Types of Magic Items (Chapter 12.1b)
Types of Magic Items: Magic Items are sorted into 5 categories:
-Magic Weapons: Any of the melee or ranged weapons or ammunition enhanced with magic power.
-Magic Armor: Any type of worn armor enhanced with magic power.
-Wands: These store a small number of spells that may be activated a small number of times per day.
-Scrolls: Magically infused parchment that can activate a single spell, then it is destroyed.
-Wondrous Items: The most diverse group of magic items including magically enhanced rings, amulets, clothing, unique consumables, books, tents, backpacks, and all sorts of other adventuring gear.
-Note: Although potions create magical effects, they are alchemical items.
How do I get a magic item? Just like any other gear, magic items may be found, purchased, or made.
-Magic items may be purchased from shops, trading posts, or from traveling merchants.
-Magic items may be found buried in ancient tombs or even acquired from defeated foes.
-You can bring any masterwork item to an enchanter and have them add the desired magic to your item. You will pay for the full price of the magic required for the item, and possibly a bit extra for their magical services, especially if they need a scroll for a specific spell.
-You can use the Craft(Magic Item) Skill to add magical enchantments to items!
Legendary Magic Items: Any magic item with a Merchant Price of at least 20000gp is considered a Legendary Item. These items should be extremely rare and prized by those who have them! Powerful leaders may send people on quests to find them, steal them, or even destroy them so they can’t be used against them. Legendary Items may be considered Artifacts depending on the story and the creator of the item.
Artifacts: Any magic item worth at least 50000gp is automatically considered an Artifact, but they may be as low as 25000gp. Artifacts cannot be disenchanted or destroyed through normal means. These items are often unique to individual game worlds. They are usually created or possessed by gods, as their awesome powers are well beyond that of the mortal realm.
Using Magic Items (Chapter 12.1c)
Using Magic Items: Magic items function in many different ways; some are active all the time, some you must activate by saying a spell or phrase, and some remain dormant until needed. The following section describes the use and activation of all the standard magic items found in LFG.
Magic Items can be activated in the following ways:
-A magic item’s activation type is stated in the item description, generally directly after the Merchant Price.
Passive: Once created, the magic power of these items is always active. You don’t need to activate them.
-“Passive” magic items are usually worn or wielded, such as magic clothes, armor, or weapons. Passive magic items only grant their magical benefits when properly worn or wielded.
Command (Swift Action): The magic item activates using a spoken word or phrase, generally 3-6 syllables. These items are deactivated using the same command.
Cast (Big Action, AOO): The magic item is used to cast a spell. It is activated using Verbal (V) & Somatic (S) components, just like a spell. You must speak a short phrase while gesturing with your arms and hands. The effect lasts for a set duration, then ends. (If you cannot move or speak, you cannot activate the item!)
Touch (Little Action, AOO): The magic in this item is activated by touching the object with your hand for a moment while purposefully thinking about activating the item. (The item cannot be accidentally activated with a touch)
Touch Code (Big Action, AOO): A Touch Code is a specific finger or hand motion along the body of the item that allows it to be activated. The item may have runes or numbers upon it that must be touched in a specific order.
Thought (Swift Action): To activate or deactivate, just think about the magic while holding or wearing the item.
(Reminder – A Swift Action is a Little Action that does not provoke AOO)
Note: Some items may have certain abilities that are passive and other abilities that function on another type of activation. For example, a +1 Flaming Dagger always grants a +1 Attack & Damage Bonus when wielded, but you can choose to activate or deactivate the “Flaming” ability with a Command.
Uses Per Day: Many magic items have special abilities that can be used a number of times per day (or week, month, hour, etc). Each activation consumes 1 use. These uses are provided by the item, NOT the wearer.
For example: A Necklace of Teleportation allows use of the Teleport Spell 1/day. If you use the necklace to activate the Teleport spell, nobody can use the necklace again until the next day!
