Resources>> Skills
Skills: Trades, Talents, Activities, Crafts, & Abilities
Skills are a representation of all the different trades, talents, activities, crafts, and physical abilities that a player character can improve over the course of their adventures. Skills represent what you have learned through years of practice and life experience. The Skills you gain are fully determined by you and the adventures you undertake, allowing you to build exactly the type of hero you envision.
Skill Ranks represent your level of training and experience in a particular Skill. A character with a single Rank has a basic, introductory level of training in a Skill. Six Ranks represents someone experienced enough to reliably use a Skill to earn a daily wage, while 11+ Ranks is generally considered the level of a master.
-One Rank in the Heal Skill is similar to the capabilities gained from a modern “First Aid” training course. A character with five Ranks in Craft(Blacksmith) may be a small-town smithy, while a character with 15 Ranks in Seafaring may be a master shipwright, a pirate king, or an admiral in a large navy.
Skill Checks How do I make a skill check?
Whenever you wish to use a Skill to do something, make a Skill Check:
-Skill Check = 1d20+Skill Ranks+Ability Mod+Other Bonuses
-If your Skill Check result is greater than or equal to the DC of the required check, you succeed.
-Each Skill is tied to a particular Ability Score, which is used as the AbilityMod on checks with that Skill.
-If you are untrained in the Skill, you cannot score higher than a 20 on a check with that Skill & you cannot Take 5.
-Other Bonuses: Many races, classes, & equipment grant bonuses to certain Skills. Check all of your character’s gear, racial traits, and other information to be sure you gain all the bonuses your character deserves.
-At GM Discretion, certain situations may allow use of a different AbilityMod for a specific Skill Check.
-A successful Skill Check may instantly complete a single task, or it may represent a completed portion of work over a long period of time. Higher rolls often lead to even better outcomes. See each Skill for details.
-An Opposed Skill Check (sometimes listed as Skill Name[Opposed]) means you & your opponent both roll Skill Checks, and the highest result wins.
Rolling a Natural 1 on a Skill Check = Automatic fail, regardless of Ranks or bonuses. If making an opposed check and you both roll a Nat1, just have both parties roll again. (Nat1 Skill Check = Automatic Fail)
-Note: If your character is so skilled that they can definitely succeed, you may want to choose to Take 5 instead of risking rolling a 1 and failing.
When making Skill Checks, a Nat20 is not a guaranteed success. Some Skill Checks are so difficult that, even with a Nat20, you may not be able to successfully complete the task.
-Nat20 Skill Check = Calculate your result as normal, but you gain a +5 Innate Bonus for rolling a Nat20.
Making Skill Checks – Player Options: Take 5 & Take Your Time:
Take 5: Any time you make a trained Skill Check, you have the option to roll as normal, or you may elect to “Take 5.” Taking 5 means that instead of rolling 1d20, you calculate your result as if you had rolled a 5. This allows characters and players to bypass very simple checks, but generally will not be helpful on more difficult tasks unless you are highly skilled.
Ex: Your adventuring crew comes to a cliff. The party Fighter looks over the edge and asks the GM “How far down is it?” The GM Replies “It looks like about a 15-foot drop. The terrain appears flat and grassy at the bottom.” With 7 Ranks in Jump&Sprint and a 17 STR (+3 STRMod), the Fighter says, “Ah, well, a little grass-stain never killed anyone! I leap down onto the grass below! I take 5 on my Jump&Sprint check, so I get a 15.” (Take 5+7 Ranks+3 STRMod = 15)
The GM says, “You leap down, tucking and rolling on the soft grass below before popping upright, unharmed.”
*If you Take 5 on an Opposed Check and your opponent rolls a Nat20, they automatically win the check.
Note – Some characters may gain access to the “Take 10” Ability from their class or a Feat. This works exactly as the Take 5 option, except you may treat the check as if you had rolled a 10.
*GM Option: The GM may deny a PC the ability to Take 5 on a Skill check being opposed by a “Boss” enemy, another PC, or in dynamic situations where making an opposed roll serves to enhance suspense & engagement.
Take Your Time: You can choose to take twice as much time as required to complete a task to gain a +2 Focus Bonus on your Skill Check. You are distracted from everything else while you take your time on a Skill Check.
-You Provoke AOO while “taking your time” on a Skill Check.
What are Skills and Skill Ranks?
-Adding Ranks in a Skill is how your character improves.
How do you gain Skill Ranks?
-Gaining Ranks: You gain a set number of Skill Ranks whenever you gain a level in a class, plus a number of bonus Ranks equal to your INTMod. If you have a negative INTMod, your number of Ranks gained is reduced by that amount (minimum 1 Rank gained per level).
-Skill Ranks by Class:
Barbarian-10, Bard-13, Druid-10, Fighter-7, Priest-9,
Ranger-12, Rogue-16, Sorcerer-7, Wizard-8
-Some classes grant extra bonuses to certain Skills. (See Ch3 for details)
-Every starting character or creature gains +10 free Skill Ranks.
These 10 starter Ranks may be placed in any Skill that may be reasonably associated with your character’s background.
-Placing Skill Ranks: As you earn Ranks, you select which Skills you would like to improve, and place your Ranks in your desired Skills. You may place any number of Ranks into a Skill when you earn your Skill Ranks, but the maximum number of Ranks you can have in a single Skill is dependent upon your character level, as follows:
Character Level 0-4 = Maximum 5 Ranks in any Skill.
Character Level 5-9 = Maximum 10 Ranks in any Skill.
Character Level 10-14 = Maximum 15 Ranks in any Skill.
Character Level 15-20 = Maximum 20 Ranks in any Skill.
-You must place all of your Skill Ranks when you gain a level; they cannot be saved for later.
-There are 45 different Skills in total, each with specific rules and details explained later in this chapter. These Skills are found on the back of your character sheet. Read about each Skill to determine which ones you wish to learn and understand exactly how they can be used in your adventures!
Trained or Untrained Skills:
Trained: If you have at least 1 Rank in a Skill, you are considered trained in that Skill.
Untrained: If you have zero Ranks in a Skill, you are untrained in that Skill. When you are untrained, the highest result possible on your Skill Check is 20. (Skill Checks of DC21+ are impossible if you are untrained.)
-You cannot use the Take 5 Option when using an Untrained Skill.
-How else can you become trained? Reading a guidebook to a certain Skill and practicing can grant you ONE Skill Rank (only for the first Rank in a Skill). At the GM’s discretion, other bonus Ranks may be awarded.
Skills – Synergy & Expert Bonus Features: Some Skills in LFG provide additional bonuses to related skills if you possess 10 or more Ranks in those Skills. Some Skills even provide extra abilities your character can use once they reach 15 Ranks. Read the description of each Skill to see if you can gain any extra benefits! These extra benefits are always listed as the last topic in the Skill’s description.
Calculating the DC of a Skill Check
Set Skill Check DC: Many Skills have specific uses with a set DC. These uses are particular to that Skill, and will be described in full in that Skill’s description.
GM Determined DC: Whenever you wish to use a Skill to complete an action that is not expressly indicated in the rules, the GM will determine the DC of your check. In these situations, the GM decides if this Skill Check would be Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard, or Extremely Difficult for an average person to accomplish. (An average person is considered an adult human peasant with a +0 AbilityMod.)
Use the following table to help determine the DC of Skill Checks in random situations:
-The GM may mention the difficulty when describing an area, such as saying “it looks like a very easy climb to the top” or “this weapon looks extremely difficult for someone to craft without expert training.”
Opposed Skill Checks: Certain situations call for two or more characters to use their Skills against one other. If you want to use a Skill to defeat or trick another character, your foe may have a chance to oppose your check. You and your foe roll the appropriate Skill Check normally, and the highest check result wins.
The most commonly used Opposed Skill Checks are:
Wrestling vs Wrestling
Bluff vs Sense Motive
Hide vs Spot
Intimidate vs Intimidate (or WILL Save)
Listen vs Move Silently
Diplomacy vs Diplomacy
-In the case of a tie, both players roll again.
-The GM is free to use discretion to call for an Opposed Skill Check whenever they feel it is needed.
-Remember, you get +5 Innate Bonus if you roll a Nat20 on your check, even on Opposed Skill Checks.
Skill Check Examples
Varying Levels of Success:
With some Skill Checks, you either succeed or fail, and that’s it. These are “Pass-Fail” checks. However, in certain circumstances there are varying levels to your success, where a higher roll leads to greater results (beating the DC by 5 or more may have additional benefits). Some Skills will explain specifically how these varying levels of success or failure work in their Skill descriptions.
Ex: When attempting to Bluff a guard to believe that a beautiful woman in the tavern is begging for him, if you win the check by 1 or 2 points the guard may just ask a friend to go check for him. Beating the guard’s check by 5 may actually make him walk over, while beating it by 10 may make him drop his weapon and shield as he gleefully runs to the tavern.
“Retrying” on Skill Checks: Any Skill Check you make in the course of the game may be attempted again if doing so is logically plausible, and provided that you deal with the consequences of your initial Skill Check.
-Whether or not you can retry a Skill Check is ultimately up to the GM’s discretion.
-Any Skill Check that you attempt always takes up a certain amount of time in game. Attempting any Skill Check again must also take at least this much time to do so.
-All consequences of the initial Skill Check occur normally before you may try a Skill Check again!
Ex: Failing a Diplomacy check may insult the character with whom you were trying to negotiate, making any additional checks much harder(add +5DC)! Failing a Craft(Mechanism) check to disarm a trap may set off the trap. Failing a Survival check to light a fire in a blizzard may cost you a few Perseverance checks & some frostbite before you can try again. Failing a Seafaring check to stay on course may leave you stuck in the doldrums for a day before you discover you’re off course! Failing a Craft check may waste valuable materials! Failing a Jump&Sprint check may leave you unconscious at the bottom of a large chasm with a broken leg!
-You cannot retry a failed Knowledge check! Checking to see if you know the same fact repeatedly is illogical, so you can’t do it! (You cannot roll again to suddenly “remember” something you have never known!)
Help Another Character with a Skill Check: Most Skills must be done individually. (Ex: You Jump a chasm by yourself, you Listen using your own ears, etc). If a Skill allows use of assistance or some other way to help one another, those rules will be explained in that specific Skill description.
-Help on a Skill check, when possible, can provide benefits such as a +2 Tactical Bonus, allowing the characters to both roll and use the better result from either character, reduce the time required for a check, a Fortunate roll, or less penalties on a failed check.
(All subject to GM Discretion)
GM Notes and Suggestions for Skill Checks:
-If you can’t remember the exact rules for calculating the DC of a Skill Check, or you cannot find a specific rule for a certain situation, that’s okay! Just make a judgement call for the DC(Easy-DC5 to Extreme-DC30) and keep the game going!
-Do not waste time making players roll mundane (DC5) Skill Checks unless it is relevant to the story.
-There are situations where a Skill Check may be Impossible. You don’t need to allow something just because a player thinks they may get a Nat20! (Ex: No, you cannot jump over the castle just because you rolled a 20!)
-Do NOT base the DC of a Skill Check on a Player Character’s Skill set! The DC is based on how difficult the activity would be for an average person.
Ex: Picking a lock on a normal house door may be “easy” for a level 12 Rogue, but to an average person, that activity would certainly be “hard” or “very hard” to complete. The level 12 Rogue with 12 Ranks in Craft(Mechanisms) would know that he/she is an expert trapsmith, and as such is able to easily do things that commoners would call “hard to do.”
Skill List
ACROBATICS (DEX, Mobility Penalty)
Acrobatics - How does it work?
-The Acrobatics Skill functions the same for creatures moving on land, in the water, and in the air. (Walk/Swim/Fly)
-SizeMod to Acrobatics: Diminutive +6, Tiny +4, Small +2, Medium +0, Large -2, Huge -4, Gargantuan -6
Reduce Fall Damage (DC15/30): If you beat DC15, you treat any fall as if 10’ shorter. If you beat DC30, you treat any fall as 20’ shorter. (See Ch9.9c – Falling Damage)
Avoid AOO while Moving – Minimum DC15; Opposed by a Tactics Check or Acrobatics Check:
-As part of a Big Action (Move), you attempt to move through a single threatened hex using 2 hexes of movement. If successful, you do not provoke AOO. Failure means you provoke AOO but continue moving.
-You must beat the DC15 minimum or you fail. If you meet this DC, your foe may choose to roll a Tactics or Acrobatics Check to oppose your check. If they win, you Provoke AOO for your movement.
-If the creature does not have a Reaction they cannot make an AOO; don’t waste time with the opposed check!
Optional Ruling: Avoid AOO while moving (DC20): This streamlines the process a bit. When making PCs avoid AOO from random NPCs, Goons, or Low-Level Monsters, this option may be used to save time.
Move Through an Enemy’s Space - Minimum DC25, Opposed by a Tactics or Acrobatics Check:
-Use the same rules for “Avoid AOO While Moving,” but with the following changes:
-Minimum DC25. If you fail this check, you provoke AOO and your movement automatically ends in the closest possible unoccupied hex to the enemy.
Avoid being tripped (DC=Enemy Wrestling Check): If an enemy attempts to trip you, you may choose to use an Acrobatics check in place of your opposed Wrestling check.
Avoid being grappled (DC=Enemy Wrestling Check): If an enemy attempts to grab you, you may choose to use an Acrobatics check in place of your opposed Wrestling check. You may only use this option if you are aware of the incoming grappler. You cannot use this ability to break free from a grapple once you have been grabbed.
Avoid AOO when Standing Up (DC25): As a Big Action (Move), you may stand up from Prone without provoking AOO. You may also move up to 5 feet as part of this action. Failure means you stand, but provoke AOO as normal.
Balance (DC15-25): If walking across a very thin surface, you may have to make checks to avoid falling. For surfaces 3” or thinner, you will have to make a check even if not in combat. A tightrope is generally a DC20 check to walk across when not in combat. Final DC is at the GM’s discretion.
Keep your Balance (DC15+): When running or passing through an area of Difficult Terrain, the GM may call upon you to make a check to maintain your balance and avoid falling Prone. (Ex: Sprinting through a crowded market, quickly changing your direction after avoiding a strike, running over a patch of mud on a stone floor, etc.)
Squeeze through a Very Tight Space(Contortionism) - (DC30): You move through a space where your head can fit, but your shoulders can’t. Doing this takes 1 minute of work per 5-foot hex. This provokes AOO.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Acrobatics Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Acrobatics: Gain a +1 Innate Bonus in Perform (Dance & Motion) and Jump & Sprint.
EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks, these Innate Bonuses are increased to +2.
Bluff - How does it work?
You must speak the same language (unless feinting in combat)
The target must have an Intelligence of 5+.
The Bluff Skill is directly opposed by Sense Motive.
Don’t be limited by the options listed here. Using the Bluff and Sleight of Hand skills, you may be able to secretly attack a target in a crowd and escape without anybody noticing, or pickpocket someone in the middle of a conversation! Get creative!
Lie to Someone (Opposed Checks): Big Action (at least), No AOO. You state your fabrication to those listening. All people listening who have any reason not to believe you roll an opposed Sense Motive check.
If your Bluff check wins, your story sounds plausible enough for the opposition to leave it alone.
If your Bluff check succeeds by 5+, your story is believed in earnest.
If you lose the check by 1-4 points, the opposition feels that you are perhaps exaggerating, leaving out information, or otherwise not being entirely truthful.
If you lose the check by 5+, the opposition is positive you are lying to them. They can pick out at least 1 (or more) specific piece of information that is definitely false.
Opposed Sense Motive Roll Modifiers: (Applied at GM Discretion)
The person you are lying to wants to believe you: -5
You are successfully disguised as a person your target trusts: -5
Your Bluff is believable and doesn’t directly affect the target much: +0
Your Bluff is hard to believe and/or may put the target at slight risk: +5
The person you are lying to knows you as a close friend: +5
Bluff is hard to believe or puts the target at significant risk: +10
Bluff is totally outlandish or incredibly dangerous to the target: +20
When you tell a Bluff, who should make an opposed Sense Motive roll?
No Roll Needed: A character who has never met you before who is not in a position of power, control, doubt, or risk of loss would generally believe anything reasonable that you said.
Roll Sense Motive: Guards of restricted areas, people in positions of power, gamblers, merchants, fellow party members, or anyone at risk of loss or danger due to your story should make an opposed check.
If lying to fellow party members, the GM should be told in secret about the lie. Make the Bluff check secretly for the player so that no party members have out-of-character knowledge of the situation. The GM can then have all players roll Sense Motive checks, and only inform any who beat the roll.
Ex 1: A character wearing animal furs and carrying a bow walks into a small village. A passing farmer asks, “What brings you to town?” If the character bluffs, “Looking to do some fur trading,” even though they are really there to steal a magic bell from the local church, the farmer has no reason not to believe them. However, if the question was asked by the head priest of the church, they would get an opposed roll.
Ex 2: Walking into a bar and saying you killed a dragon bare-handed will likely cause nearly every person to roll against you due to the massive amount of doubt, regardless of the lack of risk or loss.
Note: Bluff checks represent thinking of the right thing to say, but NOT changing your voice or doing accents. A character who wishes to mimic a voice, accent, or sound uses the Under Cover Skill.
