For example, starting in a dungeon will likely require an escape before accessing your starting gear!

9. Write down other character information

Now is the time to think about little nuances or characteristics, such as hair color, eye color, known languages, clothing descriptions, fun character back-story, or other information. Special bonuses to skills, abilities, combat maneuvers, and the like should be noted here as well.

-You gain known languages based on your Race, Intelligence, and Ranks in the Linguistics Skill. 


10. Fill out your Character Sheet

-Compile all your ideas and notes and then neatly organize them onto the official character sheet.

Note: Every starting character or creature gains +2 Hit Points at Level 1!

Basic Character Infomation

Ability Scores (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA)

Ability Scores: What are they?

-The 6 Ability Scores represent your character’s physical (STR/DEX/CON) and mental (INT/WIS/CHA) attributes. These scores greatly influence how your character interacts with and survives in the world.

-Your Ability Scores are sometimes referred to as your Attributes. The 6 Attributes are as follows:

Strength (STR): The ability to lift and throw objects, carry equipment, and deal damage. Brute Force, Power

Dexterity (DEX): The ability to react to danger and place precision strikes. Agility, Coordination, Nimbleness

Constitution (CON): Resistance to physical punishment and fatigue. Endurance, Toughness, Resilience

Intelligence (INT): The ability to analyze, problem-solve, and recall information. Thought, Reason, Memory

Wisdom (WIS): The ability to sense deceit and danger, and to resist persuasion or trickery. Alertness, Perception, Intuition, Empathy, Level-Headedness

Charisma (CHA): The ability to enact change in social situations. Self-Esteem, Confidence, Determination


Assigning Ability Scores

How do I assign my Ability Scores?

-14 Point Buy System: You have 14 points with which to assign all your starting Ability Scores.

-All scores cost a set amount to assign, as indicated in the chart below. (Ex: A score of 13 costs 3 points to assign)

-A score of 10 costs 0 points. Scores above 10 cost points, and lower scares earn you more points.

-You may not assign a score above 16 or below 7 to any Ability Score at creation. (before racial modifiers) 

-Be sure to look over the Classes and Races you are thinking of playing before placing your Ability Scores! 

-If you don’t feel like doing the math, just assign the following Ability Scores: 15,14,12,12,10,8

-Racial Ability Score Adjustments are applied after assigning your Ability Scores, and may bring your starting Ability Scores above 16 or below 7. 

Ex: A Dwarf character that assigns a 16 CON gains +2 CON from the Dwarf race, granting them an 18 CON.

Sampleof Assigned Ability Scores

The three Sample Characters above present a few combinations of ability scores possible for your character. Sample 1 could be a competent wizard or a skilled rogue, but they may need help carrying equipment or making it through a bar fight. Sample 2 may be devastating in a melee, but they are likely illiterate and gullible. Sample 3 is a well-rounded character with a bonus in every attribute, but also without any exceptional abilities. 


-Note: An “average human” is considered to have a score of 10 in every attribute (they may have one ability at 12). However, your character is a Hero, and Heroes have heroic attributes!

Assigning Ability Scores

Ability Score Improvement:

-At every 4th level (4,8,12,16,20), a player character gains a +1 Innate Bonus to any one ability score of their choosing. This is a permanent improvement to your Ability Score.

-Every class also provides some Class Bonus Ability Score improvement as you gain levels. Barbarians tend to get stronger, wizards tend to get smarter. Each class has a few options available. See your selected character class chart to find out which attributes may be improved. (Class Bonuses from different classes do not stack!)

-Many magic items are available to increase your Ability Scores as well!

Note: An Ability Score of 20 is considered the peak of human ability. A character with a 20 STR has the physical prowess of an Olympic weightlifter, while a 20 DEX represents the nimbleness and grace of an Olympic Gymnast. Similarly, a 20 INT represents the mind of a Nobel Laureate or an acclaimed historical thinker such as Copernicus or Sir Isaac Newton.


