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Spell Descriptions (SL0-SL3)

Beginner Spell List with full Descriptions

This chapter details all the effects of magic spells from Spell Level 0 to Spell Level 3.​


This list provides every spell needed to run a starter campaign with players & enemies ranging from Character Level 1 up to Character Level 5.

Spells are listed in Alphabetical order.

How to Read a Spell Description:

                -All spells in LFG are displayed in the following format: Each spell has a statistic-block that tells the most commonly used information, followed by a description of all spell effects not covered in the statistic block.​


Spell Name (School - Subschool)                       Spell Level (SL): Arc # / Drd # / Pst #

Cast: Casting Action                        Component: V/S/F          Duration: How long         Damage: How much [type]

Purpose: Common Use                  Save: Saving Throw         Range: How far                 Target: What is affected?

Effects: Description of the spell and how it works

At Higher SL: Describes how the effects change if this spell is used in a higher SL slot


What does each stat mean? 

Spell Name: What is the Spell called? This is how you look up the spell in the rulebook.

Spell Level (SL): What Spell List is this spell on? What Spell Level do you need access to if you want to cast it?

A = Arcane, D = Druid, P = Priest. Higher Spell Level indicates a more powerful spell.

(School – Subschool): What sort of spell is this, and what sort of effects can you expect from it?

Cast: How long does it take to cast the spell, or what type of Action do you have to use to cast it?

Component: Does the spell require you to speak (Verbal-V), move your hands & body (Somatic-S), or have some type of Arcane or Divine Focus (Focus-F) to cast it?

Duration: How long does the magical effect last?

Damage: How much damage of what type does the spell deal, if any? Healing is also indicated here.

Purpose: What is this spell most commonly used for? (This is a generalization; creative players may find other uses!)

Save: What sort of Saving Throw, if any, is used to resist the spell’s effects?

Range: How far away from you can the spell create its effect?

Target: What gets affected by this spell? Does it affect a single creature, a few targets, or all creatures and objects within an area? How large of an area does this spell encompass around a particular point of effect (AoE)?

Effects: All other spell details are explained here.

At Higher SL: If you desire, you may prepare or use this spell at a higher SL, modifying its effects as described here. A Prepared caster may prepare the spell in the higher SL slot, while a Spontaneous caster may elect to use a higher SL slot upon casting. (Note: Not all spells have this section.) Note: Higher SL increases Save DC!


LFG - Spells from SL0-SL3

Click these links to view a spreadsheet that details all spells from SL0-SL3 and explains their in-game effects.
These spell lists contain all spells available to player characters from level 0-5.

Arcane Spell Level 0 (Arc SL0)

Arcane - SL0 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Acid Drop: Summons a small drop of acid to deal minor damage to or corrode a target.

  2. Arcane Mark: Creates a magical symbol or mark on an object or creature, visible or invisible.

  3. Dancing Lights: Conjures up to four floating lights for illumination or distraction.

  4. Detect Magic, Lesser: Identifies the presence of magic items or nearby magical auras.

  5. Ghost Sound: Creates illusory sounds to confuse or distract creatures.

  6. Light: Generates a magical light source to illuminate an area.

  7. Mage Hand: Allows manipulation of small objects at a distance.

  8. Mend: Repairs minor damage to an object.

  9. Message: Sends a whispered message to a nearby creature, allowing a quiet reply.

  10. Mind Fog, Lesser: Creates a cloud that weakens the mental resistance of those within it.

  11. Open/Close: Magically opens or closes an unlocked door, container, or object.

  12. Pain Touch: Inflicts a brief, painful sensation on a creature.

  13. Prestidigitation: Performs simple magical tricks or effects for minor utility.

  14. Ray of Frost: Fires a ray of cold energy to deal damage to a target.

  15. Resistance, Lesser: Provides a small boost to the target’s defenses against magical effects.

  16. Spark: Creates a tiny flame, capable of igniting flammable materials.



Druid Spell Level 0 (Drd SL0)

