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Magic & Spells - The basics
This chapter provides on overview of the rules for spell-casting and magic! (Chapter 10)
Intro to Magic:
Magic is inexplicable and unfamiliar to us in the “Real World.” However, these powers and mystical forces can be known to the characters in our fantasy setting, be they granted by deities or spirits, studied & learned, or awakened from within with proper training. Because of this, magic must still follow some rational rules, and create effects that make sense in a world with which we as players are familiar. This chapter provides the framework of these rules for magic.
-A Spell is a one-time magical effect that lasts for a particular duration.
-Magic is the most widely varied and complex aspect of fantasy gaming because it has the ability to do just about anything you can imagine!
-Most characters gain access to spells by taking levels in spell-casting classes.
-There are also a few special racial abilities or Feats that grant access to certain spells. Additionally, you may find magic items that allow you to cast a spell using the item.
-Your character class determines which spells you can cast and how you cast them, how many spells you can cast per day, and which Ability Score is used to affect your spells.
Casting a Spell – Quick Summary:
There are many specific details that affect each individual spell in LFG, but most spells work like this:
-Casting a spell is a Big Action that Provokes AOO. If you are struck as you cast the spell, you must make a Perseverance Check (DC10+[2xSL]) or the spell is wasted and expended with no effect.
-Most spells have Verbal (V) & Somatic (S) components, meaning you must be able to speak and move your body freely to cast them properly. Many spells also require that you have a Focus (F) item as you cast.
-Some spells allow the caster to select a target creature within a certain range, while others affect the entire area around a target location. Check your spell description for the proper Range and Area of Effect (AoE).
-When a spell is cast, it creates the effects listed in the spell description.
-Creatures often have to make Saving Throws to resist the spell’s effects. Each spell describes what Saving Throw, if any, is required (FORT/REF/WILL), as well as what happens if the Save is a success or a failure.
-The Save DC of a Spell = 10+SL+Casting AbilityMod
-Some spells require Attack Rolls to strike their target, such as Rays (ranged touch) and Touch Attack Spells (melee touch). These spells use an Attack Roll against the TouchAC of your intended target.
-You can only cast 1 spell per turn!
-Note: Spells are so widely varied that many have different rules than those summarized here. Be sure to check each individual spell’s description to be sure you are using it correctly! Use this summary as a general guideline.
Types of Magic & Types of Casting (10.1b)
There are 2 Types of Magic - Arcane & Divine:
-Arcane casters harness raw magical power to create their spells.
-Divine casters access their magic through a connection with some sort of deity, spirit realm, ancestral heritage, or some type of supernatural entity.
There are 3 Spell Lists - Arcane (Arc), Druid (Drd), & Priest (Pst):
-This information is used to indicate which classes and creatures can access which spells.
-Druids and Rangers are Divine casters with access to Druid Spell List.
-Priests are Divine casters with access to the Priest Spell List. (also the Paladin Fighter Variant)
-Sorcerers, Wizards, and Bards are Arcane casters with access to the Arcane Spell List.
-Some spells appear in multiple spell lists. These spells may have different Spell Levels depending on which type of caster is using the spell.
There are 2 Kinds of Spell-Casters - Prepared & Spontaneous:
What is a Prepared Caster? You select & prepare each individual spell you wish to have available for the day.
-Prepared Casters are highly adaptable on a day-to-day basis. You have a wide array of spells to choose from, and can select the best spells required for the coming day. You can try out a spell once or twice to see if you like it. If you don’t like it, you can just try a new spell the next day.
-Once a prepared caster casts a spell, you cannot cast it again until you rest, unless you chose to prepare the same spell in another Daily Spell Slot. If you wish to cast a spell at a higher SL, you must prepare the spell at a higher SL when you choose your spells for the day. (Read each spell to see if it gains extra effects if used at a higher SL.)
-Drawbacks: Once you use a spell, it’s gone until you get a chance to rest. You cannot change the power of your spells (change SL) on a whim, but must instead plan to do so in advance.
-The following classes are Prepared Casters: Wizard, Druid, Priest
What is a Spontaneous Caster? You can cast any spell you know whenever you need it.
-Spontaneous Casters are very consistent and can cast a few spells many times each day. You can access any spell you know at any time, and never have to worry about preparing spells before a battle or special mission.
-You can choose to cast the same spell again as many times as you want as long as you have Daily Spell Slots remaining. If you wish to cast a spell at a higher SL, you simply expend a higher SL Daily Spell Slot and cast the spell, which functions at whatever SL was selected.
-Drawbacks: You must be very careful with your spell choice, as you are limited to knowing a small selection of spells. You cannot alter your spell list to fit a specific mission.
-The following classes are Spontaneous Casters: Sorcerer, Bard, Ranger, Paladin (Fighter Variant)
Casting Ability Scores (10.1c)
Any character class that grants access to spells may be considered a Spell Caster, or simply a “Caster.” Each caster class uses a specific Mental Ability Score to determine the effects of your spells.
Casting Ability Scores by PC Class:
INT (Wizard), WIS (Druid, Priest, Ranger), CHA (Bard, Sorcerer, Paladin[Variant Fighter])
-You must have a Casting Ability Score equal to at least (10+SL) to be able to cast spells of that SL.
Your Casting Ability Score is used to determine the Save DC of spells you cast. Every caster has a set number of spell slots available per day, as determined by your character class level. Not all spells allow Saves.
-Save DC of a Spell = 10 + SL + CastingMod (CastingMod = Casting Ability Score Modifier)
Ex: A level 1 Priest with 15 Wisdom using a SL1 spell has a Save DC of 10+1SL+2WISMod = Save DC13
Schools of Magic (10.1d)
Every magic spell is assigned to a particular school based on the effects it creates, with some spells indicating multiple schools if their effects match the characteristics of both schools.
There are 7 different Schools of Magic:
Conjuration (C), Divination (D), Guile & Glamer (G), Necromancy (N), Primal (P), Transmutation (T), Ward (W)
-The letter in the parentheses is used as an abbreviation in spell descriptions.
Conjuration (C): Spells that create material objects, and even living beings, from magical power. These spells can harness magical energy into solid forms. They can also bring creatures or objects from one location to another.
Divination (D): Spells that reveal, provide, or share information. Divination spells allow transmittal and comprehension of language and information in all forms.
Guile & Glamer (G): This school contains spells such as illusions and charms. Guile & Glamer spells alter perceptions, create false images, or grant the caster control over another being. (Referred to as “G&G” for short)
Necromancy (N): Spells that manipulate negative energy and are even able to steal the life force from other creatures. These spells may be able to cause fear or weaken particular aspects of their targets. A necromancy specialist is called a necromancer.
Primal (P): Spells that manipulate primal powers of the elements or generate pure magical force. Primal spells can generate intense power, making them some of the most devastating combat spells available.
Transmutation (T): Spells that transform objects or creatures and change their properties in drastic or subtle ways. These spells can also enhance or diminish natural processes such as respiration, growth, and healing.
Ward (W): Spells that protect people, objects, or areas.
-Spells with Multiple Schools: Certain spells are listed with two spell schools separated by a slash (W / T). The spell counts as both of those schools; if you have a specialization or extra in either one of the schools, you will gain those benefits on this spell. Ex: A spell with (W / T) is both a Ward spell & a Transmutation spell.
-If you have some sort of defense against (or vulnerability to) a particular school, it functions on any spell with that school in its descriptor.
Spell Subschools: A Subschool is a slightly more specific grouping for magic spells, listed directly after the School of magic. They help to identify & categorize spells. Not all spells have subschool. Certain Feats or special abilities may enhance spells from a particular subschool. Some of the available subschools are as follows:
Acid, Air, Cold, Curse, Darkness(Dark), Electricity(Elec), Fear, Fire, Force, Heal, Illusion(Illus), Light, Mind-Affecting(Mind), Poison, Teleport
Here are a few special notes on certain subschools to assist in any rulings:
Healing (Heal): These spells restore hit points, life, and cure negative conditions on living creatures. Most of these spells harm undead creatures and have no effect on constructs.
Fear: All Fear spells are also Mind-Affecting(Mind) Spells. Creatures immune to Fear are completely unaffected by spells from this subschool.
Curse: A Curse spell is a powerful necromancy effect which cannot be dismissed normally by the caster. Curses are much harder to remove or dispel than other magical effects; they may only be removed by spells that specifically indicate they remove or dispel Curses. Most curses also have some special quest or condition that may be completed to end the curse.
Example: Blur (G-Illus) -Spell Level: Arc 2 / Drd 2 – This spell is from the Guild & Glamer School and the Illusion Subschool. It is a SL2 Arcane Spell and a SL2 Druid Spell.
Spell Casting Details (10.2a)
Reading a Spell Description:
-All spells in LFG are displayed in the following format: Each spell has a statistic-block that tells the most commonly used information, followed by a description of all spell effects not covered in the statistic block.
Spell Name (School - Subschool) Spell Level (SL): Arc # / Drd # / Pst #
Cast: Casting Action Component: V/S/F Duration: How long Damage: How much [type]
Purpose: Common Use Save: Saving Throw Range: How far Target: What is affected?
Effects: Description of the spell and how it works
At Higher SL: Describes how the effects change if this spell is used in a higher SL slot
What does each stat mean? These are described in further detail later in this chapter.
Spell Name: What is the Spell called? This is how you look up the spell in the rulebook.
Spell Level (SL): What Spell List is this spell on? What Spell Level do you need access to if you want to cast it?
Arc = Arcane, Drd = Druid, Pst = Priest. Higher Spell Level indicates a more powerful spell.
(School – Subschool): What sort of spell is this, and what sort of effects can you expect from it?
Cast: How long does it take to cast the spell, or what type of Action do you have to use to cast it?
Component: Does the spell require you to speak (Verbal-V), move your hands & body (Somatic-S), or have some type of Arcane or Divine Focus (Focus-F) to cast it?
Duration: How long does the magical effect last?
Damage: How much damage of what type does the spell deal, if any? Healing is also indicated here.
Purpose: What is this spell most commonly used for? (This is a generalization; creative players may find other uses!)
Save: What sort of Saving Throw, if any, is used to resist the spell’s effects?
Range: How far away from you can the spell create its effect?
Target: What gets affected by this spell? Does it affect a single creature, a few targets, or all creatures and objects within an area? How large of an area does this spell encompass around a particular point of effect (AoE)?
Effects: All other spell details are explained here.
At Higher SL: If you desire, you may prepare or use this spell at a higher SL, modifying its effects as described here. A Prepared caster may prepare the spell in the higher SL slot, while a Spontaneous caster may elect to use a higher SL slot upon casting. (Note: Not all spells have this section.) Note: Higher SL increases Save DC!
Example Spell Description:
Leaping Strides (T) Spell Level: Arc 1 / Drd 1
Cast: Big Component: V/S/F Duration: 4 Hours Damage: None
Purpose: Mobility Save: FORT (Helpful) Range: Touch Target: Creature Touched
Effects: You gain a Power Bonus of +10 feet to your land Move Speed & are Fortunate on all Jump&Sprint checks.
At Higher SL: Add +1 hour per +1 SL. You may choose to affect +1 additional touched creature per +1 SL (Max SL6).
What does this stat block tell me? Leaping Strides is a spell from the Transmutation (T) school that can be cast by an Arcane Caster or a Druid as Spell Level 1. It takes a Big Action to cast the spell, and you need Verbal, Somatic, and Focus Components to cast it (V/S/F). It lasts for 4 Hours, and doesn’t deal any damage. It assists your mobility and is considered a Helpful spell, but a FORT Save can be used to resist this spell if you like. When you cast this spell, you must touch the creature you wish to affect. If you cast this spell as SL2, you could touch and affect 2 creatures, and the duration would be 5 hours.
Spells that Counter & Dispel other Spells: (Example: Doom counters and dispels Divine Favor) If the first spell is cast upon the same target or area as the other spell, the spells cancel each other out. All effects of both spells end immediately, and the magic dissipates. If used as a Counterspell, the spell grants a +5 Innate Bonus on the Perseverance check to counter the other.
Casting Time (10.2b)
Casting Time: What kind of action is used to cast a spell?
Big / Little / Double: A spell listed with one of these Casting Times requires that type of Action & Provokes AOO.
(For details on Action Types, see Ch9.2)
-Some spells may have different casting times under certain conditions.
Swift: Casting this spell requires a Swift Action that does not provoke AOO. (A Swift Action is a type of Little Action)
FRA (Full-Round Action): Casting this spell is a consumes both Big Actions for your turn and you continue casting the spell until the start of your next turn. While casting, you are distracted, you do not threaten AOO, and you may not speak to other characters. The spell activates immediately upon the start of your next turn, after which you may then take your new turn as normal. You Provoke AOO for the full duration of the FRA casting time.
-You cannot take another action (or Reaction) until your casting is complete.
-You may take a Little Action before beginning the Full-Round Action.
Ritual (Time): Casting this spell requires you to be stationary and meditative for the indicated amount of time as you work on the spell. The spell activates immediately upon the completion of the ritual.
-While casting, you are distracted, you do not threaten AOO, and you may not speak to other characters.
-You Provoke AOO on each turn while casting in this manner.
-Some spells may indicate specific details of a ritual that must be followed.
-Most Rituals are 1 minute, 10 minutes, or 1 hour in length.
-As long as you remain in your hex and spend the appropriate amount of time using your actions to effectively cast your spell, the exact details of your “ritual” can be whatever you and your GM decide are appropriate.
Spell Casting Components (10.2c)
Spell Casting Components: What do I need to do to cast a spell?
All spells require one or more spell components to be cast properly.
The component types are: Verbal (V), Somatic (S), Focus (F), Unique (U)
-Some spells only require 1 or 2 of these components, while others require all 4. Each spell lists the components needed in the individual Spell Description. Each component is described below.
-Certain classes and Feats may modify or negate the need of some of these components.
V = Verbal Component: You must be able to speak out loud.
The verbal component for a spell is as loud as normal conversational speech, or louder if desired. (DC0 Listen check to hear; most people within 100 feet will hear you in a quiet environment.)
-Note: All spells cast by a Bard require Verbal components, even if not listed in the spell’s description.
S = Somatic Component: You must be able to move your arms and body freely.
-You may have items in your hands, so long as your arms and body are generally uninhibited.
-Casters must make Perseverance checks to cast spells with Somatic Components while grappled or otherwise unable to properly move. (See Concentration or Wrestling Skills in Ch4.26 for more details if this situation arises.)
F = Focus Component: You must be holding, wearing, or wielding the appropriate Focus type.
-An Arcane Focus is required by Wizards, a Divine Focus is required by Priests, a Natural Conduit Focus is required by Druids. (See Class Details for more info)
-Note: Bards & Sorcerers ignore the “F” component for all spells gained by those classes.
U = Unique Component: A special item, magic power, or paid expense is needed to cast the spell.
-Unique components are only required for a small number of spells. They are often held or consumed upon casting, but they vary widely. See the spell description for what is required to properly use the (U) component.
-A Unique Component listed as “X gp worth of Magic Power” indicates that this amount of power must be expended from an Enchanter’s Gem, Arcane Prism, or similar source as part of the casting action. The gem/prism is held in hand or placed upon the target and the magic power is automatically consumed upon casting.
Spell Duration (10.2d)
Spell Duration: How long does a spell last?
1 Turn: The spell’s effects last until the end of the next turn taken by the affected target.
1 Round: This spell lasts from the moment it is cast until the end of the next full round. Special Note: The round in which the spell is cast does not count against its duration. This is only true for spells with 1 Round Duration.
X Rounds: This spell lasts from the moment it is cast until the end of the next X rounds. The duration includes the round in which the spell is cast.
X Minutes or X Hours or X Days: This spell lasts for a number of Minutes, Hours, or Days equal to X.
Remember, a duration of 1 minute is the same as a duration of 10 Rounds.
Permanent: This spell lasts indefinitely. The magic power continues functioning, even for years after the spell is cast. Permanent spells cannot be dismissed, but they may be dispelled.
Instantaneous (Instant): The magic from this spell functions only for a moment. Any changes that occur as a result of the spell remain after the magic fades. Any item or object created by an Instantaneous spell is considered a real item once it has come into existence. Instantaneous spells cannot be dismissed or dispelled.
Concentration (Conc): This spell will remain active for as long as you continue spending a Big Action on your turn to concentrate on the spell. Concentrating on a Spell is a Big Action that does not provoke AOO. Many of these spells will also have a maximum duration listed, after which point you must cease the spell.
-You do not have to make a Perseverance Skill check to maintain the spell unless you are being distracted, taking damage, affected with a negative condition, or otherwise risk loss of focus.
Conc+X Duration: After you stop concentrating, this spell continues for X duration (if you desire).
Other Spell Durations: Some spells may have durations different from those listed here. Follow the guidelines above and those in the spell description to use the spell effectively in your game. You may also gain Feats or special abilities that alter your spell durations.
-Burst: This descriptor indicates that a spell generates in an initial burst of magic that only affects creatures within a certain area, but the magic continues affecting these creatures for a set duration. The duration after the Burst descriptor indicates how long those caught in the burst will be affected.
-Rolled Spell Durations: Some spells have durations such as 2d6 Rounds or 3d6 Hours. These work exactly as described above, but the exact value of the duration is determined by a roll of the dice as the spell is cast. The GM may wish to keep track of these durations in secret to increase the suspense of a scene.
Note: If a spell is dispelled, the duration ends immediately. If a spell is countered, the duration never begins.
Spell Purpose (10.2e)
Spell Purpose: What is this spell used for?
While spells have many creative uses, most of them are designed to be used in certain situations. This common usefulness is described by the Spell Purpose.
The Spell Purpose is intended to give players an idea of the most likely circumstances in which they would wish to use a spell. If you want to become a talented caster, be sure to read every spell description carefully & you will likely be able to think of many more ways to use your spells. Use the information presented here as advice and suggestions, then choose the spells that you think will serve you best!
List of Spell Purposes:
Awareness: These spells enhance your senses and ability to perceive aspects of your surroundings.
Buff: These spells enhance combat abilities. Buffs often improve the physical or mental abilities of combatants.
-Offense Buff: These spells enhance offensive statistics such as Attack Rolls, weapon damage, reach, Reactions, and number of attacks.
-Defense Buff: These spells improve defensive statistics such as AC & Saving Throws.
Communication: These spells assist in sending and receiving messages or strategic information through ways beyond that or normal speech or text.
Crowd-Control (CC): These spells help you to control a battlefield, affecting enemy movement and tactics. They stop enemies, make areas difficult for them to cross, or make your enemies less dangerous or efficient.
Damage: This spell deals direct hit point damage, and is used in combat to damage or eliminate threats.
(DoT) Damage over Time: This spell deals continuous damage for its duration, typically once per round.
Debuff: The most common effect of these spells is to remove combat abilities from enemies. Debuffs often reduce the physical or mental abilities of combatants. Debuffs may remove magical abilities from targets.