Maximum Ability Scores: 

-A Player Character can never have an Ability Score over 20 without the assistance of magical items or active magical enhancements. This is referred to as your Natural Ability Score Maximum.

-Races with an Ability Score Adjustment also adjust the Natural Ability Score Maximum. For example:

-Dwarves get +2 CON, and as such have a Natural CON Maximum of 22. A Dwarf wearing a Belt of Constitution +4 could reach a maximum enhanced CON Score of 26.

-Spritelings get -3 STR, and as such have a Natural STR Maximum of 17. A Spriteling wearing a pair of Gloves of Strength +4 could reach a maximum enhanced STR Score of 21.

-A Human cannot bypass the Natural Ability Score Maximum, regardless of their +2 adjustment. A Human wearing a Headband of Intelligence +4 could reach a maximum enhanced INT Score of 24.

-This rule applies to all player characters, NPCs, & all other creatures capable of taking character classes.

-Magical beasts, animals, and other monsters that substantially outclass human capabilities in various areas may be listed with attributes naturally well beyond 20.

In any situation, an Ability Score of 30 is considered the absolute maximum possible in this gaming system, regardless of creature size or magic power. (Deities may surpass these limitations.)

Ability Scores

Ability Score Modifiers

What are Ability Modifiers? 

Ability Modifiers are determined by your physical and mental Ability Scores. These modifiers are added to any roll directly associated with that attribute. These are abbreviated as follows: Ex: STRMod = Strength Modifier, WISMod = Wisdom Modifier.


Ability Score Modifier (Ability Mod): This number indicates how much you add or subtract from a roll that depends on a particular ability score. 

Ex: A melee Attack Roll is made by adding 1d20+STRMod+Hit Rating. A level 1 Fighter with a 15 Strength would add +2 to their d20 roll for having a 15 STR, and +1 for their Hit Rating, for a total of 1d20+3

Assigning Ability Scores


Ability Score Descriptions

Ability Score Descriptions - How to read each Ability Score section:

ABILITY (Abbreviation): - Descriptive Terms

Key Ability for: This section indicates for which classes this Ability Score is crucial. 

-Note: This is a guideline for new players. While all characters benefit from all Ability Scores, certain classes tend to rely on some ability scores more than others.

Used For: This section describes common situations in which this Ability Score is used.  

Description: This section explains how this statistic is used in the game, as well as some comparative examples or descriptions of how this attribute is represented in the game.

STRENGTH (STR): Brute Force, Power

-The ability to move objects and deal physical damage. 

Key ability for: Barbarian, Fighter, Ranger


-STR is used for:

-Melee Attacks for strong characters and large weapons

-Melee and Thrown Weapon Damage, plus ability to wield powerful bows

-Skills: Swim, Jump&Sprint, Climb, Wrestling

-Carrying capacity and breaking down doors or other barriers


Details: Strength represents your character’s musculature and physique. The strength score in this game is based on a score of 10 representing an average adult human.

Any creature with a 12+ strength score is stronger than an average human. 

A stronger creature can carry more stuff, jump higher, knock things over easier, and deal more damage in combat. A creature’s size often has an effect on its strength. Larger creatures normally have higher strength scores, since the larger mass requires additional muscular strength to move their bodies. Similarly, smaller creatures generally have lower strength scores.


Strength and Carrying Capacity:

-A character carrying less than or equal to the indicated Light Load suffers no penalties.

-Medium Load = Up to 2x Light Load

-A character carrying a Medium Load is Encumbered. (See below)

-Heavy Load = Up to 3x Light Load 

-A character carrying a Heavy Load is Heavily Encumbered. (See below)

-Max Lift: A Character can lift a Heavy Load above their head. A character can manage to lift 5x their Light Load off the ground for a few seconds. 

-Maximum Push/Pull/Drag: A Character can generally drag, push, or pull about 6x their Light Load. Unfavorable circumstances may reduce this amount.