Distracting Conversation (Opposed Check): Cannot be used in combat
-Starting a distracting conversation requires a bit of roleplay. (What do you say as you approach the guard? What sort of topic are you going to use to distract them?)
-Your Bluff is directly opposed by the Sense Motive roll of all those you are attempting to distract (and possibly others who hear what you have to say!) You may even be able to distract a few opponents!
-If successful, the target(s) is(are) considered Distracted by you for 1 minute of conversation.
-If you succeed by 5+, you can maintain the distracting conversation for 5 minutes OR you can get the target to follow you while walking a short distance.
-You may make additional checks to continue the distracting conversation for a longer duration.
-If you fail, the target isn’t interested and will return to their duties or previous activities.
-If you fail by 5+, the target realizes you are trying to distract them.
-This assumes conversing with someone you may not know or who has no apparent reason to speak with you. If the other character truly wishes to converse, you may not have to Bluff to distract them! Likewise, very busy or focused characters may be given a +1 to +5 Focus Bonus on the opposed check to resist being distracted (GM discretion).
Fake-Out / Combat Feint (Opposed Check): Big Action, No AOO
You must be within melee reach of the target.
Roll your Bluff check opposed by either an enemy Sense Motive check or WIS-based Tactics check.
-If successful, your opponent is considered Flat-Footed until the end of your turn OR until an attack is made against them, whichever comes first. -
If you do not threaten your foe, you suffer -4 penalty on your Bluff check to feint.
A creature with Uncanny Dodge may still be made flat-footed by a feint in combat.
If wielding two melee weapons, you gain a +1 Tactical Bonus on your Combat Feint Bluff Checks.
Disguise the Casting of a Spell (Opposed Checks): Cannot be used in combat
You make the Verbal and Somatic (V, S) components of a spell you are casting seem as though they are simply part if your casual conversation and mannerisms.
-This may only be used on spells with a casting time of a Big Action or faster.
-If successful, the spell activates with onlookers unaware; you do not Provoke AOO for casting.
-Anyone who defeats your Bluff check is aware that you are casting a spell; You provoke AOO.
-Any spells with On-Cast effects are immediately recognized as cast by you upon completion of the spell.
-Spells with No On-Cast Effects are not noticed by those around you if you win the Bluff check.
Activate a Magic Wand:
If you know the Command Word, but cannot cast spells of that SL - DC[10+(2xSL)]
If you do not know the Command Word - DC[20+(2xSL)]
-If you pass this Bluff check, you activate the wand normally & expend 1 charge.
-If you fail by 4 or less, 1 charge is wasted, but the wand does not activate.
-If you fail by 5 or more, the energy of the wand is released improperly; the wand loses 1d4 charges as energy bursts outward, striking you for 1d4 Force damage per SL. (This is an Activation Mishap)
CLIMB (STR, Mobility Penalty)
Use this Skill to: Climb up a cliff face, rope, tree, fortress wall, etc
Remain climbing after being struck by an arrow.
Get to hard to reach areas or avoid enemy patrols
Climb- How does it work?
Climbing represents traversing vertical surfaces (usually more than 60-degree incline) or hanging onto something with your hands (and perhaps feet, tails, etc) to traverse a horizontal gap. The indicated movement tells you how much progress, in feet, you make in whatever direction you are climbing.
-Climbing is a Big Action (Move) that Provokes AOO:
Small humanoids climb up or down at a rate of 5 feet per Big Action.
Medium humanoids climb up or down at a rate of 10 feet per Big Action.
Large humanoids climb up or down at a rate of 15 feet per Big Action.
-If you are struck or take damage, you must immediately make a Climb check at the same DC to hang on.
-Increased Climb Speed: With +5DC to your Climb check, you may climb at double this rate.
Climb DC is directly related to the surface you are climbing -
-If the DC is low enough for you to succeed by “Taking 5,” you can just state your intention to climb the surface. You will climb at your normal rate without risk of falling, since the DC is low enough that you can’t fail.
If the Climb DC is higher than your Take 5 Climb check, then the surface you are climbing is difficult enough that you risk falling if you fail.
-You must roll one check at least every 50 feet, but every 10 feet is acceptable.
Failing a Climb Check:
-Failure by 4 or less means you make no progress.
-Failure by 5+ means you fall (See Ch9.9c for Fall Damage)
What happens while you are climbing?
-You suffer a -2 penalty to AC, REF Saves, and Wrestling checks while Climbing.
-You do not threaten the area around you.
-You must use both hands and feet to climb properly.
-You may not use the Run action while climbing.
NOTE: The Climb Skill generally assumes a humanoid type of anatomy, with hands, feet, thumbs, and the ability to grab and hold onto things. Climbing using this skill requires the use of both hands and both feet! Creatures with natural climb speeds (such as Mountain Goats or Snakes) do not suffer these penalties (see below).
Climbing in Story Gameplay: How fast can a character climb in a minute?
-Small people generally climb 50 feet per minute (double with +5DC and increased Climb speed)
-Medium people generally climb 100 feet per minute
-Large people generally climb 150 feet per minute
Climbing up a 1000-foot tall cliff at a normal pace, without rushing, would take this long:
Small Person: 20 minutes / Medium Person: 10 minutes / Large Person: 7 minutes
Perseverance(CON) checks may be needed to see if characters get tired from the climb!
Starting a Climb with a Jump: Jumping onto a surface you need to climb requires a Jump&Sprint check for the height or distance, followed by a Climb check (DC as surface) to successfully grab on.
Climb Skill & Creature Size:
You gain an Innate Bonus or Penalty to all Climb Skill Checks based on your size category:
Diminutive +6, Tiny +4, Small +2, Medium +0, Large -2, Huge -4, Gargantuan -6
Rationale: Smaller creatures have an easier time finding handholds, footing, and have notably less mass to carry. Larger creatures require much larger spaces for footing and handholds and have more mass to support.
Sample Climb DC & Descriptions
Climbing with Rope: It is much safer for an adventurer to Climb with the assistance of a good rope!
-Using a well-supported rope to climb a surface reduces the difficulty of the Climb Check to DC10. If the rope is not against a wall, the Climb Check is DC15.
-Tying off a rope on some sort of support (tree, piton, rock, large ally, etc) is a Full-Round Action (AOO).
-10 feet of rope can be made into a simple harness in 1 minute with a DC10 Climb check. The harness is strong enough to support your weight without failing (up to the rope’s max weight allowance).
-While climbing, placing a piton takes 1 minute and a new Climb check. A successful check properly places the piton within the surface, providing a secure place from which to tie your rope.
-In the event of a fall while in a harness, you fall only as far as rope allows. You may have to make a REF Save at GM discretion to avoid taking up to 1d6 [b] damage from swinging into a rocky outcrop or large tree trunk.
-For characters, the Climb Skill also includes basic knowledge of rope tying & support placement.
-A rope failure generally occurs due to poor placement and friction with a surface, such as rubbing on a sharp rock or a worn piton. Securing your rope in a proper location can save you a lot of trouble!
-Characters may also use the Survival or Seafaring Skills for any checks involving rope use or tying knots.
Doing Crazy Stuff while Climbing:
Since climbing should generally be a non-combat situation, or a “just climb it, then fight at the top,” I will just leave this general information here, rather than making a rule for every single situation. Remember; make the game interesting and fun, not a research project.
If your players wish to do something outrageous while climbing, such as sword-fighting while holding on with one hand, catching a falling ally, or bracing themselves with their feet to do some crazy ninja-in-the-attic type archery, just modify the DC accordingly and go to it!
-A creature that is 2 or more size categories smaller than another creature may attempt to climb on another creature using their Climb Skill. Any particular details, skill checks, or bonuses granted by this action are left to the GM’s Discretion.
Creatures with a natural “Climb Speed”:
Use a Big Action to Climb a distance equal to their indicated Climb Speed.
Ex: Climb 20 means the creature can climb 20 feet in a single Big Action. -
May use the Run action to move at a rate of 1.5 times their Climb Speed. (Ex: Climb 30, Running Climb 45)
You suffer no penalties for actions, attacks, reactions, or defenses while Climbing.
If a creature is using their limbs to climb, those limbs may be unavailable for attacks at GM discretion. Bite attacks are generally available while climbing.
Threatens AOO for available attacks.
Animals and monsters “climb” in many different ways, and each animal’s anatomy should be considered before assuming it can climb anything. Special info about each creature’s climbing abilities may be included as necessary in their descriptions.
Creatures born with climbing abilities (such as geckos, mountain goats, etc) generally have an Innate Bonus to the Climb Skill of anywhere from +4 to +8 due to their physical anatomy.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Climb Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Climb: You may treat your Carrying Capacity as if +1 STR higher.
EXPERT LEVEL: With 15+ Ranks in Climb, you may treat your Carrying Capacity as if another +1 STR higher. You gain a Natural Climb Speed equal to half your race’s base Land Move Speed.
-Ex: A Human with 15 Ranks in Climb gains the Move Speed “Climb 15.”
The CRAFT SKILL Full Guide
CRAFT (The Craft Skill normally uses INTMod, but certain versions allow use of the DEXMod):
The Craft Skill represents the ability to create weapons, tools, clothing, armor, chariots, books, potions, paintings, cabins, maps, jewelry, and all other items, materials, and equipment.
The Craft Skill has many different versions:
Academia, Alchemy, Blacksmith, Bowyer/Fletcher, Fine Arts, Jeweler, Magic Items, Mechanisms, Stonework, Tailor, Woodwork
The type of Craft is indicated in parentheses after the word Craft. Each specific Craft Skill has its own detailed description later in this section. In order to simplify the game, we have attempted to cover all aspects of crafting with as few craft skills as possible. Any type of crafting not directly listed should be logically fit into the most similar or related category. Consult your GM if unsure about which Craft Skill to use.
These general crafting rules apply to the vast majority of Craft Skill Checks:
Craft Skill Basics: These basic rules apply to all the different Craft Skills.
How do I determine the DC of the Craft check?
The DC of a Craft check needed to make an item is based on the complexity of the item being made:
Very Simple Item: DC5, Typical Item: DC10, Complex Item: DC15, Very Complex Item: DC20
-Crafting a Masterwork item increases the DC of the base item by +5DC
-You must elect to attempt to create a masterwork item before you begin the crafting process.
-It is up to the discretion of the GM to determine the craft complexity of items not listed here using common sense and comparisons to the data provided.
CRAFT SKILLS – Sample Item Complexity and Craft Check DC
Very Simple Item (DC5): Empty Scroll (Academia), Attach an Arrowhead (Bowyer), Wooden Club (Woodwork)
Typical Item (DC10): Obsidian Axe Head (Stonework), Glass Vial (Jeweler), Padded Vest (Tailor)
Complex Item (DC15): Padlock(Mechanisms), Canoe (Woodwork), Portrait (Fine Arts)
Very Complex Item (DC20): Heavy Helm (Blacksmith), Jade Chain Necklace (Jeweler), Trebuchet (Woodwork), Warbow[4] (Bowyer), Strong Poison (Alchemy)
Superior Item or MW Complex Items (DC21+): Full-Plate (Blacksmith), Marine Chronometer (Mechanisms)
-The skills Craft(Alchemy, Bowyer/Fletcher, Magic Item, and Mechanisms) all have a specific rules for the Craft DC of items made with these Skills. See the section for each of these particular Skills for the full details.
*When using Craft Skills to make something, they are considered Physical Skills & are affected by your Mobility Penalty. When using then to understand or analyze something, the Mobility Penalty does not apply.
-Armor and Shields have a specific calculation for their Craft DC:
Armor Craft DC = 10+Armor Rating (+1 DC for Medium Armor, +2 DC for Heavy Armor)
Shield Craft DC = 10+Shield Rating
Crafting Equipment for other Size Categories: Larger gear is more difficult to build properly.
For non-metal equipment, add +2 Craft DC per Size Category above Medium.
For metal equipment, add +3 Craft DC per Size Category above Medium.
Small Size gear is generally 1/3 the weight and the same price as Medium Size.
Large Size gear is generally 3x the weight and 2x the price of Medium Size.
What materials do I need to craft an item?
You need a Craft Kit & Crafting Components (CraComs).
Craft Kit (Skill type): Choose any 1 Craft Skill. (Ex: Craft Kit [Woodwork] or Craft Kit [Jeweler]) This kit is a box with hinged lid which contains all the basic tools needed to complete most crafting projects for the indicated Skill.
Normal Craft Kits do not provide a bonus to the Skill check. MW Craft Kits provide a +2 Gear Bonus.
Attempting to craft an item without tools incurs at least a -4 penalty (or it may be impossible).
-GM discretion. Ex: Making a sword is impossible without a forge & hammer.
Note: There is no craft kit for the Craft(Magic Item) Skill. The ways of magic are not the same as physical construction! -
A Craft Kit costs 20gp, weighs 6 pounds, and takes up 6 Storage Slots. A MW Craft Kit costs 200gp.
Crafting Components (CraComs): Materials that may be used to craft an item using a certain Craft Skill.
Ex: A pile of animal hides, bones, and lumber could be referred to as crafting components for a Bowyer/Fletcher.
-Crafting an item requires an amount of CraComs for that Craft Skill equal to half the Merchant Price of the item you intend to create. Ex: Crafting a 10gp shortsword requires 5gp of CraComs.
CraComs are organized into 3 different Value Categories:
-1 Pound of CraComs takes up 1 Storage Slot
-For simplicity, all CraComs use the same value categories and Storage Space.
-The Merchant Price for most items can be found in the equipment or magic items sections. (Ch6 = Adventuring Gear, Ch7 = Weapons & Armor, Ch12 = Magic Items)
Some crafting materials are bulky and low value, while others are high quality and expensive.
CraComs can often be used in place of currency, especially when dealing with craftsmen.
-The adjacent chart shows the types of materials that would commonly be described as CraComs, as well as the amount of time required to craft something using each Craft Skill.
-Items made of special materials require that exact type of crafting component (Ex: Mithryl Armor requires enough Mithryl to create the whole set.) See Special Materials in Ch7.6 for more information.
How long does it take to craft a new item?
-The time normally required is 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC (DC15 = 15 hours)
-Craft (Academia and Alchemy) use 10 minutes per Craft DC.
-Craft (Magic Item and Mechanisms) uses 20 minutes per Craft DC.
-Craft (Blacksmith) uses 2 hours per Craft DC.
If you beat the Craft DC by 5 or more, you complete twice as much work (or finish in half the time!)
1 full day of labor = 8 hours of work
Example: DC20 Craft[Woodwork] requires 20 hours (about 2.5 days) of work!
How to Craft
-Once you have all the necessary CraComs, tools, and workspace, you are ready to make your Craft check.
-Some craft skills may require a sturdy workbench (Alchemy), a forge (Blacksmith), or other working stations to complete them properly!
Craft Check = 1d20+Ranks+INTMod +OtherBonuses (A Craft Check functions like any other Skill Check)
-You make 1 Craft check per day of labor (1 day of labor = 8 hours). If the total labor time is less than 8 hours, only 1 check is needed. The check is made as soon as you begin crafting for that day.
Note: The GM and player need to be aware of the possible time their character would be spending to craft their item to make sure the story can proceed properly after determining results!
If successful, you make a full day’s progress on the item. If the time needed was less than a full day of labor, you successfully complete the item at the end of the appropriate time.
Note: Progress on your item is saved in half-day or full day intervals of completed crafting time, meaning you can leave it and come back to it later. (Certain Craft Skills, such as Alchemy, do not allow this) -
If you succeed by 5 or more, you finish working on the project in half the time (or you finish twice as much work in the normal amount of time).
If you fail by 4 or less, you work for half the day (or half the total time needed), but make no progress on the item. You do not lose any CraComs.
If you fail by 5 or more, you make no progress and you lose half the CraComs needed for that day’s work.
Try Again: If you fail your check, you can always attempt to make the item again. It just depends on if you have the time and materials needed to do so!
-NOTE: A character who is actively working on any crafting project is effectively distracted from all other stimuli. -
Work Half a Day: Since progress on an item is measured in days or half-days, you can choose to work a half-day session of 4-hours without too many issues. You cannot “take your time” when opting to work a half-day.
Crafting with DEXMod: If you are working on items of fine detail, you may use your DEXMod in place of your INTMod, with GM Permission. Learning and designing new items, or figuring out how to take apart items, should always be INT-based. However, working on intricate items could be a DEX-based check.
Getting interrupted: If you have to stop crafting before you complete at least half of the work, your daily progress is lost, but the CraComs are not wasted (unless you failed the check by 5 or more!). If you have completed more than half of the work, but not a full day, then half a day of progress is counted.
An ally can take over for you from your current progress if you leave, but they must make a new check!
Working for more than a full day: If you wish to continue crafting for more than 8 hours, you must make a DC15 Endurance check, +2DC per additional hour of work. If you fail, suffer +1 Weakened Stage.
Reminder - Take Your Time: You can choose to take twice as much time as required normally to gain a +2 Focus Bonus on your Craft Skill Check. (You cannot complete the project in half the time if you use this option).
Craft Skill – Special Use – Repairing & Maintaining your Equipment:
How to Repair a Tattered Item or a Damaged Item (Craft DC = Original DC-5) minimum DC5:
Repairing the item requires one quarter the time needed to craft a new version of the same item, as well as a small amount of the proper material (1/10th the GP value of the base item in CraComs, min 1gp). Repairing metal items may require a forge.
