Weapon Categories
Weapons are sorted into categories based on purpose, training, and size.
Melee Weapons are designed and intended to be wielded in hand-to-hand combat.
Ranged Weapons are designed and intended to strike a target well beyond your natural reach.
​Simple Weapon: Simple weapons are easy to build and require little training to use effectively. They usually deal only one type of damage and threaten critical hits much less frequently than martial weapons.
All PC and NPC classes are proficient with simple weapons.
Martial Weapon: Martial weapons are the hardy weapons of war used by most armies and warriors. These weapons require a decent level of training and are exceptionally lethal. Many martial weapons have special designs that allow them to pierce armor, deal extra damage, or be used for certain tactical maneuvers.
Light Weapon: Small, nimble weapons that are suited to agile fighters and extremely close combat. Light weapons are held and wielded in one hand and are the easiest weapons to conceal or use in an off-hand.
Drawing or sheathing a Light Weapon may be done as a Little Action (Provokes AOO).
A Strike with a Light Weapon deals damage as a Basic Attack. (Weapon+STRMod)
All light weapons are finesse weapons. Light Weapons cannot be swung in a two-handed manner.
1-Handed Weapon: Weapons suited for battlefield use that can also be carried or worn without much hassle.
Designed for use in one hand, these weapons leave a hand free to wield a shield or hold other items.
Drawing or sheathing a 1-Handed Weapon may be done as a Little Action (Provokes AOO)
A strike with a 1-Handed Weapon deals damage as a Basic Attack. (Weapon+STRMod)
Many 1-handed weapons may be swung in a 2-handed manner to strike as a Heavy Attack.
2-Handed Weapon: These are large weapons of war, designed for use on the battlefield in open areas. When carried about during travel, the weapon may be held in only one hand, but in combat you must use both hands to attack properly. You may switch your hold on a weapon from 1 to 2 hands (or vice versa) as a Free Action.
Drawing a 2-Handed Weapon may be done as a Little Action (Provokes AOO)
Sheathing a 2-Handed Weapon is a Big Action. Some of these weapons are too large to be sheathed.
A strike with a 2-Handed Melee Weapon deals damage as a Heavy Attack. (Weapon+[STRModx1.5])
Ex: A character with 18 STR (+4 STRMod) wielding a Greatsword deals 2d6+6 damage (2d6+[4x1.5])
Finesse Weapon: Weapons with the Finesse property allow a player to use their DEXMod instead of their STRMod when making melee Attack Rolls. All light weapons are considered finesse weapons.
-Without the Finesse property, you must use your STRMod for Attack Rolls with melee weapons.
Thrown Weapon: A weapon thrown using only the power of your arms; deals damage as a Basic Attack.
Ranged Weapon: Ranged weapons send deadly projectiles long distances, generally relying on mechanical advantage to add power beyond that of a throwing weapon. Ranged Weapons deal only the listed weapon damage; your STRMod does not alter Ranged Attack damage. Reloading a Ranged Weapon provokes AOO.
Weapon Categories
Material: M = Metal, W = Wood, WH = Wood Hafted
Damage: Your weapon deals this much damage on a successful hit.
Light & One-Handed Attacks add +STRMod to damage (negative STRMod is not applied)
Two-Handed Weapons add +(1.5xSTRMod) to damage (negative STRMod is not applied)
Critical: Critical Threat / Critical Multiplier
If you roll a Nat20 on your Attack Roll, your damage can be multiplied x2 as a Critical Hit. Some weapons may show extra numbers (like “19-20”) meaning they can score Critical Hits if you roll a 19 or 20 on your attack. Weapons that show a bigger multiplier (like “x3”) deal even more damage when you score a Critical hit.
Throw Range: The thrown Range Increment. If none is listed, the weapon cannot be thrown properly.
Thrown Ranged attacks beyond the listed Range Increment suffer a -2 penalty per extra increment.
Weight: How much the weapon weighs in pounds.
Damage Type: Weapons can deal slashing [s], piercing [p], or bludgeoning [b] physical damage.
Some weapons can deal either one of two types of damage [s/p]. Choose before you strike.
Some weapons deal two types of damage at the same time [s+b]. Choose the best option after you strike.
Some weapons have multiple striking options on the head of the weapon. The optional striking heads are indicated as “A” and “B,” followed by appropriate details. All weapon damage is Physical Damage.
Full details on using weapons to attack and deal damage are found in Ch 9 - Attacks & Dealing Damage, p???
Cost: The Merchant Price in GP. (A weapon purchased from a store or smith includes a simple sheath)
Special Traits & Info: Any weapon traits, special abilities, or additional details may be listed here.
-All Weapon Statistics in the tables are for a Medium Sized wielder (unless indicated otherwise).
Simple Weapons - Melee
Simple Melee - Light
Simple Melee - One-Handed
Simple Melee - Two-Handed
Weapon costs may vary in certain areas or societies. If metals are uncommon, wooden, stone, or obsidian may be much cheaper and much more common. (GM Discretion)
Martial Weapons - Melee
Light Martial Melee Weapons
One-Handed Martial Melee Weapons
Two-Handed Martial Melee Weapons
NOTE - Weapons dealing other types of damage: Weapons indicate the damage type normally inflicted by the weapon. However, weapons may be able to deal a different type of damage if wielded in a different manner.
-Ex: Any weapon with a sharpened blade could be used to deal Slashing (S) damage, a pointed end could deal Piercing (P) damage, and a haft, pommel, crossguard, or hilt could be used to deal Bludgeoning (B) damage.
-At the GM’s discretion, weapons may be used to deal a feasible alternative damage type by taking a -2 Attack Penalty. The strike deals damage as if 2 size categories smaller, and only scores a critical hit of 20/x2.
Weapon Traits – List & Explanations
Anti-Armor: Grants a +1 Gear Bonus on Attack Rolls against foes in Medium or Heavy Armor (Natural AR5+)
-Strikes bypass the Damage Resistance of armors listed as having DR/AA
-If made of adamantine, these weapons also bypass DR/AAA
Anti-Shield: +1 Gear Bonus on Attack Rolls against enemies wielding shields & +1 against Active Parry attempts.
Carried: This weapon cannot be “stowed” or “sheathed” in any way. It must always be carried in your hands. Most pole weapons may be used like walking sticks while traveling.
-These weapons may be tied onto pack carriages and saddles upon larger creatures such as horses.
Close Threat: This trait can only be found on Reach weapons. A Close Threat Reach weapon does not suffer the standard -4 penalty for attacks within your Natural Reach.
Cumbersome: You suffer a -2 Mobility Penalty any time you have the weapon; wielded or stored. These weapons are large and difficult to maneuver, or perhaps just easily catch on things while you move.
