Class Overview
A Ranger is a talented hunter and survival specialist. They have many skills and combat abilities that allow them to locate, identify, and eliminate or bypass threats as needed.
This class can be used to portray a hunter, tracker, explorer, tribal warrior, scout, bounty hunter, warrior-shaman, watchman, wrangler, or anyone who desires to excel at wilderness survival, animal handling, and guerilla warfare.
Rangers can gain the assistance of an animal companion who serves as another ally, warrior, scout, and friend. Or you may forego the animal companion to gain a supernatural enhancement from your divine connection with nature.
In a party, rangers are valued their hunting & tracking skills, wariness, and deadly combat efficiency against certain types of foes. They make excellent watchmen, scouts, combatants, and can even serve as emergency healers.
Many “barbaric” historical figures are best represented using the Ranger class.
Ranger characters from fiction & history: Aragorn(Strider), Drizzt Do’Urden, Artemis, Ullr, Geralt of Rivia, Sacagawea, Black Hawk of the Sauk Tribe, Daniel Boone, Carlos Hathcock, Bobba Fett
Hit Rating (HR): Good
Saves: Good Fort / Good Ref / Bad Will
Skill Ranks: 12+INT Mod
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Martial
Armor /Shield Proficiency: Simple, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Light Shields
Hit Points Per Level: 8+CON Mod
Initiative Rating: Fast (+1 per 3 levels)
Morality & Motivations: No restrictions

Ranger – Class Level Table
Ranger – Spells Known/Per Day
Wild Empathy-Lvl1: You gain a +2 Class Bonus to Handle Animal, Survival, and Knowledge[Nature]. This bonus increases to +4 at Ranger level 8, and +5 at Ranger Level 12.
Nomad (Ex)-Lvl2: You gain Nomad’s Endurance as a bonus Feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. You can set up and take down a tent, campfire, cooking area, and/or sleeping area in half the normal time.
Favored Enemy (Ex)-Lvl1+: You have learned how to hunt, fight, hide from, and kill creatures of a specific type.
Favored Enemy Options​
Aberrations & Constructs | Animal | Fae & Plants | Dwarf & Gnome | Elf
Goblinoid | Human | Magical Beasts & Elementals | Giants
Monstrous Humanoid (*except Giants) | Outsiders | Undead
-You gain a +2 Class Bonus on Skill checks made against any creature of this creature type, including checks made to track this type of foe.
-You gain a +1 Class Bonus on Attack Rolls and weapon damage rolls against your selected enemy type.
Favored Enemy Options: The types of favored enemies available to a ranger are listed in the adjacent table, which covers all creatures that exist in this gaming system.
(Some of these are official “Creature Types” and some are “Subtypes.” If a creature has any of those words listed in its “Creature Type” section of its stat block, it counts as your Favored Enemy!)
-You select an additional Favored Enemy from the list each time you gain this ability.
Combat Style (Ex)-Lvl2+: Upon reaching level 2, select one Combat Style to follow for all Ranger levels:
Archery (Close), Archery (Sniper), Two-Weapon Fighting, Spear Hunter
-This is your Combat Style for all further levels.
-Your level 2 Combat Style grants you one of the indicated Feats listed in the level 2 section of the chart below, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
-When you reach level 6, you gain Improved Combat Style, and may select one of the level 6 Feats from the appropriate combat style as shown in the table below (ignore prerequisites not listed here).
-When you reach level 11, you gain Combat Style Mastery, and may select one of the level 11 Feats from the appropriate combat style as shown in the table below (ignore prerequisites not listed here).
-You may select any one of the Feats for your current or lower level combat style options.
-If you already possess all available Feats, you may select another Feat in its place (with GM approval).
-You cannot use any Feats from your Combat Style when wearing heavy armor or heavily encumbered.
Scout (Ex)-Lvl3: You can take the Survey Action as a Swift Action instead of as a Big Action (see Ch 9.2). When following tracks, you suffer no penalty to your Survival checks for moving at your full normal move speed.
-This allows you to travel long distances while remaining Actively Aware without reducing your travel speed.
-While traveling with a group in an outdoor natural environment, your party members may choose to use your Passive Spot and Listen checks in place of their own, if they are within 20 feet of you.
Hunter’s Senses+X (Ex)-Lvl4+: You gain a +X Class Bonus on Listen and Spot checks. You also gain a +X Class Bonus on your first attack made during a Surprise Round.
-You automatically have a chance to notice significant tracks (interesting animal footprints, marks on trees from passing trolls, etc) or hidden creatures in good lighting conditions within 30 feet, or in poor lighting within 15 feet. The GM should call for this check if you get close enough. (Although reminding the GM of this ability while exploring an area is not a bad idea) Once noticed, you may use the Survival Skill to follow the tracks normally.
Natural Caster (Ex)-Lvl3: If proficient, you do not need to make a Perseverance check to cast Druid spells due to the Mobility Penalty caused by wielding, wearing, or carrying armor or shields made of natural materials such as cloth, leather, hide, animal scales, or wood. Unlike a Druid, you can still access your magic power effectively while wearing metal armor, but you will have to make a Perseverance check if the metal gear causes a Mobility Penalty.
Spells – Lvl2: You gain the ability to cast a few divine spells as a spontaneous divine caster. After years of roaming the wilderness, you have figured out a way to mix your practical knowledge with a deeper connection to the mysterious powers of the natural world.
You cast divine spells from the “Druid” spell list, and you can cast any spell you know without preparing it ahead of time. Your magic is drawn from within yourself, harnessed through years of intense survival training and understanding of the ways of the wild. Although you possess only a limited number of spells, you do not need a special focus or conduit to cast them. You ignore the Focus(F) component of any Druid spells you know.