If successful, you may remove the tattered condition from the item.
Repair a Damaged Shield (Craft DC10): After 1 hour of work, a shield is repaired +5HP. A shield must have at least 1 HP remaining (A shield that reaches 0HP is destroyed). You do not need to expend any CraComs to repair a shield unless the shield is at less than half HP, then it requires 1gp worth of CraComs.
Repair a Destroyed Item (Craft DC = Original DC): Repairing the item takes ½ the time and CraComs needed to build the item originally. Repairing destroyed metal items requires a forge.
Certain destroyed items (such as glassware, books, etc) cannot be repaired once destroyed.
Repairing a destroyed item does NOT repair lost magical properties!
Taking apart items to gain CraComs: (DC=Original-5, Minimum DC10): This takes 1/4 the time needed to craft the original item. If successful, the item is completely disassembled and you gain 25% of the base item value as usable CraComs. You cannot take apart magic items or alchemical creations in this manner.
Crafting Assistance (Help with Crafting): There are two types of assistance in crafting: Skilled and Unskilled
-You may only get Crafting Assistance from one other character (Unless working on a project with large enough scale, as determined by common sense and the GM’s Discretion.)
Skilled Assistance: The assisting character is trained in the same Skill (has at least 1 Rank). Crafting with skilled assistance takes ¾ the normal time (x0.75) and you get a +2 Innate Bonus on your own Craft check. They actively participate in the full crafting process, handling all the same materials and doing similar work. This is generally how an apprentice to a master craftsman gains experience in their trade.
-If you get skilled assistance AND you beat the Craft DC by 5 or more, you complete the project in 1/4 the normal time (or complete 4 times as much work).
Unskilled Assistance: The assisting character is untrained (0 Ranks) in the Craft Skill to which they are assisting. They can follow basic directions and do manual labor (Hand you common or well-known items, hold things in place when you ask, etc). You must be able to communicate effectively. With unskilled assistance, crafting takes ¾ the normal time (x0.75), but may only be used on projects requiring over 2 hours of work.
-The character must assist you the entire time to gain the benefit.
-If you get unskilled assistance and beat your Craft DC by 5 or more, you complete the project in 1/3 the normal time (or complete 3 times as much work).
Large Scale Projects: If working on a large-scale project and you have multiple assistants, the additional assistants can speed up your crafting at a rate determined by the GM. Projects may be considered Individual Scale, Party Scale, or Town Scale. See the Woodwork Skill for additional details on Large Scale Projects, Ch4.4L.
Something like building a pyramid or castle is far beyond the “assistance” rules, and generally will require hundreds of skilled laborers completing various parts of an enormous project.
Other ways to help Crafting:
Multiple Crafters: Two or more people take turns making individual progress crafting a single item.
Reading: Literate characters may assist characters who cannot by reading aloud and/or translating the instructions, recipes, or guides to the person doing the crafting. This neither increases nor decreases the crafting time, but allows a literate character to assist a craftsman who cannot read.
Gathering or making materials: Certain Craft Skills can create important pieces for other Craft Skills. For example, Alchemy can create Bonding Salves to make Magic Items, Jeweler can make Arcane Prisms to make Magic Items, Fine Arts can create shells for Alchemical bombs, and Tailoring can make a sail for a ship.
Sometimes, you may just need someone to go get you CraComs. The Survival and Knowledge(Nature) skills are excellent if you need to send someone out to gather plants or animal parts to make a bowstring, inks, or paints. Someone who is good at Diplomacy can probably get you better components for a lower price!
As long as you get creative, you should be able to find plenty of ways to include at least one or two party members in your crafting plans!
Other Skills used for Crafting:
-Seafaring: may be used to make simple wooden items and do basic repairs of canvas, boats, and carriages.
-Survival: may be used to create simple weapons & tools in the wilderness. (See Ch4.22b)
-Heal: may be used to create bandages, healing salves, and ointments at their standard DC.
Craft as Knowledge: A Craft Skill may be used in place of a Knowledge check if the material or subject relates directly to your Skill in that craft. (Ex: Alchemy for knowledge of poisons, Woodworking for knowing the type of wood used to make an item, Jeweler for knowledge of gemstones or properties of precious metals)
Appraisal of Items: How does a character identify the value of an item?
-The Craft Skills are used to appraise any items normally made using the specific Craft Skill.
-Ex: Craft(Blacksmith) would appraise metal weapons & armor, (FineArts) would appraise a painting or sculpture, (Alchemy) would appraise a potion, and (Jeweler) would appraise a necklace or crown.
-You must be holding the item or otherwise able to closely inspect the item you wish to appraise.
-Appraising an item is a Double Action that provokes AOO.
-Craft DC(10-30): DC Varies based on the rarity of the item (GM Discretion).
-If successful, you determine the average Market Price for the item.
-If you fail by 4 or less, you are aware that you cannot properly assess the item’s value.
-If you fail by 5+, you determine a wildly inaccurate result (At least twice or half the value!)
-Uncommon items require a minimum DC15 check. (GM Discretion)
-Rare, exotic, or unfamiliar items could have DC20, or DC25-30 for very rare magical items.
-Certain magic or otherwise valuable items may be crafted or enchanted to appear cheap, shoddy, or otherwise worthless. Any item specifically designed or enchanted in this way causes +10DC on the appraise check.
-If you beat the DC by 5+, you determine if the item has magical qualities. You do not learn what the powers are or how they work. Determining specific magic properties requires Knowledge(Arcana or Religion).
-An appraise check always uses your INTMod, even if a Craft Skill that can use DEXMod.
-Characters who have encountered and appraised the exact item previously (or if they have sold/bought the item in the past) should not be forced to roll a new check. Their character will likely remember the item and its approximate value.
-The Craft(Magic Items) Skill is used to appraise the value of all magic items. The value of the base item may be determined using another Craft Skill. You must already know the item is magical and what the magic does.
-Quick Loot Check (DC20): Big Action, provokes AOO. You quickly search all items in one hex. If successful, you discover one item that is more valuable than the others (if any).
CRAFT (Academia) (INT)
This Craft specializes in everything needed to preserve knowledge and make it accessible for others. This unique Craft Skill is also used to determine your ability to read and write.
Literacy (Being Literate): Can my character read & write?
If you have at least 1 Rank and a +2 total bonus in Craft(Academia), you can read and write in your primary language. If you have 4 Ranks, you can read and write all languages you can speak.
Special: The “Literate” class ability allows some characters to read & write any language they can speak at level 1.
Reading: Reading a book takes time. The amount of time it takes to read a book depends on the number of pages in the book, your INT Score, and your Ranks in Craft(Academia). Some books require a certain skill level with Craft(Academia) to properly understand their material.
-A literate character with 8-11 INT can read 30 pages per hour. For every +2 INT beyond 10, a player can read +10 pages per hour. (A literate character with less than 8 INT reads 10 pages per hour.)
10 INT= 30 pg/hr, 12 INT= 40pg/hr, 14INT= 50pg/hr, 16INT= 60pg/hr, 18INT= 70pg/hr, 20INT= 80pg/hr
-For every 3 Ranks in Craft(Academia), you may add another +10 pages per hour.
Reading a Single Page: An average literate character can read 1 page in 2 minutes. This assumes a full text page of around 200-250 words. You may “skim” a page in half the time, getting a rough idea without any details.
-Reading a simple page with a low amount of text, such as a Wanted Poster, requires half the time. Any literate character may “Skim” a simple page as a Full-Round Action.
Reading Faster: Make a +5DC Academia Check to read 1.5 times as fast. If you fail this check, you misunderstand what you read and must read the material again. (DC increases as complexity increases, GM Discretion)
Books - Reading DC: Some books are easier to read than others. Introductory level books are only a DC10 check, while books of mastery require a DC25 check. (If a book or article does not indicate a DC, assume DC10.)
-See 6.3f-Books & Reading for full details on the benefits & types of books.
While reading, you are focused on the literature and are distracted from your surroundings!
-This means you are Unfortunate on Listen & Spot checks, and creatures may be able to sneak by you without cover.
Reading while “On Watch” – You may read at half your standard rate while maintaining a moderate level of awareness. You suffer a -2 Penalty on Listen & Spot checks, but will notice creatures in the open as normal.
Making Things with Craft(Academia): An academic can make books, forgeries, magic scrolls, schematics, and so on. This skill helps with map making and allows enough leatherworking to make scrolls from animal hide.
Crafting Components (CraComs) for Academia: paper, papyrus, scrolls, books, candles, wax seals, inks, pens, writing tools, lanterns, etc.
Write a Page of Text (DC10): You write a page of text in twice as much time as it takes you to read a page. If you fail by 1-4, the page is completed, but with numerous obvious errors. Failure by 5+ wastes the page. A higher DC check allows you to write more advanced and eloquent information.
Book Binding (DC15): You may bind 50 pages per hour to a hard or soft cover.
Create a Coded Message or Forgery (DC15+): Each individual page takes 10 minutes. DC15 for a simple code, 20 for moderate, and DC25+ for more complex or exotic codes. Failure wastes materials.
Decoding a Message or Confirming a Forgery (DC Craft+5): Takes 1 hour per page at +5 Craft DC.
Search for Written Materials (DC Varies): This serves as a Spot check when searching for particular written materials, such as a tax ledger, scrolls, historical literary pieces, maps, etc.
Make a Magic Scroll (DC10+[2xSL]): Magic Scrolls are parchments that allow someone to cast a single spell.
-See the Scrolls and Wands section in Ch12.4 for full details.
Wizard Only - Add a spell to my Spellbook (DC10+Spell Level): See Wizard Class for details, Ch3.9
This skill can also be used to do mathematics & angular calculations for distance. If using siege weapons or indirect attacks with ranged weapons over obstacles, you may allow Craft(Academia) checks to properly determine the angle of release needed to strike your target as follows:
-Range-Finding & Trajectory (DC15): Use an Aim Action to attempt a Craft(Academia) Check to gain a +2 Innate Bonus on an Indirect Fire Attack, +1 per 5 points by which you surpass DC15. (See Archery in Ch9.13)
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Craft(Academia) Skill:
-If you have 10+ Ranks in Craft(Academia): You gain a +1 Innate Bonus to Diplomacy & Linguistics.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks in Craft(Academia) the Innate Bonuses to these Skills increase to +2.
CRAFT (Alchemy) (INT)
This Craft specializes the use of basic chemistry and magical materials to produce potions, special use items, poisons, and other interesting materials.
Alchemy requires focus, careful hands, and a spacious work environment. Using this Skill normally requires a stable working table, as well as plenty of space for all materials to be set out and prepared. Any check adds +5DC to complete if working in an unstable area such as a moving wagon or a ship in rough seas.
-Alchemy requires 10 minutes of work per point of the item’s Craft DC (DC15 = 150 minutes = 2.5 hours)
-Craft(Alchemy) must always be 100% completed within a total time of 6 hours or less. If not completed within 6 hours after starting your Craft check, all CraComs for this item are completely wasted, as they react with one another and destroy themselves without your care.
CraComs for Alchemy: Plants, Liquids, Creature Parts, Salts, etc.
Crafting Tools or Kits Required: An alchemist needs a sizeable work area to do his or her best work. Many glass jars, containers, tools, and storage compartments are necessary. An alchemist needs a mortar and pestle, a sturdy table or platform, and often a recipe book.
Recipe Books: An empty recipe book costs 5gp, has 50 pages, and takes up 3 Storage Slots with a weight of 1 pound. These books are kept and valued in a similar fashion to spellbooks (though they’re not as expensive!). Potions and Poisons require 2 pages each. All other alchemical items require only 1 page.
-Recipe Cost: The average cost for a recipe for an alchemical item is 2x the price of the item itself.
What can I make? What does my character know how to make?
You may know 1 recipe per Rank in Craft(Alchemy), plus 1 recipe per natural INT Mod. This represents things that you have “figured out” over time through practice. You must have enough Ranks to craft the item before you can learn it. With these recipes, you remember how to craft them using sight, weight, smell, etc.
-Note: You may not trade out known recipes when you increase in level. You may choose not to select a recipe to leave an “open slot” available for a desired recipe when you gain enough Ranks to access it.
If you can read & write: If you have a recipe book at hand, you may use it to attempt to craft any of the alchemical items for which you have proper Ranks.
If you cannot read/write: You can still make the alchemical items you have memorized due to your Ranks & Intelligence. A literate ally could read recipes to you while you do the physical crafting.
Discover a new Recipe: You may attempt to discover an additional new Recipe by “messing around” with various alchemical materials. If you spend 1 day (8 hours) working with new materials, you may make a single DC25 check to see if you’ve come up with anything. If you succeed, you produce a single item from the alchemy list shown below (Roll Randomly). You cannot discover a recipe or make an item that requires more Ranks than you possess. This costs you at least 15gp worth of CraComs.
If you make a Craft(Academia) check, DC=Item Craft DC, you remember what you did well enough to write down the Recipe. You must gain another Rank in alchemy to be able to try to learn another recipe in this manner. All other details are left to GM Discretion.
Identify alchemical items (DC = Item’s CraftDC): Identifying an unknown alchemical substance that you have in your possession requires the use of an Alchemist’s Kit and takes 5 minutes.
If you beat the DC by 5, it takes only 1 minute to identify the substance. If you beat the DC by 10, it takes only a Big Action. Identification without an Alchemist’s Kit is possible, but adds +5DC.
Throwing an Alchemical Item at a Target: (Big Action-Attack, Provokes AOO) Ranged Touch Attack, 10’ Range
-If thrown at a Target Hex: The object functions exactly as described. This usually involves shattering on the ground or on a wall and coating nearby creatures with some type of substance. (A Target Hex is generally AC5)
-Bombs have a 15’ Thrown Range and are described in further detail later in this section.
-If thrown directly at a Target Creature: A direct hit against a creature’s TouchAC with a glass jar, flask, or bomb deals damage as an improvised thrown weapon (1d3[s+p+b]) as the jar shatters. Items not in such containers do not deal this damage. The struck creature is Unfortunate on any Save made against the Alchemical item. If the Attack Roll is a miss, the glass vial, flask, or other object shatters on the floor or the nearest wall.
ALCHEMICAL ITEMS (Craft DC) - Descriptions:
Acid Flask (DC10): This is a single glass vial full of a potent acid. Thrown at a target hex or creature.
Deals 1d4 Acid Damage to the target creature and 1d4 Acid Damage to any wielded shield.
Can cause a single piece of clothing to become tattered on a successful strike (GM discretion).
Living targets that take damage from the acid must make a FORT Save DC13 or be distressed with pain for the full duration of the acid.
The acid lasts for 1 additional round. Damage is dealt again at the start of the attacker’s turn.
The acid may be washed off using any normal water source, becoming inert after being washed off. A character fully submerged in water automatically stops any additional damage from the acid, as well as removes the distressed condition. This acid is ineffective underwater.
Alchemist’s Fire (DC20): A sealed glass bottle full of a dark, sticky substance. Thrown at a target hex or creature.
-On impact, the flaming goo deals 2d6 Fire Damage to everything in the target hex.
-A Successful DC15 REF Save reduces damage by half, and the goo does not stick to you or cause further burning. Creatures that fail the REF Save are coated in flaming goo that continues to deal 1d6 Fire Damage every round for 2d4 Rounds.
-1 piece of worn gear becomes tattered at the start of each additional round the goo burns.
-The goo only stops burning if completely submerged in water (or another quenching substance).
-Stop, Drop, & Roll (Full-Round action, provokes AOO) reduces the remaining duration by 1 round.
-A bucket of water or strong rain on the burning target reduces the damage taken that round by half, but does not stop the burning.
-Anyone who grapples (or tackles) a creature covered in Alchemist’s Fire gains the Ablaze condition.
-Additional bottles of alchemist’s fire on the same target do not stack damage.
-A bottle of alchemist’s fire costs 30gp, weighs 1 pound, and takes up 2 Storage Slots.
-Note: Alchemist’s Fire on a creature is treated as a more serious version of the Ablaze condition.
Antitoxin (DC10): This single glass vial contains a liquid that is drunk in order to improve your resistance to all types of toxins and poisons. The antitoxin grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to FORT Saves against all toxins and poisons for 1 hour. Antitoxin does not automatically remove poisons or other toxins.
Arcane Bonding Salve (DC15): This magically infused goo is applied liberally to an item that is going to be enchanted to allow the magic to infuse completely. 1 vial of bonding salve is worth 250 gp.
-1 Vial of Bonding Salve = weight 0.25 lbs, 1 Storage Slot, contains 200gp worth of magic power
-Bonding Salve provides a +2 Alchemical Bonus to your Craft(Magic Item) check.
-You may apply more than 1 bonding salve, but the alchemical bonuses do not stack.
-Bonding Salve is consumed on any craft attempt in which it is used, even if you fail by 4 or less.
-Although called “Arcane,” these salves may be used for both Arcane and Divine Magic.
Delicious Meal (DC15): Apart from the explosive and deadly applications of alchemy, you can also learn how to cook a delicious meal! A delicious meal feeds up to 4 medium sized characters for 1 day. The delicious meal must be eaten on the same day it is created or it spoils.
-Eating a delicious meal takes at least 10 minutes.
-If you eat a delicious meal, you gain +1 Confidence Token and may remove 1 Weakened Stage. If the delicious meal is eaten just before bed, you may gain the token when you awaken after a Long Rest.