Encumbered: 75% Move Speed, -3 Mobility Penalty, -1 AC, -1 Attack Rolls

Heavily Encumbered: 50% Move Speed, -6 Mobility Penalty, -2 AC, -2 REF Save, -2 Attack Rolls, Cannot Fly, May be struck by Precision Damage

-The carrying capacity chart assumes medium-sized, bipedal characters.

Bigger Creatures: Carry more weight. Modify the carrying capacity score from the above chart as follows: 

Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16 

Smaller Creatures: Carry less weight. Modify the carrying capacity score from the above chart as follows:

Small ×3/4, Tiny ×1/2, Diminutive ×1/4

Quadrupeds: Count as 1 size category larger when determining carrying capacity.

Strength and Throwing Weapons:

-Stronger characters can throw objects farther. Thrown weapons indicate a Range statistic used by most wielders. Characters with a STR Score of 15+ multiply the weapon’s Range as indicated here:

STR15-19: Range x1.5 / STR20-24: Range x2 / STR25-29: Range x2.5 / STR30: Range x3

Ex: An Ogre with a 21 STR throws a Javelin using a Range Increment of 60 feet (30’x2).

*Obviously, creatures must have the proper anatomy to throw objects.


GM Note: The strength score of this gaming system is based on a “human-sized” world, so it works best within this scale. When dropping below Small size or above Huge size, the strength system for this game reaches its rational limit. With this in mind, it is best to keep most recurring characters within the size ranges of Small, Medium, and Large size.

Carrying Capacity
Weight in Pounds (kg)


DEXTERITY: (DEX) -Agility, Coordination, Nimbleness

-The ability to react to danger and place precision strikes. 

Key ability for: Rogue, Ranger

-DEX is used for:

-Ranged Attack Rolls. Melee Attack Rolls for quick characters and light weapons

-Initiative (When you take your turn in combat)

-Armor Class (Avoiding being hit by weapons)

-Reflex Saves (Avoiding explosions and dragon’s breath)

-Skills: Acrobatics, Move Silently, Perform(Dance & Motion), Ride, Sleight of Hand


Details: Dexterity represents fine motor skills and the ability to manipulate and control your body. This entails things such as hand-eye coordination, reaction speed, agility, flexibility, and the like. The dexterity score in this game is based on a score of 10 representing an average adult human. Any creature with a 12+ dexterity score is more agile and nimble than an average human. 

Creatures of similar body shape but smaller size categories usually have higher DEX scores, while larger creatures generally have lower DEX Scores. With less mass to move, muscles are more easily able to exert control over specific body parts. Take, for example, a house cat compared to a lion: The house can deftly jump, change direction, and evade, while a lion is less evasive, but brutally powerful. While creatures larger than humans normally have lower DEX scores, there are many monsters such as demons and angels with higher DEX scores due to intense training or a lifetime of intense competition for survival.

Note: Having a single “quick strike” is not the same as having an overall high dexterity. The DEX score is a compilation of the agility, coordination, reactions, and fine motor skills of a creature.


INTELLIGENCE: (INT) -Memory, Problem Solving, Speed of Thought, Comprehension

-The ability to learn and retain information.

Key ability for: Wizard, Rogue, Bard

Used For:

-Total number of Skill Ranks & Languages Known

-Wizard Spell DC

-Skills: Linguistics, Hide, Knowledge Skills(All), Craft Skills(All), Tactics

-Certain tactical combat feats

-Ability to read and retain information


Details: Intelligence represents the ability to learn and store knowledge. An intelligent character can remember more information and is capable of quickly accessing information when needed. This also affects a character’s ability to learn languages, craft items, read, write, and make calculations. When given a specific problem, an intelligent character is able to process the information quickly to think of various solutions. The intelligence score in this game is based on a score of 10 representing an average adult human. Any creature with a 12+ INT score is smarter and more apt at quick thinking than an average human.

If your INT score naturally increases enough to change your INTMod, your total number of Skill Ranks will change, increasing the number of Skill Ranks granted for every level your character has attained. 

Known Languages: You begin play knowing a certain number of languages, as indicated in your racial information. (See Races, Ch2.2) You may select 1 additional known spoken language per +1 INT Modifier. See the Linguistics Skill and Languages (Ch 4.12) for more details.