Deadly Grapple: This weapon grants a +2 Gear Bonus on Wrestling Checks when used to “Deal damage in a Grapple” (but not for starting a grapple). When dealing damage in a grapple, it deals the listed amount of damage.
Disarm: If an enemy attacks you with a wielded melee weapon and rolls a Nat1, you may spend a Reaction with this weapon to attempt a Disarm Wrestling Maneuver against them. Your Wrestling Check opposed by enemy Wrestling/Acrobatics. If you win, they drop their weapon OR you may grab it if you have a free hand.
Dismount: This weapon grants a +2 Gear Bonus on any check to Dismount a foe. If you strike a Mounted Rider with this weapon, you may spend a Reaction to attempt to Dismount them: Roll a Wrestling Check opposed by their Ride check. If your Wrestling check wins, the foe is dismounted. If the Ride check wins, nothing else happens.
Double: A character proficient with a Double weapon can elect to strike with either end of the weapon whenever they make an Attack Roll. Double weapons are 2-handed weapons which normally deal damage as Heavy Attacks.
-Fighting Defensively with a Double Weapon grants a Shield Rating of 1.
-Attacks with alternating ends of a Double Weapon only suffer a -1 Consecutive Attack Penalty (-1 C.A.P.)
-Any enchantment applied to a Double Weapon applies to both ends of the weapon.
-Each striking portion of the weapon may be made of different special materials (If plausible: GM Discretion)
-Stats for each end of the weapon are indicated as “A” and “B,” followed by appropriate details.
Expert: The extra weapon traits or abilities listed after this trait are only available to characters who have specially trained in the use of this weapon.
Fearsome: Grants a +2 Gear Bonus on Intimidate checks against creatures your size or smaller. Similar sized creatures also wielding Fearsome weapons ignore this bonus.
Feint: You gain a +2 Gear Bonus on Bluff checks made to Feint in Combat with this weapon.
Finesse: You may elect to use your DEXMod instead of your STRMod when making melee Attack Rolls with this weapon. All light weapons are Finesse weapons. (Without the Finesse property, you must use your STRMod.)
Impact: This weapon gains a +1 Gear Bonus to Knockdown DC and +1 against Active Parry rolls. (Ch9.2e)
*The Knockdown trait is a more powerful version of this trait. They cannot both be applied to a single weapon.
Impale: If an arrow, crossbow bolt, thrown javelin, or thrown spear deals at least 5 damage, the target suffers a -1 penalty on d20 rolls for 1 Turn. Target may spend a Reaction to attempt a DC15 FORT Save to remove this penalty.
-Creatures of bigger size categories are unaffected.
-Penalty is not cumulative. (Penalty does not stack for multiple strikes in a turn)
Infiltrator: Grants a +4 Gear Bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to hide it on your person, and Spot checks to find the hidden weapon add +4DC. An Infiltrator Weapon may be secretly drawn and held in hand for 1 round without being noticed using a special Sleight of Hand check.
Knockdown: This weapon adds +2 Knockdown DC (Gear Bonus) and it causes Knockdown against creatures of the same size category as the attacker. (See Momentum of Impact, Ch9.5e. Knockdown is resisted by Wrestling or Acrobatics)
-Knockdown weapons also provide a +2 Gear Bonus on Attack Rolls against Active Parry attempts.
Large Space Needed: These weapons require a large area of motion to be used effectively. You suffer a -4 penalty when using these weapons in areas without ample free space (house, hallway, cave, etc).
-The amount of free space you need is determined by your size. A character standing in a clear hex with a ceiling & width of at least the following will ignore these penalties: Small: 6’ ceiling / Medium: 10’ ceiling / Large: 15’ ceiling
-This penalty may also appear if fighting in a dense jungle or a tomb full of close-packed stone statues. Thin corridors can also cause this penalty, subject to the GMs discretion. This penalty is not applied just for being on horseback.
Light Strikes: These weapons deal damage through precision instead of brute strength. Only half of your STRMod is added to weapon damage. They can never strike as Heavy Attacks and cannot cause Knockdown.
MinSTRXX: A Strength of XX is required to wield the weapon properly. A player with lower strength suffers a -4 penalty to all attacks with this weapon.
-Weapons for Small Size wielders reduce MinSTR by 2. Large sized weapons increase MinSTR by 2.
Off-Balance: Anyone wielding this weapon suffers a -1 AC Penalty and -1 Attack Roll Penalty. If you miss on an Attack Roll with this weapon, you Provoke AOO. (Striking a shield does not count as a miss.)
Parry+X: If proficient, this weapon grants a +X Gear Bonus to any Active Parry Roll.
Reach (For Medium & Large Size creatures): Increases your Melee Reach by +5 feet beyond your Natural Reach. Attacks made with a Reach Weapon at foes within 5 feet suffer a -4 penalty on Attack Rolls.
*Ex: For a human: You gain 10-foot Melee Reach. Striking a foe only 5 feet away suffers a -4 Attack Penalty.
Reach (For Small Size Creatures): Increase your Melee Reach by +5 feet. However, attacks against foes 10 feet away suffer a -2 Attack Penalty (as you must lunge to reach this far). You do not suffer penalties against foes within 5 feet. (This functions effectively as a medium size creature wielding a weapon with the “Semi-Reach” property.)
Reach (For Huge+ Creatures): increases Melee Reach by +10 feet. Attacks made with a Reach Weapon at foes within 10 feet suffer a -4 penalty on Attack Rolls.
Semi-Reach (For Medium & Large Size creatures): You may use this weapon to make an AOO against an opponent who uses a Big Action to enter a hex you threaten. (Enemy provokes AOO for entering your threatened area.)
Semi-Reach (For Small Size or smaller creatures): You may use this weapon to make an AOO against an opponent your size or smaller who uses a Big Action to enter a hex you threaten.
Space Needed: These weapons are either large or require a large area of motion to be used effectively. You suffer a -2 penalty when using these weapons in areas without ample free space (house, hallway, cave, etc).
-The amount of free space you need is determined by your size. A character standing in a clear hex with a ceiling & width of at least the following will ignore these penalties: Small: 5’ ceiling / Medium: 8’ ceiling / Large: 12’ ceiling
-This penalty may also be applied in a dense jungle or a tomb full of close-packed stone statues. Thin corridors can also cause this penalty, as subject to the GMs discretion. Smaller creatures require less space due to smaller weapons!
-A spear or other thrust-only weapon may avoid this penalty if the area in front of and behind the character is clear, such as a spearman defending the entrance to a tunnel. This penalty is not applied just for being on horseback.