Druid - SL0 - Spell List & Summaries:​

  1. Acid Drop: Summons a small drop of acid to deal minor damage to or corrode a target.

  2. Cure Minor Wounds: Heals a small amount of damage to a creature.

  3. Dancing Lights: Creates lights that resemble torches or other luminous effects.

  4. Detect Magic, Lesser: Identifies the presence of magic items or nearby magical auras.

  5. Detect Poison: Identifies the presence of poison in creatures or objects.

  6. Ghost Sound: Creates illusory sounds to distract or deceive.

  7. Guidance: Grants a minor bonus to a single skill or attack roll.

  8. Know Direction: Reveals the cardinal direction of true north.

  9. Light: Produces a magical light equivalent to a torch.

  10. Mend: Repairs a damaged or broken object.

  11. Message: Sends a short whisper-like message to a distant creature.

  12. Purify Food & Drink: Cleanses food and drink of toxins or impurities.

  13. Ray of Frost: Fires a freezing ray to chill a target.

  14. Resistance, Lesser: Provides a small bonus to a target’s saving throws.

  15. Spark: Creates a tiny flame, capable of igniting flammable materials.

  16. Virtue: Temporarily bolsters a target’s vitality.



Priest Spell Level 0 (Pst SL0)

Priest - SL0 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Bleeding Touch: Inflicts a wound that continues bleeding.

  2. Cure Minor Wounds: Restores a small amount of health to a creature.

  3. Detect Magic, Lesser: Identifies the presence of magic items or nearby magical auras.

  4. Detect Poison: Identifies whether a creature or object has been poisoned.

  5. Disrupt Undead: Channels energy to harm undead creatures.

  6. Guidance: Provides a minor bonus to one skill check, attack roll, or saving throw.

  7. Light: Illuminates an area with a magical light source.

  8. Mend: Repairs minor damage to objects.

  9. Message: Sends a whisper-like message to a target within range.

  10. Mind Fog, Lesser: Clouds the target’s thoughts, making it harder for them to concentrate.

  11. Pain Touch: Inflicts a small amount of pain, causing discomfort.

  12. Purify Food & Drink: Cleanses food and drink of toxins or impurities.

  13. Resistance, Lesser: Grants a small bonus to saving throws.

  14. Virtue: Temporarily bolsters the vitality of a creature.




Arcane Spell Level 1 (Arc SL1)

Arcane - SL1 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Acid Ray: Fires a ray of acid that deals damage over time and weakens the target.