-A character can only gain the benefits from the delicious meal once per 24 hours.
-The delicious meal has no effect on creatures who do not require food to survive, such as undead and elementals, or creatures without a standard anatomy, such as oozes and plants.
-Cooking a delicious meal requires a fire, herbs, and reasonable table space. A delicious meal cannot be carried in bags; it takes up a lot of space and generally requires a table, plates, and numerous utensils.
Elixir of Magical Recovery (DC20): Drinking this strange concoction automatically recovers a single consumed daily Spell Slot for SL0, SL1, and SL2. This works exactly as intended for Spontaneous casters. Prepared Casters who use this elixir may only recover spells they had prepared for that day. (Functions as drinking a potion)
-If you have not used (or do no have) any SL2 Spell Slots, the elixir will recover +1 additional SL1 Slot.
Flammable Grease or Oil (DC10): This oil has uses in cooking, survival, & tactical combat. The oil fills a single jar, may be used once, and may be easily lit with a spark or open flame. It burns for 1 minute and may be put out normally. In combat, a foe covered in this oil could easily be set ablaze. Weight: 1lb, 2 Storage Slots.
Glowtorch x4 (DC10): A smooth, blue, translucent alchemical rod about 12 inches (30cm) in length. When stuck against a solid object (Swift Action), the rod cracks inside and illuminates with a blue-white glow:
Sheds light as a torch (normal light 20’) Glows for 1 hour, then fades out and melts away. (Single use)
Weight: 0.25 lbs per Glowtorch, 1 Storage Slot. The glowtorch melts and is consumed after use.
Glowtorches are crafted in groups of 4, but may be sold individually for 2 gp each.
Gold (DC20): The true alchemist’s dream has been accomplished! You transform 150gp worth of Blacksmith CraComs or other scrap metals into a ball of pure gold worth 100gp (2 pounds, 2 Storage Slots). This transformation requires a very hot fire, such as a forge or a well-tended fireplace. Non-magical metal weapons & armor may be scrapped in this way; these items provide only ¼ the Merchant Price in Blacksmith CraComs.
New player note: While this may sound useless, scrap materials may be very difficult to carry, or not worth much to certain people. If used creatively, this ability can be quite helpful. Fun Fact – Alchemy was the precursor of modern chemistry, and one of the main goals was turning other metals into gold!
Healing Salve (DC15): These salves are used as first aid to stop bleeding. Salves used by skilled healers can also help to recover Hit Points or negative conditions (see the Heal Skill). Applying a salve to a creature is a Big Action (Provokes AOO). After applying a Healing Salve to a patient, any Bleed damage is reduced by 2, and anyone who treats that patient gains a +3 Alchemical Bonus on all Heal checks for 1 hour.
Invisible Ink (DC10): Messages written in this ink disappear 1 hour after writing. The same ink can be used to view a hidden message by heating the ink until it turns clear, then applying it with a brush to the hidden message. The ink reveals itself in seconds, staying permanently visible after being revealed. One vial contains two uses. One use of the ink can either write or reveal 1 page worth of text.
Smokestick x4 (DC10): A smokestick that is broken apart immediately produces thick smoke in a small area.
-The smoke provides Opaque Weather Conditions (see Terrain & Weather Effects, Ch8.6a)
-The smoke fills a 10’x10’x10’ cube and remains there for 1 minute.
-A 10mph+ wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round.
-The smokestick requires a Swift Action to activate, and is consumed when used.
-Weight: 0.25lbs, 1 Storage Slot each. -Crafted in groups of 4, may be sold individually for 2 gp each.
Sunrod (DC15): A sunrod is a more powerful version of the glowtorch. This small rod appears as a smooth, golden orange-yellow, translucent rod about 12 inches (30cm) in length. When stuck against a solid object (Swift Action), the sunrod cracks throughout and illuminates with yellow-white light, like the Sun on a clear day:
-Sheds Bright Light out to 60 feet, Normal Light 60-120’, Low Light 120-180’, Dim Light 180-240’.
-Glows for 1 hour, then fades out and melts away. (Consumed after use)
-If the bright light of the sunrod enters the AoE of a SL2 or lower Darkness spell, the Darkness is automatically dispelled. Stronger Darkness spells and effects will function normally.
Tanglefoot Bag (DC15): This squishy sac is thrown at enemies, bursting on impact and coating them with a powerful adhesive that hardens immediately upon contact with the air, making movement extremely difficult.
-Any creature in the affected hex must make a DC15 REF Save or be Hindered and glued to the floor, unable to move from their current hex. The wings of flying creatures that fail the Save are stuck in place.
-A Creature struck directly by the bag automatically gains the Hindered Condition (No Save).
-Tanglefoot bags do not function underwater.
-Creatures of Huge size or larger are unaffected by tanglefoot bags.
-A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 15 STR check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, automatically strikes the goo with an attack; damage is rolled to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once scraped off, the creature is no longer stuck in place, but is still Hindered.
-A tanglefoot bag weighs 1 lb and takes up 2 Storage Slots.
-The goo automatically breaks apart after 2d6 rounds. 1 gallon of water poured atop the affected creature reduces the remaining duration by 2 rounds. (This is also true if used in moderate or heavy rain)
Thunderstone x2 (DC10): These alchemical rocks blast apart with a deafening bang upon striking a hard surface.
-Thrown as a ranged touch attack action with a 20-foot Range Increment (May be launched from a sling). You may target a hex, target creature, or inanimate object. The thunderstone is consumed on use.
-All creatures within a 10’ Radius must make a DC15 FORT Save or be staggered for 1 round and deafened for 1 hour. This has no effect on creatures who cannot hear.
-Weight: 0.25lbs and 1 Storage Slot per 2 thunderstones.
Bombs: All bombs share the following characteristics:
-require Clay Bomb Shells (made using the Craft(Fine Arts) Skill-DC15, 2lbs, 2gp)
-Bombs weigh 3 lbs each and take up 2 Storage Slots.
-fragile (will break, but not explode, if they fall more than 10 feet)
-Come with a Standard Fuse
*Characters that pass the REF save only take half damage and do not suffer the “other” effects.
How does a bomb work? Light the fuse then throw the bomb!
Lighting the fuse on a bomb is a Big Action that provokes AOO. The fuse is lit in a manner similar to a match. The bomb itself has the proper materials to do so; you do not need an open flame to light the fuse.
Bombs are thrown weapons with a 15’ Range Increment that usually are aimed at a target hex.
Throwing a Bomb is a Big Action-Attack (Provokes AOO). You must strike AC5 to land in the target hex.
If you miss your Attack Roll, the bomb lands in a hex adjacent to the target (determine randomly).
If you miss by 5 or more, the bomb lands 1d6 hexes away from your target in a random direction.
On an Attack Roll of 1, the bomb is a dud. It breaks, does not explode, and cannot be salvaged.
A bomb you throw explodes at the end of your turn (even if multiple bombs are thrown).
Any creature in the bomb’s AoE must make the listed REF Save or take the indicated damage.
Bomb Fuse Modifications:
Mechanical fuse: You do not need to light a fuse. As part of the same action used to throw the bomb, a small pin is removed that lights it for you. A mechanical fuse can be added to any bomb using 5gp worth of CraComs along with a DC15 Craft(mechanisms) check.
Long Fuse(X): Your bomb has a fuse of X rounds, chosen when crafting (X must be from 1-10 rounds). The bomb explodes at the start of your turn X rounds later after being lit. Making long fuse bomb adds +2DC to craft.
Poisons: Crafting 1 poison makes 1 vial of poison. 1 vial of poison contains 3 doses of poison.
Apply a poison to an item: 1 Big Action, provokes AOO. No check needed if trained. (DC10 if untrained)
Base Poison Administration = Injury
Injury Poison requires a slashing or piercing weapon in order to be effective. A dose of injury poison is only expended if the poisoned weapon successfully deals damage to the target.
A creature afflicted with the poison must immediately make a FORT Save against the Poison DC.
A creature that passes the FORT Save is completely unaffected by the poison.
If you fail your FORT Save against a Poison, you suffer the Initial Effect. The poison remains in your system for the listed duration. Any Condition caused by a poison lasts for the full duration.
After 1 minute, you must roll a FORT Save against the Secondary Effect, if the poison has one.
If you fail the second FORT Save, you suffer the Secondary Effect (in addition to the Initial Effect) for the duration. If you pass this Save, you avoid the Secondary Effect, but all Initial Effects remain for the duration.
If a poison causes Conditions or Weakened stages, these conditions cannot be removed until the poison duration has ended.
Once the poison duration ends, any conditions directly caused by the poison are removed.
Poisons may also be ingested. The poison does not activate until 1 minute after being ingested.
Types of Poison
Poison DC: FORT Save DC to be made when afflicted by this poison. (Same Save DC for Initial and Secondary Effects)
Min Ranks: You cannot craft this poison if you do not have at least this many Ranks in Craft(Alchemy).
Recipe Price: The Merchant Price to be used when purchasing this poison recipe.
Poison Price: The Merchant Price to purchase a single vial of poison, which contains 3 doses of the poison.
Reminder: Poison Damage is abbreviated as [bio-pois] and is a subtype of Biological Damage.
Sleep Poisons: A character made Asleep by these poisons will not awaken from hearing noises, but may be awakened by all other normal means.
Mental Poisons: The Memory Loss caused by these poisons erases all knowledge of any actions that occurred while poisoned, plus 1 minute prior to the poisoning.
Poison Variants: Variants change the way a particular poison works.
Only one variant may be applied to a poison. A variant does not require another recipe.
-Applying a Poison Variant increases the Merchant Price of the poison by +25%.
Change Poison Administration to Airborne (+5 Craft DC): Poison is contained in a glass vial. When the glass breaks, the poison is released into the air. Airborne Poison affects all creatures within 5’ of the hex in which it was released. All creatures in the area must make the FORT save. The poison dissipates from the air in 1 round. Crafting an Airborne Poison only creates a single dose of poison per vial.
Fast-Acting (+5 Craft DC): This poison’s Secondary Effect occurs one round after the Initial Effect, and the Poison Duration drops to only 5 rounds. This is especially valuable in “Killer” poisons; the crafting cost and resale value increases by +50% when made Fast-Acting.
Long Lasting (+5 Craft DC): The Poison Duration doubles.
Increased Potency (+5 Craft DC): This Poison’s FORT Save DC increases by +2 (Alchemical Bonus).
Undetectable (+5 Craft DC): The Detect Poison spell cannot locate this poison. Any Skill check to attempting to identify or locate this poison are made at +5DC. (This increases the Crafting Cost & Merchant Price by +50%)
Poison Antidote: Immediately negates the effect of any poison with a FORT Save DC equal to or less than the DC listed for the antidote below. An antidote immediately ends the duration of the poison and removes any conditions caused by the poison. Antidotes do not heal any HP.
Weak (Poison 1) Antidote (Craft DC15): Effective against poisons with a FORT Save DC12 or lower.
Moderate (Poison 2) Antidote (Craft DC20): Effective against poisons with a FORT Save DC15 or lower.
Strong (Poison 3) Antidote (Craft DC25): Effective against poisons with a FORT Save DC18 or lower.
Potions & Oils (DC based on Potion Spell Level): A potion is a liquified version of a magic spell stored in a glass vial. A potion is drunk to be effective. An oil is similar to a potion, but is applied onto an object or person, rather than imbibed. The highest Spell Level that can be contained in a potion is SL3.
Craft DC: Spell Level 0 = DC10, Spell Level 1 = DC15, Spell Level 2 = DC20, Spell Level 3 = DC25
The price of a potion/oil = SL0 = 5gp, SL1 = 15gp, SL2 = 50gp, SL3 = 100gp
-Drinking a potion (or applying an oil) is a Big Action that provokes AOO.
-An alchemical potion always has the lowest Caster Level possible of whatever spell or effect it grants.
-The potion acts immediately as if the spell had been cast upon the person as soon as it is imbibed.
-A potion may be poured down the throat of an unconscious creature (Big Action, provokes AOO).
-Spells with Ritual Casting, Concentration, or Unique Components cannot be made into Potions.
-Any potion that creates a Spell Effect affected by an Ability Mod uses the SL as the Ability Mod.
Ex: A “Potion of Cure Wounds-SL1” heals 1d8+(WISMod). Since it is an SL1 potion, it heals 1d8+1 HP.
-For potions of spells that would not make sense to be imbibed, the potion may be tossed upon the ground or even at a target creature. When the bottle breaks, the stored spell activates, centered upon at that location. (Ex: Conjure Monster, Sleet Storm) Some spells just do not make any sense as potions in any form, such as spells that shoot rays or require detailed descriptions of how their effects work (Ex: Stone Shape, Scorching Ray, Diminish Plants, Identify, Life Shield, Spiritual Weapon, Flaming Sphere). GM Discretion may be required!
Potions & Spellcasters: Any character who can cast the spell matching the desired potion does not need to memorize the recipe. Instead, he/she casts the spell into a generic alchemical solution upon creation. The DC and time needed to do so remains the same. Casters of the spell may ignore the minimum Ranks required.
A few special alchemical crafting items are listed below:
Alchemy Recipe Book: Book, 50 pages (25 leaves, approx 8”x10”). Similar to a wizard’s spellbook. Well bound with a nice cover and leather or cloth wrapping if desired.
Cost: 5gp, Weight: 1 lb, Storage Slots: 3, Made using Craft(Academia)
Alchemist’s Kit, Enchanted: Large box (approx 22”x16”x12”). Contains all masterwork tools needed to create alchemical items, such as mortar & pestle, heating glasses, tubes, vial stands, droppers, etc. The box opens from the top center, and latches shut with a handle on the top for carrying. It has a lock and key (Lock DC30).
-The kit includes 25 empty glass vials with stoppers, as well as a magic collapsible 5’x5’ worktable that extends from underneath the box within 30 seconds after giving a command word.
-An Enchanted Alchemist’s Kit never risks breaking the material inside from falls or being carried during combat. The materials inside are only damaged if the box itself is destroyed.
Cost: 600gp, Weight: 5 lb, Storage Slots: 6, Made using Craft(Magic Item) and Craft(Mechanisms)
Glass Vial: A small glass container with a cap for a potion, poison, oil, and the like. Glass vials are fragile, and will break if dropped over 10 feet. To keep it simple, assume the weight is the same whether empty or full.
Cost: 1gp, Weight: 0.25 lb, Storage Slots: 1, Made using Craft(Jeweler)
CRAFT (Blacksmithing) (INT)
This craft specializes in forging, shaping, and bonding metals together to create tools, weapons, and armor.
Blacksmithing requires 1 hours of work per point of the item’s Craft DC. This increases to 2 hours per DC when making metal Armor. Blacksmithing can use any sources of metal for CraComs.
-You cannot craft or repair metal items without the use of a forge, hammers, and tongs.
-A very strong fire may be used in place of the forge with +5 DC on the Craft check.
Armor and Shields have a specific calculation for their Craft DC:
Armor Craft DC = 10+Armor Rating (+1 DC for Medium Armor, +2 DC for Heavy Armor)
Shield Craft DC = 10+Shield Rating
Merchant Prices for weapons & armor may be found in Chapter 7-Weapons & Armor.
-Limitations: A Blacksmith can make lanterns. A blacksmith cannot make small, intricate metal items such as decorative jewelry. They can make a simple metal ring, but nothing that would be considered real “jewelry.”
Weapons & Armor become harder build for larger size categories:
For most metal equipment, add +3 Craft DC per Size Category above Medium.
Small Size gear is generally 1/2 the weight and the same cost as Medium Size.
Large Size gear is generally 3x the weight and 2x the cost of Medium Size.
Craft Blacksmith Chart – Weapons
-Crafting weapons & armor with special metals such as Mithryl or Adamantine adds +5DC. (See Ch7.6c).
*Strange or Uncommon: Any weapons not commonly found or known in the area. This is entirely dependent upon your story, fantasy setting, and GM discretion.
Blacksmithing – Making Weapons: This assumes making either the metal heads of weapons, like spears and axes, or all-metal weapons, such as swords and daggers.
*Note that this information is only for making weapons made entirely of metal, or weapons with metal heads.
-Crafting any wood-hafted weapon with Craft(Blacksmith) requires at least 1 Rank in Craft(Woodwork) or you must purchase the haft of the weapon separately.
Blacksmithing Example DC:
Ex1: Reinforced Mail - AR6, +1DCMedium Armor = Craft DC17, 17x2hrs for Armor = 34 Hours of Work
Ex2: MW Dagger – DC7+5mw = DC12, 12hrs x 2mw = 24 Hours of Work
Ex3: MW Half-Plate – AR7+2DC Heavy Armor+5MW = DC24, 48hrs x2mw = 96 Hours of Work
Armor Maintenance: Armor must be maintained once per week of normal adventuring use.
Maintaining armor requires expenditure of 1 gp worth of CraComs, as well as a certain amount of crafting work based on armor type:
-Heavy Armor = 4 Hours-DC10, Medium Armor = 2 Hours-DC7, Light Armor = 1 Hour-DC5
-If you do not maintain your armor as indicated here, it gains the tattered condition.