Sunder: If you have STR 13+, this weapon deals an additional +2 damage to shields and other objects.
Reminder: If you attack an enemy wielding a shield with a Sunder weapon and miss by an amount less than or equal to their Shield Rating, your attack strikes their shield. Roll damage for your attack normally, subtract Hardness, and the remaining damage applies to the shield. If the shield is destroyed, any additional damage is lost. A strike that damages the shield is not considered a “miss” for purposes of Feats or abilities that activate on missed attacks.
*Only 1-handed or larger weapons that deal bludgeon [b] and/or slash [s] damage may have the Sunder property.
Trip: Grants a +2 Gear Bonus on Wrestling Checks when used to attempt a Trip Maneuver.
Melee Weapons – Weapon Descriptions
Simple Melee Weapons – Light
Baton (Escrima Stick): A straight, well-balanced, hardwood stick capable of quick strikes. (24-30” / 60-76cm)
Dagger: A short, light blade most often used as a tool or last-resort weapon. It can be curved or straight, single-or double edged, but nearly always comes to a wicked stabbing tip. (12-18” / 30-46cm)
Hatchet (Handaxe, Tomahawk): A short wooden haft with an axe head, decently balanced for thrown attacks, deadly in close combat, and useful as a hammer or chopping tool while adventuring. (18-24” / 46-61cm)
-A blacksmith’s hammer or small pickaxe can use these stats with Bludgeoning or Piercing damage, respectively.
Knife: The classic small blade, more of a tool than a weapon, but capable of lethal strikes. (Under 12” / 30cm)
Sickle (Kama, Kukri, Khopesh): This farming tool has a short wooden haft with a hooked, single-edged blade that tapers to a point, making it an effective weapon. (12-18” / 30-46cm)
-A weapon such as a kukri or khopesh may use these stats; they are made entirely of metal.
Tonfa: A wooden baton with a perpendicular handle placed about 4-6 inches away from the end of the shaft, allowing powerful punches, blocking, hooking maneuvers, and traditional baton strikes. (16-22” / 41-56cm)
Simple Melee Weapons – One-Handed
Club: A hardwood shaft weighted at one end for solid blows. DC5 Craft[Woodwork] to make. (24-36” / 60-92cm)
Javelin: A short, thin spear with a tapered haft designed primarily as a throwing weapon. (48-60” / 122-152cm)
Mace: This all-metal weapon has metal shaft and hefty striking end, generally with flanges or other protrusions used to transfer massive amounts of energy to armored foes and shields. (18-30” / 46-76cm)
-A wood-hafted mace with metal striking head can be made for only 5gp and weight of 3 pounds.
Shortspear: A wooden haft with a metal stabbing tip for one-handed melee and thrown attacks. The shortspear may be wielded in a two-handed fashion to make powerful thrusting attacks. (48-66” / 18-168cm)
Simple Melee Weapons – Two-Handed
Spear: A long wooden haft with a metal stabbing tip, used to keep foes at bay and quickly deal devastating thrusts. While used mainly in two hands, a spear may be thrown with one hand, and may be wielded in one hand when mounted, though it cannot be used to make AOO while doing so. (84”-108” / 213-274cm)
-If guarding a long, thin area where thrusting is possible, the Spear may ignore the Space Needed penalties.
Quarterstaff (Bo Staff): A straight, hardwood staff. (60-96” / 152-244cm)
Greatclub: Just a giant, wooden club that provides powerful impact. (40-54” / 102-137cm)
Martial Melee Weapons – Light
9-Section Whip-Chain (Rope Dart): A handle with a series of 9 sections of short metal bars linked together with a weighted dart at the end, this weapon collapses into a seemingly innocuous fist-sized ball of metal. The whirling strikes and quick jabs with the dart are deceptive and difficult to block. (55-60” / 138-152cm)
Cutlass (Machete, Wakizashi): A fairly short blade with a single, curved edge that excels at slashing strikes in close-quarters combat. The cutlass has a substantial hand guard, while the machete and wakizashi have little or no guard. When designed for combat, these weapons always possess a stabbing tip. (22-32” / 56-81cm)
Elven Thinblade*F: An ultra-light, needle of a blade with an ornate yet functional hand guard and extended quillons. The blade is long for such a light weapon and is only capable of piercing strikes. (32-36” / 81-91cm)
-This weapon may only be made of mithral. This means it is always considered a Masterwork Weapon (+1 Enhance Bonus to Attack, may be enchanted). Merchant Price: 220gp. This weapon benefits from Feats that apply to the Smallsword.
Gnome Boot-Blades*F: This unique Gnomish weapon is a pair of boots with retractable blades hidden in the toes, allowing you to make Melee Attacks with your feet. The boot-blades come as a pair, taking up the “feet” Equip Slot. You may extend or retract the hidden blade with a Swift Action using a simple movement of the foot.
-You suffer a -5’ Land Move Speed penalty while the blades are extended. While the blade is hidden, it is nearly impossible to distinguish these from regular boots. (Small Size Blade = 2.5” / 6cm)
-If grappled, you may make kicking strikes using a normal Attack Roll against any foe grappling you (instead of opposed Wrestling checks) until they specifically restrain your feet.
-Stats shown are for a Small Size wearer, but they may be made for medium creatures if desired.
-A wielder with the Unarmed Combat Feat gains +1 damage to any kick strike made while using boot-blades, and the damage type becomes [b+p]. Crafting Boot-Blades is difficult (Mechanisms DC20).
-Boot-Blades may be enchanted as boots or as a weapon, but not both.
-Expert: If you extend the blade and immediately attack an adjacent foe, they are Flat-Footed against your attack. Once a foe knows you have these blades, this ability cannot be used against them.
Nunchaku: A pair of short wooden rods combined with a length of rope, chain, or leather. While easy to make, using them in combat requires a fair level of training. While fairly innocuous and easy to conceal when folded, they can deliver powerful blows thanks to angular momentum. (12” / 30cm per rod, total length: 28” / 71cm)
Sai (Tjabang, Jitte): About the size of a dagger, a sai is a solid metal bar with either a single or double-pronged guard curving outward, a sai is excellent at parrying and catching enemy weapons. While designed for blunt impacts, the tip of an adventuring Sai is generally sharpened to allow piercing strikes. (16-22” / 41-56cm)
-A Main Gauche (Parrying Dagger) can use the same stats with piercing or slashing damage instead.