Heal: These spells restore lost HP, remove negative conditions, heal wounds, or restore life to the fallen.
-Most Heal spells are considered Helpful, but they are often dangerous to Undead creatures.
Mobility: These spells improve your ability to move about the battlefield, and may provide you with new modes of movement. Mobility spells are commonly used for combat-based movement.
Travel: These spells assist in longer duration movement, and are generally used during Story Gameplay.
Utility: This descriptor covers the widest array of spells, as “utility” is subjective to a case-by-case basis. They may help to avoid combat, acquire items, improve certain skills, make travel easier, and so on.
Other Spell Purposes: A few other descriptive terms may be used to summarize the effects of each spell. These are just to give you a basic idea. Remember to look up each spell to find out exactly what it does!
Ex: Survival, Navigation, Camp Safety, Destruction, Area Denial, Escape
Spells & Saving Throws (10.2f)
-Many spells allow a Saving Throw to resist some or all of the spell’s effects. The type of Save required by the spell (if any) is shown in the spell description. The Save against a Spell is DC(10+SL+CastingMod).
-Exactly what happens to a target that passes or fails the indicated Save is detailed in the Effects section of the spell description. If a spell or ability does not indicate what happens on a successful Save, assume all effects of the spell are ignored on a successful Save.
-Note: Any willing creature targeted by a spell may choose to be affected without rolling the indicated Save.
-Helpful spells: This descriptor indicates a spell intended to assist or enhance your teammates and allies. It is placed by the Saving Throw to make it obvious that most creatures will want to fail the Save on purpose.
-If a creature is unwilling to be affected, they may roll the listed Save to negate all of the Helpful spell’s effects.
Spells & Magic - Range & Target (AoE) (10.3)
Spell Range: At what distance can the spell create its effects? How far away can the spell strike or affect a target?
-This indicates the maximum distance from the caster the spell may begin to take its effect.
-This indicates the maximum range at which a creature/area may be targeted by the spell.
Spell Target: What gets affected by the spell? Does it affect a single creature, a few targets, or all creatures and objects within an area (AoE)? How large of an area does this spell encompass around a particular point of effect?
-Note: Some spells may modify their Range and/or Target if used at a higher Spell Level (SL).
-AoE = Area of Effect (AoE)
-Some spells may indicate a Range or Target different than those listed here. Read each individual spell description for details & clarifications.
Spell Range (10.3a)
Spell Range: How far away from the caster can the spell create its effect?
-Spells do not have Range Penalties like ranged physical attacks.
-A spell cannot strike a target beyond its listed Range.
Short: 40 Feet (~12m) Medium: 120 feet (~37m) Long: 600 feet (~183m)
-Note: All spells with a listed range of Short, Medium, Long, or any specific number of feet can instead be cast as a “Touch Range” spell. (This comes in handy when you can’t see your target!)
Self: This spell affects the caster.
Self+X: This spell affects the caster as well as other creatures or objects within X feet.
Touch: You must touch the target creature to cast the spell upon them. Any spell with Touch range may be cast upon yourself. If you can affect multiple creatures with a single casting of your spell, you can generally touch up to 6 willing creatures or unattended objects as part of a single Big Action casting time. You must roll a Melee Touch Attack to touch unwilling targets.
-Any spell written with a Range of Touch may instead be cast with the Range of Self.
Direct: The spell effect begins at the caster & extends outward, functioning out to an indicated distance. The caster is not included in this AoE. Ex: Direct+60 means the spell begins at the caster and functions out to 60 feet.
Other: For spells with ranges other than those listed here, the range is fully explained in the spell’s description.
Ray: Any spell with this descriptor requires a Ranged Attack Roll against your target’s TouchAC. Rays generally create beams of energy or other magical power that affect the target struck. Rays are normally launched from the caster’s fingers. Rays are affected by cover and concealment just like any normal ranged Attack Roll.
Self+TAS (Self+Touch Attack Spell): This spell is stored within the caster’s body as a magic charge upon casting which can then be used on a target foe by touching them and releasing the charge. See below for more details.
All Self+Touch Attack Spells (TAS) use the following basic rules:
-Any Spell Duration, Saving Throw, and AoE information indicated in the TAS description is for the effects of the charge being released into a target.
-When you cast the spell, you imbue your hands with magic power.
-You gain a set number of magical charges that are stored in your body, as indicated in the spell description. Some spells grant only 1 charge, while others may grant more charges.
-All TAS charges can be maintained in the caster’s body for up to 1 minute per Caster Level. These charges can be dispelled as if they were enchantments.
-If you wish to affect a foe with your touch spell, you must reach out and purposefully touch your target.
-Make an Unarmed Melee Touch Attack as a Big Action (No AOO) (Attack Roll vs Target’s TouchAC)
-If you successfully touch the target you release a charge into your foe which causes the indicated spell effects. If you miss on your touch Attack Roll, there is a 50% chance that you waste the charge.
-While the TAS is charged in your body, you Threaten with your hands in your Natural Reach. You may use the Melee Touch Attack Spell as an AOO if the opportunity arises.
-You may have only one TAS charged in your body at a time. (The most recently cast spell remains)
-Releasing a charged TAS into a foe is considered an “Attack.” If you are level 5+ and you have enough charges, you may make 2 TAS Attacks on your turn using both Big Actions. (-2 Consecutive Attack Penalty)
-You may touch objects and creatures without harming them if you do not choose to release a charge.
-You may never harm yourself with your own Touch Attack Spell.
-You automatically succeed touching unattended objects.
-Many TAS cause your hands to appear differently while charged, such as glowing or changing color. These effects remain so long as charges remain in your body. Once all charges are used, your hands return to normal.
-If you are grappled, you may use a Big Action to release a TAS charge into your foe. You do not need to make an Attack Roll or Wrestling check to do so.
Note: A touch Attack Roll for a TAS is treated as a Light weapon. (You may use your DEXMod)
Spell Target & Area of Effect (AoE) (10.3b)
Spell Target: What creatures, objects, or locations will be affected by my spell?
-A spell may be a Targeted spell or an Area of Effect (AoE) spell.
Targeted spells: These spells only affect selected creatures/objects.
Self: The spell is cast upon yourself (Druids may also cast Self Range spells on their Animal Companions).
Target Creature/Object: The spell only affects the specified creature(s) or object(s).
-If you cannot see the target with your Primary Sense (or otherwise pinpoint its location), you cannot select it as a target. You may use a “Targeted” spell at Touch Range even if you cannot see your target.
-Direct attacks from spells (Such as Rays or Touch Attack Spells) cannot score Critical Hits unless specifically indicated in the spell description.
Creature/Object Touched: Any creature or object you touch as part of the casting action is affected.
-You can touch up to 6 willing creatures within your Natural Reach as part of a single casting action (if your spell allows for multiple creatures to be affected).
Area of Effect (AoE) spells: These spells affect all creatures or objects within the indicated area.
Cylinder-Xr-Yh: This spell creates an effect with a radius of X feet and a straight vertical height from the ground (or other target point) up to Y feet.
Radius-X: This spell extends X feet outward in all directions from a starting point. When calculating a radius, use the intersection between 3 hexes as the center of the spell or other effect. (See Sample Spell AoE image)
Direct: The spell effect begins at the caster & extends outward. This is followed by the shape of the effect and the distance out to which it functions. The caster is not included in this particular AoE.
Ex: Direct-Cone-15’means the spell begins directly at the caster and extends 15 feet outward in a cone shape.
Cone-X: The spell extends outwards in a 3-dimensional cone away from the caster.
-Using 2 adjacent edges of a single hex you occupy, extend the X feet in a straight line from each edge. Include all hexes between to form a triangle-like area. All hexes within this cone are struck. (See Sample Spell AoE image)
Line-X: This spell extends X feet outward in a single direction from a starting point. A line is considered to be 1 hex wide unless otherwise indicated. All hexes within the line are affected by the spell. (See Sample Spell AoE image)
*AoE Limitations: If a spell’s AoE is larger than the space available, allow the spell to function normally within the smaller area unless indicated otherwise. Spells that blast outward may have some effects blocked by walls or boulders, but most spells function across their full AoE, going through walls and around corners. Read the spell description, and if still unsure, it is up to logic and GM Discretion!
Sample Spell AoE Image:
Other Spell Casting Information & Limitations (Chapter 10.4)
Spell Casting Limitations & Clarifications (10.4a)
You can only cast 1 spell per turn! Even though many spells only require a single Action to cast, you cannot cast two spells in a single turn.
(Note: Higher level characters can gain abilities to bypass this rule under specific conditions.)
Mobility Penalty: In order to cast a spell, you want to be as free of hindrance as possible. The mental focus required to cast most spells can be affected by uncomfortable clothing, armor, and heavy gear.
-If you attempt to cast a spell while suffering from a Mobility Penalty from any source (Armor, Shield, Backpack, Encumbrance, etc), you must make a DC(10+[2xSL]) Perseverance check or the spell fails.
-Armor, shields, and other gear with 0 Mobility Penalty do not hinder your casting ability.
-Some class abilities and Feats allow you to bypass certain Mobility Penalty-related Perseverance checks.
-This does not apply to Spell-Like or Supernatural abilities (SLA or Su); they are unaffected by armor.
-Spells cast using a Little Action or faster, or cast from magic items or scrolls, do not require this check.
-Reminder: Casters may “Take 5” on this check, so casters with enough Ranks in Perseverance could easily pass this check without needing to roll!
Arcane Exhaustion/Divine Exhaustion: Casting spells is an exhausting process, hence the limit on the number of spells you can cast in a day. Casting powerful spells is even more demanding:
Powerful Spells - Whenever you cast a spell of SL3+, you must make a Perseverance Check DC10+[2xSL]. If you fail, the spell is cast, but you also suffer +1 Weakened Stage.
-Once you gain access to SL6, you no longer need to make this check for SL3 spells.
-Once you gain access to SL8, you no longer need to make this check for SL4 spells.
This rule applies to all spellcasting classes!
Spells – Avoiding Damage & Conditions: If a spell normally deals damage and causes a negative condition, creatures that do not take any damage are also unaffected by the negative condition.
-Some creatures may have special defenses that reduce or negate incoming damage.
-Some creatures may pass a Saving Throw to reduce incoming damage; remember to always round down!
Fire Spells & Other Elements: Unless otherwise noted, fire spells do not set characters, sturdy gear, or buildings on fire, but they may set highly flammable items on fire, such as unattended papers or curtains (GM Discretion).
-Creative use of fire spells (and other spells) is encouraged. For example, if a player purposefully casts Burning Hands to start a fire in a bedroom to cover their escape, there is no reason to prevent such a feasible thing from happening.
-Many fire spells have additional effects are specifically stated in the spell description. When in doubt, assume any fire spell deals damage and quickly dissipates without much additional effect.
-For simplicity, Fire spells used underwater have their standard effects but deal half damage, unless indicated otherwise.
Dismiss a Spell (10.4b)
Dismiss a Spell: What if I want one of my own spells to end?
-Sometimes you may wish to get rid of a spell you have personally cast before its duration is up.
-Dismissing a spell is a Big Action (no AOO).
-You must be within the spell’s normal casting Range of the affected target to dismiss the spell.
-A dismissed spell is considered to have its duration ended at that moment.
-You cannot dismiss a spell while unconscious, nor is a spell automatically dismissed when a caster is killed; the spell will continue for the full duration unless the caster consciously uses an action to dismiss it!
-You do not dismiss “Concentration” spells; you simply stop concentrating.
-You cannot dismiss a spell with an Instantaneous or Permanent duration.
Spells & On-Cast Effects (10.4c)
Spells & On-Cast Effects: What do you see or hear when a spell is cast?
Many spells generate effects that are easily seen or heard. A person enchanted with Barkskin is covered in thick green or brown bark, Invisibility makes you disappear, the Light spell illuminates an area, and a Fireball produces a tremendous explosion. But what about spells such as Bless, Doom, Prowess(Mental), or Defy Gravity? These spells, and others like them, do not have such blatant visuals. However, as most spells are cast, there is a brief moment where they create a visible and audible effect.
On-Cast Effects: Whenever a spell is cast, there is a brief visual and audible effect as it emanates from the caster or target area. The “on-cast” effects are minimal, but they are enough to make it notable to onlookers that a spell has just been cast.
-On-cast effects immediately disappear at the end of the turn on which the spell was cast.
-If no specific on-cast effects are listed, assume there is a very small amount of light and a brief sound,
such as blowing wind or a dull hum.
Ex: As you cast your Aid spell, a glowing white aura surrounds your target, and a low bell tone is heard.
-These affects are never considered part of the actual functionality of the spell. They are simply an indicator that a spell has been cast.
-If you fail the WILL Save against a spell targeted at you, you neither see nor hear the On-Cast Effects.
-The visual effect of a spell can never be treated as a light source, though certain spells may be obviously visible over long distances due to their brief but immense brightness (such as Lightning Bolt, Fireball).
-The Listen Check needed to hear a spell’s On-Cast effects on a target is DC10.
-Remember: Casting a spell with Verbal (V) components is Listen DC0
-The Spot Check needed to see a spell’s On-Cast effects on a target is base DC10.
-Spells without a specific casting effect description can be described by the caster in their own flavor, or the GM may choose what it looks like. Either way, the spell functions in exactly the same manner.
Ex: Maybe one player really likes the idea of a purple shimmering sphere that briefly appears around you as you cast mage armor, but another thinks a few glowing white shields float around before bursting in a flash of light on your chest.
Spells Without On-Cast Effects: Certain spells state No On-Cast Effects in their spell description. These spells are generally meant for trickery, stealth, or deception, and as such these notable cues have been removed to make them more effective. These spells do not make any additional audible or visible effects as they affect a target.
Casting Spells at Higher Spell Levels (Spells at Higher SL) (10.4d)
Casting Spells at Higher Spell Levels (Spells at Higher SL): Can I make my spells more powerful?
-As you increase in level, you unlock the ability to cast spells at higher Spell Levels. Spells at higher SL are more powerful than spells of lower SL. But what about my lower SL spells? Can I make those better?
-If you desire, you may use any spell in a higher SL slot if you have one available.
What happens if I use a spell at higher SL?
-Since Save DC depends on SL, any spell cast at higher SL will have a higher Save DC.
Spell Save DC = 10+SL+CastingAbilityMod (Use the SL used upon casting)
-Many spells have a section in their description called “At Higher SL.” If your chosen spell has this section, it also gains all abilities listed here for your chosen SL.
-If the spell does not have the “At Higher SL” section, then the Save DC is the only thing affected.
-A spell with extra abilities at higher SL will have a “SL+” next to its name in the “Arcane & Divine Spell Lists.”
-Some effects gained by using higher SL are increased damage, additional targets, increased range, or the ability to affect more powerful foes. Additional effects differ for each spell.
How do I use a spell at higher SL?
Prepared Casters: A Wizard, Priest, or other prepared caster must plan ahead to use a spell in a higher SL slot. When you prepare your spells for the day, simply place a lower SL spell in one of your higher SL daily slots.
Ex: Mayat wants a powerful Fireball for the raid planned for tomorrow. During her Long Rest, she spends an hour studying her spellbook to prepare her daily spells. While Fireball is normally SL3, she prepares a Fireball in one of her SL5 slots to get the extra power. When the raid begins next evening, Mayat casts the SL5 Fireball to start the assault with a bang!
Spontaneous Casters: A Sorcerer, Bard, or other spontaneous caster can select a higher SL at the moment of casting; just consume an available spell slot of higher SL and the spell gains all benefits of this higher SL slot.
Ex: Kardalys is ambushed by a group of orcs. He realizes the orcs are all hiding behind a single large bush and knows a powerful Fireball could quickly end the fight. Although Fireball is normally SL3, he casts the spell using a daily SL5 spell slot. The enhanced Fireball detonates with extra power, leaving a pile of ashes where the orcs once stood.
Multiple Spell Effects in a Turn (10.4e)
You can only cast 1 spell per turn! This is a general rule for all spellcasting characters. However, certain well-trained characters or creatures with magical abilities may be able to create multiple magical effects on one turn. Here are a few specific ways you can create multiple magical effects in a single turn:
Ways to create more than 1 spell effect per turn:
Class Ability - Expert Casting: Characters with this ability can cast a single SL0 or SL1 spell on the same turn as another spell of any SL. (They can also cast SL0 and SL1 spells as Swift Actions.)
Feat – Quick Basic Casting: This Feat allows you to cast any SL0-SL2 spell on the same turn as another spell.
Spell Effect – Haste: You may cast an additional SL0 or SL1 spell on your turn while Hasted.
5 Morality Points: Spending 5 Morality Points allows you to cast another spell on your turn.
Release a Charged TAS + Spell: If you already have a charged Touch Attack Spell (TAS), you may discharge the spell upon a target with one action before casting a new spell with another action.
Ex: Kardalys’ hands are charged with a Shocking Grasp spell he cast a few turns ago. He expends a Big Action to release a Shocking Grasp charge into an adjacent foe, then uses his next Big Action to cast Invisibility to avoid other threats.
-Releasing a TAS Charge is considered an “Attack Action.” It is not considered “Casting a Spell.”
Activate a Magic Item: If you have a magic item that creates a magical effect, you may activate its magic with one action, then use your spell-casting class to cast another spell on the same turn.
Ex: You may activate your Hat of Disguise to cast Disguise Appearance on the same turn that you cast Detect Magic using your Sorcerer spells.
Use a Wand or Potion: You may cast a spell from a Wand or use a Potion that activates a spell on the same turn in which you cast one of your own spells.
-Note: Using a magic Scroll counts as casting a spell; You cannot use a Scroll and cast another spell on the same turn.
SLA/Su + Spell: If you possess a Spell-Like Ability (SLA) or Supernatural (Su) ability & levels in a casting class, you may be able to create 2 spell effects in a single turn; one with your SLA/Su, plus one from your spellcasting class.
Ex1: A Spriteling Wizard can create a Ghost Sound using their racial SLA, then they can use their Wizard spellcasting to cast a Scorching Ray on the same turn.
Ex2: A Bard can use their Bardic Performance to create a Silence spell effect as a SLA with one action, then cast a Charm Person spell using their Bard spellcasting.
Ex3: A Priest can cast a Hold spell using their first action, then use their Channel Energy ability on the same turn.
*Note: Moving a spell effect or concentrating on an existing spell effect does not count as casting a spell.
Ex: Last turn, Mayat cast the Flaming Sphere spell. On her new turn, she can move the Flaming Sphere to a new location as a Big Action, then use her next Big Action to cast a Haste spell.
Countering Enemy Magic (Counter-Spell) (10.4f)
-Apart from striking a spellcaster, is there anything else you can do to prevent a spell from being cast? Yes, there is! You can use your own magic to cancel spells cast by your enemies!
How to Counter-Spell: Follow these steps to cancel enemy magic as it is being cast!
1. Notice a character is casting a spell (Arms waving and chanting in other languages is usually a clue!)
-You must be able to see or otherwise directly target the enemy caster and tell they are casting a spell.