  2. Alarm: Wards an area or object, alerting the caster when disturbed.

  3. Burning Hands: Creates a cone of fire, dealing damage to all in its path.

  4. Cause Fear: Instills intense fear, causing targets to flee.

  5. Charm Person: Magically befriends a humanoid for a limited time.

  6. Color Spray: Emits a dazzling spray of light that stuns or blinds targets.

  7. Comprehend Languages: Allows understanding of nearly all and written languages.

  8. Conjure Brute: Summons an orc or other strong creature to aid in combat.

  9. Detect Magic: Identifies magical auras in the vicinity.

  10. Disguise Appearance: An illusion that can change nearly any aspect of your appearance.

  11. Endure Elements: Protects against extreme environmental conditions.

  12. Feather Fall: Slows a creature's fall to prevent damage.

  13. Focus Barrier: Creates a magical barrier to keep foes at bay or control an area.

  14. Force Shield: Wield a shield of force that protects against many types of attacks.

  15. Grease: Covers a surface with slippery, flammable grease, causing creatures to lose balance.

  16. Hold Portal: Seals a door or portal, preventing access.

  17. Hostility: Causes creatures in an area to become aggressive toward one another.

  18. Identify: Reveals the properties of a magical item.

  19. Illusory Image: Generates an illusion to mislead or confuse your foes.

  20. Leaping Strides: Enhances movement speed and increases jump distance.

  21. Mage Armor: Surrounds the target with an invisible protective force.

  22. Magic Arms & Armor: Temporarily enhances weapons or armor.

  23. Magic Missile: Fires unerring bolts of pure magical force.

  24. Magic Trap: Places a hidden trap that triggers magical effects.

  25. Obscuring Mist: Fills the area with thick mist, blocking vision and reducing accuracy.

  26. Ray of Pain: Fires a ray of negative energy that causes damage and intense pain.

  27. Resize Item (Enlarge Item / Shrink Item): Alters the size of objects temporarily.

  28. Scribe or Erase: Writes or removes text magically.

  29. Shocking Grasp: Electrifies the caster's hands, allowing multiple shocking attacks.

  30. Skilled: Grants a temporary boost to a specific skill.

  31. Sleep: Puts creatures in an area into a magical slumber.

  32. Sudden Step: Teleports the caster a short distance instantly.

  33. True Strike: Grants insight for an accurate attack.

  34. Unseen Servant: Summons an invisible helper to perform tasks.

  35. Vampiric Touch: Deals damage while healing the caster.

  36. Vanish: Turns the caster invisible for one round.

  37. Ventriloquism: Projects the caster's voice to another location.


Druid Spell Level 1 (Drd SL1)

Druid - SL1 - Spell List & Summaries:​

  1. Acid Ray: Launches a ray of acid that damages the target and weakens them.

  2. Air Bubble: Creates a breathable bubble of air around the target.

  3. Alarm: Magically wards an area to alert the caster if breached.

  4. Animal Messenger: Sends a small animal to deliver a message to a specified recipient.

  5. Avoid Hazards: Heightens the caster’s awareness to prevent encountering natural dangers.

  6. Calm Animals: Soothes nearby animals, reducing their aggression and preventing attacks.

  7. Conjure Animal: Summons an animal ally to aid the caster.

  8. Detect Animals or Plants: Locates specific animals or plants within range.

  9. Detect Magic: Reveals magical auras within the area.

  10. Endure Elements: Shields the target from extreme environmental conditions.

  11. Entangle: Causes plants to restrain and immobilize creatures in an area.

  12. Faerie Fire: Outlines creatures in glowing light, negating invisibility.

  13. Goodberry: Creates magical berries that heal and nourish.

  14. Hide from Animals: Renders the target undetectable to animals.

  15. Leaping Strides: Enhances movement speed and jump distance.

  16. Magic Fang: Enhances the natural attacks of an animal companion.

  17. Magic Stone: Enchants pebbles to deal magical force damage when thrown.

  18. Magic Trap: Places a hidden trap that triggers magical effects.

  19. Nature’s Healing: Heals the target over time using natural energy.

  20. Obscuring Mist: Fills the area with thick mist, reducing visibility.

  21. Pass Without Trace: Conceals the movement of the caster and allies.

  22. Produce Flame: Conjures a flame in the caster’s hand, usable as a weapon.

  23. Shillelagh: Enchants a wooden weapon to strike harder and more effectively.

  24. Sleep: Puts creatures in an area into a magical slumber.

  25. Snowball: Launches a ball of freezing snow to damage and hinder a target.

  26. Speak with Animals: Enables the caster to communicate with animals.

  27. Thorn Spear: Summons a thorn-covered spear to attack & poison enemies.

  28. Vanish: Turns the target invisible for one round.

  29. Wariness: Heightens your reaction time and awareness of your surroundings.

Priest Spell Level 1 (Pst SL1)

Priest - SL1 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Bless or Bane: Provides a morale boost to allies or a penalty to enemies.