Shortsword (Gladius, Jian, Xiphos): A light blade with single or double edge and a stabbing tip. Its smaller size and light, balanced form make it a trusted weapon for quick or stealthy adventurers. (24-34” / 61-86cm)
Martial Melee Weapons – One-Handed
Arming Sword (Viking Sword, Spatha, Broadsword): A long yet well-balanced and nimble one-handed blade, commonly with a symmetrical body, crossguard, double edge, and a stabbing tip. (34-46” / 86-117cm)
Battleaxe: A sturdy wooden haft with a small striking axe head designed for cutting flesh and breaking bones. These generally only have one striking surface, but may be dual-bitted if desired. (20-30” / 51-76cm)
Dwarven Warhammer*F: An all-metal version of the traditional warhammer, with an even heftier bludgeoning head. This weapon requires more strength to wield properly, but packs a massive punch. (24-36” / 61-91cm)
Dwarven Waraxe*F: A stout and sturdy, all-metal battleaxe with a massive striking head. (24-36” / 61-91cm)
Elven Longblade*F: A strangely long, yet light, needle of a blade with an ornate yet functional hand guard and extended quillons, designed strictly for one-handed use. It is only capable of piercing strikes. (46-54” / 117-137cm)
-This weapon may only be made of mithral. This means it is always considered a Masterwork Weapon (+1 Enhance Bonus to Attack, may be enchanted). Merchant Price: 350gp. This weapon benefits from Feats that apply to the Rapier.
Flail (Ball & Chain): A hardwood haft with a short length of chain attached to a solid metal weight with flanges or other protrusions, using torque and leverage to generate massive impacts. The weighted chain requires a good deal of strength to maintain control. (Haft+Chain: 24+8” – 30+12” / 61+20cm – 76+30cm)
Gnome Tortoise Blade*F: A small tortoise shell fused with a double-edged blade extending out from the head portion of the shell. A proficient wielder gains a Shield Rating of 1 while using this weapon. Feats and abilities that benefit or enhance Shield Rating apply to the Tortoise Blade user. This item may be enchanted as a weapon or shield, but not both. (Medium Size: 12” Shield+12” Blade = 24” / 30cm Shield + 30cm blade = 60cm)
-These stats may also be used for a weapon such as a Gladiator’s Scissor or Pata, which is made entirely from metal that encompasses the upper arm and hand, although the blades have varying shapes and lengths.
Macuahuitl (Obsidian Razor Club): A large, flat, wooden club with obsidian blades around the striking edge of the weapon. These razor-sharp blades can leave wicked, bleeding wounds. This weapon requires Obsidian, and may become tattered with use (See Obsidian, Ch7.6b). Crafting and repairing a macuahuitl is done using the Craft(Stonework) Skill. If the obsidian is broken, the weapon functions as a Club. (24-39” / 61-99cm)
-This may be made using Craft(Woodwork) & shark teeth in place of obsidian, but it does not cause the Bleed effect.
Orcish Cleaver*F: Essentially a massive, sharpened rectangle of metal with a handle. The heft of this weapon causes devastating damage, but also imposes a -1 penalty on all Attack Rolls. (36-48” / 91-122cm)
-This weapon cannot be made of Mithral; the light weight destroys the weapons effectiveness.
Rapier: A long, thin sword intended mainly for quick thrusting strikes against unarmored foes. The well-guarded hilt is designed strictly for one-handed use. (40-50” / 102-127cm)
Scimitar (Dao, Falchion, Tulwar, Saber, Messer): A curved, single-edged blade that specializes in slashing strikes. While intended for one-handed use, some designs also allow for two-handed strikes. (34-40” / 86-102cm)
Warhammer: A solid, often reinforced wooden haft with a two-sided metal striking head. The front side is blunt, while the rear side tapers into robust pick-like point. Both sides have small striking areas, which concentrate massive amounts of force on impact, making them highly effective against armored foes. (20-32” / 61-81cm)
Martial Melee Weapons – Two-Handed
3-Section Staff: Three lengths of sturdy hardwood connected by short links of chain or rope. This allows the weapon to be wielded as two batons connected by a central section, or whipped about as a long flail, and creates numerous opportunities for weapon traps and binds. (Each Section 24-28”/ 61-71cm, Overall 78-92”/ 198-234cm)
Dane Axe (Viking Longaxe): This long, wood-hafted axe is a brutal weapon that is deceptively quick. The axe head is notably thinner than standard axe heads, with a much longer striking surface. The thin blade is honed to razor sharpness that gives the weapon devastating slicing capabilities. (46-54” / 117-137cm)
Elven Double Saber*F: A wooden haft with a single-edged sword blade on both ends. A small guard is located where each blade attaches to the haft. The haft accounts for half of the weapon’s length. (70-74” / 178-188cm)
Flail, Pole: This weapon uses the standard flail head mounted upon a longer haft, making it more effective against mounted foes, while still providing the rotational acceleration of the flail. (36+12”-50+18” / 91+20cm-127+46cm)
Great Scimitar (Kriegsmesser, O-Dachi): This large, curved, single edged blade delivers ferocious slashing cuts. (42-50” / 107-127cm)
Glaive (Naginata, Guandao): A polearm with a single-edged cutting blade that often possesses a stabbing tip. These weapons and have come in many shapes, names, and sizes throughout history (84-108” / 203-274cm)
Greatsword (Claymore / Zweihander): An enormous sword used to keep groups of enemies at bay with devastating sweeping cuts and thrusts beyond the reach of standard swords. European versions are generally straight, double-edged blades with a crossguard, often with an unsharpened portion (ricasso) along the base of the blade and to allow various grip techniques. (50-78” / 127-198cm)
Halberd (Bill): A polearm with an axe-like slashing and hooking blade, as well as a long, reinforced spike for brutal thrusting attacks. Various shapes and designs have been seen throughout history. (84-96” / 213-244cm)
-If guarding a long, thin area where thrusting is possible, the Halberd suffers only Space Needed penalties for piercing attacks.
Heavy Greataxe*F: This weapon has a massive single or double-bitted axe head upon a thick, sturdy wooden haft. This terrifying weapon is capable of shattering shields and bones in a single blow. (42-48” / 107-122cm)
Heavy Mace (War Club, Tetsubo): A giant, wooden club, reinforced with metal rivets, langets, or bands. The head of the weapon has added flanges or other protrusions to enhance effectiveness against armored foes. This may be made entirely of metal, increasing weight to 12 pounds. (40-54” / 102-137cm)
Heavy Macuahuitl (Heavy Obsidian Razor Club): A larger version of the macuahuitl. (42-50” / 107-127cm)
Katana (Wodao): A curved, single-edged sword with a small handguard is designed for two-handed control and precise, clean cuts. An expert may wield a katana in 1 hand without the Finesse trait. (39-46” / 99-117cm)
Kusari-Gama (Kama & Chain, Shoge): A kama attached to a long chain capped by a solid metal weight. The weighted end can strike foes at a distance, while the kama is deadly in close. Each end of the weapon is wielded in a separate hand, so it only deals damage as Basic Attacks. (Kama: 12-18”/30-46cm, Chain 72-96” / 183-244cm.)