2. Use a Reaction to attempt your Counterspell. (Reminder: You cannot use Reactions if Flat-Footed)
3. As part of your Reaction, you must immediately expend one of your own spells (or SLA) to counter the enemy magic. You may choose any SL you have available to use as your counterspell. A higher SL gives you a greater chance of successfully countering the spell. Tell the GM which SL you are using.
-You must be within 30 feet of the enemy Caster OR within Range of the spell you are using to counter.
4. You and the enemy caster now make Opposed Perseverance Checks. Each caster gains a +2 Innate Bonus per Spell Level of the spell being expended on their check. Roll both checks in the open.
5. If the original caster wins, their spell goes off as normal and the counterspell is wasted. If the counterspell Perseverance Check wins, the enemy’s spell is countered! Magical energy shoots through the air, meets, and dissipates in a flash as this occurs. This always creates a bright light and loud noise. The spells of both casters are expended without any other effects. Your foe’s spell is consumed, as is the action used to cast it. Regardless of who wins the check, both casters’ spells are expended.
Additional Rules, Clarifications, & Limitations for Counterspell:
-LIMITATION: If the original spell is 5 or more SL higher, the counterspell automatically fails.
-LIMITATION: If you attempt a Counterspell, you cannot cast a spell on your next turn (unless you have a Feat or Ability that allows you an additional spell on a Turn).
-LIMITATION: You cannot attempt to Counterspell more than once per Round. You cannot Counterspell if you are in the process of casting a spell yourself. You cannot Counterspell a spell being cast as a Ritual.
-LIMITATION: You cannot use a SL0 spell as a Counterspell. SL9 spells may only be countered by SL9 spells.
-If you use a spell that says “this spell counters X” in its spell description against the indicated spell, you gain a +5 Innate Bonus on the Opposed Perseverance Check to counter that spell.
Counterspell Example - Part 1: An evil priest (Lvl 7 Preach Goon) attempts to cast Curse of Endless Night (SL3) on Sokaris. Mayat (Lvl 10 Wizard) notices the priest about 30 feet away pointing at Sokaris and saying some mystical words. She knows something bad is on the way, so she spends her Reaction and begins her Counterspell attempt!
-Mayat is confident in her abilities, so she decides to expend an SL2 Scorching Ray to try to counter the enemy magic. Mayat rolls her Perseverance Check with a +4 Bonus for the SL2 Spell she is using. She rolls a 9 (+15 Perseverance +4 for SL2) for a total Check of 28.
-The evil priest rolls a 13 on the d20 (+8 Perseverance +6 for SL3 Curse) for a total Check of 27.
-Mayat’s roll wins! A flash of magic shoots from her hands and collides with the energy coming from the priest, cracking in the air before dissipating the dark magic harmlessly. The evil curse has been countered! Mayat’s spell was used, but she saved her friend!
Counterspell Example - Part 2: As above, but different roll results: Mayat rolls her Perseverance Check with a +4 Bonus for the SL2 Spell she is using. She rolls a 7 (+15 Perseverance +4 for SL2) for a total Check of 26.
-The evil priest rolls a 14 on the d20 (+8 Perseverance +6 for SL3 Curse) for a total Check of 28.
-Mayat’s roll loses! A flash of magic shoots from her hands, but the Priest’s spell is too powerful! The dark magic pierces through and into Sokaris’ body. He is affected by the Curse of Endless Night and must roll his FORT Save against its effects! Mayat’s Scorching Ray spell has been wasted!
Spell Casting
-Spell Lists & Spell Descriptions
Arcane Spell Lists
Druid Spell Lists
Priest Spell Lists
Hit Rating (HR)
Your HR represents your martial training. A higher HR indicates greater skill in combat, including weapon strikes and special combat maneuvers such as trips and counters. Your HR is determined by your character class and increases as you gain levels.
High HR: Barbarian, Fighter, Ranger
Mid HR: Bard, Druid, Rogue
Low HR: Priest, Sorcerer, Wizard
-Whenever you make an Attack Roll your HR is added to your d20 roll. (Section 9.4 covers Attacks in detail)
-Your HR increases as you gain levels.
The Math behind HR:
High HR = [0.74xlvl], round down, +1
Medium HR = 0.64xlvl
Low HR = 0.49xlvl
-Your HR is located in the top-left corner on the front of your character sheet.
“I know what I want to do on my turn. So how does it work?”
-The statistics presented here are used in nearly every combat situation. They determine how well you attack, how hard you are to hit, and how much punishment you can handle.
Hit Rating & Save Rating by Level
Armor Class (AC) - What is it?
Your Armor Class (AC) represents your ability to avoid a solid, damaging blow. Your AC takes into consideration your nimbleness, awareness, combat training, physical protection such as armor and shields, as well as magic, size, thick skin, and more. Your Armor Class is the Difficulty Class of an enemy attack made against you.
-On the character sheet, AC is located at the top of your character sheet in the center.
-Whenever you are attacked by an enemy, the enemy Attack Roll is compared to your AC. If the attack roll is greater than or equal to your AC, you get hit! Your Armor Class is calculated as follows:
AC = 10+DEXMod+ArmorRating+NaturalArmorRating+ShieldRating+SizeMod
-Small creatures have a +1 SizeMod to AC. Large creatures have a -1 SizeMod to AC.
-You may only have one source of Armor Rating, one source of Shield Rating, and one source of Natural Armor Rating. If you somehow have multiple Armor Ratings, only the highest Armor Rating applies.
What are the other kinds of AC? (FFAC, TouchAC, ACvsCrit)
Some attacks only need to touch you to hurt you, some attacks happen when you aren’t paying attention, and some attacks strike critical areas. These other AC types are used in these situations.
Your GM may ask for a particular AC score depending on the situation. If you aren’t sure, just ask! Also, it’s okay to remind your GM when you make an attack. For example, say “Hey, isn’t that guy surprised?” or “This is a touch attack spell.”
-Any “Bonus to AC” (or penalty) also applies to FFAC, TouchAC, and ACvsCrit unless indicated otherwise.
Flat-Footed AC (FFAC): Attacks target your FFAC when you are unaware of the attack and cannot defend yourself properly, such as when caught off-guard by a surprise attack (You have the Flat-Footed condition).
Flat-Footed: You cannot take Reactions. You suffer a -2 penalty to AC or lose your DEXMod to AC, whichever is worse for you. You lose any Dodge Bonus and Shield Rating to AC.
If your DEXMod is +3 or higher: FFAC = AC-DEXMod-ShieldRating-Dodge Bonus
If your DEXMod is +2 or lower: FFAC = AC-ShieldRating-Dodge Bonus-2
*GM Note: At your discretion, you may allow a Flat-Footed character to retain their Shield Rating to FFAC depending on the direction of the incoming attack, the facing of the character, and in which hand the shield is held.
-A quick calculation for an average medium-sized character is: FFAC = 10+ArmorRating
TouchAC: Attacks that only have to make contact to cause an effect target your TouchAC. Many magic spells strike as Touch Attacks. Your TouchAC does not include your Armor Rating, Shield Rating, or Natural Armor Rating. Even if an item you’re holding gets touched, you will be affected!
TouchAC = AC-ArmorRating-ShieldRating-NaturalArmorRating
-Note: A touch attack that is a Critical Threat is confirmed against TouchAC, rather than confirming against ACvsCrit.
-A quick calculation for an average medium-sized character is: TouchAC = 10+DEXMod
ACvsCrit: Attacks that strike as a Critical Threat must roll against your ACvsCrit to successfully become a Critical Hit. ACvsCrit is calculated just like your regular AC, but use your Armor’s “Armor Rating vs Crit” in place of the normal Armor Rating. Helmets and other gear can also alter your ACvsCrit. Check your equipment for details!
ACvsCrit = 10+DEXMod+ArmorRatingvsCrit+NaturalArmorRating+ShieldRating+SizeMod
*Note: There are many magic items, spell, Feats, size modifiers, and special abilities that can affect some or all of your AC scores. Make sure to read each item or ability carefully to see which ones are affected!
Hit Points (HP) - Taking Damage, Injury, Death:
Hit Points (HP) – What are HP?
Hit points are an abstraction of not only physical hardiness, but your ability to avoid or resist damaging blows. As you increase in level, your higher HP represents the ability to parry a deadly thrust into a slight graze or move your body with a strike to reduce the impact of a blow. Combat-oriented classes train more to resist physical punishment, and therefore these classes gain more Hit Points each level.
Acquiring Hit Points: You gain a set number of HP each character level as indicated by your character class. Each level, you also gain an amount of HP equal to your CONMod.
Note: A Negative CONMod reduces the amount of HP you gain each Level. You always gain at least 1HP each level.
Player Character Classes - HP per Level:
Barbarian-10, Bard-6, Priest-4 (War Priest-6), Druid-4, Fighter-8, Ranger-8, Rogue-6, Sorcerer-4, Wizard-4
Every starting character or creature gains +2 Hit Points upon creation. (Even Level 0 creatures and Goons)
Ex: Level 3 Wizard with 12 CON = 4HP/level from Wizard, +1 HP/Level from CONMod, +2 HP creation = 12+3+2 = 17 Hit Points
-Monster HP and other statistics are calculated based on Monster Level & Monster Role (see Ch15.1).
Taking Damage: Whenever you are stuck with an attack or ability that deals damage, subtract the amount of damage from your Hit Points, and mark down how many HP you have remaining in the Current HP section. All damage taken is cumulative and remains until you are healed or until you regain HP by resting.
-On the character sheet, your Hit Points are located at the top and slightly to the left, just above HR. There is a section for your Maximum HP, as well as an open space for marking Current HP based on damage taken.
Injury & Injured Threshold: If you take too much damage, your mental and physical capabilities decline.
-Your Injured Threshold is one-quarter (25%) of your maximum HP.
If you are reduced to an amount of HP less than or equal to your Injured Threshold, you become Injured:
Injured: You suffer -2 AC and a -2 penalty on all d20 rolls. Your Move Speed is reduced by 5 feet. You must make a DC(10+SL) Perseverance check for any spell you wish to cast or the spell fails. This condition is automatically removed when you heal above your Injured Threshold, but cannot be removed in any other way.
-You cannot have your Move Speed reduced to less than 5 feet by the Injured Condition.
-Creatures with 3 or fewer HP do not have an Injured Threshold.
Healing lost HP: Characters regain HP by healing naturally, the Heal Skill, or through healing magic. Healed HP are added to your current HP, up to your Maximum HP. Healing can never bring your HP above your HP Maximum.
-You slowly heal naturally: When you complete a Long Rest, you heal +1 HP per Level, and an additional +1 HP per CON Mod (or -1 per negative CONMod). You cannot heal naturally if you are bleeding.
-Magical healing and HP healed from the Heal Skill reduce Bleed damage by the amount of HP healed.
Ex: If you are suffering Bleed 3 and you are healed +2HP, you are now suffering only Bleed 1.
Unconscious & Dying: Your conscious body has shut down, but you are still alive.
-An Unconscious creature falls Prone, drops held objects, cannot act, and is Helpless.
-If you are struck to 0 Hit Points or less, you fall unconscious and gain +1 Weakened Stage.
-If struck to 0HP or less by a Slashing or Piercing weapon, you also gain Bleed 1; you are dying.
-If your current Hit Point total is raised above 0HP, you regain consciousness.
Stabilize when Dying: If dying, you may attempt a DC20 FORT Save once per round to reduce the bleeding by 1. If the bleeding stops, you are unconscious while at 0HP or less, and you may heal naturally as if resting.
Death: A character dies if reduced to a negative number of HP equal to its CON Score. A dead creature cannot be brought back to life by healing lost Hit Points; much more powerful magic is needed. Only spells or abilities that specifically state “resurrect” or “bring back to life” may bring dead characters or creatures back to life.
-Ex: A character with 18 HP and a 13 CON Score is struck for 20 damage. They fall unconscious at -2 HP and suffer Bleed 1. If they are not healed, they may continue to bleed 1 HP per round. If they reach -13 HP, they die.
NPC & Enemy Death: Goons, basic monsters, & most NPCs die when they reach (-Level) HP. Use this rule for any of your “cannon fodder” enemies. Boss villains, important story NPCs, & powerful monsters may use the PC rules for dying.
*See the Resurrection spell & read about “The Price of Death” in Ch11.4 for more information about bringing creatures back from the dead.
Temporary Hit Points (TempHP): These special extra HP are gained by certain spells or special abilities. Temporary Hit Points are a separate set of extra Hit Points that serve as a damage buffer. Temporary Hit Points are lost first, before any damage strikes your actual Hit Points. Once all Temporary Hit Points have been removed by taking damage, any remaining damage is dealt to your current HP.
-You may never have more Temporary HP than 25% of your Maximum HP.
Ex: A character with maximum 36HP may never have more than 9 Temporary HP.
-Temporary Hit Points disappear in 1 hour and cannot be healed.
Saving Throws
Saving Throws (Saves) - What are Saves?
Saving Throws represent your ability to avoid or resist effects from things other than direct physical attacks. Spells are the most common cause of Saving Throws, though special attacks, poisons, and traps may also cause them. Your character class provides the Save Rating used for each of the three types of Saves.
Save DC: Any spell or ability that causes a Saving Throw indicates a Save DC. If the Saving Throw meets or exceeds the Save DC, the Saving Throw is successful. (This is sometimes called “Passing” a Saving Throw.)
-Whenever you are subject to an effect that calls for a Save, roll your appropriate Saving Throw and tell your GM the results. If you are the one causing the Save, tell your GM the type of Save and Save DC required.
-Most Spells & SLA have a Save DC of (10+Spell Level+CastingAbilityMod)
Ex: I cast SL2 “Hold Animal” on the bear. I have a +3 WISMod, so total WILL Save DC 15 to resist!
-If you succeed on a Saving Throw, you either reduce or avoid the effects. Spells & abilities that cause Saving Throws also describe what happens to you depending on if you pass or fail the Save.
-If you fail a Saving Throw, you suffer all negative effects described by the spell or ability.
-If a spell or ability does not indicate what happens on a successful Save, you ignore all effects.
-Some spells & abilities say “Save for Half.” This means that if you pass the indicated Save, you take half damage.
The 3 Types of Saving Throws – FORT, REF, WILL:
Fortitude Saving Throw = FORT Save: This represents an amalgam of physical toughness, immune system functionality, hardiness, endurance, and overall physical health. FORT Saves are used to resist physical exertion, poisons, and spells that attempt to directly alter your physical body.
FORT Save = 1d20 + FORT Save Rating + CONMod
Reflex Saving Throw = REF Save: This represents your innate reaction speed to avoid unexpected effects such pit traps, Area of Effect spells like Fireball, or explosions from an alchemical shrapnel bomb.
REF Save = 1d20 + REF Save Rating + DEXMod
-If your DEXMod is reduced by encumbrance or armor, your REF Save is affected.
-A helpless character automatically fails REF Saves.
-You do not suffer any penalty to REF Saves for being surprised or Flat-Footed.
Will Saving Throw = WILL Save: This represents your metal resilience and determination. WILL Saves are used to defend against effects that seek to deceive your senses or alter or control your mind.
WILL Save = 1d20 + WILL Save Rating + WISMod
-Note: A willing creature targeted by a spell may choose to be affected without rolling the indicated Save.
Important Note – Bonuses & Penalties: The calculations shown for combat statistics are generalized. They show only the most common bonuses and penalties applied to these values. As you read through other sections, you will discover circumstances, magical effects, equipment, or conditions that provide bonuses or penalties to various statistics or rolls. Just apply the bonuses or penalties appropriately as described in the specific section and follow these general rules:
Bonuses: Bonuses of different types stack together. Bonuses of the same type do not stack; only the highest applies. Special Exception: Innate Bonuses stack together. Dodge Bonuses stack together. Gear Bonuses from different types of gear may stack.
Penalties: Penalties do not have types. All penalties stack with one another.
Attacks & Dealing Damage
If you want to strike a foe with your sword, stab them with a spear, slash them with your claws, or shoot them with an arrow, you are making an attack!
Attack Rolls
How do I attack an enemy?
The rules for attacking assume you have some sort of weapon or combat training that allows you to deal lethal damage beyond that of an average punch or kick.
If you want to attack a foe with a melee weapon, your target must be within your Melee Reach. For most player characters, this means you must be adjacent to your target on the battle map (within 5 feet). If you have a long weapon like a spear, you may be able to strike a foe 10 feet away. If using a ranged weapon such as a bow, you can attack any target within the weapon’s maximum range.
Making an attack on your turn is a Big Action. You make an Attack Roll which must meet or exceed the Armor Class (AC) of your target to strike them. As a character of level 1-4, you can make 1 attack on your turn.
Melee and Ranged Attack Rolls are calculated as follows:
Melee Attacks: Roll 1d20 and add to that your HR plus your Strength Modifier (STRMod). If using a light or finesse melee weapon, you may choose to use your Dexterity Modifier (DEXMod) in place of your STRMod.
Melee Attack Roll: 1d20+HR+STRMod+SizeMod
Your Attack Bonus is the total value added to 1d20 for an Attack Roll.
Ranged Attacks: Roll 1d20 and add to that your HR plus your Dexterity Modifier (DEXMod). You may choose to use your Wisdom Modifier (WISMod) in place of your DEXMod for ranged Attack Rolls.
Ranged Attack Roll: 1d20+HR+DEXMod-Range Penalty+SizeMod
-The Range Increment of a weapon indicates how far the weapon can strike before losing accuracy.
Range Penalty: Ranged attacks suffer a cumulative -2 penalty for each fully divisible Range Increment to the target. Ranged Attacks made within one Range Increment suffer no penalty to hit.
-Maximum Range: A thrown weapon has a maximum range of five Range Increments. A projectile weapon can shoot ammunition a maximum distance of 10 Range Increments.
Ex: Shortbow(0) (Range Increment = 60 feet); a target 200 feet away is just over 3 full Range Increments away, which incurs a -6 Range penalty on Attack Rolls. Maximum Range = 10x60’ = 600 feet.
-If your Attack Roll is equal to or greater than your target’s Armor Class (AC), your attack hits!
Small creatures have a +1 SizeMod to Attack Rolls. Large creatures have a -1 SizeMod to Attack Rolls.
Other modifiers, bonuses, and penalties may apply to your Attack Roll depending on the situation.
Attack Rolls - Automatic Success & Failure: Nat20 & Nat1
-A Natural 20 on an Attack Roll is always a success. A Natural 1 on an Attack Roll is always a failure.
Touch Attack: A “Touch Attack” functions exactly as a normal Attack Roll, except you must meet or exceed the TouchAC of your target for the attack to land. Many magic spells and alchemical effects use this type of attack.