WISDOM: (WIS) -Instincts, Perception, Common Sense, Empathy, Awareness, Defensive Willpower

-The ability to perceive your surroundings and make good judgments.

Key ability for: Druid, Priest, Ranger


Used For:

-Will Saves (Avoiding mind control spells, resisting commands)

-Initiative (When you take your turn in combat)

-May be used for Ranged Attack rolls in place of Dexterity

-Skills: Handle Animal, Heal, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival (sometimes also Perseverance)

-Priest, Druid, Ranger: Spell DC


Details: Wisdom represents your overall awareness of the world around you and your ability to resist persuasion. Wisdom can be thought of as “Mental Defense,” helping characters to avoid being swayed, manipulated, or ambushed. The wisdom score in this game is based on a score of 10 representing an average adult human. Any creature with a 12+ WIS score is more perceptive and sensible than an average human.

Wisdom helps a character to keep things in perspective, and an ability to get to the heart of the matter. It is the application of experience combined with empathy and perception. Wise characters understand the morality of a situation, the consequences of their actions, and the emotions of those around them. They are able to take all of these things into consideration before deciding a course of action. 

Wisdom also represents awareness and natural instincts. Wise creatures are more likely to notice slight changes in their environment. While most animals do not have a very high intelligence score, they often have wisdom scores close to or higher than an average human. This represents their highly developed survival instincts and attunement to the natural environment. In society, wisdom allows a player to tell when someone is lying, nervous, or afraid due to minute nonverbal cues, vocal inflections, and the like. This is often represented as a character “having a hunch” or a “gut feeling” that there’s more to a situation than one might think.

A wise character understands what their actions mean and why they have chosen to commit them, and as such are less easily swayed by others.


CHARISMA: (CHA) -Self-Esteem, Confidence, Charm, Offensive Willpower

-The ability to enact change in social situations.

Key ability for: Bard, Priest, Sorcerer, Paladin(Fighter Variant)


Used For:

-Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Under Cover, Intimidate, Perform

-Any Skill affected by Charisma is referred to as a Social Skill.

-Bard, Sorcerer: Spell DC

-Priest: Channel Energy, Divine Grace, Man/Lady of the Cloth

-Gaining Confidence Tokens or Confidence Failures


Details: Charisma represents your self-esteem, confidence, and personal magnetism. Charisma can be thought of as your “Mental Offense,” allowing characters to influence the thoughts and feelings of those around you. The charisma score in this game is based on a score of 10 representing an average adult human. Any creature with a 12+ CHA score is more confident and sociable than an average human.

Charismatic characters are sure of their own strengths, and know when and how to exploit them. This is represented by Confidence Tokens (see below). A character with a high charisma can make things happen in social situations where an average person would be kicked-out, slapped, or killed for doing the same. Meanwhile, a character with low charisma may misjudge their own abilities, causing them to either overstep their bounds or drastically underestimate themselves and their foes.

Charisma helps creatures work together and get along with one another, and as such is higher in pack animals and sociable characters. Creatures with higher charisma can more easily relate their desires and intentions to others in a way that is understandable and amiable (or threatening, if desired).

Charisma can also be used as a generalization of a character’s physical attractiveness to an average member of a similar race, with higher charisma being more physically attractive. Although attractiveness is an abstract and subjective concept, the Charisma score provides a reasonable estimate of a creature’s physical attractiveness to most other creatures of the same type. 

-Characters who wish to be definitively attractive (or unattractive), regardless of their CHA score, should take the “Attractive/Very Attractive/Gorgeous” (or Ugly) trait, if allowed by the GM. (see Traits, Ch 2.5)


Charisma & Confidence Tokens: (also called “Good Time Tokens”)

  • After completing a Long Rest, you gain 1 Confidence Token per +1 CHAMod (Max 5).

  • You can use a Confidence Token to Become Fortunate on any d20 roll, Damage Dealing Roll, or Percentage Chance Roll. Using a Confidence Token requires no action and can be done at any time.