Lance (Heavy Cavalry Spear): A reinforced spear with a specially designed haft that imparts maximum momentum into a target from a charging horse. It may be wielded in one hand when mounted, though you do not threaten AOO while doing so. While on foot, the lance is less effective than a traditional spear. (108-144” / 274-366cm)
Longsword: A well-balanced, double-edged sword capable of nimble strikes and good striking power. An expert may use a Longsword as a One-Handed weapon without the Finesse property (46-54” / 117-137cm)
Maul (Greathammer): An all metal hafted weapon with a massive striking head. The metal haft is required to sustain massive impacts that would shatter a wooden haft. The sheer momentum of this weapon crushes shields and foes in armor, but also causes the wielder a -1 penalty to Attack Rolls and -1 AC. (36-48” / 91-122cm)
Orcish Double Axe*F: An all-metal weapon with a broad-bladed axe head on either end of the haft. Experts can use the long haft to strike foes at a moderate distance. (70-74” / 178-188cm)
Orcish Mega-Cleaver*F: An enormous, sharpened rectangle of metal with a two-handed handle, often with a circle or pattern of metal removed from the blade to “make it lighter.” The mega-cleaver can easily split a horse in twain, but the massive heft also causes the wielder a -1 penalty to Attack Rolls and -1 AC. (48-56” / 122-142cm)
-This weapon cannot be made of Mithral; the light weight destroys the weapons effectiveness.
Pollaxe (Bec de Corbin, Lucerne Hammer): Although called a pollaxe, this is essentially a very long warhammer combined with a reinforced thrusting spike in line with the haft. If you desire, the hammer head may be swapped out for an axe head that deals (1d10/x3 [s+b]) damage, gains Sunder, but loses Anti-Armor. The haft end of this weapon may have a metal spike which allows it to deal piercing damage with the Haft Strike Feat. (54-72” / 137-183cm)
Ranseur (Partisan, Trident): An evolution of the spear, this polearm’s main thrusting head has additional protrusions that may be used for catching riders and manipulating enemy weapons. (84-96” / 213-244cm)
-If guarding a long, thin area where thrusting is possible, the Ranseur may ignore the Space Needed penalties.
Slingstaff: A stout wooden haft about the length of your body with a simple notch, string, and leather pouch at one end. A slingstaff designed for an adventurer usually has a removable spear-like head on the bottom, allowing thrusting strikes if needed (Big Action to apply/remove). A proficient wielder may load the sling as fast as they can normally attack. The staff strikes as a two-handed, double melee weapon (Side A/B), while the sling serves as a thrown-style ranged weapon (Side C). This weapon is a favorite of spritelings. (60-72” / 152-183cm)
*F: A weapon with this annotation either does not exist as a real weapon in history, or it is so unique or difficult to construct or wield that it never became well established. The weapon has been added for sheer fantasy enjoyment!
Throwing Melee Weapons (Thrown Weapons)
Thrown Weapon: Melee weapons that indicate a Throw Range may be thrown as a ranged weapon attack. Thrown weapon are generally most effective just outside of melee range, usually within 10-20 feet.
-Thrown weapons have a maximum range of 5 Range Increments.
-A thrown weapon used at range deals damage as a Basic Attack, even if thrown with 2 hands.
-Throwing a Thrown Weapon does not Provoke AOO.
Strength and Throwing Weapons: Stronger characters can throw objects farther.
-Characters with a STR Score of 15+ multiply the weapon’s Range as indicated here:
STR15-19: Range x1.5 / STR20-24: Range x3 / STR25-29: Range x4 / STR30: Range x5
Improvised Weapons
Improvised Weapon: Any sharp, heavy, or sturdy item not intentionally designed to be used as a weapon may be wielded as an improvised weapon. The most common such items are bar stools, sticks, rocks, and benches.
All characters capable of wielding Simple Weapons may also wield Improvised Weapons.
Items that are very large, heavy, or more unwieldy may incur a more serious penalty at GM discretion.
While wielding an improvised weapon, you threaten your area and may make AOO.
An improvised weapon deals less damage than a true weapon and deals only 1 type of damage.
Max Improvised Damage at Medium Size: 1d3 (Light Weapon)/ 1d4 (1-handed)/1d6 (2-handed)
Items of similar shape & size should deal the same damage. Use the most logical damage type.
Most improvised weapons deal Bludgeoning Damage.
Improvised weapons have a 50% chance of breaking on a successful hit.
At GM Discretion, some items may break as soon as they strike a hard surface, like a glass shard, while others may be remarkably sturdy, like a dwarven bar stool.
Different Weapon Sizes:
Weapons for Bigger & Smaller Creatures
The information presented for weapons in this book are normally for a medium-sized wielder and weapons matching their size. For characters and creatures of different sizes, use the information below to determine the proper damage for their weapons.
Generic Weapon Dice Size List:
1 🡪 1d2 🡪 1d3 🡪 1d4 🡪 1d6 🡪 1d8 🡪 1d10 🡪 2d6 🡪 2d8 🡪 3d6 🡪 3d8 🡪 3d10 🡪 4d8 🡪 4d10 🡪 4d12
If weapons get bigger, go to the right. If weapons get smaller, go to the left!
Ex: A medium size shortsword deals 1d6 damage. A small size shortsword deals 1d4 damage.
Any weapon that deals 1d12 damage goes up to 2d8 if larger and down to 1d10 if smaller.
Very Big Weapons: Going from Large to Huge (and larger) causes a 2-step increase in damage dice size.
Ex: 1d8 Medium Arming Sword increases to 1d10 at Large Size, but increases to 2d8 at Huge Size.
Weapon Cost at Different Size: For simplicity, weapons have the same cost at small & medium size. Small items use less material but require additional precision to make. Weapons made for Large Size creatures cost 2x Medium Size weapons.
-Small Size weapons are 1/3 the listed weight of medium. Large Size weapons are triple the listed weight.
Weapons: Melee & Ranged
"You’re only as good as your blade… or hammer…or spear…or bow… or whatever…"
Weapon Proficiency
Being proficient with a weapon implies a level of training and familiarity beyond that of an average person. While anyone can pick up a sword and swing it, a proficient wielder understands the balance of the blade, edge alignment as a blow lands, and how far their blade can reach at any moment.