Attack Roll Annotations: Whenever you see the statistics for a monster, NPC, or player character in this manual, their Attack Rolls are listed in the following format:
Weapon: +Attack Bonus / Critical Threat / Critical Multiplier / Range (if projectile) / Damage [dmg type]
Ex: Shortsword: +3 / 19-20 / x2 / 1d6+1 [s/p] -An Attack Roll with this sword is 1d20+3. If the attack dice lands on 19 or 20, it is a Critical Threat, and it deals double damage on a Critical Hit. It deals 1d6+1 slash or pierce dmg on a normal hit.
Dealing Damage with Attacks:
When your attack succeeds, you deal Physical Damage to your target depending on the type of attack and the weapon used. (For more specifics on Damage Types, see Ch9.9a)
Three Attack Types – Basic, Heavy, Ranged:
Basic Attack: A Basic Attack deals the listed weapon damage plus an amount of extra weapon damage equal to your STRMod. Basic Attack Damage = Weapon+STRMod
Weapons wielded in one hand, thrown weapons, and most other melee attacks strike as Basic AttacksEx:
Basic - A dagger wielded by a character with +1 STRMod deals 1d4+1 [p] damage on a successful strike.
Heavy Attack: A Heavy Attack deals the listed weapon damage plus an amount of extra weapon damage equal to 1.5 times your STRMod. Heavy Attack Damage = Weapon+(1.5xSTRMod)
Weapons wielded in a two-handed fashion and certain powerful natural attacks strike as Heavy Attacks.
Ex: Heavy - A pollaxe wielded by a character with +3 STRMod deals 1d8+4 [b/p] damage on a successful strike.
Ranged Attack: A Ranged Attack deals only the listed Weapon Damage.
-Bows, Crossbows, and Blowguns strike as Ranged Attacks.
-Note: Thrown weapons deal damage as Basic Attacks, not as Ranged Attacks.
Ex: Ranged - A heavy crossbow deals 1d10 [p] damage on a successful strike, regardless of the STR of its wielder.
Minimum Damage: If you strike with an attack, you always deal at least 1 damage (before any DR is applied).
If you have a STRMod below zero, you do NOT add your STRMod to your physical damage rolls!
When dealing physical damage, you never have to subtract damage due to a lower strength score.
Weapon Damage & Other Statistics: Physical weapons indicate a numerical value for damage using dice (1d4, 2d6, etc) as well as a damage type. Normal physical weapons can deal slashing [s], piercing[p], or bludgeoning[b] damage. Each weapon also has a Critical Threat & Critical Multiplier. Range Weapons have a Range Increment. (See Weapons in Ch 7.1, 7.2, & 7.3)
Critical Hits
Sometimes you land an especially devastating strike against a foe, which is called a Critical Hit. To score a Critical Hit you must first land an Attack Roll with a Critical Threat, then roll again to confirm the Critical Hit.
Critical Threat: If you make an Attack Roll and the number showing on the d20 matches that of your weapon’s Critical Threat and your Attack Roll is high enough to strike your foe’s AC, you score a Critical Threat.
Critical Hit: If you scored a Critical Threat, roll again to “confirm” this threat into a Critical Hit. Make another Attack Roll using the same attack modifiers as before, but against your target’s ACvsCrit. If this confirmation Attack Roll is successful, you land a Critical Hit!
-If confirmation is unsuccessful, your attack strikes as a regular hit and deals normal damage.
Critical Hit Success - Critical Multiplier: The damage from your attack is multiplied by an amount equal to your weapon’s Critical Multiplier. Use the following information to properly multiply the damage dealt:
Multiply the Weapon’s Physical Damage (including any applicable STRMod)
Do NOT multiply damage added from extra dice, such as Precision Damage, Sneak Attack Damage, Elemental Damage, or Energy Damage.
A successful Critical Hit always deals at least 1 physical damage to the target.
DR reduces damage normally, but cannot reduce physical damage from a Critical Hit to 0. -
If within Melee Reach of a Helpless foe, you may use a Big Action to automatically strike them with a Critical Hit.
Reminder – Helpless Foes: Unable to move & completely defenseless. (Asleep, hog-tied, unconscious, etc)
Special Option - Nat20 Maneuver: On a successful melee Attack Roll of Nat20, an attacker may opt-out of confirming a Critical Hit to attempt a Wrestling maneuver instead. (See Wrestling Skill, Ch4.26 for details)
Critical Hit Example 1: Attacker using a Battleaxe has HR4, 14STR. Target has AC 18, ACvsCrit 16.
Battleaxe = +6 /20/x3/1d8+2 [s+b]: On an Attack Roll of 20+6 (total Attack Roll=26), this attacker scores a Critical Threat. The attacker rolls again, getting a 11+6 (total Attack Roll=17). This beats the 16 ACvsCrit & strikes as a Critical Hit!
-The Battleaxe has x3 Critical Multiplier:
3x (Weapon Damage+STRMod)= 3 x (1d8+2) = Total Critical Hit Damage = 3d8+6 [s+b]
Critical Hit Example 2: Attacker using a +1 Flaming Shortsword has HR5, 14DEX, 12STR. Target has AC19, ACvsCrit19.
+1 Flaming Shortsword = +8 /19-20/x2/ 1d6+2+(1d6fire) [s/p]: An Attack Roll of 19+8 = 27 is a Critical Threat. The attacker rolls to confirm, getting 11+8 = 19, which scores a Critical Hit. The Shortsword has x2 Critical Multiplier:
2x (Weapon Damage+STRMod) = 2 x (1d6+2) = 2d6+4 [s/p] dmg
DO NOT MULTIPLY the 1d6 Fire damage. Total Critical Hit Damage = 2d6+4 [s/p] +1d6 [fire]
Attacks Per Turn
As you gain levels, you learn how to land more strikes against your foes.
At Character Level 0-4: You may use 1 Big Action per Turn to make an Attack. (1 Attacks/Turn)
At Character Level 5-9: You may use 2 Big Actions per Turn to make an Attack (2 Attacks/Turn)
At Character Level 10-14: Once per Turn, you may make 2 Attacks as a single Big Action. (3 Attacks/Turn)
At Character Level 15+: You may make 2 Attacks as part of a single Big Action. (4 Attacks/Turn)
-Additional attacks made on your turn suffer a -2 Consecutive Attack Penalty (C.A.P. – See 9.4c below).
-You may also make attacks using your Reactions against foes who provoke AOO.
-A spellcaster of level 5+ can use 1 Big Action to cast a spell and 1 Big Action to make a normal attack (or vice versa).
Consecutive Attacks: Making more than 1 attack on your turn (Consecutive Attack Penalty, or C.A.P.)
-Each Consecutive Attack made with a single weapon on your turn suffers a cumulative -2 Consecutive Attack Penalty. This assumes use of one weapon at a time.
(-2 C.A.P.) = First Attack: +0, Second Attack: -2, Third Attack: -4, Fourth Attack: -6
-Ex: A soldier wielding a greatsword, a bandit with a single shortsword, an archer with a longbow, a guard striking with their mace while defending with a shield, or a wolf with a Strong Bite attack. -
When wielding multiple weapons at the same time, each Consecutive Attack made with a different weapon than the previous attack suffers a cumulative -1 Consecutive Attack Penalty.
This assumes wielding a weapon in each hand, using multiple natural weapons, a combination of wielded and natural weapons, or the two different striking ends of a Double Weapon.
Ex: A thief with a pair of daggers, a gnoll wielding an axe plus a natural Bite attack, a warrior who bashes foes with both their shield and hammer, or a martial artist who attacks with a flurry of their staff and unarmed combat strikes.*Reminder: Attacks with your Off-Hand suffer a -2 Attack Penalty without the Two-Weapon Fighting Feat.
Consecutive Attack Examples:
Level 6 Priest (HR2, Attack Bonus+4) with mace & shield: They use a Big Action to attack with their mace at a +4 Attack Bonus. Their next Big Action attack with the mace suffers a -2 Consecutive Attack Penalty, so it uses a +2 Attack Bonus.
Level 5 Rogue (HR3, Attack Bonus+6) with Two-Weapon Fighting: They make a Big Action sword attack at a +6 Attack Bonus. Their next Big Action strike with their Off-Hand dagger suffers a -1 CAP, so it uses a +5 Attack Bonus.
Level 11 Barbarian (HR9, Attack Bonus+13) with Dane Axe: They use their first Big Action to make two attacks with their Dane Axe. The first attack is at a +13 Attack Bonus, followed by the second strike with a -2 C.A.P. for an Attack Bonus of +11. Their next Big Action strike now has a -4 C.A.P., so they make their third attack using a +9 Attack Bonus.
What About Reactions & Attacks of Opportunity (AOO)?
AOO are not considered “Attacks on Your Turn.” The Consecutive Attack Penalty applies separately to AOO. If you can make multiple Reactions, your first AOO is at your full Attack Bonus, then the C.A.P. will be applied to any additional AOO you make this round as described in the section above.
Coup de Grace / Killing Blow
(Full-Round Action, Provokes AOO) Slay a helpless foe. (Or knockout)
-You must be within Melee Reach of a Helpless target. You must be wielding a melee weapon capable of slaying a foe with a single strike. Knocking a foe unconscious requires a bludgeoning weapon.
How to do a Coup de Grace: The Attacker rolls 1d20
-On a result of 1: Your attack strikes as a Critical Hit, but something goes awry. If the target survives, they may immediately take a Big Action. Even if the target is killed, it does not go smoothly. There may be a loud noise, you get covered in blood, or the body falls in a strange direction, breaking something valuable or tumbling down the stairs.
-On any result besides a 1, your foe is affected as follows: (The GM chooses Option 1 or 2)
Option 1) Your target is killed (or knocked unconscious). Describe how you dispatch your foe.
Option 2) You strike with either a maximum damage Critical Hit OR you deal an amount of damage equal to 75% of the target’s Maximum Health, whichever is more.
Coup de Grace – Additional Notes: Players (and villains) may choose to use their “Coup de Grace” in other ways, using this attack to sever a limb, knock them unconscious, cause some grievous injury or scar, or otherwise inflict massive pain and suffering upon their target. You & your players are free to be as creative as you like with these actions. (GM Discretion)
Perfect Critical (Optional Rule)
This adds some extra brutality to critical hits. (GM Discretion)
If you roll a Nat20 when confirming a Critical Threat, you score a Perfect Critical.
Your strike deals maximum Physical Damage!
-Precision Damage, Sneak Attack, Energy Damage, & Elemental Damage are rolled normally. -
If you deal at least as much damage as your target’s Injured Threshold, you also cause the following:
Perfect Critical – Continued:
Broken Arm: Cannot hold items, -1AC, -4 on Skill Checks requiring both hands. +10% Spell Failure
Broken Leg: Fall Prone. -2 Attacks, -2AC & REF Saves, ½ Move Speed, Cannot Run or 5-Foot Step.
Broken Ribs: Distressed with pain
*Severed Arm/Leg: Applies same penalties as Broken, but cannot heal naturally
-A Severed or broken arm could be the whole arm, lower arm, hand, or even a finger. (Similar with leg or foot)
-Use common sense to determine which Perfect Critical occurs for weapons with multiple damage types.
-A character wielding a large/tower shield cannot have their shield-wielding arm severed by a perfect critical; If you roll randomly for that arm, the arm is broken instead.
GM Note: If a Perfect Critical deals enough damage to kill the creature outright, there is no need to waste time rolling to determine additional effects; you may assume the foe has been decapitated or something similarly gruesome, at Player & GM Discretion. Allow your player to describe their killing blow & have a moment in the spotlight!
Killer Criticals (Optional Rule)
This suggested option makes combat more suspenseful, realistic, & gritty!
Killer Criticals: A Critical Hit always deals a minimum amount of damage to your target based on your Critical Multiplier and a percentage of your target’s Maximum Health.
A strike with x2 Critical Multiplier deals at least 20% Maximum HP damage to your target.
A strike with x3 Critical Multiplier deals at least 30% Maximum HP damage to your target.
-x4 deals 40%, x5 deals 50%
-The easiest way to calculate this amount quickly is to find 10% of your foe’s max health, then double or triple that number as needed for your multiplier. (Ex: 62HP maximum = 6HP for 10%, 12 HP for 20%, 18HP for 30%) -
If your maximum damage output is less than this amount, save time when you score a critical and just deal the percentage instead of rolling your weapon damage.
If your maximum damage output is higher than this amount, you can roll damage as normal, but your attack will always deal at least the listed percentage as damage.
Damage Resistance applies after this calculation has been made (as normal).
You can land a Killer Critical against any foe up to 1 size category larger than you. Much larger creatures are just too big for your comparatively tiny weapons to have a guaranteed effect.
Examples of Killer Criticals:
Ex#1: 8 STR - Dagger Critical Hit against a Gang Boss (Level 5 Fighter, 52HP Max). Normally, this strike would deal 1d4(x2) damage for a maximum of 8, but with the Killer Critical, this deals at least 20% of the Fighter’s Max HP, which is 10 damage! The boss is wearing a Chain Hauberk with DR1/AA, so they end up taking 9 damage from the strike.
Ex#2: 12STR - Longbow(1) Critical Hit against an Ogre (Level 6 Monster, 74HP Max). Normally, this strike would deal 1d8+1(x3) damage, ranging from 6-27. The attacker rolls 3d8+3, but only rolls 2, 2, & 1, for 8 damage total. With the Killer Critical, minimum damage is increased to 30% of the Ogre’s HP, so the strike results in 21 Damage to the Ogre.
-GM Note: Killer Criticals increase the deadliness of all weapons & makes weaker foes & groups of enemies more threatening. It also allows weaker characters to deal significant damage against powerful foes with a well-placed strike. After all, a knife is still a deadly weapon! If your players are stomping groups of 10-15 goblins or goons, you may want to try this rule! A Spriteling Rogue or Gnome Fighter in your group will enjoy the outcome!
Bypassing Hit Points – GM Guide for Damage & Hit Points in Dramatic Story Scenes:
-Hit Points are a good representation of physical hardiness, skill, and luck in combat. However, the HP & Damage system can fail in certain dramatic scenes where all characters are not engaged in open combat.
-In these situations, the suspense & excitement are more important than the numerical mechanics of the attack or damage. If the action and result make sense in the story, then it may be allowed to bypass the normal rules for damage and hit points.
If you are not in active combat, the GM may progress the story and resolve attacks or other actions without resorting to Damage & Hit Point calculations.
-GM Note: If a player has done a lot of work and “earned” a cool scene, then let it happen! Similarly, if a character has done something foolish or the result is obvious, there is no need to spend time rolling dice and doing calculations when some dramatic flair can move the story forward in a believable manner.
Here are a few examples in which the GM may decide to bypass the use of Weapon Damage & Hit Points:
A talented fighter incapacitates a drunken thug bumbling about a dark alley with a single blow.
A crossbow to the temple or a dagger to the throat of a hostage may result in a deadly strike before combat begins, especially if a PC makes a rash decision and lunges at the captor.
An assassin has stalked their mark for weeks and finally has them alone in their room, completely unaware of any threat. Their mark allows them to approach as if they were lovers. At this point, perhaps a good description is all the scene needs to come to a fitting and dramatic conclusion. Let the player decide; “You’ve got them alone. They’re peering out the window and clearly don’t suspect a thing. What do you do?”
A skilled Ranger hiding in the forest rolls a Nat20 on his longbow attack against the level 1 guard in the tower. Before the player rolls damage, you say “The arrow strikes true, and the body falls to the ground below with a hefty thud.”
12 crossbowmen surround a single, unarmored warrior. They demand he remain still or he will be shot. The warrior screams, draws a sword, and rushes towards the nearest guard. A hail of crossbow bolts streak into the target. Sure, maybe the warrior strikes one of them, but without magic, this scene has only one rational ending.
Attacking Without Weapons
The rules for attacking assume you have some sort of weapon or combat training that allows you to deal lethal damage beyond that of an average punch or kick. However, situations will arise where characters do not have any weapons available.
Basic Unarmed Attacks – Punch & Kick:
A Player Character without specific unarmed combat training can only make basic unarmed attacks as described here. Peasants & other unarmed, low-level NPCs will also use these attacks.
The most basic attack available to a human-like creature (body with 2 hands and 2 feet) is an unarmed “punch” or “kick” attack. Any character proficient with simple weapons can make basic unarmed attacks.
A punch attack requires a free hand. A kick attack requires your feet to be free.
Any basic unarmed attack may use your STRMod or DEXMod.
A basic unarmed attack deals 1 [b] damage, plus half your STRMod (minimum 1 dmg).
-Weapon Stats for Basic Unarmed Attack at Medium Size: 20 / x2 / 1+[1/2 STRMod] [b] -
You do not Threaten AOO with Basic Unarmed Attacks.
Basic Unarmed Attacks cannot deal precision damage.
-The Wrestling Skill is often used when fighting without weapons (Ch4.26).
-The Unarmed Combat Feat gives a character an Unarmed Strike Natural Weapon.
Natural Weapons (also called “Natural Attacks”)
A Natural Weapon is any part of a creature that can be used to attack a foe with a level of efficiency & lethality like that of a wielded weapon.
-Example Natural Weapons: Sharp teeth for bite attacks, vicious claws, powerful limbs, reinforced tails -
A Natural Weapon allows you to Threaten AOO within your Natural Reach.
Natural Weapon statistics are written the same way as normal weapons.
As for as gameplay is concerned, Natural Weapons function exactly as normal weapons.
-Some creatures can use both natural weapons & wielded melee weapons, while others have multiple Natural Weapons.
If you have 2+ Natural Weapons (or 1 wielded melee weapon & 1+ Natural Weapon):
Once per turn, if you strike a Flat-Footed enemy with your primary weapon, you may use a Reaction to make a single attack with your second natural weapon against the same foe (counts as an AOO).
Ex: A level 2 creature with both a Claw & Bite Attack who surprises a foe could make a Claw Attack first, then spend a Reaction to make a Bite attack! -
If you are capable of making multiple attacks on a turn, you suffer only a -1 Consecutive Attack Penalty if you alternate strikes between different weapons. (-1 C.A.P.)
*Note: These benefits assume a Creature with 2+ Natural Weapons that could both effectively be used to attack the intended target. (Ex: An alligator could not effectively bite & tail slap the same creature) – GM Discretion
-Monsters with other natural weapons apart from those listed here are described in each individual monster’s description.
Common Natural Weapons
Natural Weapons score Critical Hits on 20/x2
S/M/L/H indicates damage based on Size Category. (Small/Medium/Large/Huge). Changing size categories affects some Natural Weapons differently than wielded weapons.
-Creatures with long, narrow fangs may have the slashing damage type removed from their bite (Viper, Spider, etc).
Natural Weapon Descriptions:
Bite: A basic attack with sharp teeth.
Strong Bite: A heavy attack with powerful jaws designed to crush, hold, or tear apart other creatures.
Claw: This is a basic attack with sharp claw swipes against a foe.
Strong Claws / Talons: A heavy attack with a pair of claws or a set of vicious, hooked talons.
Smack: A basic attack with a blunt natural weapon.