How to Repair a Tattered Item or a Damaged Metal Item (Craft DC = Original DC-5) minimum DC10:
-Repairing the item requires one quarter the time needed to craft a new version of the same item, as well as a small amount of the proper material (1/10th the GP value of the base item in CraComs, min 1gp). Repairing metal items may require a forge.
-If successful, you may remove the tattered condition from the item.
Tailoring Metal Armor to be “Made to Fit”: A blacksmith may make slight adjustments to found armor kits so they fit the new wearer properly. Doing so requires the same work as if repairing a tattered armor kit.
CRAFT (Bowyer/Fletcher) (INT)
This craft specializes in nearly all aspects of craft needed for ranged hunting and archery, which can be used in a few other areas as well.
A bowyer can make all types of bows, arrow shafts, crossbows, spears, bolts, blowguns, bowstrings, and even musical instrument strings. Many of these items have a specific Craft DC indicated below.
-Crafting with Bowyer/Fletcher requires 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC.
-CraComs for a Bowyer/Fletcher include wood, twine, animal parts, feathers, and arrowheads.
-A Fletcher can make any type of ammunition for ranged weapons.
Crafting a Crossbow requires at least 1 Rank in Craft(Mechanisms).
-Crossbow Spanning Tools & the Repeating Crossbow are made using Craft(Mechanisms) and at least 1 Rank in Bowyer.
Composite Shortbows: A shortbow of STR(3-5) is a Composite Shortbow. Crafting such bows requires +5DC due to increased complexity of the composite crafting procedure. Crafting time for these bows is doubled, which also increases their cost.
-Composite Shortbows are less resilient than bows made of only wood and may become Tattered if subject to harsh elemental exposure or overexposure to moisture. (GM Discretion)
-Crafting a Masterwork item increases the Craft Check by +5DC:
-Masterwork Bows and Crossbows add +100gp to the Merchant Price.
*Note: Exception - MW Composite Bows add +200gp)
-The Training Bow, Blowgun, Shuriken, and Sling use a set Masterwork Merchant Price of 20gp.
Ammo – No Head: Arrows, bolts, or blowdarts made without metal or stone heads. Such ammunition is used in emergency or survival situations. These deal damage 2 sizes smaller & lose any Anti-Armor properties.
Bow Cost & Bowyer Craft DC Calculation:
Bow Cost: 30+(10*(STRMod2)) -Composite Shortbows add +50% to this cost calculation
Craft DC=10+(2xSTRMod) -Add +5DC for Composite Shortbows
Repair a Tattered Bow or Crossbow (Craft DC = Original DC-5) minimum DC10:
-Repairing a bow or crossbow requires one quarter the time needed to craft a new version of the same item, as well as a small amount of the proper material (1/10th the GP value of the base item in CraComs, min 1gp).
-If successful, you may remove the tattered condition from the item. If the check fails, the materials are wasted. The bow is not repaired, but you may try again. Repair info for a Tattered Composite Shortbow is as follows: Shortbow(3) = 18gp, DC15, 7.5 hrs of work / Shortbow(4) = 29gp, DC20, 10 hrs / Shortbow(5) = 42gp, DC25, 12.5 hrs
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Craft(Bowyer/Fletcher) Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Craft(Bowyer/Fletcher): You gain a +1 Innate Bonus to Craft(Mechanisms), Craft(Woodwork), and Survival. You require half as many materials to repair a tattered bow or crossbow.
Matched Arrows: If wielding a MW Bow/Crossbow and MW ammunition that you made yourself, you gain an additional +1 Innate Bonus on Archery Attack Rolls.
-This represents expert matching of arrow strength & flexibility with the strength of your bow to shoot most efficiently.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks in Craft(Bowyer/Fletcher), the granted bonuses increase to +2.
CRAFT (Fine Arts) (INT/DEX)
This craft specializes in the traditional artistry of the “Old masters.”
Fine Arts encompasses drawing, painting, and sculpting, as well as the ability to make the paints, inks, pens, brushes, glues, and dyes needed to do your work. You can create basic wooden and metal tools used for sculpting. This Skill can also be used to make disguises.
A character may choose to use either their INTMod or their DEXMod when making Fine Arts!
Fine Arts requires 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC.
CraComs for an artist include cloth or skin canvas, dyes and inks, paints, clay, plants, and more.
Making a Disguise has its own time requirement and Craft DC (see below)
What Can I Make with Fine Arts? (Craft DC)
Simple Pottery or Wooden Item (DC5/10): Basic bowls, cups, and spoons would be DC5, worth 1gp or less. Items with handles or extra parts, such as a teapot or mug, would be DC10, worth 2gp.
-A Clay Shell used for a Bomb (made with Alchemy) is made as a DC10 pottery item.
Quick Sketch (DC15): A quick drawing or portrait of a person, monster, location, or animal. This requires only 1 minute per Craft DC. If successful, the image is accurate enough to be used as visual identification, such as on a wanted poster. Sketch size 8”x10” or less. Merchant Price: 2gp.
Face Mask (DC15): A decorative face mask that can be worn in the “Eyes/Face” Equip Slot. Examples include a Harlequin mask, Masquerade Mask, or Guy Fawkes mask. Cost 5-10gp, or 50-100gp for Masterwork.
Painting/Sculpture, Small (DC10): About 8”x10” (x10”) These items can grant the owner a +1 Social Bonus for the owner in appropriate settings when visible (GM Discretion). Merchant Price: 5gp.
-Requires 1 Rank in Craft(Stonework) to make stone sculpture.
-Inventory - Weight: 1 pound, 4 Storage Slots
Painting/Sculpture, Medium (DC15): About 18”x24” (x24”) These items can grant the owner a +1 Social Bonus for the owner in appropriate settings when visible (GM Discretion). Merchant Price: 15gp.
-Requires 2 Ranks in Craft(Stonework) to make stone sculpture.
-Inventory - Weight: 5 pounds, 8 Storage Slots
Painting/Sculpture, Large (DC20): About 36”x72” (x72”) These items can grant the owner a +2 Social Bonus for the owner in appropriate settings when visible (GM Discretion). Merchant Price: 50gp.
-Requires 3 Ranks in Craft(Stonework) to make stone sculpture.
-Inventory - Weight: 20 pounds, 20 Storage Slots (A huge mural is treated as a series of large paintings.)
Masterwork Painting/Sculpture (+5DC): Increases any granted Social Bonus by +1. (Merchant Price x10)
Selling Artwork: At GM Discretion, you may be able to sell your artwork directly to a patron for the full Merchant Price, without having to go through a vendor or establishing a supply contract.
Map, Local (DC15):Craft(Academia) & Survival. Uses a single scroll. The map is designed well enough to be fairly accurate within a 10-mile radius. Requires 2 Ranks:
You must have a way to know the surrounding area (A Tracker’s assistance, Living in the area for years, magical research, etc) Merchant Price: 5gp.
Map, Large Scale(DC20): Craft(Academia) & Survival. The map is designed well enough to be fairly accurate for a continental or world scale. :Requires 3 Ranks
You must have a way to know the whole area (Numerous Trackers’ assistance, world traveler for years, magical research, map compilation, etc). Merchant Price: 50gp.
Masterwork Map (+5DC): Incredibly accurate. Large Scale maps grant a +1 Innate Bonus on checks made to navigate or survive in the covered areas. Local Maps grant a +2 Innate Bonus. Merchant Price: Map x10
Disguises: Disguises are used to make your physical appearance close enough to be usable as the person you wish to portray. In order to behave like this person, you will need the Under Cover skill!
-If wearing a disguise and there is no reason to be suspicious, onlookers do not get an opposed roll.
-If you come to the attention of people who are suspicious (such as a guard), they will always make opposed rolls.
-You make ONE disguise check upon crafting your visible disguise, no matter how many people may oppose you.
Making Disguises
*If you desire, you may make an Under Cover check while disguised and replace the Spot Check DC with a DC equal to that of your Under Cover check, to be opposed by the Spot check of the observer.
-Characters who interact with you or have met you out of disguise will make a Spot check. *The indicated Spot check should only be made by people who interact closely with you or have a reason to be suspicious.
-If disguised as a particular person, you will likely have to make additional checks using the Under Cover Skill to respond and speak as the person you are portraying. Onlookers will receive another opposed spot check if that goes poorly. If you attempt to make up a story, you will also need to make a Bluff check.
-You cannot make a disguise that changes your size category.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Craft(Fine Arts) Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Craft(Fine Arts): You gain a +1 Innate Bonus to Knowledge(Civilization) & Spot. You can sell artwork for +10% more than the standard price.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks, these bonuses increase to +2. You can sell artwork for +20% more than the standard price. In addition, you can always make an opposed check against a disguised character, even if you would not normally have reason to suspect a disguise.
-Remind your GM of this whenever in social settings, especially if you are wary of imposters!
CRAFT (Jeweler) (INT/DEX)
This craft specializes in fine detail using metals, bones, wood, pearls, and gemstones of all types.
Jewelers can make necklaces, rings, gems, and small trinkets. Any small or precise metalwork (such as filigree work) would fall under this craft (not Blacksmith). Items such as lenses, crystal balls, and glasswork are also covered by this Skill.
-A character may choose to use either their INTMod or their DEXMod for crafting jewelry!
-Crafting as a Jeweler requires 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC.
-Jewelers require a steady working table. The intricate detail requires a great deal of focus and no movement. A small but very study worktable is required to work on an individual item or gem. This cannot be completed if in a mobile wagon, a ship at rough seas, or in a tent during a storm.
How much does it cost to craft a piece of jewelry?
Crafting a normal piece of jewelry requires half the Merchant Price of the item in CraComs, as usual.
Jewelry may be made of various metals, pearls, seashells, or other items. The GP value of the item remains the same. Gold rings just use less material than silver rings, or perhaps the silver (or other material) has been much more intricately decorated than the gold, making it worth a similar price.
Gems may always be used as CraComs for jewelry.
Masterwork Jewelry (+5DC, minimum DC15): Just like most other items, Masterwork Jewelry costs 10 times the base price of the item. This increased cost may be due to addition of gemstones, exquisite detailing, or use of special materials.
Making Jewelry
Note: Jewelry may grant Social or Attractive bonuses depending on the situation (GM Discretion).
Working with Gems & Gem-cutting:
DC15: Working a found stone with gemstone material inside into a Low-Quality Gem. Requires no CraComs or gp expenditure (apart from having the basic tools).
DC20: Upgrading a gem from low to medium quality. Requires 25% the value of the Medium-Quality Gem in CraComs to be used for working and polish.
DC25: Upgrading a gem from medium to high quality. Requires 25% the value of the High-Quality Gem in CraComs to be used for working and polish. *Upgrading a Red Gem to High Quality is DC30.
Failure by 5 or More: Failing your check by 5 or more while working on a gem consumes the CraComs and reduces the gemstone quality by 1 step. A Low-Quality gemstone is destroyed if you fail by 5 or more.
Gem & Gem Values
*Single Gem Value in GP
-Gems are used to keep track of large quantities of in-game money using an organized value system. If you desire, feel free to alter the colors to fit your campaign. You may also add additional values, but it is suggested to increase the value by x10 per quality step to keep calculations simple.
-Note: Gems & jewelry are considered a type of money; They do not lose value when “Traded In” as regular items. Giving a shopkeeper a Medium-Quality Blue Gem is the same as giving them 200 gold pieces!
-Unless directly specified, assume 10 gems weigh 1 pound and take up 1 Storage Slot.
Goggles / Glasses / Spectacles (300gp+): These masterwork eyepieces can be used to enhance or modify vision.
-Putting on & taking off a pair of goggles is a Big Action that provokes AOO. (See Ch 6.3d for details)
-Most goggles come with a cloth or leather strap that allows them to hang from your neck while not in use.
Arcane Prism (Craft DC15 for Low Quality, DC20 for Medium Quality, DC 25 for High Quality):
Arcane Prisms are gems filled with magic power. They are used to spread the magic evenly across an item being enchanted. High quality gems make better prisms, which can be used to create more powerful items.
-1 Arcane Prism weighs 0.25 lbs, takes up 1 Storage Slot, and contains 100% the gp value of the gem used to create it as magic power. (Ex: A High Quality Green Arcane Prism contains 1000gp of magic power)
Crafting an Arcane Prism: Requires 1 Low, Medium, or High-Quality Gemstone.
Does not require any additional CraComs to create.
Crafting an Arcane Prism has a unique cost: Life Force and Magic Power
To make an Arcane Prism, you must fill the Gem with power. Doing so requires the expenditure of Hit Points and Magic Spells. When you begin crafting, you cast a spell and donate HP into the gem.
Crafting a Low-Quality Prism: Donate 1 HP and cast any SL1+ Spell into the Gem.
Crafting a Medium-Quality Prism: Donate 2 HP and cast any SL2+ Spell into the Gem.
Crafting a High-Quality Prism: Donate 5 HP and cast any SL3+ Spell into the Gem.
-Although called “Arcane Prisms,” either Arcane or Divine spells may be used to charge them. -
If you fail the check to craft an Arcane Prism, the gem remains normal, but the HP/Spell is wasted.
When crafting is completed, the gem becomes an Arcane Prism. Arcane Prisms have a Trade Value equal to half the Merchant Price.
An Arcane Prism may not also be used as an Enchanter’s Gem.
An Arcane Prism is notably more fragile than its gem counterpart. If struck with reasonable force, they can shatter, losing all value. They will not shatter from a normal fall.
See the Craft(Magic Item) Skill for details on using Arcane Prisms to create magic items. When crafting a magic item, an Arcane Prism is consumed and destroyed upon creation of the magic item.
Converting from Gold to Gems (Currency Conversion): While gems are worth a set amount of gold, they can be improved, unlike pieces of gold. They are also harder to find (rarity increases with value – expensive gems may simply be unavailable at smaller shops & settlements). Because of this, most jewelers will charge a 10% conversion fee to convert GP into a similar value of gems.
(Ex: You pay 110gp for 1 Green Medium Gem) Converting from Gems back to GP is a direct exchange for the set value.
CRAFT (Magic Item) (INT)
This skill allows you to make all sorts of magical items, such as weapons, armor, and wands. You can use this Skill to disenchant magic items and to disable magic traps.
A large and very study worktable is required to enchant and disenchant magic items. Quiet secluded areas are preferred, as it requires intense concentration. This cannot be completed if in a mobile wagon, a ship at rough seas, or in a tent during a storm. Disabling a magic trap does not require such a workplace.
-You can neither enchant nor disenchant magic items while at Weakened Stage 2 or lower.
-Only Masterwork items may be enchanted.
-Enchanting an item requires the casting of a spell as part of the crafting process. The spell needed varies with the type of enchantment you wish to put on the item. You may have an assistant cast the spell.
Cost of Making Magic Items:
Craft(Magic Items) does NOT use normal CraComs. Crafting magic items requires stored magic power, unavailable from such materials. You must come up with 50% of the Merchant Price of the item’s magic power using Arcane Prisms, Bonding Salves, or Enchanter’s Gems. (described below)
-Only the cost of the magic power is considered when crafting a magic item; the cost of the base item is not included. If upgrading existing magic items, you pay 50% of the difference between the current and final Merchant Price of the item.
-See Magic Items (Ch12) for pricing, properties, and spells needed to create magical equipment.
Crafting a Magic Item requires 20 minutes of work per point of the item’s Craft DC. (round up to the nearest hour)
-Craft(Magic Item) DC: The DC to make a new magic item is based off of the Merchant Price of the magic power contained within item you wish to make. The DC is indicated in the table below.
-Subtract the Merchant Price of the MW base item from the total Merchant Price of the magic item to find the gp value of the Magic Power alone.
Ex: Crafting a +2 Arming Sword: Merchant Price = 3150gp. (MW Sword Value 150gp/Magic value 3000gp)
= 3000gp of magic value = DC21. This requires 7 hours of crafting to complete.
Craft Magic Item Table
-If upgrading a magic item with additional magic, the Craft DC and time required are the same as creating the item from scratch.
-You must complete enchanting a magic item in one single sitting (even if it requires more than 8 hours).
-If you are forced to stop working, it counts as having failed the Craft check by 1.
Success: The magic item is properly created. Any Bonding Salves used are consumed. Enchanter’s Gems are drained of the requisite amount of GP in Magic Power. Arcane Prisms used are destroyed.
Failure of Check by 4 or less: Full working time wasted and spell used. Any Arcane Bonding Salves used are wasted. Enchanter’s Gems retain all magic value. Arcane Prisms remain intact.
Failure of Check by 5 or more: Full working time wasted. Spell used without success. Any Bonding Salves used are wasted. Enchanter’s Gems lose 50% of their stored magic value. Arcane Prisms are destroyed.
Working for more than a full day: If you are crafting a powerful magic item, you will have to continue crafting for more than 8 hours in a single day. After 8 hours of crafting, you must make a DC15 Endurance check, +2DC per additional hour of work. If you fail, you gain +1 Weakened Stage.
How to Add the Proper Magic:
Every magic item requires a certain type of spell to be cast as part of the creation process. The spell required varies with the type of enchantment you wish to put on the item. You can find the spell needed to craft the item at the end of each magic item’s description in Chapter 12.
If you (or a friendly caster) can cast the spell you need: The spell is cast on the item at the very beginning of the process. If the caster is not the person crafting the item, they must remain in the area for at least 10 minutes as you channel the magic into the item, after which they may leave the area.