If you are NOT Proficient with a weapon, you suffer a -2 penalty on Attack Rolls and any other checks or maneuvers made using that weapon. The weapon can only score a 20/x2 Critical Hit if you are not proficient.
Ranged Weapons
Bows, Crossbows, and others
Reading the Ranged Weapon Table:
Damage: The type of dice rolled to determine how much damage is dealt with a successful strike.
-Your Strength score does not affect the damage dealt with ranged weapons that use ammunition.
Critical: Critical Threat Range / Critical Multiplier -If only a multiplier is shown, weapon threatens critical on Nat20.
Range: The Range Increment -Ranged Attacks beyond the listed Range Increment suffer a -2 penalty per increment.
-A Ranged Weapon can be used to attack a target up to a maximum of 10 Range Increments away.
-A Thrown Weapon can be used to attack a target up to a maximum of 5 Range Increments away.
Weight: How much the weapon weighs in pounds.
Cost: The Merchant Price of the weapon in GP.
Special Traits & Info: Any weapon traits, special abilities, or additional details may be listed here
Bows – Simple Ranged Weapons
Bows - Martial Ranged Weapons
*All Bows & Crossbows gain the Impale trait.
Other Ranged Weapons
Other – Simple Ranged Weapons
Other - Martial Ranged Weapons
Ranged Weapon Descriptions:
Bows: A wooden bow, sometimes enhanced with sinew and bone, that launches arrows
The body of a bow is made of wood. Some bows use bone or sinew to enhance their spring-like properties.
-All bows deal Piercing Damage and use Arrows as Ammunition with the Impale trait.
-Loading a bow requires grabbing an arrow and placing it upon the string, which provokes AOO. (This is called “nocking an arrow”). This is done as part of the attack action used.
-A bow shot is fairly quiet, requiring a base DC15 Listen check to hear.
-Longbows & Warbows cannot be used while mounted.
-If proficient, you may hold up to 3 arrows in your bow hand or draw hand (but not both) while still using your bow effectively.
Shortbow (X) & Longbow (X): All shortbows and longbows indicate a number in parentheses next to their name. This number indicates the STRMod needed to use the weapon properly, as well as the STRMod added to the damage of the weapon on a successful strike. A character without this Strength Modifier cannot use the bow.
Proficiencies and Feats that apply to any Shortbow or Longbow apply to all weapons of that type.
-Training Bow, Shortbow (0), and Longbow (0) are Simple Weapons.
-Shortbow (1-2) and Shortbow, Composite (3-5) are Martial Weapons.
-Longbow (1-3) and Warbow (4-5) are Martial Weapons.
*Special: If STR16+, you may treat a shortbow(1) or longbow(1) as a Simple Weapon.
Longbow: A large bow able to launch arrows long distances. These bows are too large to be used effectively from horseback, within dense foliage, or indoors. This can represent a weapon such as the English Longbow, Yumi, or even a large Native American Flatbow. (56-74” / 142–188cm)
-If you like, a Japanese Yumi-style bow may be used from horseback, but it deals only 1d6 damage.
Warbow: An exceptionally powerful longbow requiring intense strength training to properly draw and shoot. Historically, this usually refers to the most powerful English longbows. (56-74” / 142–188cm)
Shortbow (Horsebow): A bow with compact size, able to be used effectively from horseback or within foliage. Shortbows are often called “Horsebows,” due to their ability to be used while mounted.
Composite Shortbow (3-5): These powerful shortbows are made using bone and sinew with a recurve shape to enhance their spring-like properties. They are excellent weapons, but they are extremely difficult to craft and are less resistant to the elements than bows made of only wood. These stats represent weapons such as the bows famously used by the Mongolians, Turks, Huns, and Koreans throughout history. (40-56” / 102-142cm)
-These bows may become Tattered if subject to damage or overexposure to moisture or harsh elements. (GM Discretion)
Training Bow: A low-power shortbow used to train young archers. (36-50” / 91-127cm)
Bow Draw Weight as Compared to STRMod: The Draw Weight of a bow is how hard it is to pull back. Your maximum draw weight is equal to 1.5 times your Light Load. The draw weights for bows in LFG were designed to match historical archery quite well. The weakest “Longbow” in LFG has a 60-pound draw weight, a typical poundage used by traditional hunters. Historical English War Bows are easily represented using the Longbow(2-3) or Warbow (4-5) statistics.
Other Ranged Weapons – Simple Weapons
Blowgun: A hollow shaft of bamboo that uses a burst of breath to project a small, needle-like dart. More suited to hunting small rodents and birds, crafty adventurers can take advantage of this silent weapon. (24-48” / 61-122cm)
-Special: You do NOT take any Penalty to Hide/Move Silently checks after making a Blowgun Attack.
-A blowgun shot is incredibly quiet, requiring a base DC20 Listen check to hear.
-All blowguns deal Piercing Damage and use Blow-Darts as Ammunition.
Dart: Essentially a tiny javelin with fletching, these spear-tipped wooden rods can be thrown further than a dagger or knife. They can be held in bandoliers or up to 3 in one hand. (8-18” / 20-46cm) Darts do not break on impact.
Shuriken: Any small, sharp, metal throwing weapon, often found in straight or star-like designs. (3-6” / 8-15cm)
Shuriken may be held up to 5 in a hand. Fit in a bandolier. You may throw 3 shuriken at one time to gain a +2 Innate Bonus on the Attack Roll, but damage is dealt by only 1 shuriken. Shuriken do not break on impact.
Thrown Rock: Use these stats for any decent sized rocks that a character can find and throw. Thrown rocks less than fist-size do not suffer any improvised weapon penalty. Bigger rocks are more difficult to throw and should be treated as improvised weapons. (GM Discretion)
Other Ranged Weapons – Martial Weapons
Atlatl: A short stick with a crook in the end used to increase the throwing speed of a javelin. Loading an atlatl is done as part of the action used to make the attack (Provokes AOO).
Sling: A simple leather or cloth pouch on a length of string used to hurl small stones at very high speeds. While extremely simple in concept, mastering the aim and power of the sling requires lots of training. Loading a sling provokes AOO and may be done as part of the attack action. A loaded sling requires only one hand to attack.
-All slings deal Bludgeoning Damage and use Bullets or Stones as Ammunition.
Staff Sling: A long staff of wood with a sling at the end, this leverage of this sling provides the user a more powerful throw using two hands. The staff may be used as a simple melee baton. (36-60” / 91-152cm)
Ammunition & Loading – Ranged Weapons:
Ammunition (Ammo) refers to the consumable projectiles that are launched by ranged weapons.
Ammunition must be loaded into a ranged weapon before the weapon can be used to attack.
A quiver is the official “ammo holding pouch” in LFG, regardless of the exact ammo type.