  2. Bless Water: Sanctifies water to harm undead or for ceremonial use.

  3. Cause Fear: Instills overwhelming terror in a single creature.

  4. Command: Issues a one-word command to compel a target's behavior.

  5. Comprehend Languages: Allows understanding of nearly all and written languages.

  6. Cure Wounds: Heals injuries and restores health to a creature.

  7. Deathwatch: Reveals the health conditions of nearby creatures.

  8. Detect Heathens: Determines the religious affiliations of targets in an area.

  9. Detect Magic: Identifies magical auras and their intensity within range.

  10. Detect Undead: Locates undead creatures within a specific area.

  11. Divine Favor: Grants a divine bonus to attacks and damage rolls.

  12. Doom: Curses the target, imposing a penalty to all their rolls.

  13. Endure Elements: Protects the target from extreme environmental conditions.

  14. Entropic Shield: Grants a chance for ranged attacks to miss the caster.

  15. Hide From Undead: Prevents undead from detecting the caster or allies.

  16. Hold Portal: Magically seals a portal or door against entry.

  17. Intuition: Enhances insight and awareness within social situations.

  18. Mage Armor: Surrounds the target with an invisible protective force.

  19. Magic Arms & Armor: Temporarily enhances weapons or armor.

  20. Magic Stone: Enchants pebbles to deal magical force damage when thrown.

  21. Magic Trap: Places a hidden trap that triggers magical effects.

  22. Obscuring Mist: Creates a misty fog that obscures vision.

  23. Protect the Faithful: Shields allies from harm with divine protection.

  24. Ray of Pain: Fires a ray of negative energy that causes damage and intense pain.

  25. Remove Fear: Calms a creature and protects them from fear effects.

  26. Sanctuary: Prevents enemies from attacking the target while they remain non-hostile.

  27. Saving Grace: Enhances a target’s resistance to harmful effects.

  28. Shield of Faith: Creates a magical field that improves the target's defenses.

  29. Skilled: Temporarily boosts a target's proficiency in a specific skill.

  30. Vampiric Touch: Drains life energy from the target to heal the caster.


Arcane Spell Level 2 (Arc SL2)

Arcane - SL2 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Alter Body: Changes the caster’s physical appearance and attributes for one hour.

  2. Arcane Lock: Seals a door, window, or portal with a powerful magic lock.

  3. Blur: Causes the target’s form to appear blurry, making them harder to hit with attacks.

  4. Break Bones: Negative energy deals damage and cripples your target.

  5. Confounding Burst: A burst of sound and light disorients your enemies.

  6. Control Undead: Allows the caster to command undead creatures.

  7. Darkness: Creates an area of magical darkness that blocks vision.

  8. Deepsight: Grants enhanced vision, allowing the target to see in darkness and obscured conditions.

  9. Detect Thoughts: Reads the surface thoughts of creatures within range.

  10. Elemental Resistance: Protects the target against damage from a chosen element.

  11. Fear Burst: Instills fear in multiple creatures, causing them to flee.

  12. Flame Blade: Summons a fiery blade to wield in combat.

  13. Flaming Sphere: Conjures a rolling sphere of fire to damage enemies in its path.

  14. Ghoul Touch: Negative energy paralyzes a creature on a successful touch attack.

  15. Glitterdust: Coats creatures in sparkling dust, blinding them and revealing anything invisible.

  16. Gust of Wind: A powerful wind pushes back creatures, disrupts spellcasters, and deflects arrows.

  17. Hideous Laughter: Compels a creature to laugh uncontrollably, incapacitating them.

  18. Invisibility: Renders the target invisible for a few minutes or until they attack.

  19. Keen Edge: Magically sharpens a weapon, increasing its critical hit potential.

  20. Knock: Opens locked or sealed objects, such as doors or chests.

  21. Levitate: Allows the caster or target to move vertically using magical power.

  22. Locate Object: Reveals the direction to a specific object within range.

  23. Magic Mouth: Enchants an object to deliver a pre-recorded message when triggered.

  24. Make Whole: Repairs damaged or broken objects, restoring them to full functionality.

  25. Mirror Image: Creates illusory duplicates of the caster to confuse attackers.

  26. Obfuscate: The target becomes difficult to detect and is hidden from magical sensors.

  27. Permanent Torchlight: Creates a permanent magical light source.

  28. Protection Against Projectiles: Shields the target from ranged physical attacks.

  29. Prowess-Mental: Enhances mental abilities, improving either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

  30. Prowess-Physical: Boosts physical attributes, improving either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

  31. Scorching Ray: Blast your enemies with scorching rays of fire.

  32. See Invisibility: Allows the caster to see creatures and objects that are invisible.

  33. Spectral Hand: Summons a ghostly hand to deliver touch spells at a distance.

  34. Spider Climb: Grants the ability to easily climb walls and cling to ceilings.

  35. Web: Creates sticky webs that entangle and immobilize creatures.

Druid Spell Level 2 (Drd SL2)