  • If your Charisma is 9 or lower, you suffer 1 Confidence Failure per -1 CHAMod. This number resets after a Long Rest. Confidence Failures occur at the GM’s Discretion. A Confidence Failure causes you to be Unfortunate on any single d20 roll, Damage Dealing Roll, or Percentage Chance Roll.

  • For full details on Confidence Tokens & Confidence Failures, see the GM section in Ch13.4c.


Morality - Morals & Motivations

Your character’s Morals & Motivations are the guideline for your behavior and personality. These should be used to help move along your story and build your character into a fun, believable person that you want to play. These give you an idea of what your character would and would not want to do in various situations. Above all, Morals & Motivations are tools to help players understand and enjoy their characters!


Each motivation falls under the moral category of Justice, Glory, or Balance. When you make a character, you select two motivations to determine your overall Morality.

Morals & Motivations (v4.0)

Opposing Motivations: Certain motivations are simply incompatible with one another. A character can never have two motivations that oppose one another.​


-If you have two motivations of Justice, you have Just morals.

-If you have two motivations of Glory, you have Glorious morals.

-If you have one motivation of Justice and one of Glory, you have Balanced morals.


MORALS OF JUSTICE (Just Morals): Morals of Justice indicate a sense of right and fairness for all. These morals support the greater good and the improvement of society as a whole.

MORALS OF GLORY (Glorious Morals): Morals of Glory indicate a sense of individual value and uniqueness. These morals support individuality, self-improvement, comfort, and control of one’s own destiny.

MORALS OF BALANCE (Balanced Morals): Morals of Balance indicate an awareness of the needs of the self, society, and nature. These morals combine self-respect with an understanding of the world around you.

Moralities used In-Game: For the most part, morality is a role-playing tool. However, certain classes have restrictions or requirements for particular motivations. In addition, certain magical spells and abilities can affect creatures of certain moralities in different ways. Check your class and spell descriptions for more details. The GM may also grant Morality Points as rewards for good role-playing in accordance with a player’s morality.


Non-Player Characters (NPC), Monsters, and Animals:

Animalistic (Survival) Motivations: the natural tendencies and behaviors animals and organisms undergo in order to survive and reproduce. This includes protecting territory, mates, herds, and young.

-This motivation is generally for animals and only the simplest tribal or nomadic societies in which nearly all work and effort are used in pursuit of simple survival. It counts as Morals of Balance.

-No civilizations should have this motivation. This motivation is not available for player characters.

-Survival is a not paired with other motivations. Any creature with this motivation has Balanced morals.


Note from the Designer: No set of morals is better or worse than the other. A character with Balanced Morals could be a murderous thief, or a friendly and helpful travel companion. A character with Morals of Justice could slay citizens by the dozens for breaking the rules of a strict society, or they could be a caring and compassionate wandering healer who aids the sick for free. A character with Morals of Glory could be a bright and intelligent businessman who transforms a floundering town into a major trade-hub, or they could be a demented necromancer who kills innocents to create an undead army.

The morality system was designed to give your character a purpose, to strengthen your suspension of disbelief, and to build immersion. I want you to be able to feel what your character is feeling and to understand and believe in the choices your character makes in your world. It is my hope that this system helps you to feel motivated to make fun and exciting game decisions in adventures you and your friends will remember forever!

Morals & Motivations

Character Traits

Traits represent the background life, quirks, unique physical abilities, and experiences of your character prior to taking up a life of adventuring. 


Custom Traits: Every Character begins with 2 Trait Points with which to purchase Custom Traits. These Trait Points must be used upon character creation. These little tidbits can help to flesh out your character and make them seem more real and believable. 

-You may never have more than 4 Custom Traits (This includes Beneficial Traits & Flaws).

-Traits that directly contradict one another may never both be selected.

-All traits should be approved by your GM to make sure they will work for the story.   

-Traits are only available for Player Characters and Major NPCs.