Materials used to add Magic Power:
Arcane Bonding Salves, Arcane Prisms, Enchanter’s Gems
All of these components may be used in conjunction with one another in varying ratios to create a new magic item. Ex: A 400 gp magic armor enchantment could use 200 gp worth of power from a Bonding Salve, 100 gp of power from an Arcane Prism, and 100gp of power from an Enchanter’s Gem.
Arcane Bonding Salve - See Craft(Alchemy): Contains 200gp of Magic Power, grants +2 Alchemical Bonus to your Craft(Magic Item) check to enchant an item.
Arcane Prism - See Craft(Jeweler): Magically enhanced gemstones able to contain vast amounts of magic power, used to spread magic evenly across an item being enchanted. The prisms are set around the item while enchanting (or disenchanting). They are consumed on success, or dissolve into nothingness on a terrible failure.
Enchanter’s Gem: A gem that also stores magic power taken from disenchanted items. Enchanter’s Gems begin as ordinary gems: Any gem (low/medium/high quality) may be used as an Enchanter’s Gem.
A gem becomes an Enchanter’s Gem when a magic item is disenchanted and its magic is placed within the gem. This term is used to differentiate between a regular gem and a gem containing additional magic power.
The magic power stored within an Enchanter’s Gem is measured in GP based on the Merchant Price of whichever item was disenchanted to fill the gem with power. (See Disenchanting, below)
The base GP value of the gem IS NOT considered as part of the value of the magic power it contains, but it is added to the overall total Merchant Price of the Gem.
(The Gem retains its original value, as well as the value of the magic contained within)
Ex: A 500gp Gem containing 300gp of magic value has a Merchant Price of 800gp. -
An Enchanter’s Gem can contain a maximum GP value of magic up to the base value of the gem itself.
Ex: A 500gp Medium Quality Red Gem can contain 500gp worth of magic power. A 1000gp High Quality Green Gem can contain 1000gp worth of magic power. -
An Enchanter’s Gem can retain magic power inside it indefinitely.
An Enchanter’s Gem is never consumed or destroyed during the Magic Item creation process.
Any extra magic power in an Enchanter’s Gem beyond that needed to craft your intended magic item is retained inside the gem.
How to identify the amount of magic power in an Enchanter’s Gem:
Craft(Magic Item): DC(15[+1 per 1000gp of magic power]); Ex: Gem with 4000gp power = DC19
What is Disenchanting, and how do I do it?
Disenchanting Magic Items: Removing magic from enchanted items! Disenchanting is an exhausting process mixing science and magic.
Disenchant a magic item (Craft DC+2): Use the same Craft check DC as needed to make the original magic item with a +2 DC to the Craft(Magic Item) check in order to properly remove the magic power.
Successfully disenchanting an item leaves the base masterwork item and fills an Enchanter’s Gem with 75% of the Merchant Price of the magic power contained within, and 25% of the power is lost in the process.
Disenchanting a magic item requires a gem with enough space to contain all of the magic power you will gain from the item. You may use multiple gems as needed.
You may not Disenchant if you do not have enough gems to contain the full amount of magic power.
The disenchanting process must be completed in one sitting.
A character that disenchants more than 1 item per day, regardless of its value, must make a DC15 Perseverance check or gain +1 Weakened Stage. DC increases by +4 per additional item disenchanted each day.
Disenchanting that fails by 4 or less leaves the item’s magic intact, but the same disenchanter may not attempt to remove the magic from the item for 1 full week.
Disenchanting that fails by 5 or more leaves the item’s magic intact, but the same disenchanter may never again attempt to remove the magic from the item.
Items over 15000gp may NOT be disenchanted. The magic holds on too strongly.
Ex: Disenchanting an Amulet of Charisma+2 = 1200gp magic value. Disenchant DC21 (Craft DC19+2). Requires 420 minutes = 7 hours of time. A single High-Quality Green Gem could be used to contain all of the attainable magic power. When completed, you have a non-magical MW cloak, plus an Enchanter’s Gem with +900gp of magic crafting power stored within. (1200x0.75 = 900gp of magic power retained)
Craft a Wand (DC15+SL): Wands are magic items that provide the ability to cast a single spell multiple times.
-See the Scrolls and Wands section in Chapter 12.4 for full details.
Disable a Magic Trap (DC20+Spell Level): Disabling a Magic Trap is a Big Action that provokes AOO.
A “disabled” or “disarmed” magical trap has been effectively dispelled.
Disabling a Magic Trap requires neither tools nor CraComs; it is just extremely difficult!
CRAFT (Mechanisms) (INT/DEX)
This Craft specializes in developing and working with machinery, traps, and devices with moving parts. It is also used to disable mechanical traps and to pick locks.
Mobility Penalty
*When using Craft(Mechanisms) to build or disable a trap or other device, it is considered a Physical Skills & is affected by your Mobility Penalty. When using it to understand or analyze a device, the Mobility Penalty does not apply.
How does it work? Working with mechanisms requires mental & physical control, creativity, and patience.
-You may use your INTMod or your DEXMod for Craft(Mechanisms) checks, whichever is higher.
Note: Certain situations may require use of specifically INT or DEX at GM Discretion. For example, designing a new trap may require Intelligence, while removing a jam from a chronometer may require more manual Dexterity.
-You may use this Skill (with INT) to search for a trap on a single item or entryway within less than 5 feet.
This Skill is used to make & disable traps and locks. See below for details
What can I make with Craft(Mechanisms)?
Craft Mechanisms Charts
Timepieces: Chronometers, Clocks, and Watches: Developed by the “master tinkers” of the Gnomish societies, these items are exceptionally rare and valuable. They are generally only found in the possession of royalty, incredibly wealthy nobility, or world-class merchants. Their incredible complexity means they may only be constructed by world-class craftsmen with a clear understanding of mathematics and machinery. Because of this, they are often only found in Gnome societies, or from places that trade with Gnomes.
-Wherever these items are found, they are an ultimate status symbol, functioning as a masterwork piece of art: They can grant the owner a +3 Social Bonus in appropriate settings where visible.
-All of these time pieces can accurately tell time generally as well as a modern clock (within 1 minute).
-Crafting a time piece requires 10 times the standard crafting time.
Pendulum Clock: This large clock is generally 4-6 feet tall, with a base about 3 feet squared. These clocks cannot function on a ship or other mobile object. The clock weighs about 300 lbs, taking up 40 Storage Slots.
Marine Chronometer: This incredible device allows accurate timekeeping while on a ship or other vehicle. The chronometer takes up an area about (2’x3’x3’) 18 cubic feet, and can have various shapes within this size. The chronometer is generally secured to the deck of a ship. If separated, the chronometer weighs 70 lbs and takes up 18 Storage Slots. These clocks allow sailors to accurately measure longitude, granting a +5 Gear Bonus on all Seafaring checks (or Survival) used to determine location or heading.
Pocket Watch: This watch represents the pinnacle of mechanical ability. It grants the same bonus as the Marine Chronometer. About 4 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick, it weighs 0.5 lbs and takes up 1 Storage Slot.
Pick Locks & Disable Traps (DC as Indicated by Lock or Trap):
-You must have Thief’s Tools or a Craft(Mechanisms) Kit to attempt to disarm a mechanism without penalty. If you do not have one of these, you suffer a -5 penalty on your check.
-Every trap or lock has a listed Disable DC. If you succeed your check, you disable the mechanism.
-Disabling a lock opens it (or otherwise disengages the locking mechanism).
-Disabling a trap disarms it so that it cannot go off at all (unless it is manually reset).
-Disabling a Trap or Lock takes 1 minute (provokes AOO)
-The sound of you working to disable a mechanism can be heard with a DC15 Listen check.
-If you succeed Disabling a Trap by 5 or more, you can choose to do one of the following:
1) Bypass & Reset: Move past the trap and reset it within 3 rounds (Using a Big Action).
2) Scavenge: Dismantle and scavenge the trap, gaining 25% of its Merchant Price as CraComs.
3) Phantom Disarm: Disarm the trap permanently, but leave it looking as though it is still armed.
-If you succeed Disabling a Lock by 10 or more, you automatically succeed with a quick disable.
-If you fail disabling a mechanism by 5 or more, the trap automatically goes off or your lockpicks get stuck, requiring you to use a Big Action to get them out, making more noise (Listen DC10).
-Additional Options while Disabling:
-Silent Disable: This takes twice as long, but a DC25 Listen check is needed hear you working.
-Quick Disable: You may attempt your disable check as a Full-Round Action at +5DC. If you fail, you fail as though failing by 5 or more on the check. (The trap activates/your tools get stuck)
-Craft(Mechanisms) may only be used to disable mechanical traps and locks. Disabling Magic Traps and locks require the use of Craft(Magic Item). See Making Traps, below.
Note: Creative characters can also “Disable” other mechanical devices. Players could attempt to jam locks, sabotage gate opening devices, cripple enemy siege weapons, and more. DC is at the GM’s Discretion.
Making Traps: Craft DC = 15+Trap Level
The Trap Level is indicated in the trap table below, along with all other statistics of the trap.
The time required is 20 minutes of work per point of the Trap’s Craft DC
-Trap Merchant Price = 10x(TrapLevel2) gp -
Lvl 0.5 = 3gp, Lvl 1 = 10gp, Lvl 2 = 40gp, Lvl 3 = 90gp, Lvl 4 = 160 gp, Lvl 5 = 250gp
Lvl 6 = 360, Lvl 7 = 490 gp, Lvl 8 =640 gp, Lvl 9 = 810gp, Lvl 10 = 1000gp
Remember: The amount of CraComs needed to craft an item is half that of the Merchant Price.
Mechanical (Physical) Trap List
Mechanical Traps
Ranged Trap: Can be set to go off in any one linear direction, determined upon crafting of the trap. The actual firing point for the trap can be anywhere within 10 feet of the trigger hex.
Special: If you have a Light Crossbow and rope or string available, you can use it to create Ranged Trap 1 with a Trip-Wire Trigger in only 1 minute, and with no CraComs needed with a DC10 Craft(Mechanisms) Check.
Melee Trap: Automatically attacks any creature(s) within the hex(es) of its trigger area. No direction needed.
-Melee traps deal one type of melee weapon damage [s/p/b], chosen upon creation.
Fire Trap: Once activated, all creatures in the AoE are struck with a burst of flame. They must make the indicated REF Save or take full damage. Success indicates half damage taken. For proper AoE, begin in the listed target hex(es), then count outward from the edge of the target area the number of hexes indicated in the chart.
-You must have 50% cost in Alchemical CraComs and at least 1 Rank in Craft(Alchemy) per 2 Trap Levels.
Bear Trap (CraftDC20, Costs 50gp): This cruel mechanism is a reusable steel trap with bone-crushing metal jaws that smash together when stepped on. Bear Traps are very easy to spot unless hidden with debris. If a creature steps on the trigger and fails their REF Save, they take 1d3[s+p+b] dmg & are Hindered while trapped. If a creature takes any damage from the trap, it must make a FORT Save DC12 or get a Broken Leg. (Weight: 8 lbs, Storage Slots:6)
Placing a set Bear Trap is a Big Action (AOO). Resetting a Bear Trap is a Full-Round Action.
-This trap may be chained to a post or wall so the trapped creature cannot leave their hex. (GM Discretion) -
A Trapped Creature with two hands can make a DC10 STR check (Big Action, AOO) to open an activated Bear Trap and release a held creature. If you have the key for this trap, no STR check is required.
You may spend 1 minute to hide your Bear Trap. Roll a Survival Check to see how well you disguise your trap as follows: DC10 = Search DC10, DC15 = Search DC15, DC25 = Search DC20 (Max).
-You must find proper materials to hide your trap (GM Discretion).
-MW Bear Trap costs 300gp, DC15STR Check to open, deals 1d4[s+p+b], FORTDC13 or Broken Leg
Lifting Snare: If trapped, you are lifted upside-down 10 feet in the air by 1 leg, cannot move from your hex, and suffer -4AC. Your hands are free, and you are not helpless. You do not threaten any hexes around you. If you have a slashing weapon, you may use a Double Action (provokes AOO) to cut yourself loose. You fall to the ground and take 1 damage. Trap Craft DC12 – May be crafted in 1 hour.
Net Trap: If trapped, you are hindered and cannot move out of your hex. You may spend a Full-Round Action (provokes AOO), to free yourself from the net. An ally can cut you free with a Big Action (provokes AOO) using a slashing weapon. Trap Craft DC12 – May be crafted in 2 hours (assuming you have a net!)
Signal Flare Trap: This trap launches a small firework that glows this a red torch for 1 round then bursts with a loud bang while about 100 feet in the air. (Craft DC15. This requires at least 1 Rank in Craft[Alchemy])
Mini Loot Trap: This is a simple trap that can only be used as an Open Trigger trap. It is often found on small locked chests, and even large tomes or spellbooks.
Caltrops: While just a pile of pointed metal objects, caltrops function as one of the simplest “step-on traps” in the game.
-Caltrops are not actually a mechanical trap, and can simply be avoided or swept out of the way if noticed. They are a set 10-20 small, sharp objects made of metal, stone, or glass that always land with at least 1 pointed side facing up. Caltrops are dropped into your hex or an adjacent hex as a Swift Action. The hex is considered difficult terrain, and anyone who unknowingly steps into the hex must make a DC12 REF Save or take 1 [p] damage and their movement is ended. Their move speed is reduced by half until they receive a DC15 Heal check or 1 point of magical healing. (Spot DC10 to notice) Picking up the caltrops takes 2 Full-Round Actions. Heavy boots reduce the chance of injury by 50%.
Mechanical Traps - Trigger Types & Modifications
Trigger Area: This indicates how many adjoining hexes are capable of activating the trap. The crafter may choose to place these in a line or in a more radial shape, unless it specifically indicates a line.
Area of Effect: The hexes in which creatures will be attacked by or otherwise subject to the trap’s effects.
The trigger type does not alter the damage, AoE, Craft DC, Search DC, or Disable DC unless indicated.
Note: Whenever a Trap goes off, it is fairly loud! A Listen Check DC5 can hear a mechanical trap activate!
Press: Any creature larger than tiny size (small+) that steps on the hex automatically activates the trap. This is the standard trigger type for all traps in the trap list.
Open: The trap is placed on a door, lid to a chest, or other container. This removes the standard trigger area of the trap and places it on the door or latch. It automatically activates if opened, affecting the same AoE as listed above. If the object is capable of being carried around or moving, then the trap mechanism must be inside the object. All trap effects emanate from that object. An Open Trigger cannot be placed on a Melee Trap.
Trip: A trip trigger must be placed in a line. Any creature larger than tiny size (small+) that steps into the trigger hex automatically activates the trap. Since the trigger is a wire, it is more visible and easier to disable.
Trip Trigger = Craft DC-5, SearchDC-5, DisableDC-5, 75% Trap Price
Automatic Reset: This modification indicates that the trap will automatically reset itself 1 full round after firing. A trap with this modification may activate 5 times (using 4 resets) before it no longer functions. If this trap is “disabled,” it will not reset automatically until a manual reset occurs.
Automatic Reset = Craft DC+5, 300% Trap Price (the price is tripled)
Magic Weapons: This modification makes all attacks strike as if Magic Weapons. The trap gains +1 Enhance Bonus on Attacks and deals +1 damage per damage dice. May not be used on Fire Traps. The trap can now be found using detect magic, lesser.
Magic Weapons = Craft DC+5, Requires 3+ Ranks in Craft(Magic Item), Trap Merchant Price +300gp.
How do I set a trap after it has been made?
-If you crafted the trap in its proper location, then you can assume the trap is set upon completion.
-If you crafted the trap elsewhere, or purchased a trap:
-Setting a trap takes 1 minute of work per Trap Level. After this, the trap is considered active, or “Set.”
(Since you were obviously working in its trigger location, you may safely move out of the trigger area.)
-You may set the trap in any appropriate trigger location you can physically reach and work with your hands, and may place the “weapon” portion of it facing the desired direction as needed.
Note: Yes, you may “place” a pre-made ranged trap into the floor of a noble’s home or into a solid stone wall. While I realize this may not be entirely realistic, it simplifies game-play and allows traps to be used more tactically without requiring months of architectural reworking to do so.
Can I disable or re-enable my own trap after it has been set? Yes: Use the normal rules for disabling traps.
Note: You gain a +5 Innate Bonus on checks to disable/reset any trap you personally crafted or set.
After a trap goes off, what happens to it? Can I reset a used trap?
-A trap that has activated (or that has been disarmed) remains dormant in its location until properly reset.
Reset a used Trap (DC Same as Disable): Resetting a used trap involves re-engaging trigger mechanisms and preparing any firing mechanisms, adding ammunition, fixing consumable pieces, and so on. The time and materials needed changes depending upon both the level of the trap and the trap type:
Melee Trap: 1 minute of work per Trap Level. +10% Trap Value in CraComs or Melee Weaponry
Ranged Trap: 1 minute of work per Trap Level +20% Trap Value in CraComs or Ranged Ammunition
Fire Trap: 1 minute of work per Trap Level +25% Trap Value in Alchemy CraComs or Alchemist’s Fire
Snare/Net: 1 minute of work. No additional materials needed.
-A trap that has been disarmed (NOT activated) may be reset without the cost of additional CraComs. This allows you to have a trap on your door at home, a carriage, or other frequently used device that you set and disable on a daily basis with no need for additional materials unless someone sets it off.