Druid - SL2 - Spell List & Summaries:​

  1. Alter Terrain & Foliage: Magically reshapes the landscape or plants to hinder enemies or aid allies.

  2. Antivenom: Provides protection and healing from poisons.

  3. Barkskin: Enhances the target’s natural defenses by toughening their skin.

  4. Beanstalk: Quickly grows a tree-sized beanstalk for climbing or utility purposes.

  5. Blur: Causes the target’s form to appear blurry, making them harder to hit with attacks.

  6. Conjure Swarm: Summons a swarm of insects to attack and distract enemies.

  7. Elemental Resistance: Grants protection against damage from a chosen elemental type.

  8. Eye in the Sky: Creates a magical sensor to observe areas from above.

  9. Flame Blade: Summons a fiery blade to wield in combat.

  10. Gust of Wind: A powerful wind pushes back creatures, disrupts spellcasters, and deflects arrows.

  11. Heat Metal / Chill Metal: Magically heats or cools metal objects to harm or hinder enemies.

  12. Hold Animal: Magically paralyzes a targeted animal, rendering it immobile.

  13. Personal Thunderstorm: Creates a localized storm to damage enemies or provide tactical benefits.

  14. Poison Weapon: Coats a weapon with a deadly toxin that replenishes after each strike.

  15. Primordial Senses: Grants the ability to see in darkness and sense movement of nearby creatures.

  16. Prowess-Physical: Boosts physical attributes, improving either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

  17. Resize Animal: Greatly increase or decrease the size of an animal.

  18. Restful Healing: Speeds up natural healing processes for the target.

  19. Spider Climb: Grants the ability to easily climb walls and cling to ceilings.

  20. Tailwind: Boosts overland movement speed by channeling wind currents.

  21. Tree Shape: Allows the caster to assume the form of a tree for concealment and safety.

  22. Visual Adaptation: Enhances vision to see in various conditions and navigate in darkness.

  23. Warp Wood: Warps wooden objects to render them useless or for creative utility.

  24. Web: Creates sticky webs to entangle and immobilize creatures.

  25. Whispering Wind: Sends a message carried by the wind to a distant location.

Priest Spell Level 2 (Pst SL2)

Priest - SL2 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Aid: Provides a morale bonus to allies and temporary hit points.