-GM’s are encouraged to allow into the game any new, fun, and intriguing custom traits that you or your players desire. All traits should be of a similar power level; they should never be able to directly replace or overpower a Feat or class ability. The list below provides a decent number of examples of positive and negative custom traits to get your creative juices flowing!


Acquiring Traits: Gaining a Beneficial Trait costs a number of Trait Points as shown in the chart below. You may notice certain Traits cost more than 2 Trait Points; these require you to take a Flaw before you can get them!

-Flaws are Custom Traits that grant you additional Trait Points that can be used to get more Positive Traits. Ex: The “Gossip” Flaw grants +1 Trait Point, so you could gain the “Nobility” Trait, which costs 3 Trait Points.

Once you choose your Traits and build your character, they cannot be removed. You do not gain additional traits as you increase in levels, so be sure to choose wisely!

-GM Note: You may remove some or all Traits from the game if you desire; they are not integral to the game. While they do make character creation a bit more complex, they can also make your characters more believable, relatable, and entertaining. GMs who wish to streamline the character-building process, reduce micro-managing, or avoid “min-maxing” may choose not to use them.

CUSTOM TRAITS – List of Beneficial Traits

CUSTOM TRAITS – List of Flaws

Character Traits

 Improving Your Character - Experience and Leveling (Gaining Levels)

As you play through your campaign, you gain Experience Points (XP) by completing challenges, defeating foes, and making progress through your GM’s story. Experience Points are used to determine your Character Level, which indicates your total progress and training in your selected discipline. When you reach a certain number of XP, you gain a level in a Player Character Class. 

-The GM Section later in this book provides details on how XP is granted to players. (see Ch 13.4a)


Benefits Gained from Levels – All Classes: These benefits are granted to all players & creatures as they gain levels.

+1 Feat every 3 Levels. You must meet any Feat Prerequisites to gain a Feat in this manner.

+1 Ability Score Bonus every 4 Levels. You gain a permanent +1 Innate Bonus to any one Ability Score.

Attacks Per Turn: (See Ch9.4 for more details)

At Character Level 0-4: You may use 1 Big Action per Turn to make an Attack. (1 Attacks/Turn)

At Character Level 5-9: You may use 2 Big Actions per Turn to make an Attack (2 Attacks/Turn)

At Character Level 10-14: Once per Turn, you may make 2 Attacks as a single Big Action. (3 Attacks/Turn)

At Character Level 15+: You may make 2 Attacks as part of a single Big Action. (4 Attacks/Turn)


Benefits Gained from Character Classes:

Hit Points: You gain a set number of HP each character level as indicated by your character class, plus or minus an amount of HP equal to your CONMod. (Ex: A Fighter with a 14 CON gains 8+2con = +10 HP each new level)

Skill Ranks: You gain a set number of Skill Ranks whenever you gain a level in a class, plus a number of bonus Ranks equal to your INTMod. (Ex: A Ranger with a 13 INT gains 12+1int = 13 Ranks each new level)

*You always gain at LEAST +1 HP and +1 Skill Rank per level, even if you have a negative Ability Mod.

At Character Level 0-4: You may place up to 5 Ranks in a Skill.

At Character Level 5-9: You may place up to 10 Ranks in a Skill.

At Character Level 10-14: You may place up to 15 Ranks in a Skill.

At Character Level 15+: You may place up to 20 Ranks in a Skill. (See Ch4 for more details)


Your class indicates the rate at which your Hit Rating (HR), Initiative, and your Save Ratings for FORT, REF, and WILL Saves increase as you gain levels. You may also gain unique social, combat, and magic capabilities depending on your selected class. All these statistics can be found on your selected Class Table in Chapter 3.

Note: Your character race may also provide special abilities that activate or improve as you gain levels.

When you gain a level, you can choose to increase your total level in a single character class, or you may gain a level in a different character class. Gaining levels in a different class requires a slight modification to the rules. If you wish to gain levels in another class, see the Multiclass Guidelines in Chapter 3.11.

Gaining Levels
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