Bash/Slam: A single heavy attack using a powerful strike with a strong, blunt natural weapon. These attacks also have the Knockdown property. (Grants +2 Knockdown DC, Knockdown functions against creatures of the same size)
-A tail smack or tail bash is a common natural weapon. A tail can never target the same foe in a turn that was targeted with a bite. A tail attack cannot normally strike a target in the hex directly in front of you (GM Discretion).
Ram or Gore: A heavy attack with a powerful headbutt or similar single, powerful blow with the reinforced (or horned) head or front of a creature. A successful attack activates a Shove Maneuver (Opposed Wrestling Check).
-A Creature with one of these abilities normally gains a +2 or higher Innate Bonus to their Wrestling Skill.
Sting: A basic attack with a piercing natural weapon that also injects a poison if the strike deals damage.
Special Natural Attacks: Many creatures have additional types of natural attacks and abilities. A few of the more common ones are described here:
Grab/Trip/Shove (Attack): The listed attack allows an attempted Grab/Trip/Shove Wrestling maneuver on successful hit. A Creature with one of these abilities normally gains a +2 or higher Innate Bonus to their Wrestling Skill.
Pounce: You can make a two natural attacks as part of a single Big Action Charge Attack. (The creature must have at least 2 different natural weapons)
Rake Attack: While in a grapple, if you win a Wrestling check to damage or pin an opponent, you may spend a Reaction to deal the listed slashing damage to your foe. (This requires something like rear legs with talons or claws.)
Swallow Whole: If the larger creature begins a turn with a creature 2+ size categories smaller than itself held with its mouth, it can attempt another Wrestling check as a Big Action. If it succeeds, it swallows its prey.
A swallowed creature cannot breathe and takes 1d4[b] +1d4[acid] damage each round.
-Damage based on Large Sized creature. Add +1 die size per size category above Large. -
A swallowed creature keeps the grappled condition, while the creature that did the swallowing does not.
A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon. It must make a DC15 Wrestling or Acrobatics Check to deal damage while inside. Precision & Critical Hit damage cannot be applied. The amount of cutting damage required to get free is equal to 1/10 the larger creature’s max Hit Points.
Once enough damage is dealt, the creature will regurgitate the meal on its next turn (Big Action), and will not attempt to eat that creature again, although it will still attack if threatened.
A swallowed creature may also attempt a DC30 Acrobatics or Wrestling Check to force its way back into the larger creature’s mouth, causing it to regurgitate the creature. However, it will still try to eat this creature if it gets the chance.
Creature Size: Size, Space, Reach
What is a Size Category? From tiny faeries to gargantuan dragons, a creature’s Size Category gives players a frame of reference for the physical size of creatures in their fantasy setting. The following statistics are used to describe the physical size of a creature:
Size: The Size Category of the creature. Ranges from: Diminutive(D), Tiny(T), Small(S), Medium(M), Large(L), Huge(H), Gargantuan(G).
Space: How much space on the Battle Map the creature takes up, indicated in a number of contiguous hexes. A size in feet, such as Length x Width, may also be indicated. The map “footprint” of a creature.
-A creature also occupies an amount of vertical space equal to their height.
Reach: The Natural Reach of a creature is how far out of its space it can reach with a limb or other body part. Natural Weapons can threaten & strike foes within their Natural Reach. Listed in a number of feet (& hexes).
-See the “Size-Space-Reach Diagram” and “Creature Size Category Table” for clarifications & statistics.
Generic Weapon Dice Size List: (See Ch7.2f for more details on damage die size)
1 🡪 1d2 🡪 1d3 🡪 1d4 🡪 1d6 🡪 1d8 🡪 1d10 🡪 2d6 🡪 2d8 🡪 3d6 🡪 3d8 🡪 3d10 🡪 4d8 🡪 4d10 🡪 4d12
Size Categories
Medium Size (M): Most player characters and hominid creatures are Medium Size, falling somewhere within the plausible physical size of an adult human. Medium Size creatures are generally about 4-7 feet tall or long.
Space: A Medium Size creature takes up one 5-Foot hex.
Reach: An average Medium Size creature has a Natural Reach of 5 feet (1 hex).
Equipment & Damage: Medium Size is the standard size used in the LFG system. Unless a size category is expressly indicated, all rulings and equipment assume creatures of Medium Size.
NOTE: Any creature larger or smaller than Medium Size will have modifications to various statistics. See the “Creature Size Category Table” below for details.
Small Size (S): Most small creatures are around the size of a traditional pet dog, such as a collie or golden retriever. This is also the size category of the smallest available PC races (Goblin, Gnome, Spriteling), at roughly half the size of an adult human. Small humanoids are often mistaken for children of medium size races.
Space: A Small Size creature takes up one 5-Foot hex. (5’x5’ area)
Reach: An average Small Size creature has a Natural Reach of 5 feet (1 hex).
Equipment & Damage: Small Size equipment has 1/3 the standard weight for the same price. Small Weapons deal damage 1 die size smaller. Small shields & armor may have reduced HP or DR. (See Ch 6.6)
Large Size (L): About 9-13 feet tall or long, Large Size creatures such as ogres, stone golems, horses, and griffons are often encountered by an adventuring party. No standard PC races are Large Size.
Space: A Large Size creature takes up 3 contiguous hexes. (10’x10’ area)
Reach: A human-shaped Large Size creature has a Natural Reach of 10 feet (2 hexes). They can strike foes up to 10 feet away with no penalty. Attacks from short limbs or bite attacks may only have a reach of 5 feet.
Large Size: Most Large Size equipment has 3x the standard weight. Prices are usually 2x higher. Large Weapons generally deal damage 1 die size larger. Large Armor and Shields may have increased HP or DR. Crafting Large Size equipment is generally more difficult. (See Ch 6.6)
Note: Even Large creatures with long bodies, such as horses, tigers, and giant snakes, take up 3 hexes of space. While the creature is not actually 10 feet in all directions, this represents the full space needed for the creature to move, dodge, and fight effectively. It also standardizes creature sizes and makes rulings easier. At GM Discretion, certain “Long” creatures may be allowed to share their space with allies or fit into smaller spaces without penalty.
Other Size Categories:
Tiny (T) & Diminutive (D): Creatures such as house cats, squirrels, and some faeries fall into these size categories.
Space: A Tiny or Diminutive creature takes up less than 1 hex. Four Tiny or 16 Diminutive creatures can fit into a single hex, and these creatures can share spaces with larger creatures without penalty.
Reach: A Tiny or Diminutive creature has a Reach of 0, meaning it must enter an opponent’s hex to attack it in melee, which provokes AOO as normal.
Huge (H) & Gargantuan (G): Creatures such as elephants, dragons, and some dinosaurs fit into these categories.
Space: A Huge creature takes up an area of 7 contiguous hexes (3 hexes in diameter; 15’x15’), while a Gargantuan creature requires 10-12 hexes (four hexes long, 20’ long. 3-4 hexes wide, 15-20 feet across).
Reach: A Huge creature often has a reach of 10 to 15 feet (2-3 hexes), while a Gargantuan creature may have up to 20-foot reach (4 hexes). Attacks from short limbs or bite attacks may have a slightly shortened reach.
Size Categories & Statistics - Rules for Big and Little Creatures
-Creatures of a size category larger or smaller than Medium Size have modifications to numerous statistics, as indicated in the table below:
Creature Size Category Table
Creature Size: The Size Category of a creature.
Space: How much space on the Battle Map an average creature of this size takes up, indicated in a number of contiguous hexes (Length x Width in feet). See the corresponding diagrams for clarifications.
Reach: The Natural Reach for an average creature of this size listed in a number of feet (and hexes).
-See the Jump & Sprint Skill (Ch4.10) for a chart showing the vertical reach of creatures in each size category.
Attack & AC Modifier: Size Modifier to Attack Rolls and Armor Class (AC) due to size. (SizeMod to AC). Big creatures are easier to hit, so they have a penalty to AC. Smaller creatures find it easier to hit bigger targets!
Wrestling Modifier: SizeMod to the Wrestling Skill.
Hide & Move Silent: SizeMod to the Hide and Move Silently Skills.
Acro, Climb, Jump: SizeMod to the Acrobatics, Climb, and Jump&Sprint Skills.
Height/Length: The approximate range of heights or lengths of a creature of this size. Example creatures are indicated in parentheses to assist with comprehension.
Weight: The approximate weight range of an average creature of this size.
Creature Size Table
Reach & Threatened Area
Natural Reach: The distance you can reach with your limbs or other parts of your body.
Most small & medium sized creatures have a Natural Reach of 5 feet, meaning they can reach any creature or object in adjacent hex.
Larger creatures can generally reach enemies further away. A large-sized ogre has a Natural Reach of 10 feet, meaning it can reach out to 10 feet (2 hexes) away from its body position.
Creatures with Natural Weapons threaten AOO and can strike enemies within their Natural Reach.
Melee Reach: The area you can strike and threaten with a wielded melee weapon. Unless otherwise noted, melee weapons threaten the same distance as your Natural Reach. However, certain melee weapons, such as longspears and halberds, can alter your Melee Reach. (See Melee Weapons, Ch 7.2)
Threaten: The “Threatened Area” around a character is the area in which they are capable of striking a foe at any moment if given the chance. When a character is said to “Threaten,” it means they can make an Attack of Opportunity (AOO) against any creature who provokes AOO. If you are unarmed, you do not threaten.
Most Ranged-Only Weapons do not threaten. (Exception: Loaded Crossbows Threaten out to 10 feet.)
Space Explained
A Human being isn’t actually 5 feet across, so why do they occupy a Space of 5 feet?
The Space statistic is an indication how much space is needed to move freely & fight effectively; it considers total body size & full range of motion.
Normally, you could easily fit 4 humans in a 5-foot wide space. However, if they tried to duck for cover, use a longbow, or swing a battleaxe, they would have trouble!
Story Gameplay & Space: During Story Gameplay, creatures may share space as long as it is reasonable, such as in busy marketplaces & taverns. As long as people can physically fit past you, it is generally not a problem. You can function reasonably well in area of half your indicated space.
-If you have less than half your required Space, or if the GM determines space is becoming an issue, you will gain the Cramped condition. This slows your rate of travel, but has little other impact in Story Gameplay. Once combat erupts, the need for space becomes more important.
Designer’s Note: Creatures outside the size categories provided here are not commonly confronted by an adventuring party. While microscopic bacteria and 1cm long mosquitoes may exist, it is simply illogical to write out rules and stat blocks for such creatures. Similarly, enormous creatures are either so rare or powerful that they are not common combatants for an average adventuring party. Any other creatures are welcome to be added by the GM as desired to enhance your story!
Space in Combat Gameplay:
In combat, no two creatures may occupy the same space. (There are actually many situations that involve multiple creatures in the same space, but use this general rule until those situations arise!)
You cannot move into a foe’s occupied space unless you are attempting a wrestling maneuver or other special strike against them. You cannot end your turn in a foe’s space (unless grappling).
In combat, if you occupy the same space as an allied or indifferent creature within 1 size category of your own, you both gain the Cramped condition. Grappling does not cause the cramped condition.
Cramped Condition: Half Move Speed, -2AC, -2 REF Save, -2 Attack Rolls, -2 Physical Skills. You cannot attack foes with Large Space Needed weapons while Cramped.
Situations involving creatures in the same space:
You may occupy the same space as a creature 2+ size categories smaller than you without penalty.
Tiny or Diminutive creatures must enter their foe’s space to strike them in melee. These creatures are so small that it generally does not cause any issues with space for other creatures, and many of them can be in a single hex without issue.
Battles in crowded city streets, secret tunnels, busy taverns, and other enclosed spaces or densely populated areas may force you to fight with the Cramped condition.
Two Large Size+ creatures may share 1 hex (or 33%) of their total space with one another without penalty. Anything beyond that causes the Cramped condition.
See 9.6a for more information about creature size and using the Battle Map.
Momentum of Impact (Different Sizes, Knockdown, Crushing Advance) – SIZE MATTERS!
Very large creatures are extra dangerous to smaller creatures. Use the following rules to enhance the suspense, danger, and realism of combat with creatures of different size categories!
Momentum of Impact: Bigger Creatures hitting Smaller Creatures – Getting Knocked Down
If a creature strikes a foe at least 1 size category smaller than itself with any sort of physical attack, the target is subject to Knockdown based on the attacker’s HR and STRMod, as follows:
Knockdown: The creature struck must make Wrestling or Acrobatics check or be knocked Prone.
-Knockdown DC = 10+HR+STRMod
If the creature fails their check by 5+, they must also make a FORT Save DC15 (or Damage Taken, whichever is more) or be Confounded for 1 Round.
Knockdown activates upon striking your target or their shield. (If your attack misses by an amount less than or equal to the enemy’s Shield Rating, their shield has been struck.)
Knockdown Modifiers:
If the attacking creature is 2+ Size categories larger, the Knockdown DC increases by +5 per additional size category. (Max DC35. If the DC would be higher than 35, creature struck is also Unfortunate on their check to resist.)
Striking on a Charge Attack after moving at least 20 feet grants a +2 Innate Bonus to Knockdown DC.
A weapon with the Knockdown trait grants a +2 Innate Bonus to Knockdown DC and may cause Knockdown on a creature the same size as the wielder. (This is a more powerful version of the Impact trait)
A weapon with the Impact trait gains a +1 Innate Bonus to Knockdown DC.
Light Weapons & Ranged Projectile Weapons (Bows, Crossbows) suffer a -2 Penalty to Knockdown DC.
Striking with a Power Attack grants a +2 Innate Bonus to Knockdown DC.
Cavalry count as the size of the Mount for Knockdown when using Heavy Attacks or Charge Attacks.
The Knockdown trait does not apply to attacks or strikes made by creatures in a grapple.
Quadrupeds and creatures with more than 4 legs gain a +4 Innate Bonus on checks to resist Knockdown.
Flying creatures are Unfortunate when resisting Knockdown strikes.
A flying creature affected by a Knockdown drops 10 feet. If they reach the ground, they fall prone. If not, they regain control & continue flying. Creatures with Clumsy or Poor Maneuverability fall 20 feet before recovering.
Creatures that are larger but with very low mass for their size or that make attacks with low impact may lose their Knockdown ability if it makes logical sense against the target (at GM Discretion).
Wrestling against much larger creatures: (For full details, see the Wrestling Skill, Ch 4.26)
You cannot Pin a creature 2+ Size categories larger than you.
You cannot use the Wrestling Skill to grapple & restrain a creature 3+ size categories larger than you.
Crushing Advance: Very big creatures stepping on smaller creatures!
-A creature 3+ Size categories larger may step into occupied spaces without having to roll opposed checks be resisted. -The smaller creatures in the space may make AOO as normal, but successful strikes will not affect the larger creature’s movement.
A) If the much larger creature is trying to move through or into a space occupied by much smaller creatures but is not actively trying to harm them:
The smaller creature may spend a Reaction to avoid the footsteps of the much larger creature. The smaller creature shares its space with the larger creature without incident.
If the smaller creature has no Reaction (or doesn’t want to use it): There is a 50% Chance that the larger creature may step on a much smaller creature when stepping into its occupied space.
If the 50% chance occurs, the smaller creature must make a DC15 REF Save or Acrobatics check to avoid being stepped on or crushed. If the creature fails the REF Save: They are knocked Prone & take (1d10+STRMod) OR (25% Maximum HP) bludgeoning damage, whichever is more. If they succeed the REF Save, they avoid any damage, though they are moved into an adjacent open hex in a random direction (if possible, GM discretion).
B) If the much larger creature is actively trying to harm the much smaller creatures in the spaces through which it is moving: The larger creature gains access to a special “Crushing Advance” AoE Attack:
Crushing Advance - Big Action (Provokes AOO): Move up to half your Move Speed in a straight line through any spaces occupied by creatures 3+ size categories smaller than you.
Creatures within your Line of movement must make REF Save or Acrobatics check or be crushed.
-Crushing Advance DC = 10+HR+STRMod -
The affected AoE includes your entire occupied space throughout the Line of your movement.
Ex: An elephant (Level 11 Huge, 28 STR) moving through an army of goblins: Crushing Advance DC(10+7HR+9STRMod) = DC26 -
If the creature fails the REF Save: They are knocked Prone & take (1d10+STRMod) OR (25% Maximum HP) bludgeoning damage, whichever is more. If they succeed the REF Save, they avoid any damage, though they are moved into an adjacent open hex in a random direction (if possible, GM discretion).
A smaller creature may spend a Reaction to gain a +5 Innate Bonus on the REF Save or Acrobatics Check. If they pass the Save, they take no damage and may remain in their place or move into any open adjacent hex they desire. If they fail the Save, they are knocked Prone, but take only half damage from the impact.
If the smaller creature fails their check by 5+, they must also make a FORT Save DC15 (or Damage Taken, whichever is more) or be Confounded for 1 Round.
*GM Note: The Crushing Advance rules are intended to make combat with massive creatures exciting, dangerous, and dynamic. If you think a modified ruling will enhance your story, then feel free to use it! If it is too confusing or you just don’t feel like using it, then just leave it out! Remember the Prime Directive: Have Fun!
Movement in Combat
This section describes all the types of movement you may encounter in a combat situation. Every creature has a Move Speed that represents their ability to move about the battlefield.
Move Speed: the distance (in feet) you can traverse across the ground in with a single Big Action.
Most characters have Move Speed 30, which means they can move up to 30 feet (6 hexes) with a single Big Action.
While moving in combat, you provoke AOO for leaving any hex threatened by a foe.
When you use a Big Action to move, you can break up this movement on your turn, using part of your movement before and after making another action.
Ex: Wulfric uses 1 Big Action to move 10 feet before attacking a goblin with his sword with his second Big Action. He then finishes his movement by going another 20 feet to get in front of his allies.
Your Move Speed represents a jogging pace; you don’t normally walk around in combat!
-A walking pace is represented by using a Big Action to go only half your Move Speed. -
Many creatures have other types of movement. These are listed with the type of movement followed by the Move Speed.
-Ex: Swim 20, Fly 50, Climb 10. These are described later in this section.
Bonus/Penalty to Move Speed: A bonus or penalty that states +X or -X feet to Move Speed is applied first. Multipliers to Move Speed are factored in after static +X/-X modifiers. Bonuses of the same type do not stack.
Ex: Human Base Move Speed = 30’ with Barbarian Fast Movement+10’ = 40’ Move Speed. When this character runs, they move double that (up to 80 feet). If this character is encumbered to 75% Move Speed, 40’x0.75 = 30’ Move Speed.
-Stacking Movement Penalties: If you suffer half movement from two sources, you move at 1/3 speed, which is the same as saying each 1 hex of movement costs 3 hexes. Three such penalties cause 1/4 speed, etc.
-Minimum Movement: If you are ever reduced to a Move Speed of 5 feet or less, but are not Immobilized/Paralyzed/Restrained, you may spend a Big Action that Provokes AOO to move 5 feet. You cannot take a “5-Foot Step” action if your Move Speed is reduced to 5’ or less.