  2. Augury: Allows the caster to receive divine insight about future actions.

  3. Break Bones: Inflicts damage and cripples the target’s skeletal structure.

  4. Burst of Radiance: A burst of divine energy damages and blinds enemies.

  5. Conjure Swarm: Summons a swarm of insects to attack and distract enemies.

  6. Consecrate: Enhances divine power in an area, protecting against undead and dark influences.

  7. Control Undead: Allows the caster to command undead creatures.

  8. Darkness: Fills the area with magical darkness that negates most light sources.

  9. Deceptive Faith: Obscures the caster’s true faith with a divine guise.

  10. Delay Death: Prevents a target from dying, stabilizing them at the brink of death.

  11. Desecrate: Corrupts an area, enhancing undead and weakening holy effects.

  12. Divine Reach: Enhance a creature's melee capabilities and reach in combat.

  13. Elemental Resistance: Shields the target from damage caused by a specific elemental type.

  14. Fear Burst: Instills terror in multiple creatures, forcing them to flee or cower.

  15. Ghoul Touch: Negative energy paralyzes a creature on a successful touch attack.

  16. Identify: Reveals the magical properties and history of a specific item.

  17. Life Shield: Provides powerful protection to an ally using your own life force.

  18. Locate Object: Reveals the direction to a specific object within range.

  19. Make Whole: Repairs broken or damaged objects to full functionality.

  20. Mend Bones: Heals broken bones and restores hit points.

  21. Neutralize Poison: Removes poison and its effects from a creature or object.

  22. Permanent Torchlight: Creates a permanent magical light source.

  23. Protection Against Projectiles: Shields the target from ranged physical attacks.

  24. Prowess-Mental: Enhances mental abilities, improving either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

  25. Prowess-Physical: Boosts physical attributes, improving either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

  26. Release: Frees a target from bonds, paralysis, or other restraints.

  27. Restoration, Lesser: Removes negative conditions and restores health.

  28. Silence: Creates a zone where no sound can be produced, disrupting spellcasting.

  29. Sound Burst: An incredibly loud magical explosion damages and disorients creatures.

  30. Spiritual Weapon: Summons a flying magical weapon that attacks enemies independently.

  31. Stagger: Seize the mind of your target, imposing penalties and limiting their actions.

  32. Status: Reveals the condition and location of allies linked to the caster.

  33. Tranquility: Pacifies an area, calming aggression and emotions.

  34. Weapon of Morality: Enhances a weapon with divine energy against opposing forces.

  35. Zone of Truth: Creates an area inside of which creatures cannot lie.


Arcane Spell Level 3 (Arc SL3)

Arcane - SL3 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Acid Bomb: Launches an explosive blob of acid that damages and weakens enemies over time.

  2. Amnesia: Erases a target’s short-term memory.

  3. Arcane Sight: Grants the ability to see magical auras and analyze their strength and type.

  4. Blink: Temporarily phases the caster in and out of reality, improving mobility & survivability.

  5. Curse of Endless Night or Utter Silence: Curses the target with blindness or deafness.

  6. Daylight: Illuminates a large area, dispels magical darkness, and can even stagger the undead.

  7. Defy Gravity: Greatly increases mobility & utility by removing the restrictions of gravity.

  8. Dispel Magic: Removes magical effects from creatures, objects, or areas.

  9. Displacement: Makes the target appear displaced, granting them a defensive bonus.

  10. Enervating Ray: Fires a ray of negative energy that damages and weakens the target.

  11. Eye Spy: Creates a magical sensor to observe distant or hard-to-reach locations.

  12. Fireball: A massive explosion of flame incinerates creatures in an area.

  13. Gaseous Form: Transform into a cloud of gas, becoming immune to damage and highly mobile.

  14. Haste / Slow: Alter the speed of thought and action, either increasing or decreasing a target’s speed and reflexes, granting additional actions or hindering them in combat.

  15. Heroism: Empowers the target with bravery and a morale boost to all their actions.

  16. Hold: Imposes magical stasis on a target, rendering them completely unable to act.

  17. Identify, Greater: Reveals the magical properties of an item, how to use it, and any curses upon it.

  18. Invisibility Sphere: Creates a field of invisibility that hides the caster and all allies within range.

  19. Lightning Bolt: Unleashes a powerful bolt of electricity that damages all creatures in its path.

  20. Major Image: Creates a large, detailed illusion that can respond and interact with the environment.

  21. Resize (Enlarge / Shrink): Greatly increase or decrease the size of a target creature.

  22. Sleet Storm: Creates a storm of ice and wind that obscures vision and hampers movement.

  23. Stinking Cloud: Creates a nauseating cloud that sickens and incapacitates creatures.

  24. Suggestion: Plants a compelling suggestion in the target’s mind to force their actions.

  25. Tiny Hut: Creates a protective dome that provides shelter and security.

  26. Tongues: Enables the target to understand and speak almost any language.

  27. Water Breathing: Grants the ability to breathe underwater for an extended period.

  28. Wind Wall: Creates a massive barrier of wind that knocks back creatures and projectiles.

Druid Spell Level 3 (Drd SL3)