Loading a ranged weapon occurs as part of the action used to make an attack. (Unless otherwise indicated) This involves getting the ammunition, placing it into the weapon, and making the weapon ready for use. This assumes the ammunition is in an accessible location, such as a quiver, bandolier, or laid out directly in front of you. Ammo held in a backpack or other container much be accessed using a separate action.
Loading a Ranged Weapon provokes AOO.
Ex: An archer grabs an arrow from a quiver, places it upon the bow, and shoots the bow as part of a single action.
Special Loading Option: As part of a Big Action (Provokes AOO), you may get and place an arrow into your bow. The arrow remains in place as long as you keep both hands on the weapon. You will not provoke AOO later when you make an attack with this arrow. (This also applies to slings and blowguns)
Crossbows have different loading actions and rules, explained in the Crossbow Descriptions section, below.
Ranged Weapon Ammunition - Types of Ammo
-Ammo is purchased and stored in sets of 20.
-The table shows the cost and weight of 20 pieces of each type of ammo.
-A quiver holds 20 pieces of any ammo type.
Ammunition - Recovery, Loss, & Breakage:
-50% of Ranged Ammunition is lost or destroyed after use in combat.
-Search for 1-5 minutes to retrieve 50% of the ammo used in combat. (GM Discretion)
Masterwork Ammo costs 10 times the indicated Merchant Price.
-Darts, Javelins, Shuriken, and thrown melee weapons (spears/daggers) are considered weapons, not ammunition.
Ammo Types - Descriptions:
Arrow: Standard ammo for all bows. A wooden haft with feathered fletching and a sharpened metal head. (Arrows are roughly 28-36” long / 71-91cm)
Blow-Dart: The ammo used for Blowguns. A needle-like dart of metal or wood with a feathered or cloth base that seals the air within the blowgun. (Blow-darts are roughly 4-6” long / 10-15cm)
Bolt: Standard ammo for all crossbows. A short wooden haft with feathered, wooden, or leather fletching and a sharpened metal head. (Bolts are roughly 16-22” long / 41-56cm) - Bolts are also called quarrels.
Bullet: Standard ammo for all slings. A smooth, rounded stone or solid metal. Can hold 30 in a quiver. (2-3”/5-7cm)
Stone: Found ammo for slings. Any small rock roughly 2-4”. They deal less damage but are available anywhere.
Flight Arrow/Bolt: These arrows/bolts are lighter and more aerodynamic. They fly farther but deal less damage. Increase Range by 25%. Decrease damage dice by 1 die size. (Ex: 1d8+2 becomes 1d6+2)
Crossbows: A crossbow is horizontal bow with a long, rifle-like stock that launches a short arrow called a bolt.
-The body of a crossbow is made of wood. Metal is used for the bow, trigger mechanism, & stirrup (foot brace).
-Except for the Hand Crossbow, all crossbows are two-handed ranged weapons. While you may hold the object in one hand to get items to help load, you cannot attack properly with a crossbow with only one hand.
-A crossbow shot is loud and distinct, requiring only a base DC5 Listen check to hear.
-All crossbows deal Piercing Damage and use Bolts as Ammunition with the Impale trait.
-Although crossbows are somewhat complex to craft, they are considered Simple Weapons because they require little training to use effectively.
Crossbow Special Abilities: Crossbows are unique ranged weapons that can be used to attack in an instant:
-Once spanned and loaded, a crossbow requires only a Swift Action to attack. (Little Action-Swift)
-A person wielding a loaded crossbow Threatens AOO within 10 feet. You may spend a Reaction to make an AOO (Attack of Opportunity) with a loaded crossbow.
Crossbows – Simple Ranged Weapons
*All Bows & Crossbows gain the Impale trait.
Load: The type of action used to span & load the weapon. This also shows if a STR score or special tool is needed.
-Loading a crossbow requires drawing the string back and locking it in place using special tools or a large amount of strength (called “spanning” the crossbow). You then get a bolt from a quiver and place it on the crossbow.
-The action used depends on the type of crossbow and the tool used to span the crossbow. (see below)
-Spanning and loading a crossbow provokes AOO. If you are struck with an attack while spanning your crossbow, you must make a DC10 Perseverance check or you must start the spanning action over again.
Crossbow Spanning Tools (& Loading Tools)
-Items listed as “/Quiver” may be carried upon a belt in place of a Quiver or Belt Pouch.
Load Action: This indicates what type of action you must use to attach the spanning tool and span and load the crossbow. This action does NOT also include getting the spanning tool from a pouch or belt slot, nor putting the item down after using it. You always use both hands when spanning and loading any type of crossbow.
Multiple Crossbow Attacks in 1 Turn: If you have enough actions and can span & load a crossbow fast enough, you may be able to make 2 attacks in 1 Turn. (Or if you have more than 1 loaded crossbow!)
Even at Level 0-4, since a Crossbow Attack is a Little Action(Swift), you may make 1 Attack with the Crossbow using a Big Action, span & load it with another Big Action(if you have the right tools), and Attack Again with your Little Action.
Since these attacks are with a single weapon, the normal -2 Cumulative Attack Penalties apply.
Crossbow Descriptions:
Hand Crossbow: A small, handheld crossbow with a pistol-like grip and trigger system designed to be aimed and shot with one hand. Your off-hand draws the string back to and loads the hand crossbow as a Big Action.
-You may move half your speed while loading a hand crossbow. (16-24” / 41-61cm)
Heavy Crossbow: A larger, more powerful version of the crossbow. Loading this crossbow normally requires a spanning tool to draw the string back due to the high power stored by the bow. (30-38” / 76-97cm)
Light Crossbow: The classic crossbow design with a long, wooden stock, a metal bow, and a press-trigger mechanism underneath. A wooden foot-brace (stirrup) on the nose of the weapon allows your arms and back muscles to lift and draw the string into place. (28-36” / 71-91cm)
War Crossbow: This exceptionally powerful crossbow is the same design, just scaled up for a much higher draw weight (1000 lb+). Spanning the crossbow is essentially impossible without a spanning tool. (32-40” / 81-101cm)
Repeating Crossbow: This Gnomish invention uses a side-mounted hand lever & gear system to span and load the crossbow. It uses specially designed wooden boxes called “bolt-stacks” that hold 5 crossbow bolts inside. A bolt-stack is attached to the top of the crossbow. A single bolt from the bolt-stack automatically drops into place each time the lever is pulled back to span the bow, allowing the wielder a much faster rate of attack.
-Spanning and Loading the Repeating Crossbow from the bolt-stack is a Little Action (Provokes AOO).