Can I move or relocate a trap that I have already placed and set? No
Traps are assumed to be custom fitted into each location in which you set them. Because of this, there is no quick and easy way to remove or relocate a trap without dismantling it and losing some of the pieces in the process. You may disarm & “scavenge” a trap to recover 25% of the original value as CraComs.
How big is the actual trap device itself?
As trap damage increases, the weapons, ammunition, and mechanisms used to make these attacks must increase in size. For simplicity, assume a size of 2 Storage Slots per trap level and 2 lbs per trap level.
A trap cannot be placed on an object if the trap is more than half the size of the object.
The wall or floor has no size limit for a trap (Assuming the walls/floors are at least 12 inches thick)
Ex: A 4 Storage Slot book cannot have a level 3 trap (size = 6 Storage Slots). However, the floor next to the pedestal upon which the book was placed has no “storage limit,” so that entire hex can support a much larger trap.
CRAFT (Stonework) (INT)
This Craft specializes in working with stone to create weapons, tools, and even buildings or fortification. Stoneworkers know how to do flint-knapping and how to work with obsidian.
Stoneworking requires 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC.
Stonework is used to make stone weapons, tools, sling bullets, & projectile heads.
-When making weapons, use the Craft(Blacksmith) Chart & Craft DC. -
Stoneworking is used to make items and weapons of Obsidian and Demonic Obsidian. (see Ch7.6)
-If using Infernal Obsidian, add +7DC. (or +11DC if making a Heavy Shield or blade over 4’ long) -
If you have at least 1 Rank in Craft(Fine Arts), you may use Craft(Stonework) to make stone statues & sculptures as described in the Fine Art Skill.
Stone Architecture: Crafting buildings and large structures may require much more time & possibly teams of men to move the stone materials into place. Stonework can use the “Project Scale” rules as described in the Craft(Woodwork) Skill: Individual Scale, Party Scale, Town Scale.
Craft Stonework Chart - Sample
Speak with your GM for details. The Craft DC, time needed, materials, cost, and overall project scope will be determined on a case-by-case basis. A few samples have been shown above.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Craft (Stonework) Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Craft (Stonework): Gain a +1 Innate Bonus on Knowledge (Dungeons) & Craft(Jeweler).
-You are Fortunate on any roll made to see if a stone or obsidian tool/weapon breaks on impact.
-You are Fortunate on Climb checks when climbing upon natural or hewn stone or brick.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks in Craft(Stonework), the Innate bonuses increase to +2. Stone & obsidian weapons you wield will not break on impact. You deal +1 physical damage with stone & obsidian weapons (Innate Bonus).
You gain a +2 Innate Bonus on Attack & Damage rolls against Stone Golems & any other stone creatures.
CRAFT (Tailor) (INT)
This Craft specializes in the use of cloth & stitching to make clothing, backpacks, and other useful items. A Tailor can also work with leather to create clothing, equipment, armor, and shields.
Some things that a tailor can make include cloth (padded) armors, bandages, nearly all basic types of clothing, sails for boats, bags, bedrolls, tents, and more. A tailor can make metal fasteners, eyelets, leather straps, and other basic materials used in making normal clothing items.
Tailoring requires 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC.
-Cloth & Padded Armor DC = 10+AR -
Cloth & Padded Armor does not require any specific maintenance apart from occasional cleaning.
Leatherworking with Craft(Tailor): If you have the proper materials (leather, hide, scales, hardened leather) you may use the Tailor Skill to create things such as leather & hide armors, leather shields, gloves, vests, boots, leather helms, bags, weapon scabbards, tents, jackets, pants, clothing, and more.
If you wish to create Leather/Hide Armor or Shields, you need Hardened Leather CraComs.
The Survival Skill can be used to gather leather CraComs and to prepare Hardened Leather.
Leather/Hide Armor DC = 10+AR (+1 Medium Armor / +2 Heavy Armor)
Leather Shield DC = 10+SR (Note: Masterwork adds +5DC and 2x Crafting Time)
Leather Armor Maintenance: Leather Armor must be maintained twice per week of normal adventuring use.
Maintaining leather armor requires expenditure of 1 silver piece worth of CraComs OR you may scavenge old leather equipment. A simple Craft(Tailor) Check (DC5) is all it takes to maintain your armor.
Heavy Armor = 2 Hours, Medium Armor = 1 Hour, Light Armor = 30 minutes.
If you do not maintain your armor as indicated here, it gains the tattered condition.
How to Repair a Tattered Item or a Damaged Leather/Cloth Item (Craft DC = Original DC-5) minimum DC10:
Repairing the item requires one quarter the time needed to craft a new version of the same item, as well as a small amount of the proper material (1/10th the GP value of the base item in CraComs, min 1gp).
If successful, you may remove the tattered condition from the item.
Tailoring Leather Armor to be “Made to Fit”: A tailor may make slight adjustments to found leather armor kits so they fit the new wearer properly. Doing so requires the same work as if repairing a tattered armor kit.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Craft(Tailor) Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Craft(Tailor): You gain a +1 Innate Bonus to Heal & Sleight of Hand.
-You may maintain & repair clothing & cloth/padded/leather armor without any expenditure of CraComs.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks in Craft(Tailor), the Innate Bonuses increase to +2.
CRAFT (Woodwork) (INT)
This craft is used to make many different types of wooden and wood-hafted weapons, shields, as well as furniture, carts, boats, and buildings.
-The time required for a Woodwork project is dependent upon the scale of the project.
-For an individual project, Woodwork requires 1 hour of work per point of the item’s Craft DC.
-Woodwork can make weapons that are wood-hafted or fully wooden.
-Woodwork cannot be used to make bows, crossbows, arrows, or bolts; Those items are crafted using the Craft(Bowyer/Fletcher) Skill.
Woodworking Project Scale: While many common items made with this Skill are small and manageable, this woodworking can also be used to create objects on a much larger scale.
Craft(Woodwork) projects may be organized into 3 categories based on project scale:
Individual Scale: 1 hour per Craft DC. These items are made with the efforts of a single woodworker.
Party Scale: 1 hour per craft DC. These items require assistance from of a small group of workers (the main woodworker +3 assistants) to be completed in this time. You can add additional assistants as per the normal craft rules to speed up your time normally. Without any assistants, an individual can complete the project, but in four times the allotted time. The Craft Check is made daily by the head craftsperson.
Town Scale: 1 day per craft DC. These items require the efforts of a large group of workers being overseen by the primary woodworker (at least 20 assistants). For every 5 additional assistants, you may reduce the time by 10%. For every 1 assistant less than required, the time needed to complete the project increases by +20%. With only 5 or fewer assistants, you cannot make any progress on the project.
The Craft Check is made daily by the head craftsperson. If successful, you make 1 full day of progress. 1 day is 8 hours of work. A DC15 check on Town Scale requires 15 successful days of work.
Note: This scale system may also be used for projects using Stonework or other Craft Skills.
Wood Architecture: Use of the Woodwork skill to craft buildings and large structures requires assistance and is always going to be on party or town scale. You will need assistance from others in order to move and secure timbers for large projects. Communication between the player and GM is necessary. Skill DC, time needed, materials, cost, and overall project scope is to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Boats and Ships: The woodworking skill can be combined with the Seafaring Skill to make boats and ships. The boats and ships presented in the chart above are presented as guidelines to assist players and GMs in rulings for such grand projects. Large boats, warships, and transport vessels could often take dozens of workers months to complete. See the Seafaring Skill for details.
Siege Engines: You may be able to craft catapults, ballistae, or other siege weapons by combining your Woodwork & Mechanisms crafting skills. A sample DC & cost has been added into the Woodwork Chart, but the rules & use of such massive weapons of war are left to GM discretion.
Craft Woodwork Chart - Sample
-Masterwork adds +5DC. How the Masterwork crafting affects large scale projects is left to GM Discretion.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Craft(Woodwork) Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Craft(Woodwork):
-You gain a +1 Innate Bonus on Survival and Craft(Bowyer/Fletcher). You may add another +5 Craft DC to a Masterwork Shield to grant it an additional +5 Hit Points. (This only works for shields wielded by player characters.)
-You may maintain & repair wooden shields without any expenditure of CraComs.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks in Craft(Woodwork), the granted bonuses increase to +2. You repair double the normal HP when working on wooden shields, ships, equipment, and structures.
CRAFT (Diplomacy) (CHA)
How does it work?
-You must speak the same language. (You may attempt Diplomacy using a language you don’t speak with the aid of the Linguistics Skill and a -5 Penalty on your Diplomacy check.)
-The target must have an Intelligence score of at least 5.
The Diplomacy Skill is directly opposed by Diplomacy when dealing with Player Characters and some NPCs.
-Diplomacy does not work on Animal or creatures with INT0-5.
Making a Diplomacy check generally takes 1 minute. You present your idea, respond to basic questions, and have a small conversation about the topic. Time required may be modified at GM Discretion.
Diplomacy may be used whenever you wish to get someone to see your own point of view. Someone arguing against this point should make an opposed check.
If nobody is attempting to directly resist, then the GM should use the standard Skill Check DC (10=Easy/15=Medium/20=Hard/25=Very Hard) to determine how well the player’s point was made:
Success indicates that your point was heard and seems reasonable; it may change some minds.
Success by 5 or more indicates that your point was made and it makes more sense than the opinions or ideas the other characters previously held.
Failure by 4 or less indicates that your point was heard, but those listening retain their original viewpoint.
Failure by 5 or more indicates that your argument has backfired, and those listening have more reason to resist than before you spoke.
Use Diplomacy to sway the attitude of an NPC.
The chart below indicates the starting attitude of the NPC, as well as the Check DC needed to improve their attitude towards you and your companions.
Using Diplomacy to Change NPC Attitude
-Regardless of your result, you may not try changing a person’s attitude more than once per scene!
-You cannot continue making checks to raise the attitude higher and higher. Once you try it once, your results remain!
-A Boss NPC may oppose changing their attitude with Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Intimidate, or a WILL Save.
What does the NPC Attitude mean?
NPC Attitude: How are you perceived by those around you? Do they like you? Do they want to kill you?
Hostile: The character wishes you harm, and will likely attack if given the opportunity. Characters that do not believe they can win a fight may use bureaucracy or deceit to make life more difficult for you. They may be willing to hire someone to do you harm.
Unfriendly: The character does not want you around, and may try to scare you off, but will not be directly violent unless provoked. If given the chance to trick you or steal money from you, they probably will.
Indifferent: The character has no positive or negative feelings towards you. They generally do not care about what you do, so long as they are unaffected. Most NPC peasants and townsfolk will be indifferent to you.
Friendly: The character will be pleasant with you, and may try to help you out if possible. Depending on their own abilities and the situation, they may be willing to fight with you in combat.
Helpful: The character wants to help you. If they can fight, they will aid you in combat.
-A character/creature will never be so helpful that they would sacrifice themselves for foolish reasons, nor so hostile that they would run blindly into a slaughter.
Settle Party Disputes (Opposed Checks):
When a party is at an impasse, have the characters present their plans to the others, then roll opposed Diplomacy checks. The winning character presents their plan in the most well thought out way
GM Note: Allow players to discuss and role-play before reaching this solution. Remember, a character with a 20 Charisma is usually far more persuasive than the person playing them, so sometimes you need the roll to make the character work properly. If a player asks for the roll because they cannot think of the right thing to say, but their character could, then allow them to do so. This can be done in situations with NPCs as well.
-While generally useless in combat, this Skill can be used in nearly every situation involving NPCs, party decisions, and distribution of party wealth. This can be a very powerful “fight avoider” or even a “fight starter,” if used creatively.
Haggle Over Prices (Opposed Checks): Each character involved in the haggle rolls a Diplomacy check:
If you win the check, you reduce the Merchant Price by 10% (or increase your Trade Value by 10%)
If you win the check by 5+, you reduce the Merchant Price by 20% (or increase your Trade Value by 20%)
If you lose by 5+, the Trade Value may be reduced to as low as 20%, the Merchant Price may be increased to up to 200%, or the character may simply decline to buy/sell items to you because you have offended them!
Haggling with Diplomacy – Clarifications & Other Info:
You may not haggle over the same item multiple times with the same vendor.
(Ex: You can’t continue haggling until you finally get a result you desire.) -
You may attempt a single check to buy/sell a group of items, or a single check for one specific item.
A successful check cannot reduce the Merchant Price under 80%, nor gain a Trade Value above 80%.
GM & Roleplay Info: Player characters having a good rapport with a merchant, a trustworthy business arrangement, or a previous friendship may be allowed to bring the starting Trade Value to a maximum of 75%.
Haggling with business associates or friends may make you seem ungrateful or distrustful, reducing the 75% base price back down towards 50% if you fail.
A bad history with a merchant could increase the Merchant Price by up to 150%, or perhaps even to the point where they refuse to do business. Your Trade Value could start as low as 20%, or be refused entirely.
Supply and demand can vastly alter the cost of items in certain locales! (GM’s Discretion)
-GM Note: This is an important Skill for NPC merchants! Any merchant or trader that players encounter must have at least 5 Ranks in Diplomacy and at least +1 or +2 from Ability Modifiers, for a minimum of +6 on Diplomacy checks. Respectable merchants in bigger cities should scale reasonably, having bonuses of at least +10 or higher.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the Diplomacy Skill:
If you have 10+ Ranks in Diplomacy: You gain a +1 Innate Bonus to Sense Motive & Knowledge(Civ).
-Rapid Diplomacy: You may attempt a Diplomacy check with a -5 penalty as a Double Action (AOO) to try to improve the attitude of your target by 1 step. If combat has already started, the penalty increases to -10.
*Note: GM Discretion may determine if this check is opposed or if using Diplomacy is simply impossible.
-EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks in Diplomacy, the Innate Bonus to these Skills increases to +2. Successful use of your Rapid Diplomacy may improve the attitude of your target by up to 2 steps.
Handle Animal (WIS)
-You use body language and vocalizations to interact with and alter the attitude of Animals.
-Exotic or unfamiliar animals, sick animals, trained animals such as guard dogs and family pets, or specially bonded animals may cause the DC to increase by +5 or more, depending on the situation. (GM Discretion)
Sense Animal Intent (DC10): Big Action, No AOO. You must be able to clearly observe or interact with the animal. Success on this check indicates the attitude of the animal. Success by 5+ indicates information such as if the creature is scared, injured, sick, protecting offspring, guarding territory, hungry, looking for a mate, etc.
Affect the Attitude of an Animal:
Making a Handle Animal check to change an Animal’s Attitude generally takes 1 minute of time.
You must be within 30 feet of the animal.
Use the starting attitude of the Animal and compare that to your Handle Animal check result as indicated in the chart below to determine the Animal’s new attitude.
Using Handle Animal to Change Animal Attitude
-Note that a low Handle Animal Check can negatively shift the attitude of an Animal!
-Most animals encountered in nature start with an Unfriendly attitude towards PCs.
-Handle Animal may be used to affect the attitude creatures apart from the Animal Type that have a 1-5 INT Score, but you take a -5 penalty when doing so.
-Note: An indifferent animal may let you approach, and possibly even touch it if familiar with civilization. An unfriendly animal will likely attack or run away if you attempt to touch it.
Quick Attitude Shift: You may take a -5 penalty on your Handle Animal check to attempt to shift an Animal’s Attitude as a Full-Round Action that provokes AOO.
-Regardless of your result, you may not try changing an animal’s attitude more than once within a scene.
-See the Diplomacy Skill (Ch 4.5a) to understand exactly what each Attitude represents.
Handle Animal as Intimidate: The Handle Animal Skill may be used in place of the Intimidate Skill when dealing with creatures of the Animal type.
Rear from Birth (DC15+Adult Animal Level): Requires at least 2 years, animal must have been acquired as a baby/youth. After this time, the animal is considered domesticated. Automatically includes 2 Tricks.
Semi-Domesticate (DC20+Adult Animal Level): This allows you to treat a wild animal as if nearly domesticated. This takes 6 weeks of intense work with the animal. (Time may be altered at GM Discretion). While nearly domesticated, all future checks made to train or command this animal are made at +2DC.
-If you attack or harm an allied semi-domesticated animal, it will defend itself and become unfriendly to you, and will likely run away if it gets the chance.
Animals and Tricks: Tricks are specific individual actions that can be performed by animals upon command.
-You must be within 30 feet of an animal to command it to do a trick. (Up to 100 feet with +5 DC)
-Animal Companions may be commanded at any distance if they can properly see or hear the command.
-An animal can learn up to 2 tricks per point of intelligence.
-Trick commands suffer +2DC if the animal is wounded, or +5DC if Injured.
Command an animal to do a trick (DC10): The animal does a known trick. (Big Action, no AOO)
Command a domesticated animal to do a trick or action it has NOT learned, but could physically do (DC25): The animal will do the trick you desire if your check is successful. (Big Action, Provokes AOO)
Command a wild animal to do a trick (Trick DC+10): You can command an indifferent or friendly wild animal to do any one of the tricks listed below. +2DC if the animal is wounded. (Big Action, Provokes AOO)
-You may command a helpful wild animal with only a +5 penalty to your Trick DC.
Teach an Animal a Trick (DC as Listed) – Animals must be domesticated before they may learn tricks.