Using the Battle Map – Measuring Distance in Combat
The Hexagonal Battle Map (Hex Map) makes measuring distance in combat extremely simple. The hex grid is excellent for building natural scenarios and determining the area of effect of magic spells and other abilities.
Determine Distance: On normal terrain, every step into a new hex costs 5 feet of movement. For range to a target, simply count the number of hexes from you to your target using the most direct route available. Do not count the hex in which you are standing. Multiply the number of hexes by 5, and that’s the distance in feet!
Ex: A character with Move Speed 30 can move up to 6 hexes with a Big Action. A target 30 hexes away = 150 feet!
-Designer’s Note: This ease of measuring was the deciding factor that led to LFG using hexagons instead of squares.
However, using hexagons leads to issues with rectangular shapes common to man-made structures and cities. When representing straight hallways or rectangular rooms on a hex-grid map, you may use the half-hex rule.
Half Hex Rule: If it makes it easier to determine battlefield position, you may use half of a hexagon as a full hex without suffering penalties. When using this rule, you can never have more space occupied than is available.
Example Image Right: The hallway is 10 feet wide, yet Chessan only has half-hexes available to either side. Since Chessan & Mayat are Medium Size (5 Feet), Mayat can stand next to Chessan in the half hex without penalty. Likewise, Sokaris could take a 5’ Step into the half hex next to Wulfric to engage the Troll. However, Sokaris cannot step back into the half hex at Chessan’s right, as this would place three 5-foot creatures in a space only 10 feet across.
Option – Square Grid: If you only have access to a Battle Map with a square grid, or you just like playing on squares, you can play LFG using a square grid.
-Square grids are great for locations with man-made structures such as hallways, buildings, streets, etc.
-Square grids make it more difficult to map out natural terrain & measure round shapes, cones, and diagonals.
-Measuring Diagonal Distance on Square Grids: The first diagonal step costs 5 feet of movement, but the second diagonal step costs 10 feet of movement. Continue in this 5/10/5/10 pattern.
Ex: When measuring diagonally on a square grid, count like this: 5, 15, 20, 30, 35, 45, 50, etc.
Square Grid - Space, Radius, Reach:
Small Size, Medium Size, 5’ Radius, 5’ Step: No change necessary; 1 hex becomes 1 square.
-5’ Reach can reach all adjacent squares & diagonal.
Large Creatures (3 hex, 10’ Wide): Occupy a 2x2 square, or 4 squares total.
Huge Creatures (7 hex, 15’ Wide): Occupy a 3x3 square, or 9 squares total.
10’ Reach: Reaches 2 squares beyond occupied space, but only 1 square on the diagonal.
20-Foot Radius: Reaches from center out 4 squares, but only 3 squares on the diagonal.
30-Foot Radius: Reaches from center out 6 squares, but only 4 squares on the diagonal.
-If you like, you can switch between square grids for cities & towns and hex grids for natural settings!
Moving in Combat – Terrain, Creatures, & Other Issues:
Normal Terrain: Moving along normal terrain uses 5 feet of movement per hex. The terrain you are walking on is considered Normal Terrain unless explicitly stated otherwise. Any fairly level and sturdy surface may be considered normal terrain, such as a grassy field, dirt roads, stone & wood floors, cobblestone, ship’s deck, sparse forest floor, etc.
Difficult Terrain: This term is used for all types of unsteady or slippery terrain.
Examples of Difficult Terrain include: Thick underbrush with many vines and roots, thick mud, loose sand, rocky debris, craggy mountain trails, a stone jetty, knee-deep water, rubble of a broken building or monument, a natural cave floor covered in stalagmites, a room full of useless junk, ice, ankle-deep snow, marshlands
Entering a hex of Difficult Terrain costs 2 hexes (10 feet) of movement. (Double Movement Cost)
Standing on Difficult Terrain imposes a -2 penalty on Attacks & -2AC.
You cannot Run over Difficult Terrain.
You cannot take a 5-foot Step into Difficult Terrain.
On ice and other and other slippery surfaces, a creature that fails a REF Save in combat also falls Prone.
Bodies of dead & unconscious Medium Size+ creatures cause Difficult Terrain where they lie.
Big creatures and Difficult Terrain: A creature that takes up 3 or more hexes may ignore Difficult Terrain if less than half of the creature occupies the Difficult Terrain.
Friends & Enemies in Combat – Moving around Other Creatures:
Occupied Space: You cannot end your movement in a space occupied by either a friend or foe.
Some special abilities, actions, or Feats may allow this, but as a general rule, it is not allowed.
Occupied Space-Ally/Friend: You may move through a hex occupied by a friendly creature at no extra cost. If you are Running, you can only move through 1 friendly creature; any more prevent you from Running.
If stuck in the same space an ally, you both gain the Cramped condition.
Occupied Space-Enemy: You cannot move through a hex occupied by an enemy creature unless they are helpless (unconscious, tied-up, paralyzed, etc). Wrestling maneuvers (Ch4.26) or the Acrobatics Skill (Ch4.1) may be used to attempt to move through an occupied enemy hex.
-Special: If you are smaller than your foe by 3+ size categories, you may move through their space as if threatened hexes, and even stop in an occupied space, assuming there is space between the limbs or other reasonable circumstances.
-Special: If you are 3+ size categories larger than your foe, you may move through their spaces as if threatened hexes without having to use the Overpower Maneuver. If you use this option, these creatures automatically avoid being damaged by your movement. If you stop in a hex occupied by one of these foes, they may share your space with no penalty.
Accidental / Illegal Locations: If you accidentally end up in a location that is not a legal position, such as in an enemy’s hex or within a wall or table, you are instead placed in the last legal position along your movement path. If none is available, the nearest legal space should be used at GM Discretion. In these circumstances, the GM may place you in the same hex as an ally, causing both of you the Cramped condition.
Other Movement Issues:
Conditions: There are many negative conditions that can reduce the mobility of an adventurer, such as Weakened, Sickened, Staggered, and many more. (See Ch9.10 – Conditions for details.)
Doors: An unlocked door or a door with an easily accesses latch may be opened as a Swift Action. Unlocking a lock with a key & opening the door uses a Big Action that Provokes AOO.
Encumbered: Your STR determines how much you can carry without trouble. If you carry more than your Light Load (40 lbs for an average human), you will become encumbered. If you carry more than double your Light Load, you will be heavily encumbered. These conditions greatly reduce your mobility in combat. This explains why many adventurers drop their backpacks before they start fighting! (see Strength, Ch2.3b)
Encumbered: 75% Move Speed, -3 Mobility Penalty, -1 AC, -1 Attack Rolls
Heavily Encumbered: 50% Move Speed, -6 Mobility Penalty, -2 AC, -2 REF Save, -2 Attack Rolls, Cannot Fly, May be struck by Precision Damage
Obstacles: You may move up onto an obstacle of half your height, such as a low wall, using 10 feet (2 hexes) of movement. You may hurdle over an object of ¼ your height, or across a space less than half your height in length, in stride at no extra movement cost during a Normal Move or Run Action.
-See the Jump&Sprint Skill (Ch4.10) for ways to bypass obstacles more efficiently.
Tight Spaces: If you must move through tight spaces (about half your height), you are cramped while doing so. Cramped: ½ Move Speed, -2AC, -2 REF Saves, -2 all Physical Actions.
Weather & Other Terrain: Weather has various effects in combat. Incredibly bad weather, such as a blizzard or very dense fog, can reduce your movement by half. See Terrain & Weather Effects in Ch8.6a for details.
Special Combat Movement
5-Foot Step, Trade Spaces, Retreat, Run, Charge Attack
What is a 5-Foot Step? This quick tactical adjustment is used to carefully approach, move away from, or reposition around a foe. (Also written as 5’ Step)
A 5-Foot Step is a Swift Action.
You move 1 hex (5 feet) without provoking AOO for leaving a threatened hex.
If you have already moved this turn, you cannot use this special movement action.
Simple Rule: You cannot make any other movement on your turn after making a 5-foot step.
Advanced Rule Option: If you make a 5-foot step and then choose to move again on your turn, you may move only half your normal move distance, you become Unfortunate until the start of your next turn, and you suffer penalties as from using the Run Action (Normally: -2AC, Perseverance DC[10+[2xSL] or spell fail).
Trade Spaces Action: This action is used to swap places with an adjacent ally.
The Trade Spaces Action is a Big Action. Both characters must be willing to trade spaces.
The character with whom you wish to trade must spend their Reaction to trade spaces with you.
Both characters that swap places provoke AOO if they leave a threatened hex.
Two creatures trading spaces must be within 1 size category of each other.
Retreat Action / Disengage: (Full-Round Action, *No AOO): You may move up to your Move Speed without Provoking AOO for doing so. You must attempt to move away from enemy units.
*This is a special Full-Round Action that does not provoke AOO; You carefully move away from a threatening foe. If you move directly towards a new enemy, you will Provoke AOO from that enemy as normal.
You cannot move through occupied enemy spaces.
You may Retreat while Prone, but you move only half your Move Speed.
You are Unfortunate on any Attack Rolls made before the start of your next turn.
Running in Combat – Full Details:
What is a Run Action? A Run Action (Running) is a type of Big Action-Move.
The Run Action is a single Big Action that allows you to move up to double your Move Speed in a straight line.
Creatures that Swim, Fly, & Climb may use the Run Action as described here unless specifically indicated otherwise.
You suffer -2 AC against Melee Attacks until the start of your next turn. You also suffer a -2 Penalty to AC against Ranged Attacks if running directly towards the attacker. You gain a +2 Tactical Bonus on AC against Ranged Attacks from indirect angles.
You must Run in a straight line. (A single turn of 30 degrees or less may be allowed at GM discretion.)
You cannot Run through any hex that would hamper your movement, such as difficult terrain or an enemy or non-allied creature. You may Run through a single ally’s occupied space without hindrance, but additional allies prevent your running movement.
You suffer a -2 Penalty on Ranged Attack Rolls until the start of your next Turn.
You cannot break up the movement of your Run Action with other actions.
Casting a spell after using the Run Action requires a DC(10+[2xSL]) Perseverance check or the spell fails.
For calculating Run Speed, applying any bonuses/penalties to your Move Speed first, then multiply.
-Wearing certain armors or carrying too much weight can reduce your Run speed (See Ch7.4 - Armor) -
Interrupted while Running: If you can no longer continue in a straight line, the rest of your movement for this action is lost unless you have a Feat or ability that allows you to change direction while running. If a foe is located directly in front of you, you may continue running & make a charge attack against them.
How much can I Run in Combat?
You may use both Big Actions on your Turn to Run. It counts as “Running for 1 Round” either way.
You can Run for 1 Round per point of Constitution before you risk fatigue. Then, you must make a DC15 Perseverance check or gain +1 Weakened Stage. Add +1DC per consecutive Round of running.
Perseverance DC resets with a new Weakened Stage OR after 1 Round of rest.
Charge Attack: A melee or thrown weapon attack made on your turn directly after Running at least 10 feet.
A Charge Attack grants a +2 Innate Bonus to melee & thrown weapon damage & any Wrestling check made to knock an opponent over. If running directly at your target, you do not suffer the -2 Attack Penalty for throwing a weapon at them due to running (such as a spear or hatchet).
Other Types of Movement
Swim, Climb, Leaper, Fly
While regular Move Speed assumes traversing across the ground, many creatures can Swim, Fly, or Climb about the environment. Any creature with a Move Speed shown as Fly X, Climb X, or Swim X may use a Big Action to move up to X feet using that type of locomotion.
Creatures with multiple types of movement may easily shift between whichever type of movement they desire. Any movement made using 1 type of motion is subtracted from all other available movement types.
-Ex: A Griffon has Move Speed 50, Fly 110[average], Leaper 20 – Using a Big Action, the Griffon could Leap 20 feet, move 30 more feet along the ground, and then fly an additional 60 feet. -
Creatures with a Fly, Swim, or Climb Speed may use the Run Action normally in appropriate terrain.
Swim - Creatures with a “Swim Speed”: Ex: A Razortooth Gar has a movement type listed as “Swim 50.”
You do not have to make Swim checks to move, attack, or cast spells underwater.
You can move normally in all 3-dimensions while swimming, and suffer no penalties for actions, attacks, defenses, reactions, or physical damage dealt for being underwater.
Suffer no penalty to vision for being underwater.
-See the Swim Skill (Ch4.23) for more details.
Climb - Creatures with a “Climb Speed”: Ex: A Rust Monster has a movement type listed as “Climb 10.”
You do not have to make Climb checks to move, attack, or cast spells while climbing.
Suffer no penalties for actions, attacks, reactions, or defenses while climbing.
You Threaten AOO for any available attacks.
If a creature is using their limbs to climb, those limbs may be unavailable for attacks at GM discretion. Bite attacks are generally available while climbing.
-See the Climb Skill (Ch4.3) for more details.
Leaper - Creatures with “Leaper X”: Ex: A Deinonychus has a movement type listed as “Leaper 10.”
You may move from 1 point to another by leaping. You cannot fail on a horizontal jump of X feet or less. Whenever you jump horizontally, the distance traversed may be increased by up to +X feet if desired. A vertical leap may be increased by +(X/2) feet. You may make a Jump&Sprint check to hurdle a barrier or leap over an obstacle as part of a Big Action movement. You may make a Charge Attack after making successful Jump&Sprint check to land within reach of an opponent. Movement by leaping is subtracted from your available movement for the round. Creatures with the Leaper trait can jump distances up to their normal land Move Speed+X.
If purposefully jumping downwards, you reduce the effective distance of a fall by (X/2) feet.
-Ex: A creature with Leaper 20 can treat a 15-foot fall as only a 5-foot fall.
Flying - Creatures with a “Fly Speed [Maneuverability]”: Ex: An Imp has a movement type listed as “Fly 50 [Perfect].”
Any Fly Speed also indicates a Maneuverability rating after the move speed.
Flight is the ability to move through the air in 3-Dimensions. Ascending is generally more difficult than descending due to gravity. Natural flight requires a moderate amount of atmosphere to function properly.
For simplicity, taking off & landing requires no additional effort, movement, or actions. As long as you can reach the ground using your Fly movement, you can land safely. Certain creatures may indicate a minimum wingspan or other flight details in their individual descriptions.
You cannot take a 5-Foot Step while Flying. (unless you have Perfect maneuverability)
Maneuverability: A creature’s Fly Speed also indicates how maneuverable they are while flying. Maneuverability affects numerous aspects of the creature’s motion and combat ability while flying, as shown in the chart below.
Fly Speed – Flight & Maneuverability
Turning: This indicates how well the creature can turn and change direction while in flight. During a single Normal Move (Big Action), the creature may make the indicated number of direction changes, turning up to 90 degrees each time. You must move at least 5 feet in the same direction between turns.
Combat Ability: Your ability to effectively evade, reposition, and attack is affected by your maneuverability. You suffer any penalties listed above, and can use the actions shown for your maneuverability.
Dive Attack: If you use the Run Action and descend at least 10 feet before striking in melee, your attack strikes as a Charge Attack and your attack deals damage as if 1 die size larger (1d4🡪1d6🡪1d8, etc). (Innate Bonus)
Ascend Rate: You must spend the indicated amount of movement to increase your altitude by 1 hex (5 feet).
Ex: A Creature with Fly 30 [Poor] must spend 15 feet of movement to increase their altitude by 5 feet.
If your Fly Speed is less than the indicated Ascend Rate, you may spend your full movement to ascend 5 feet.
Minimum Flight Speed: You must move at least this many hexes forward to maintain lift. A creature that moves less than this amount in a single round while airborne begins to fall.
Falling while Flying & Regaining Control: If you start falling while flying, you will fall about 300 feet in 1 round. If you have not struck the ground and you are physically still capable of flying when your next turn starts, you can spend a Big Action to regain control and fly as normal. (A second round of falling sends you 1000 feet down!)
Perfect Maneuverability: You can move freely in all directions while flying. You are able to hover and do not have to maintain a minimum flight speed. While flying, you can turn as often as you like and can make a 5-Foot Step. So long as you are physically capable of flying, you can regain control after only 50 feet of falling.
“Trip”or “Knockdown” a flying creature: If a flying creature is successfully tripped or hit with a Knockdown, they fall 10 feet down (& take damage normally). If they reach the ground, they fall prone. If they do not strike the ground, they regain control & may continue flying. Flying creatures with Clumsy or Poor Maneuverability fall 20 feet instead of 10 when tripped.
Tactical Movement (Combat Gameplay Tactics)
Flanking, Positioning, Cover, Concealment
Locating Targets
Who are your trying to affect? Can you affect them?
-Line of Sight – Can you see your target?
-Line of Effect – Can your attack strike your target?
Line of Sight (LoS): The ability to locate your target visually (or with a Primary Sense).
-If you do not have Line of Sight to your target, you cannot target them with a direct attack, or a spell that requires you to choose a target creature or object. Total Concealment & Total Cover block Line of Sight.
Ex: Chessan cannot use her Hold spell on an enemy orc surrounded by dense fog because she cannot find her target!
Line of Effect (LoE): The ability of an attack or spell to travel from the attacker to their target. Sometimes you may not have Line of Sight, but you could still have Line of Effect (some attacks & spells can affect a target even if you can’t see it). Most attacks require a direct, straight line of effect from attacker to the target.
Total Cover blocks Line of Sight and Line of Effect.
Some spells & attacks may bypass barriers or go around obstacles. (Ex: The radius of a Slow spell & the Channel Energy ability of a Priest can function through walls & around corners! Arrows & bombs may be shot or tossed over walls.)
Concealment does not block Line of Effect. (Ex: Fog does not stop an arrow. Darkness does not stop a Fireball!)
Cover & Concealment are described in detail later in this section.
Flanking / Being Flanked
If two attackers threaten you in melee from opposite sides, you are flanked. The enemy creatures are said to be flanking you. Being flanked causes you a -2 penalty to AC.
To Flank a Small or Medium creature, there must be at least 1 hex of space between threatening enemies.
To Flank a Large creature, there must be at least 2 hexes of space between the threatening enemies.
Creatures who do not threaten cannot cause a creature to be flanked.
In the top and bottom portion of this image, Ally 1 and Ally 2 are flanking the Enemy. Ally 3 is also Flanking with Ally 2. Ally 1 and Ally 3 are not in a flanking position. In both, the enemy suffers a -2 penalty to AC for being flanked.
-Note: The rules for LFG function on a mostly “human-sized” scale. Once creatures get larger than a house or smaller than a cat, things get weird. With exceptionally tiny or enormous combatants, use these rules as a guide & shift the scale appropriately.
Ally 4 and 5 are not flanking, nor are Ally 4 and 6. However, since 5 and 6 are in a flanking position, the enemy is flanked.
Ally 7 and 8 are not flanking independently, nor are Ally 7 and 9. However, since Ally 8 and 9 are in a flanking position, the large enemy is flanked.
Multiple Opponents
Strength in Numbers / Gang Up
-If 3 or more combatants attack the same target creature in a round, you can gain a Tactical Bonus (Max +5) to your attacks after the first two attackers.