Druid - SL3 - Spell List & Summaries:​

  1. Call Lightning: Summon a bolt of lightning each turn to devastate your enemies.

  2. Daylight: Illuminates a large area, dispels magical darkness, and can even stagger the undead.

  3. Diminish Plants: Reduces botanical life to clear terrain, cause harvests to fail, or weaken plant creatures.

  4. Dominate Animal: Take control of an animal's mind so it follows your commands.

  5. Free to Roam: Enhances travel and mobility through difficult terrain for multiple targets.

  6. Gift of the Elements: Protect and enhance your target with the primal power of a chosen element.

  7. Helping Hand: Summons a spectral hand to guide allies or point toward specific locations.

  8. Invisibility: Renders the target invisible for a few minutes or until they attack.

  9. Killer Stalagmites: Conjures massive stalagmites to impale enemies and create difficult terrain.

  10. Plant Growth: Promotes rapid growth of plants for tactics, food production, or combat enhancement.

  11. Poison Burst: Launch an explosive cloud of poison to damage and distress your enemies.

  12. Quench: Extinguishes fires and prevents fire-based magic and effects.

  13. Resize (Enlarge / Shrink): Greatly increase or decrease the size of a target creature.

  14. Sleet Storm: Creates a storm of ice and wind that obscures vision and hinders movement.

  15. Speak with Plants: Allows communication with plants to gain insights & information.

  16. Stinking Cloud: Produces a nauseating cloud that incapacitates and disorients creatures.

  17. Stone Shape: Allows the caster to reshape stone into useful or defensive forms.

  18. Water Breathing: Grants the ability to breathe underwater for an extended period.

  19. Water Walk: Allows the target to move across the surface of water as if it were solid ground.

  20. Wind Wall: Creates a massive barrier of wind that knocks back creatures and projectiles.

  21. Wings: The target sprouts massive wings that enable them to fly.

Priest Spell Level 3 (Pst SL3)

Priest - SL3 - Spell List & Summaries:

  1. Animate Dead: Raises corpses as undead to serve the caster.

  2. Bestow Curse: Afflicts the target with a debilitating curse.

  3. Circle of Faith / Glory / Justice: Creates an aura that enhances allies within its range.

  4. Cleansing Wave: Heals allies and removes negative conditions within an area.

  5. Confidence: Instills the target with confidence, making them Fortunate on selected rolls.

  6. Create Food & Water: Produces sufficient food and water to sustain a small group.

  7. Curse of Endless Night / Utter Silence: Curses the target with blindness or deafness.

  8. Dark Retribution: Shield yourself with negative energy and reflect damage back at your attackers.

  9. Daylight: Illuminates a large area, dispels magical darkness, and can even stagger the undead.

  10. Detect Desires: Reveals the desires or intentions of creatures within range.

  11. Dispel Magic: Removes magical effects from creatures, objects, or areas.

  12. Divine Containment Field: Uses divine power to trap a creature within a small area.

  13. Enervating Ray: Fires a ray of negative energy that damages and weakens the target.

  14. Eye Spy: Creates a magical sensor to observe distant or hard-to-reach locations.

  15. Halt Undead: Paralyzes undead creatures, preventing them from acting.

  16. Helping Hand: Conjures a spectral hand to guide or assist allies.

  17. Heroism: Empowers the target with bravery and a morale boost to all their actions.

  18. Hold: Imposes magical stasis on a target, rendering them completely unable to act.

  19. Invisibility Purge: Negates all invisibility effects in the area.

  20. Life’s Retribution: An aura of positive energy protects you and harms undead creatures that strike you.

  21. Prayer of Good Fortune: Grants a divine blessing to improve luck and outcomes for allies.

  22. Remove Curse: Removes a magical curse affecting a creature or object.

  23. Searing Light: Fires a concentrated beam of holy light to damage and blind your foes.

  24. Speak with Dead: Enables communication with a deceased creature's spirit.

  25. Tongues: Enables the target to understand and speak almost any language.

  26. Water Walk: Allows the target to move across the surface of water as if it were solid ground.

  27. Wind Wall: Creates a massive barrier of wind that knocks back creatures and projectiles.

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