-You teach an animal a specific trick with one week of work and a successful Handle Animal check against the indicated DC. Possible Tricks include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
Attack (DC 20): The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a specific creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks.
Come (DC 15): The animal comes to you, even if it normally would not do so.
Defend (DC 20): The animal defends you (or is ready to defend you if no threat is present), even without any command being given. Alternatively, you can command the animal to defend a specific other character.
Down (DC 15): The animal breaks off from combat or otherwise backs down. An animal that doesn’t know this trick continues to fight until it must flee (due to injury, a fear effect, or the like) or its opponent is defeated.
Fetch (DC 15): The animal goes and gets something. If you do not point out or indicate a specific item, the animal may fetch a random object.
Guard (DC 20): The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.
Heel (DC 15): The animal follows you closely, even to places where it normally wouldn’t go.
Perform (DC 15): The animal performs a variety of simple tricks, such as sitting, rolling over, roaring, barking, etc.
Seek (DC 15): The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate. You may be able to train your animal to seek out a particular substance, smell, or type of object.
Stay (DC 15): The animal stays in place, waiting for you to return. It does not challenge other creatures that come by, though it still defends itself if it needs to.
Track (DC 20): The animal tracks the scent presented to it. (This requires the animal to have the scent ability)
Work (DC 15): The animal pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load in a desired direction.
Combat Training (DC20): This takes 6 weeks, and automatically assumes you teach the animal the following 6 tricks: Attack, Come, Down, Heel, Stay, Work. This also helps the animal control natural instincts and get used to combat noises, allowing it to avoid fleeing in most combat situations or if confronted with a natural predator.
Swift Command (+10DC): You may give an animal a command as a Swift Action.
Synergy - Special Benefits of the HANDLE ANIMAL SKILL:
-A character with 10+ Ranks in Handle Animal gains a +1 Innate Bonus to Knowledge(Nature) and Ride.
EXPERT LEVEL: At 15+ Ranks, these Innate Bonuses are increased to +2.
Heal (INT)
Using this Skill requires 2 free hands. You must be adjacent to someone to help them with this Skill.
Certain checks using this Skill may only be attempted if you possess a certain number of Ranks.
Any time the Healer works on a Patient, such as when applying a bandage or salve, both the Healer and the Patient provoke AOO for the duration of the treatment (unless otherwise indicated).
The Heal Skill cannot heal more than 50% of the Total HP of a creature per day.
Ex: A creature with 24 HP cannot be healed more than +12HP per day using the Heal Skill.
Exception: If a creature has been healed previously and then is damaged again in another combat, you may heal up to half the additional damage taken from the secondary incident.
Heal Hit Points (or Stop Bleeding): No minimum Ranks needed
Out of Combat (DC10): Takes 1 minute, heals +1d4 HP. Involves basic wrapping of a wound.
In-Combat (DC15): This can be completed as a Full-Round Action by the Healer, heals +1d4 HP.
-For every 5 points by which you beat the DC, the character heals an additional +1d4 HP. -
Requires 1 bandage or 1 healing salve or 2sp worth of cloth.
You may use this ability on yourself at +2DC.
Reminder: Healing +X HP also reduces any Bleed damage by X per round. -
Failure wastes the bandage and doesn’t help the Patient. You may try again with a new bandage.
A character with 5+ Ranks in Heal can complete In-Combat healing as a Big Action (AOO).
Recover from Poison or Weakened Stages (DC20): Requires Minimum 3 Ranks
Out of Combat ONLY: Takes 5 minutes to complete
Requires specialized topical application of two healing salves, as well as clean water and washcloths.
The patient must be lying down and undressed. If successful, the poison is neutralized. The Patient recovers up to 2 Weakened Stages and removes any negative conditions caused by the poison.
If the roll fails, you cannot try again. You may not treat yourself for these afflictions.
-You may complete this in 30 seconds if you succeed by 5+ -
You may only be affected by this treatment once per day
Detect/Identify a Poison or Disease affecting a Character (DC15): Requires Minimum 1 Rank
Out of Combat (DC15): Takes 1 minutes to complete. Involves looking over and checking the Patient’s eyes, pulse rate, temperature, etc. If successful, you determine if the Patient is poisoned, diseased, both, or neither. You may then try a Craft(alchemy) check for poison or Knowledge(GM’s choice) for disease to determine the exact type of affliction (usually DC20). You may use this ability on yourself.
In-Combat (DC20): Big Action, provokes AOO. You quickly look over and assess a creature within your natural reach. Success indicates if the Patient has been affected with a poison or disease, but no further information can be determined. You may use this ability on yourself.
Remove Disease or Curse (DC25): Requires Minimum 5 Ranks
Out of Combat ONLY: Takes 3 hours to complete
Requires specialized topical application of two healing salves, as well as clean water and washcloths.
The Patient must be lying down and undressed. If successful, the Patient may make a new FORT Save to fight off the affliction/curse with a +5 Innate Bonus. For every 5 points you beat the Heal check DC, they gain an additional +1 Innate Bonus on their Save. If they make the Save, they are no longer afflicted.
If either your check or the Save roll fails, you cannot try again. You may not treat yourself for these afflictions. A Curse or Disease caused by spell of SL6+ cannot be overcome in this manner.
Treat a Broken Limb (DC15) or Broken Ribs(DC20): Requires Minimum 1 Rank
Out of Combat ONLY: Takes 1 minute to complete
Requires application of a bandage and splint (or a similarly fashioned device).
Success reduces the penalties of a Broken Bone. You may retry using a new bandage.
-Reduce any AC Penalty caused by the Broken Bone by 1.
-A treated Broken Arm allows you to hold items in that arm, but cannot attack with them.
-A treated Broken Leg allows you to stand as a Big Action. -
All other penalties for the broken limb remain until it fully heals.
Treated broken bones heal after 1 full week of in-game time. (or 1 month if untreated)
-Note: Magical healing is the only way to quickly cure broken bones.
Determine Health Level – Creature Health Assessment (Swift Action, no AOO): Requires Minimum 1 Rank
You visually assess any one creature you can see clearly and attempt to determine their health level.
Using this ability on unfamiliar creatures incurs a +5DC penalty. You may not use this ability to assess undead creatures or any creatures immune to critical hits.
Heal as a Craft Skill: Requires Minimum 1 Rank
The Heal Skill can craft the following items exactly as if you had the appropriate Ranks in the listed Craft Skill. You require CraComs and the appropriate tools to do so. A description of each item is provided below.
Healing Salve: Craft(Alchemy) – Craft DC15 – Application automatically reduces Bleed damage by 2. Anyone treating the patient gains a +3 Alchemical Bonus on all Heal checks for 1 hour. Cost: 3 gp / 1 Slot / 0.25 lbs
Bandage (x10): Craft(Tailor) – Craft DC10 - Needed for most basic Heal checks. Most commonly used to heal 1HP and reduce bleeding. Cost per 10 Bandages: 1 gp / 1 Slot / 1 lbs
Antitoxin: Craft(Alchemy) – Craft DC10 - Grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to FORT Saves against all toxins and poisons for 1 hour. Cost: 5 gp / 1 Slot / 0.25 lbs
Hide (INT/WIS)
Clothing Color Dependent
-You may use your INTMod or your WISMod for Hide checks, whichever is higher.
-The Hide Skill is directly opposed by Spot.
-This Skill is generally used in conjunction with the Move Silently Skill when a character is sneaking (see below).
-For each size category under Medium, you gain +4 Innate Bonus (size) on Hide and Move Silently Checks.
-For each size category over Medium, you suffer a -4 penalty on Hide and Move Silently Checks.
-You need Cover or Concealment to hide.
-If someone has absolutely no idea who you are and no reason to perceive you as a threat or intruder, then you may not actually have to hide from them at all!
Note: If you have a weapon drawn, most people who are not your allies will perceive you as a threat!
Note: Depending on the vision type and light level, the ability to have concealment changes drastically. Keep this in mind when attempting to determine if a character can hide, as well as whether a creature is spotted! A thief may hide from a human within the middle of a dimly lit room, but a dwarf with nocturnal vision would see them immediately!
Using the Hide Skill:
-You may make a Hide check if you meet one of the following conditions:
1) You have some amount of Cover or Concealment
2) You are positioned behind the observing creature (GM Discretion)
3) The observing creature is distracted
-You cannot Hide from a creature while being directly observed by that creature.
Creatures who directly observe you can see you until you gain total cover/concealment from them, after which point you may attempt to hide from them as well. Being directly observed means the creature has seen you and has some reason to want to keep watching you. (Example Reasons: You are a known enemy, they will lose their job if someone gets past them, you are an ally and they want to keep you safe, you look familiar, you just did something weird, etc)
-If you end your turn without Cover or Concealment, you are not hiding.
Creatures may still fail to notice you based on their Spot checks due to penalties such as long range or being distracted.
-If you act against a person who is unaware of your presence, they will be flat-footed. (See Surprise Rounds, Ch9.1a) You cannot be interrupted by a creature that is unaware of your presence.
-If you begin your turn hidden from a creature and end your turn with Cover or Concealment (or the creature is distracted), you may continue hiding from that creature. (Ex: Moving from cover to cover)
Note: If you are unsure about cover or concealment, ask your GM to help by saying something like “I want to move closer while remaining hidden from the ogre… is there anything I could hide behind?”
Hiding in Crowds: A crowd of people automatically provides cover and concealment. You must be at least 20 feet from your opponent in a crowd to try to hide from them. If the distance is reduced to less than 20 feet, you are treated as having lost cover and concealment. (If the person is distracted, you could get even closer!)
Hiding above Eye Level: A character in a tree or other position 20+ feet above the ground may be granted a +2 Tactical Bonus on their Hide check, provided the enemy has not specifically indicated searching above them.
Hiding and Coloration: Clothing Color and Skin/Fur Color can increase or decrease a Hide check.
Matching colors grant you a Gear Bonus to your Hide check. Contrasting colors cause a penalty. Use the generic color scheme of the character’s outfit. Use the information below as a guide:
Matching Coloration: +2 Gear Bonus (Patterns and hues similar to surroundings)
Low Contrast: +0 (Average Clothing)
Medium Contrast: -2 Penalty (Some colors notably different from surroundings)
High Contrast/Obviously Different: -5 Penalty (Things such as shiny plate armor, a bright orange outfit in a forest, a creature whose body emits light, or a bright red outfit in the snow or a desert)
-A specialized camouflage suit for a specific area may also allow you to be Fortunate on Hide checks in a specific type of terrain. Excellent camouflage clothing (such as a ghillie suit) may grant light concealment (20%) at distances over 50 feet, even after being spotted! (GM Discretion)
GM Note: The above information is provided as a set of samples - Be reasonable! Characters wearing a mix of standard colors (green/tan/black/metal gear) will generally be in the “standard+0” category. However, in some high society situations, this may be notably out of the ordinary. Do not over-penalize, but also do not allow a character to gain a massive bonus just for having a green or white shirt. Players who actively dress to match their surroundings should be rewarded.
Change of Clothes: If you can change your outfit while out of line of sight, you may be granted a bonus to your Hide check made to escape those searching for you who saw you in the previous outfit. (GM’s discretion)
Sneaking – Using Hide & Move Silently
Sneaking indicates actively trying to avoid detection using the Hide and Move Silently Skills.
You must use a Big Action to start sneaking. You may move up to half of your normal move rate when you take this action.
-Moving at or below half speed allows you to use Hide and Move Silently without penalty.
When you begin sneaking, make a Hide and/or Move Silently check.
-Other creatures must beat your Move Silently check with a Listen check to hear you moving.
-Other creatures must beat your Hide check with a Spot check to see you.
Once you have started sneaking, you may remain sneaking on consecutive turns without spending an action.
-You remain sneaking on consecutive turns until you voluntarily stop sneaking (no action needed) or…
You automatically stop Sneaking if you do any of the following: If you do these actions, you will most likely be immediately “observed” by all creatures within line of sight who are not distracted.
Move faster than your normal move speed (Run, Climb Faster, etc)
Make a Melee Attack or Combat Maneuver
Cast a spell with Verbal (V) and Somatic (S) components
Mount or ride a horse or other animal
If you do the following, you take the listed penalty on your Hide & Move Silently checks until your next Turn:
Move faster than half speed, up to your normal move speed: -5
Make a Jump&Sprint check or an Acrobatics check: -5
Take Hit Point damage or roll a REF Save: -5
Make a Ranged Attack: -10
Cast a spell without Somatic components: -5 (Do not forget On-Cast Effects! The Listen Check required to hear the Verbal Component of a spell is DC0)
Any other creature may make a new check to hear or see you if you do one of these actions!
If you are sneaking and take no actions you gain a +2 Focus Bonus on your Hide & Move Silently checks. You may use the Survey Action and still gain this bonus.
Sneaking in Story Gameplay: As opposed to turn-by-turn checks and penalties, story gameplay can use a single sneaking check (hiding or and/or moving silently) for each “scene.” Sneaking across the yard may be one check, then sneaking into the house may be another check, and sneaking upstairs into the bedroom may be a third check. (Don’t make a character roll dozens of checks to complete one minor task!)
Note: This is NOT a video game, so you don’t “pop out of stealth mode” when you are discovered! In fact, you will have no idea you’ve been discovered or not unless someone directly acknowledges you. A crafty enemy may hear you creeping up on them and stealthily draw a weapon of their own to attack you when you make your move!
Intimidate (CHA/STR)
You may use your CHAMod or your STRMod for Intimidate checks, whichever is higher.
-Even though this Skill may sometimes use a Physical Ability Modifier, it is never affected by your Mobility Penalty.
-The Intimidate Skill is directly opposed by Sense Motive or Intimidate.
Your target may choose to roll a WILL Save in place of the opposed check (DC = Enemy Intimidate Check).
Intimidate is language dependent. If you do not speak the language of your target, you suffer a -2 penalty on your Intimidate check. Creatures with no language (such as animals) do not suffer this penalty.
You and the target you wish to intimidate must have line of sight to one another.
-At GM Discretion, Intimidate may be used without line of sight, but with at least a -5 penalty on the check.
Demoralize a Single Opponent (Opposed Check): Big Action, provokes AOO.
You select a single target within 30 feet to affect with your intimidation.
If successful, your target is frightened for 1d4 rounds. (+1 round if you beat their check by 5 or more)
If you beat the opponent’s check by 20, they are terrified for the same duration.
Demoralize a Group of Opponents (Opposed Check): Big Action, provokes AOO.
You attempt to demoralize all foes within a 20-foot radius who can see and hear you.
You roll one single intimidate check. Each character you attempt to affect rolls an opposed check.
If you are outnumbered by your opponents (or otherwise seem clearly outmatched), then your GM may grant your opponents a +1 to +5 Innate Bonus on their opposed checks to resist your intimidation.
If successful, each enemy is frightened for 1d4 rounds. (+1 round if you beat their check by 5 or more)
If you fail, all the intended targets gain a +1 Morale Bonus on Attack Rolls against you for 1d4 Rounds.
Animals, creatures with animalistic (survival) motivations, and creatures with an INT score of 5 or lower will usually leave the area when frightened by an intimidation check! (They run away instead of fighting)
“Tell me what you know!" - Using Intimidation to get information or make someone do something:
Force Action (Non-combat Ability, Opposed Check): You must be within 20 feet of your target. Using this ability takes 1 minute. If you win an opposed check, the intimidated character will answer 1 question (with a fair amount of detail), or they will complete a single requested activity (cast a spell, go meet someone, get an item from their desk, etc). If you win by 5 or more, the target will answer up to 3 questions. If you win by 10 or more, they will tell or do whatever they can to assist you (within reason). If you lose this check by 5 or more, your target will give you incorrect or devious information, or possibly become hostile or physically aggressive. (GM Discretion!)
-GM Note: A Player Character should never know the actual value of their target’s opposed check!
Intimidate Skill – Additional Clarifications & Limitations:
Intimidation is a Mind-Affecting Fear effect; any bonuses or immunities to Fear apply to Saves & checks against Intimidate.
A target that cannot see or hear you clearly may gain a bonus to their opposed check at GM Discretion.
Only the aggressor who starts the Intimidate check can cause negative conditions. Even if the defending creature wins the opposed check, the aggressor suffers no penalties from losing the check.
If your target wins the Opposed Check or Save, they may not be affected by your intimidation for the duration of the scene.
After being intimidated, the Attitude of your target towards you drops one step! This only occurs after you have acquired the selected information or after the demoralization wears off.
Intimidating Wild Animals: If dealing with a wild animal or similar beasts, you may choose to use the Handle Animal Skill in place of the Intimidate Skill to Force Action or Demoralize an Opponent.
Jump & Sprint (STR, Mobility Penalty)
-A Jump&Sprint Check takes place as part of the movement involving the jump or sprint.
-If you fail any Jump&Sprint check by 5+, you fall prone in an appropriate hex (GM Discretion). If you were jumping across a span or chasm, you fall in.
Size Penalty: For every size category over medium, you suffer a -2 penalty on all Jump&Sprint checks.
Long Jump & Vertical Leap (DC Varies):
-If you do NOT have at least a 10-foot running start, add +5DC
-You cannot jump farther than your land Movement Speed (unless leaping downwards)
-The DC for a jump check is determined by the GM. The values may be adjusted at GM discretion.