-Removing a bolt-stack and attaching a new one requires a Big Action (Provokes AOO).
-Loading 5 bolts into an empty Bolt-Stack is a Full-Round Action. 2 Bolt-Stacks may be held in a Quiver.
-A full Bolt-Stack weighs 1 pound, takes up 3 Storage Slots, and costs 5gp.
-Crafting a Repeating Crossbow requires a DC25 Craft(Mechanisms) check.
-Since the repeating crossbow is spanned by hand, its attack power and range are much less than a traditional crossbow. However, the high attack rate makes it extremely dangerous at close range.
-Note: This essentially gives you a crossbow that works kind of like a bolt-action rifle with a 5-Round magazine.
Crossbow Loading – Spanning Tools & Descriptions: These tools are used to draw the string back on a crossbow.
Spanning Belt: A modified belt with a hook attached that is attached to the crossbow string, allowing you to use your back and leg muscles to help span the crossbow. (Requires DC10 Craft[Tailor] to create)
-A spanning belt is always ready to use; it does not require an additional action to “get it out.”
Loading Lever (Goat’s Foot Lever): The metal base grasps upon the side lugs of a crossbow while a long metal lever grasps the string and is pulled down towards the wielder. (Requires DC15 Craft[Mechanisms] to create)
Windlass: A rope-and-pulley system with two ends and a double hand crank. The crank end attaches to the crossbow stock while the other grasps the string. The crossbow is held vertically while the two-hand windlass is cranked until spanned, then the device is unwound and removed. (Requires DC15 Craft[Mechanisms] to create)
Cranequin: A masterwork single-crank mechanism that gets attached to the top of crossbow. It has a single spinning, horizontal hand-crank that draws the string into place. (Requires DC20 Craft[Mechanisms] to create)
*A Cranequin may be placed back into your satchel after spanning as part of the loading action.
Gnomish Crankerer: Essentially an upgraded cranequin with a ratcheting crank and gear system. It works exactly as the cranequin, but requires only a Big Action to span and load a crossbow.
-Crafting a Gnomish Crankerer requires a DC25 Craft(Mechanisms) check. (It is a masterwork item)
Spanner Satchel: Weight: 0.5 lbs, takes up the Quiver or Belt Pouch slot. Cost: 2gp
A special belt pouch designed to hold a single crossbow spanning tool. The satchel allows a spanning tool to be retrieved or returned as a Little Action. (Requires DC10 Craft[Leatherwork] to create)
-Note: The loading lever, cranequin, & gnomish crankerer may be made of Mithryl for half the weight and triple the price.
Crossbow Examples - Step-By-Step – Loading & Shooting a Crossbow:
Light Crossbow with Loading Lever:
-Turn 1: Get the Loading Lever from your satchel (Little Action). Span the Light Crossbow and place a bolt onto it (Big Action). Drop the Lever (Free Action). Shoot the Target (Little Action-Swift).
-Turn 2: Pick up the Loading Lever from the ground (Little Action). Span the Light Crossbow and place a bolt onto it (Big Action). Drop the Lever (Free Action). Shoot the Target (Little Action-Swift)
War Crossbow with Windlass:
-Turn 1: Get the Windlass from your satchel (Little Action). Span the Crossbow and load a bolt onto it. (Full-Round Action)
-Turn 2: Return the Windlass to your pouch (Little Action). Aim at your target (Big Action, grants +1 on Attack Roll). Shoot the Target (Little Action-Swift).
War Crossbow with Cranequin:
-Turn 1: Get the Cranequin from your satchel (Little Action). Span the War Crossbow, place a bolt onto it, and return your cranequin back into your satchel (Double Action). A foe charges at you on their turn; use a Reaction to shoot them!
Ranged Weapons for Bigger & Smaller Creatures
Small Bows: Reduce damage die 1 size. MinSTR Remains the Same. Range Increment reduced by 10 Feet.
Ex: A Small Longbow(2) requires MinSTR14, deals 1d6+2 [p], and has Range 110’.
Ex: A Small Training Bow has no MinSTR, deals 1d3 [p], and has Range 40’.
Small Crossbows, Blowguns, & Slings: Reduce damage die 1 size. Range Increment reduced by 10 Feet.
Ex: A Small War Crossbow, deals 1d10 [p], and has Range 110’.
Ranged Weapons for Large Size+ Wielders: Damage die increases +1 die size and Range increases by 10 feet per +1 size category. (Ex: Large Hand Crossbow deals 1d6[p] and has Range 30’)
Generic Weapon Dice Size List:
1 🡪 1d2 🡪 1d3 🡪 1d4 🡪 1d6 🡪 1d8 🡪 1d10 🡪 2d6 🡪 2d8 🡪 3d6 🡪 3d8 🡪 3d10 🡪 4d8 🡪 4d10 🡪 4d12
-Very Big Weapons: Going from Large to Huge (and larger) causes a 2-step increase in damage dice size.
Thrown Weapons: Gain +1 die size per +1 size category. Reduce -1 die size per -1 size category. Size does not affect Thrown Range, but creatures with STR 15+ multiply a thrown weapon’s Range as indicated here:
STR15-19: Range x1.5 / STR20-24: Range x3 / STR25-29: Range x4 / STR30: Range x5
Weapon Cost at Different Size: For simplicity, weapons have the same cost at small & medium size. Small items use less material but require additional precision to make. Weapons made for Large Size creatures cost 2x Medium Size weapons.
Masterwork Weapons
Masterwork Weapons (MW Weapons) are weapons of the highest possible quality without using magic.
-Masterwork Weapons grant a +1 Enhance Bonus on Attack Rolls and may be enchanted.
-Crafting a MW Weapon increases the Craft DC of the base weapon by +5. (Min Craft DC15)
Masterwork Melee Weapons - Merchant Price in GP:
MW Light Weapon: All Wood (50gp), Wood-Hafted (70gp), All Metal (100gp)
MW 1-Handed Weapon: All Wood (70gp), Wood-Hafted (100gp), All Metal (150gp)
MW 2-Handed Weapon: All Wood (100gp), Wood-Hafted (150gp), All Metal (200gp)
MW 2-Hand Cumbersome Weapon: All Wood (100gp), Wood-Hafted (150gp), All Metal (300gp)
-Masterwork weapons must be made from scratch; you can’t “upgrade” from regular to MW.
Masterwork Ranged Weapons - Merchant Price in GP:
MW Bow or Crossbow: Merchant Price +100gp
MW Composite Bow: Merchant Price +200gp
MW Repeating Crossbow: 500gp
MW Other Ranged Weapons (Sling, Atlatl, etc): 20gp
MW Ammo: Merchant Price x10