-Attacks from the first two creatures work normally, regardless of the number of attacks they make.
-If attacking the same target, each attacker beyond the second gains a cumulative +1 Tactical Bonus against that foe until the foe takes their turn.
Ex: Rock & Crysta both swing at an enemy Orc. When Sokaris then tosses a dagger at the Orc, he gains a +1 Tactical Bonus on his attack. If Wulfric also attacks the Orc this round, he gains a +2 Tactical Bonus on the attack. If the Orc survives these attacks and finally takes its turn, these bonuses are removed.
The creatures involved must be within two size categories of their foe to gain the Tactical Bonus.
This applies to physical attacks (melee or ranged) as well as spells that make attack rolls.
This does not function against helpless or immobile targets.
Advanced Option - Ignore an enemy: If you are being attacked by multiple foes, but feel some of them are harmless, you may completely ignore these foes to attempt to avoid AC penalties against the “more dangerous” ones. You must use a swift action on your turn to designate the foe (or foes) you will ignore for 1 round. You are considered Flat-Footed against this foe (even if you normally cannot be Flat-Footed). In addition, an enemy you ignore is Fortunate on all attacks made against you. Their attacks do not count towards the number of attackers this round, and they cannot cause you to be Flanked.
High Ground / Low Ground
Benefits of higher positions in combat
If you are positioned above your opponent in a way which allows you a better chance of striking vital areas of your target in melee (usually the head & neck), you may gain a +1 Tactical Bonus on Attack Rolls.
If you are positioned below your opponent in a way which makes it less likely for you to strike vital areas of your target in melee, you suffer a -1 Attack Penalty.
Creatures that are taller or shorter or of different size categories, do NOT gain the High/Low Ground bonuses or penalties unless they are even higher or lower than normal due to use of terrain and tactical positioning.
-Note: These bonuses/penalties are commonly granted by standing a couple of steps higher/lower than a foe of similar size. These should only be granted due to rational use of tactical positioning. If you are unsure if a creature should earn a bonus or penalty, or there is some confusion or disagreement, do not apply this rule.
Ex: Two swordsmen fighting in a stairwell; the combatant higher up the stairs gains the +1 Tactical Bonus to Attack Rolls, while the lower opponent suffers the -1 Attack Penalty.
This Tactical Bonus applies to a human on horseback making melee attacks against standing medium-sized foes.
High Ground & Ranged Attacks: If you make a physical ranged attack against an enemy at least 10 feet below you, you gain a +1 Innate Bonus to weapon damage. High ground may allow you to shoot over some pieces of cover.
High Ground & Stealth: A character in a tree or other position 20+ feet above the ground may be granted a +2 Tactical Bonus on their Hide check, provided the enemy has not specifically indicated searching above them.
Cover & Concealment
These rules describe how terrain & the environment affect your ability to locate, evade, & attack your enemies. If you wish to use the Hide Skill effectively, you must have Cover or Concealment.
Cover - What is it?
Cover represents physical barriers that can stop attacks. Walls, trees, tables, and other creatures can provide cover. Cover commonly affects ranged attacks, but it can block some melee attacks as well.
If you are behind a piece of cover, you gain a Cover Bonus to AC. The more your body is covered, the higher the Cover Bonus to AC. See the table below for varying levels of cover.
Cover assumes a direction of attack. If an attack comes from a direction that does not risk striking the piece of cover, then you gain no Cover Bonus against the attack.
Cover & Cover Bonus
Cover Bonus to REF Saves: If your cover is provided by a solid physical structure, you gain the indicated bonus against explosions or spells with “burst” AoE originating from the opposite side of the piece of cover. Cover provided by creatures does not grant this bonus, unless the creature is truly immense (GM Discretion)
Note that some magical effects ignore barriers or go around corners, negating this bonus.
Improved Evasion allows you to ignore all negative effects on a passed REF Save, or half damage on a failed Save.
Cover - Additional Rules:
Creatures the same size or larger than your target normally provide Partial Cover against any attack that passes through their occupied space to reach the target. (At long ranges, the GM may allow a shot to bypass this rule due to the arc-shaped trajectory of an arrow or javelin toss if it seems logical.)
If you are directly adjacent to an object providing you cover (such as a low wall, tree, or an ally), your ranged attacks ignore that piece of cover when attacking enemies at least 10 feet away.
When making Ranged Attacks, you may ignore the cover provided by 1 allied creature of your size who is in your line of sight to the target but not directly adjacent to the target.
Creatures 1 or more size categories smaller than your target do not normally provide cover.
Cover on Large+ Creatures: Cover functions normally using the “percentage of body covered” rule as indicated above (Ex: If you can only see half of an Ogre, it has Good Cover, even if one full hex of the Ogre’s body is visible).
Determine Cover: How do you determine if a target has Cover?
Draw an imaginary line from the center of your hex to the center of your target’s hex. If the line passes through an occupied space, or strikes a wall or other solid object, your target has cover.
If you cannot draw a line from center to center, try to draw a line from the center of your hex to any part of your target’s hex. If this works, your target has cover, but not total cover. If you cannot make a line from the center of your hex to any part of your target’s hex, they have Total Cover.
If you can draw a line from the center of your hex to every part of your target’s hex without interruption, then your target does not have cover.
An attack for a larger creature can originate from the center of any one of its occupied hexes.
Suggestion: A simple piece of string is a handy tool to help determine if targets have Cover or Line of Sight!
Cover Examples
The adventuring party is attacked by pair of Orcs & a Troll at an old cottage with a small wooden shed.
Sokaris & Orc #1 have a clear shot at each other.
Wulfric, Orc#2, and the Troll have clear line of sight with no cover against one another.
Wulfric & Chessan cannot see Orc#1, and Orc#1 can’t see them.
Sokaris & the Troll each have Partial Cover due to the shed.
Wulfric is standing directly in front of Mayat, providing her with Good Cover against Orc#2 & the Troll. Since Wulfric is an adjacent ally, Mayat’s Attacks against Orc#2 & the Troll do not treat Wulfric as cover.
Chessan has found a safe spot in the wrecked cottage. She has Total Cover against all foes, but has kept a clear line of sight to both Mayat & Wulfric to cast her healing & protection spells.
Orc#1 can use the tree trunk for Good Cover against Mayat. Since he is adjacent to the tree, his attacks against Mayat ignore the tree, but the corner of the wooden shed still provides Mayat with Partial Cover against Orc #1.
Cover - Shooting another creature on accident (Unintended Targets): A creature providing cover for another creature against a ranged attack may end up being struck by this attack unintentionally. (See Accuracy by Volume and Unintended Targets in the Archery Special Rules, Ch9.13)
Lean Out from Cover / Take Cover (Swift Action): You remain in your current hex, but lean out from behind (or take cover behind) an adjacent object or object in your hex that provides Total Cover. While leaning out, you have Good Cover (+4 Cover Bonus to AC). This is generally used to make a ranged attack or cast a spell from a defensive position, such as behind a large tree, window, low wall, etc.
-If the piece of cover is not large enough to cover you entirely, you may still use this action to increase the amount of cover granted by 1 step at GM Discretion. (A human could crouch behind a small chair to gain Good Cover.)
New Player Note: If an enemy is constantly hiding behind cover while attacking from a distance, you may want to attempt to take an Interrupt Turn to catch them while they are exposed. (see Ch9.1d – Interrupt Turn)
Concealment - What is it?
Concealment represents something that visually obscures your target, making it harder to properly aim an attack. Concealment doesn’t directly stop a physical attack; it just makes it more likely to miss. Fog, foliage, rain, illusions, and darkness can all provide concealment.
Concealment causes a % Miss Chance, meaning that an attack has a set percentage chance of missing, regardless of the total Attack Roll. Roll 1d10 when determining the results of % Miss Chance.
If the result on 1d10 is less than or equal to the tens place of the % Miss Chance, the attack misses.
-Ex: With Partial Concealment (20% Miss Chance), rolling a 1 or 2 on 1d10 results in a miss. -
You cannot deal precision damage to a target with Partial or Total Concealment.
Partial Concealment - 20% Miss Chance: You can see the generic shape and location of your target, but cannot make out specific details on the target. (Roll 1d10; a roll of 1 or 2 is a miss)
Total Concealment – 50% Miss Chance: You cannot see your target at all. (Roll 1d10; a roll of 1-5 is a miss)
Total Concealment blocks Line of Sight, but does not block Line of Effect.
Determine Concealment: How do you determine if a target has Concealment?
Concealment is determined by the GM, checking your Line of Sight while also considering the light levels, your vision type, weather, magical effects, and other factors before making a reasonable decision.
Light Levels & Vision Types are the main factors to consider when determining Concealment. (Ch8.4)
Certain spells & abilities indicate a specific level of Concealment or a % Miss Chance caused by their magic.
Terrain & Weather Effects may cause Concealment due to storms, fog, foliage, and the like. (Ch 8.6a)
GM Note: If you can’t decide exactly how much Concealment a target has, choose the lower concealment value.
Bonuses & Penalties
Bonuses & Penalties represent the various circumstances, equipment, or magic powers can affect your ability to succeed at a certain task.
If any roll or score has a maximum total value allowed, calculate all bonuses and penalties first before applying the maximum.
Penalties: Bonuses are numerical decreases to certain abilities, ratings, scores, or die rolls.
-Penalties do not have specific types. All penalties stack with one another.
-A penalty may state a “type” to provide a rationale for the source of the penalty, but only for descriptive purposes.
Bonuses: Bonuses are numerical increases to certain abilities, ratings, scores, or die rolls.
Bonuses of the same type do not stack with one another; only the highest bonus applies.
Ex: If wearing a magic ring with a +1 Power Bonus to Armor Rating and a necklace that provides a +2 Power Bonus to Armor Rating, only the +2 Power Bonus from the necklace applies. -
Bonuses of different types being applied to the same score or roll stack together.
Ex: If wearing an enchanted shirt that provides a +1 Power Bonus to REF Saves, boots that provide a +2 Dodge Bonus to REF Saves, and under a spell granting a +3 Morale Bonus to REF Saves, you would gain a total increase of +6 to your REF Saves, as each of these different bonus types may be applied together. -
Flat numerical bonuses to damage from physical attacks are multiplied on critical hits. Extra damage determined by a dice roll is not multiplied (such as a Rogue’s Sneak Attack).
Bonus Types: Attack Rolls, Skills, and Combat statistics displayed in the LFG handbook note all bonuses & penalties applied to the particular score using the abbreviations of each Bonus Type shown below.
-Since many bonuses & penalties apply in only very specific circumstances, these values may not always be represented in a creature’s statistics block or a sample character sheet.
There are 14 types of bonuses in total: Alchemical(alc), Attractive(att), Class(c), Cover(cvr), Dodge(d), Focus(f), Gear(g), Helm(h), Innate(i), Morale(m), Enhance(e), Power(p), Social(s), Tactical(t)
Alchemical (alc): Bonus due to chemical interactions; granted by Alchemical Items & a Barbarian’s Rage ability.
Attractive (att): Attractive Bonuses only apply to social Skills in scenarios where the opposing creature or character could be physically or otherwise sexually attracted to the character making the Skill check.
Unless otherwise noted, all PC races may be attracted to all other PC races (GM Discretion).
-Exception: Goblinoids are not normally attractive to non-goblinoid races.
Class (c): Bonus granted due to levels in your character class. Class Bonuses are only granted to Ability Scores and Skills. Class Bonuses from the same class stack. Class bonuses from different classes do not stack.
*Bonuses listed to Ability Scores in the Character Class Charts are “Class Bonuses” to those particular ability scores.
Cover (cvr): Bonus to AC & REF Saves due to creatures or objects being in the way. (see Cover, Ch.7e)
Dodge (d): Bonus granted by actively avoiding attacks. Dodge Bonuses can affect Armor Class & REF Saves.
A Dodge Bonus to AC adds to AC, ACvsCrit, & TouchAC.
Dodge Bonuses are lost if you are Flat-Footed.
Dodge Bonuses stack with other Dodge Bonuses.
Enhance (e): Enhance Bonuses improve the pre-existing properties of physical items such as weapons, armor, shields, and other equipment.
Focus (f): Bonus due to mental focus on a task.
Gear (g): Bonus due to having a tool or piece of equipment that helps to accomplish a task; cannot be granted by magic power. Masterwork equipment usually grants a +2 Gear Bonus to appropriate Skill checks.
Helm (h): Bonus to Armor Rating and/or Armor Rating vsCrit for wearing a helmet or other head protection.
Innate (i): Bonus due to inherent ability, training & experience, body mechanics, or other sources.
-Innate Bonuses stack with other Innate Bonuses.
-Innate Bonus to AC adds to all AC Values(AC, ACvsCrit, TouchAC, FFAC).
-Unlike other bonuses, Innate Bonuses to any score do not have a +5 Maximum.
Morale (m): Bonus due to feeling inspired, motivated, or emotionally driven. Mindless creatures cannot be affected by Morale Bonuses.
Power (p): Bonus granted by magical powers.
A Power Bonus to AC adds to all AC Values (AC, ACvsCrit, TouchAC, FFAC).
Social (s): Bonus due to proper attire, known status, nobility, close friendships, familiarity with social norms & customs, etc. A Social Bonus only applies to rolls using Social Skills. (CHA-based Skill checks)
-All instances of when Social Bonuses apply are left to GM discretion.
Tactical (t): Bonus due to clever combat strategy, fighting styles, or positioning.
Bonuses from different tactics can stack with one another at the GM’s discretion.
-Ex: A Tactical Bonus from wielding two melee weapons stacks with a Tactical Bonus granted by an elevated position.
Damage in Combat
Whether struck by an axe, burned by a fireball, or desiccated by dark magic, you will encounter many different types of damage throughout your epic adventures. Any attack or spell that deals damage in LFG indicates which type(s) of damage it deals. Some creatures may be able to resist damage from certain sources, while others may be especially vulnerable to a specific type of attack.
Any damage you take is subtracted from your Hit Points.
There are 4 Main categories of Damage: Physical, Elemental, Energy, Special
There are 12 types of damage in total: Slashing[s], Piercing[p], Bludgeoning[b], Acid[acid], Cold[cold], Electricity[elec], Fire[fire], Positive Energy[PE], Negative Energy[NE], Force Energy[force], Biological[bio], Precision[+prec]
Damage Die Size: Some special abilities may increase or decrease the size of die used when rolling damage. Use this generic list if a specific damage die is not indicated.
1 🡪 1d2 🡪 1d3 🡪 1d4 🡪 1d6 🡪 1d8 🡪 1d10 🡪 2d6 🡪 2d8 🡪 3d6 🡪 3d8 🡪 3d10 🡪 4d8 🡪 4d10 🡪 4d12
Damage in Combat
Damage Categories & Damage Types
Direct damage from a physical source, such as a weapon or natural attack.This is the most common type of damage. Whenever something states “Weapon Damage,” it is dealing Physical Damage.
There are 3 Types of Physical Damage: Slashing [s], Piercing [p], Bludgeoning [b]
Physical Damage is multiplied on Critical Hits.
Incoming Physical Damage may be reduced by Damage Resistance (DR).
Damage caused by one of the primal elements or other hazards that exist in the natural world. There are 4 types of Elemental Damage: Acid [acid], Cold [cold], Fire [fire], Electricity [elec]
Elemental Damage is NOT multiplied on Critical Hits
Incoming Elemental Damage may be reduced by Elemental Resistance.
Acid Damage [acid]: Caused by chemical corrosion of materials. Acid Damage bypasses Hardness of all materials except Obsidian, Glass, Silver, and Gold.
While fantasy acid conjures images of the classic Hollywood “green corrosive goo,” the term “Acid” is used for simplicity. “Acid” damage includes all types of corrosive chemical reactions, such as rusting metal, bleach burns, or magical chemistry not known in our real world. Specific acids may indicate more or less effectiveness against certain materials.
Acid damage often causes excruciating pain as it slowly destroys nerve endings.
Cold Damage [cold]: Caused by intense cold. Cold damage causes severe damage to living cells as the water freezes and expands inside. Intense cold can also reduce mobility and cause objects to become brittle.
Apart from long term exposure in cold weather or a dip into liquid nitrogen, this damage type is almost entirely a construct of fantasy & magic.
Electricity Damage [elec]: Caused by potent electrical currents such as lightning. Electricity travels through targets dealing internal & external damage, & almost always disrupts biological processes.
While electrical damage does cause burns due to the intense heat of electrical resistance, it is considered different from fire damage due to its ability to travel through targets and disrupt nerve impulses.
Fire Damage [fire]: Caused by intense heat and flames. Fire damage generally causes severe external damage before harming the internal support structures of living things and objects.
-Fire Damage can set alight very dry, highly flammable objects such as paper, parched grass, and the like at GM Discretion. An ability that deals fire damage does not set flesh or worn clothes ablaze unless specifically indicated.
-Elemental Damage is NOT multiplied on Critical Hits
Energy Damage
Damage caused by magic power.
There are 3 types of Energy Damage: Positive Energy [PE], Negative Energy [NE], Force Energy [force]
Energy Damage is NOT multiplied on Critical Hits.
Incoming Energy Damage may be reduced by Energy Resistance.
Positive Energy [PE]: A life-giving magical power. While listed as a “damage type,” positive energy heals living creatures for the amount of “damage” rolled, but deals damage normally to undead creatures. Positive energy generally has no effect on items & non-living objects.
Negative Energy [NE]: The destructive magical power of death. While listed as a “damage type,” negative energy heals undead creatures for the amount of “damage” rolled, but deals damage normally to living creatures. Negative energy generally has no effect on items & non-living objects.
Force Energy [force]: Force Energy is pure, concentrated magic in its most primal form. Also referred to as simply “Force Damage.” Force damage is nearly impossible to resist, capable of damaging just about any target.
Damage caused by other sources that require special additional rules.
There are 2 types of Special Damage: Biological [bio] & Precision [prec]
-Special Damage is NOT multiplied on Critical Hits.
Biological Damage [Bio]: Damage caused by internal malfunctions or harm to living tissue, most often caused by blood loss or poisons. Diseases may also cause biological damage. Biological damage only affects living creatures.
-Biological Damage cannot harm undead creatures, constructs, or inorganic material.
-Biological Damage ignores Damage Resistance.
-Poison Damage is a special subtype of Biological Damage. It is listed as [bio-pois].
Precision Damage [+Prec]: Precision damage is additional damage dealt by striking accurately at vulnerable parts of your foes, or the parts that are most critical to proper functionality. Precision damage is an extension of a striking weapon’s damage type, and is added to the weapon’s total damage dealt on a strike.
Ex: A level 1 Rogue striking with a scimitar sneak attack adds +1d6 Slashing Precision damage, but the same Rogue striking with a sneak attack from a bow adds +1d6 Piercing Precision Damage to the arrow.
-Precision Damage is never multiplied.
How do I read or write the damage for an attack or spell?