-To know & cast a Druid spell, you must have a Wisdom score equal to at least (10+Spell Level). The Difficulty Class (DC) for a Saving Throw against one of your Druid spells is 10+Spell Level+CHA Mod. Like other spellcasters, you can cast only a certain number of spells of each Spell Level (SL) per day, as indicated in the Ranger Class Table.
-At level 2, you know three SL0 Druid spells and can cast 1 per day. At each new Ranger level, you gain access to more spells, as shown in the table above. You tend to know more spells than you can use per day.
-In the Spells section of the Ranger Table, the number on the left tells you how many Druid spells you know. The number on the right shows how many spells of that Spell Level you are able to cast in a single day.
-If the number of spells per day is left blank in the table, you cannot cast any spells of this spell level.
-When you cast a spell, make a mark indicating that one of your daily Spell Level slots has been used. When the number of tallies matches your total number of daily spell slots, you cannot cast any more spells of that Spell Level until you complete a Long Rest.
How do I get my spells back?
You need a Long Rest to regain your daily allotment of spells. If you complete a Long Rest, you awaken with a fully restored spell allotment for the day. If you do not get a full night of rest, you continue using spells from the previous day’s allotment. You may only regain your full daily allotment of spells once per day.
What if I don’t like a spell I learned, or I want to swap out my old spells?
Upon reaching 7th level, and every level after that at which you gain a new spell known, you can choose to replace one of your known spells with a different spell. In effect, you “lose” the old spell in exchange for a new one. The new spell must be the same SL as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest SL you can cast. You may swap only a single spell in this manner when you gain a level.
Ranger - Spellcasting Info Summary:
To be able to cast a Druid Spell: Requires Wisdom of 10+Spell Level or higher
Effective Druid Caster Level: Ranger Level-1
Druid Spell DC: 10+Spell Level+WIS Mod
Regain Daily Spells: Long Rest
Druid Spell Info: Divine Magic, Spontaneous = No preparation required
Ranger Spellcasting Limitations: You may not know any Druid spell that requires unique (U) components.
Upon reaching Ranger Level 4, you must select between either Animal Companion or Nature’s Gift:
Animal Companion-Lvl4+: You gain the services of an animal companion. For purposes of determining your companion’s statistics and abilities, your effective Druid level is (Ranger Level -3).
-See the Animal Companion section of the Druid Class for full details. (Ch 3.3b & 3.3c)
Nature’s Gift (Su)-Lvl4+: You become more attuned to nature, enhancing your powers and abilities.
You complete a Long Rest in only 6 hours and require only 5 hours of sleep per night.
Elves who gain this ability require only 4 hours to complete a Long Rest with only 3 Hours of sleep. -
You may know +1 additional spell for each Spell Level you can cast.
You gain +1 additional SL0 and SL1 Daily Spell Slot.
You gain an Innate Bonus to your Move Speed of +10 feet. If you already possess an Innate Bonus to your Move Speed from another class, you instead gain Runner as a Bonus Feat.
At level 11, you gain immunity to all poisons and can Take 10 on any of the following Skill checks, even if under duress: Climb, Jump & Sprint, Perseverance, Swim.
Deadly Hunter (Ex)-Lvl5: Your Favored Enemy ability improves to grant a +2 Class Bonus on Attack Rolls and weapon damage rolls against your selected enemy type. (Instead of only +1)
Woodland Stride (Ex)-Lvl7: You treat any naturally occurring difficult terrain as standard terrain. This generally includes rough gravel, snow, undergrowth, briar patches, knee deep water, and the like. You never take any damage from moving through naturally occurring briars, thorns, or similar natural hazards.
-You may pass through your own Entangle spell AoE without hindrance.
-You reduce the penalty for using a Space Needed or Large Space Needed weapon in natural terrain, such as a dense forest, by 2.
-Difficult terrain caused by magic still affects you, slows you, or damages you normally.
-You may walk through very thick hedgerows by spending 2 hexes of movement to enter each hex.
-Your Woodland Stride ability is also granted to your animal companion (if you have one) whenever it is within 20 feet of you. If your companion is outside of this radius, it will be hindered by the terrain as normal.
Evasion (Ex)-Lvl9: You can deftly avoid dangerous blasts and sudden effects. If you make a successful Reflex Save against an attack that normally deals partial damage or lessened conditions on a successful save, you instead take no damage and suffer no ill effects. Evasion can only be used if wearing light armor or no armor and no more than lightly encumbered. A helpless or pinned creature cannot use this ability.
-If you already possess Evasion from another class, you gain Improved Evasion instead.
Natural Stealth (Ex)-Lvl13: You gain a +2 Class Bonus to Hide & Move Silently. You can Hide in any sort of natural terrain without Cover or Concealment and/or while being directly observed with a -10 penalty on your Hide check.
Natural Resilience (Ex)-Lvl17: While in any sort of natural terrain, you can sleep comfortably without any bedding materials, provided there is no foul weather or extreme temperatures. If you have a simple tent or shelter, you may ignore penalties for resting due to foul weather or extreme temperatures.
-You gain Cold Resist 5, Fire Resist 5, and are Fortunate on all checks to resist negative effects of extreme hot or cold environments.
-You can hold your breath for twice as long as normal before risking drowning/suffocation.
-You heal +1 HP per Level when you complete a Short Rest.
-You may regain all your SL0 spell slots +1 of any other SL when you complete a Short Rest.
-When you complete a Long Rest in natural terrain, you heal an additional +2HP per character level, and remove any and all Weakened Stages that may be affecting you.