Damage Abbreviations: Each Damage Type has a unique abbreviation that is listed after the amount of damage dealt by the attack or spell. The damage type is shown within a pair of brackets.
[x]: This attack deals a single type of damage.
-Ex: A Longbow(1) deals 1d8+1 [p] damage. This weapon always deals Piercing Damage. -
[x/y]: Damage shown with a slash / between the abbreviated Damage Types means that that attack can deal either one of those damage types with any attack. You must choose as you make your attack.
-Ex: A dagger deals 1d4 [s/p] damage. You can choose to use slashing or piercing damage as you strike. -
[x+y]: Damage shown with a plus + between the abbreviated Damage Types means the attack deals both types of damage on any strike. If either type of damage is more effective against the target being struck, tally damage using that particular Damage Type.
-Ex: A Battle Axe deals 1d8 [s+b] damage. This deals both slashing & bludgeoning damage upon impact. A skeleton normally resists Slashing damage, but since the axe also deals Bludgeoning damage, the skeleton resists none of the damage from an axe blow. (Note: Even though there is a plus sign, the attack only deals damage once per strike.)
Resistance - Damage Resistance (DR), Elemental Resistance, Energy Resistance
-To be resistant to damage means that you reduce the amount of damage taken by an indicated amount.
Damage Resistance X/Y (DRX/Y): Damage Resistance allows you to reduce all incoming physical damage from each source by X points before any damage is applied to your HP.
The “X” indicates the amount of damage resisted from every strike.
The “Y” indicates any special materials, weapons, or damage types that ignore this damage resistance.
-If the “Y” section is a dash (-), this means nothing can bypass the resistance.
-Sample qualifiers from the “Y” section: Bludgeoning, Silver, Mithryl, Adamantine, Magic -
Critical Hit damage is multiplied before DR is applied. A Successful Critical Hit always inflicts at least 1 point of Physical Damage, even if DR would have normally reduced it to 0 damage.
Damage Resistance does not stack; only the strongest or most effective DR functions against an attack.
-Ex1: A demon with DR10/Mithryl is struck with a steel longsword for 11 points of damage. 10 points of damage are resisted, so only 1 point of damage is actually dealt to the demon. If the same demon is struck for 3 damage by a Mithryl dagger, the demon takes all 3 points of damage.
-Ex2: A character with DR2/- is struck by 4 arrows from 4 separate archers. The damage rolled by the archers was 5,8,2, and 4. The character ends up taking 3,6,0, and 2 damage from these attacks, respectively.
Elemental Resistance X: Elemental Resistance allows you to reduce elemental damage of the indicated element type by X points per strike before any damage is applied to your HP. There are 4 types of Elemental Resistance:
Acid Resist X / Elec Resist X / Fire Resist X / Cold Resist X
Resolve any Saving Throw results before applying Elemental Resistance.
-Ex: A character with Elec Resist 5 who fails the REF Save for a 21 damage Lightning Bolt spell takes only 16 electric damage. If the same character passed the REF Save to take half damage, the 21 damage is halved to 10, then 5 of that is resisted, so the character takes only 5 electricity damage. -
Conditions caused by this elemental damage are also ignored if no damage is taken (If you take 0 fire damage, you are not set ablaze. If you take 0 acid damage, you are not distressed with pain.)
Elemental Resistance does not protect you against basic environmental effects such as dehydration or fatigue, but does protect against effects that damage your body such as frostbite(cold) or sunburns(fire).
Energy Resistance X: Energy Resistance allows you to reduce all incoming energy damage of the indicated energy type from each source by X points before any damage is applied to your HP. There are 2 types of Elemental Resistance: Positive Energy Resist X / Negative Energy Resist X (Note: There is no such thing as Force Resistance.)
Resolve any Saving Throw results before applying Energy Resistance.
Falling & Falling Damage
Whether falling into pits, getting shoved off castle walls, leaping off a building, dropped by a griffon, or losing your grip while escaping a dungeon, at some point you may have to deal with the quick stop at the end of a long drop. Damage dealt to a creature from a fall is unique; it deals a set amount of damage based on the maximum Hit Points of the victim, and deals less damage to smaller creatures.
-A fall deals bludgeoning damage equal to 10% of the victim’s maximum HP per 10 feet of the fall to a medium or large sized creature for the first 30 feet. Damage Resistance (DR) can function against falling damage.
Falling Damage
If you do not take damage from a fall, you land standing and unharmed. If you take damage, you land prone and risk a broken limb.
A fall that deals damage requires a REF Save (Base DC10) or you suffer a broken arm or broken leg (50/50 chance for either).
A DC15 Acrobatics or Jump&Sprint check reduces the effective distance of any fall by 10 feet. DC25 reduces the distance by 20 feet.
Creatures smaller than Medium treat a fall as 10 feet lower per size below Medium and reduce max fall damage by 10% per size below.
Huge Size+ creatures: Subtract the height of the creature from the distance of the fall before calculating damage & REF Save DC.
Reminder: A Fall is an uncontrolled drop to the ground. A 30-foot tall, Huge size giant who hops 10 feet down a ledge did not “fall,” but if that same giant gets knocked over the ledge, they may deal with fall damage.
A soft landing area (lush grass, sand, deep snow, water) reduces the effective fall by 10 feet (or more at GM Discretion).
Creatures without limbs (snakes) or with modified anatomy to lessen impact (frogs) may reduce fall damage or gain bonuses to avoid broken limbs at GM Discretion. Extremely dense or hefty creatures may take more damage at GM Discretion.
Assume a free-falling object or creature falls about 300 feet in 6 seconds (1 full round of falling).
Ex: Rock the Barbarian is knocked off a 30-foot cliff. He rolls a Jump&Sprint check and scores a 27, reducing the effective fall distance by 20 feet (30-20 = 10 feet). His MaxHP is 142, so he takes 10% of that as bludgeoning damage (14 damage). He must make a DC10 REF Save or suffer a broken arm or leg.
Objects Falling on Creatures: Objects falling on creatures deal damage based on weight and distance fallen.
Falling Objects
Fall Height & Damage Dealt
-Add +1 damage dice per +100 feet (max 1000’)
-Damage & weight details assume a dense, solid object
Dropping an object on a target hex is a Wisdom-based Ranged Attack Roll against AC5. The Range Increment of the dropped attack is 20 feet, but with no max falling range.
The target hex must be within 10 feet horizontal distance.
If the attack succeeds, any creature in the target hex must make a REF Save DC10 or be struck, taking the indicated damage. Add +2 REF Save DC per 5 points by which the Attack Roll beats AC5.
A Nat20 Attack Roll requires a REF Save DC25 to avoid.
On a missed Attack Roll, the object strikes in some adjacent hex (roll random). A Nat1 Attack Roll cannot harm any foes.
A creature (or breakable object) falling on another creature damages both creatures the same amount. (Softer objects may deal less damage, while jagged or otherwise more dangerous objects may deal more at GM Discretion.)
Note: Creature strength must be considered before assuming the object can be lifted and dropped effectively. A very large object may strike multiple hexes. A large enough object against a slow or immobile target may be unavoidable.
Multiple objects dropped simultaneously on a single target do not deal individual damage and are instead treated as 1 larger object. (Six 5lb stones simultaneously dropped on one target from 30 feet count as one 30lb stone dealing 1d8.)
Dropped weapons do not deal weapon damage; they are treated as objects of their respective weight category.
Softer objects (like bodies) and less dense objects deal damage as if 1-2 weight categories smaller.
For comparison: A 30-cm (12”) diameter granite boulder has a mass around 38 kg (it weighs about 80 lbs).
Conditions (Sometimes called Status Effects)
What are Conditions?
onditions represent temporary circumstances affecting your character. Most conditions cause negative effects, such as being weighed down by a heavy load or hampered by a painful injury.
-If afflicted with a condition, you suffer all penalties (or benefits) as described in this section.
-Being afflicted by the same condition multiple times does not change or enhance the effects unless specifically stated by the condition or effect causing it, but the longer lasting duration is always applied.
CONDITIONS – Summarized List
Conditions – Full Details
Ablaze: You are on fire. Take 1d6 Fire Damage as soon as the condition begins, plus 1d6 Fire Damage each additional round. Ablaze remains as long as there is material to burn (GM Discretion), or until it is put out.
A character may use a Full-Round Action to stop, drop, and roll to remove the ablaze condition.
For each full round you remain ablaze, a piece of your equipment becomes tattered. (GM Discretion)
If grappling with a creature that is ablaze, both creatures take the fire damage from ablaze.
Creatures that are ablaze do not deal additional fire damage with melee attacks.
Pouring at least 1 gallon (~4L) of water on a medium sized or smaller character or otherwise smothering the flames can also remove the ablaze status. A character who is able to completely submerge in water, mud, or similar quenching material removes the ablaze condition. Ablaze has no effect underwater. In a steady rain, ablaze remains for only 1 round.
Spell-Casting requires Perseverance checks due to taking damage from the flames.
Agony / Agonized: More Severe version of Distressed, caused by extreme pain.
You suffer a -2 penalty on all d20 Rolls, Half Move Speed, -2AC
When your turn begins, you automatically expend a Big Action (No AOO) struggling with the pain.
Spell-Casting: Perseverance DC(15+2xSL) or spell fails & is wasted.
Makes sleeping difficult – You recover only half the normal HP from a Long Rest, and you do not recover any Weakened Stages from a Short Rest.
Asleep / Sleeping: While asleep, you are Helpless. A sleeping creature naturally awakens after a full night of rest, if they take any HP damage, or if roused (by sounds, discomfort, shaking, etc). (See Sleep & Rest, Ch 8.8)
You suffer -10 on Listen checks while asleep (+5DC to succeed), but may be roused by passing one of these Listen checks.
You cannot make Spot checks, but obvious changes in lighting conditions may rouse a sleeping character. Most sleeping creatures will eventually awaken with enough exposure to normal or bright light (GM Discretion).
You make FORT and WILL Saves normally, but automatically fail REF Saves while asleep.
Bleed X: You are losing blood (or other vital fluids/energies). You take X Biological Damage per round.
-Ex: Bleed 2 indicates that a creature loses 2 Hit Points per round from Biological Damage.
Multiple Bleed X conditions stack. (Bleed 1 and Bleed 2 combine to cause a total of Bleed 3)
X cannot be greater than the affected creature’s level. (A level 4 character cannot suffer more than Bleed 4)
After 10 rounds of bleeding, the wound begins to clot, and the Bleed X amount is reduced by 1 per round.
-The Bleed condition is often added after an initial strike with a weapon, although certain spells and abilities may cause it directly. If a weapon strike does not successfully damage the target, then the Bleed condition will not be applied.
Blinded / Blind: You cannot see, or your Primary Sense has been disabled.
You are Flat-Footed. You automatically fail Spot checks.
You suffer Half Move Speed. Running requires DC25 Acrobatics or you fall Prone.
You do not Threaten the area around you and cannot take Reactions (such as AOO) based on sight.
All other creatures and objects have Total Concealment (50% Miss Chance) relative to you.
If attempting any other Skill checks that normally rely on sight, such as Crafting an item or Jumping over an obstacle, being blind imposes a -5 penalty to these checks (GM Discretion).
This condition is only applied to creatures whose Primary Sense has been removed or greatly impaired. Creatures that do not rely on sight cannot be Blinded unless they lose their Primary Sense. More severe version of Partially Blinded.
Broken Bones – Arm/Leg/Ribs: One or more of your bones has been broken.
Broken Arm: You cannot hold items with this arm.
You suffer -1AC and +10% Spell Failure when casting spells with Somatic Components.
You suffer a -4 Penalty on all Skill checks that would normally require use of both hands.
Broken Leg: When afflicted, you fall Prone. Standing up requires a Big Action (Provokes AOO).
You suffer a -2 penalty to Attack Rolls, -2AC, Half Move Speed, Cannot Run, Cannot 5-Foot Step.
Broken Ribs: You are Distressed with pain until healed.
Creatures without bones, limbs, or some type of solid support structure are unaffected (GM Discretion).
Treated Broken Bones heal after 1 full week of in-game time, but require 1 full month if untreated.
Severed Limbs: In a few rare instances, limbs may be severed completely. Apply the same penalties as for the Broken Bone, but obviously it cannot be treated or naturally heal. Additional rulings are left to GM Discretion.
Confounded: Mental faculties seriously hampered.
You are Unfortunate. You suffer +20% Spell Failure.
You cannot benefit from the Uncanny Dodge ability.
You have difficulty speaking (Linguistics check DC10+ required to properly speak a paragraph).
Cramped: Space too small to move effectively.
You suffer Half Move Speed, -2AC, and a -2 penalty on all Physical Skill checks, Attack Rolls, & REF Saves.
Deaf / Deafened: Unable to hear. You automatically fail Listen checks.
You suffer -1AC, and +10% Spell Failure when casting spells with Verbal Components.
You are Unfortunate on any checks to speak, sing, or otherwise communicate using sound.
Deafened is not caused by a lack of sound in the area. Creatures without hearing are unaffected by deafened.
Distracted: You are having trouble paying attention; you might not notice moderately obvious things, such as creatures standing in the open or otherwise telling sounds. (GM Discretion)
You are Unfortunate on all Listen and Spot checks.
If working diligently on a project or deeply involved in a conversation, you are distracted from all activities except the one holding your focus (GM Discretion). If using generic facing rules, you are considered visually distracted to anything behind you. If in combat, you are distracted from everything outside of combat unless you use the Survey Action.
Distressed: You are in pain. You may be suffering from some internal discomfort.
You suffer a -2 penalty on all d20 rolls, -2AC, and Half Move Speed.
Spell-Casting: Perseverance DC15 or spell fails & is wasted.
Makes sleeping difficult – You recover only half the normal HP from a Long Rest.
Dying: You have been struck to 0HP or below. You are Unconscious. If struck by a Slash or Pierce attack, you also suffer from Bleed 1.
Stabilize when Dying: If dying, you may attempt a DC20 FORT Save once per round to reduce the bleeding by 1. If the bleeding stops, you are unconscious while at 0HP or less, and you may heal naturally as if resting.
Encumbered: Carrying more weight than you can easily handle (Medium Load - see Strength, Ch2.3b).
You suffer a -3 Mobility Penalty, -1 Attack Rolls, -1 AC, -1 REF Save
Your Move Speed is reduced to 75% (round down to nearest 5 feet).
Flanked: Your enemies are positioned so you cannot properly defend yourself.
You suffer a -2 penalty to AC. (See Flanking in Ch9.7b)
Flat-Footed: You are unaware of your attacker, or otherwise unable to respond properly. (See Surprise, Ch9.1a)
You suffer a -2 penalty to AC or You lose your DEXMod to AC (Whichever is worse).
You cannot take Reactions. You lose all Dodge Bonuses & Shield Rating.
Fortunate: You have some confidence, good luck, or other advantage that is helping you to succeed.
On all d20 rolls, you roll 2d20 and take the better result.
Fortunate may be applied as an overall condition, affecting all d20 rolls made by the Fortunate creature OR it may be applied to specific rolls such as weapon damage, a single attack roll, save, etc. In these cases, roll the appropriate dice twice and take the better result. Specific rolls affected will be expressly indicated.
The Fortunate and Unfortunate conditions cancel one another out. (The Fortunate condition cannot be stacked)
Frightened: This is a Fear Effect: you are Unfortunate
Grappled Condition: You are in a wrestling match or otherwise held in a struggle by another creature or objects.
You cannot move from your hex without succeeding an opposed Wrestling check.
You are Flat-Footed against creatures not in the grapple, even if you possess Uncanny Dodge.
You do not Threaten the area around you. You cannot be flanked.
Casting spells with Somatic (S) Components is difficult (Perseverance check vs Wrestling check)
You do not suffer the cramped condition due to grappling a foe.
-For more details, see the Wrestling Skill in Ch4.26.
Heavily Encumbered: Carrying just about as much weight as physically possible. (Heavy Load - see Strength, Ch2.3b).
You suffer a -6 Mobility Penalty, -2 Attack Rolls, -2 AC, -2 REF Save.
Half Move Speed. You may be struck with Precision Damage (Sneak Attack). You cannot fly.
Helpless: Unable to move & completely defenseless. You cannot take Reactions.
You have an effective DEX score of 0 (-5 DEXMod) against incoming attacks.
You lose all Dodge Bonuses & Shield Rating.
You automatically fail REF Saves. (You may make FORT & WILL Saves normally)
Precision Damage may be applied to strikes against a Helpless target within appropriate range.
If within 5 feet, an attacker may use a Big Action to automatically strike a Helpless target with a physical attack that lands as a Critical Hit. You may attempt a Coup de Grace against a helpless target. (See Ch 9.4e)
Creatures that are Paralyzed, Asleep, Unconscious, or hog-tied so they cannot use their arms or legs are Helpless.
Hindered: Something is making it difficult for you to move.
You suffer Half Move Speed, Cannot Run, Cannot 5-Foot Step
You suffer -2AC, -2 REF Saves, and -2 on all Physical Actions
Spellcasting: Perseverance DC10 or spell fails & is wasted
Injured: At or below your Injured Threshold (25% Max HP or less).
You suffer -2 AC, -2 penalty on all d20 rolls, and your Move Speed is reduced by 5 feet.
Spellcasting: Perseverance DC(10+[2xSL]) or spell fails & is wasted
The Injured condition is automatically removed when healed above your Injured Threshold.
-You cannot have your Move Speed reduced to less than 5 feet by the Injured Condition.
Invisible: Cannot be seen. Creatures that cannot see you are effectively blinded against you, as follows:
Your opponents are Flat-Footed & cannot use Reactions requiring sight (such as AOO) against you.
Attacks made against you suffer 50% miss chance (You have Total Concealment)
An invisible creature still leaves footprints, splashes water, makes noise, moves brush and foliage, and otherwise physically interacts with its surroundings normally. Certain spells or abilities may make you invisible to certain types of vision or senses, but visible to others. Read these abilities carefully! (For the Invisibility spell & further details, see Ch11.4)
Paralyzed: You are completely unable to move your body and cannot take any type of action requiring voluntary muscle movement. While paralyzed, your heart beats and you may still see, think, and breathe.
You are Helpless. You fall prone when paralyzed, and drop any items held in your hands.
A paralyzed creature occupies space as if a dead body.
Partially Blinded: Vision is impaired, but you can still navigate and defend yourself.
You suffer a -4 penalty on Spot checks, and a -2 penalty on other Skill Checks relying on sight.
All other creatures and objects have Partial Concealment (20% Miss Chance) relative to you.
Running requires DC15 Acrobatics or you fall Prone.
This penalty is only applied to creatures whose Primary Sense has been impaired.
Pinned: You are being held nearly motionless by another creature. More severe version of Grappled:
You cannot move from your hex without succeeding a Wrestling check. You cannot be flanked.
You are Unfortunate on all Wrestling checks and are Helpless against creatures not in the grapple.
You do not Threaten the area around you.
Casting spells with S or F Components is impossible.