Magic Item Attunement (12.1d): While most magic items function immediately upon being worn or acquired, some magic items must be worn for a period of time to magically attune to your body functioning properly.
-If a magic item indicates (Attuned), it must be worn or wielded for 12 hours before it begins to function. After attuning to the item, you may take it on and off at your leisure, but if the item is not worn or equipped for more than 1 day (24 hours), the attunement ends and you must re-attune.
-Certain magic items may describe a different attunement period or attunement ritual.
Magic Weapons, Armor, & Shields
Magic Items - Part 1
-You know what's better than a sword? A MAGIC Sword!
Magic Weapons, Armor, & Shields
Magic Item Intro | Magic Weapons - Melee | Magic Weapons - Ranged
Introduction to Magic Items (Chapter 12.1):
What is a magic item? A magic item is any physical item that has been enhanced with magic power to do more than even the most finely crafted version of the item.
-Only Masterwork Items may be made into magic items.
Wearing, Wielding, & Using Magic Items (12.1a):
Just like standard equipment, magic items take up space in your inventory and can be either worn or wielded.
-You may wear 1 magic item in each Equip Slot. There are 14 Equip Slots in total:
Head, Face, Neck, Shoulders, Torso-Over, Torso-Under, Waist, Legs, Arms, Hands, Feet, Ring 1, Ring 2, Accessory
-Although you can physically place multiple items in a single Equip Slot, only the most powerful magic item equipped in an Equip Slot will function. Magic Power is determined by the GP value of the magic item.
-You may have 1 magic container in each Carrying Location. (There are 11 Carrying Locations in total)
-Carrying Locations: 1 Backpack, 2x Back Sheath, 2x Side Sheath, 2x Boot Sheath, 3x Belt Pouch, 1 Waterskin
-There are many magic items that do not take up specific locations. These may be wielded in your hands, used and consumed, constantly active, or just carried in your bags. There is no limit on how many of these other items you can have in your inventory, although most magic items must be held in hand to be activated.
Enchantment Limitations: An enchanted item, weapon, armor, or shield can have no more than 3 special abilities from those available for such items. (Unique items may be available with more abilities, at GM Discretion.)

Magic Weapons (Chapter 12.2)
Reminder: Only Masterwork Weapons can be enchanted to become magic weapons! The enchantments listed in this section are only available for weapons. Enchantments for other items are described in later sections.
-Magic Weapons do not resize to fit a user of different size categories.
Weapon Enchantments (12.2a): This section lists the name of each enchantment, the cost of the enchantment, and a summary of the effects of the enchantment. Further details are available after the chart.
+Cost (GP): The Magic Value Cost; the GP value of the magic power needed to add the enchantment. (+MW Cost)
Effects: (Activation Type) This section briefly describes what the enchantment does.
-Note: While all magic weapons must be MW, you may see a magic weapon listed with “MW” in front of it to remind you to add the +1 Enhance Bonus to Attack Rolls, especially if the weapon does not have a +1/+2/+3 magic enchantment.
-For a weapon with 2 magic abilities, the total cost of the magic power is multiplied by 1.5.
-For a weapon with 3 magical abilities, the total cost of the magic power is multiplied by 2.
-Enchantments for weapons of Huge Size+ cost +50% more.
Enchantment Limitations: An enchanted weapon can be given up to 3 special abilities from those listed here. The same ability cannot be added twice. Unless indicated, enchanted weapons look like normal weapons.
12.2b – Weapon Enchantments – Ranged Weapons Only: Ranged Magic Weapons
The following enchantments are only available for Ranged Weapons:
-These enchantments are available in addition to those listed in the “Weapon Enchantment” List.
Enchanted Ammunition: Magic arrows, bolts, & bullets Magic Ammunition
-Any of the following Weapon Enchantments may be applied to a batch of 20 pieces of ammunition:
-Armor-Piercing, Enhanced (+1, +2, +3), Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire, Water), Disrupting, Keen, Swift, Wicked
-Enchanting 20 rounds of ammunition costs one quarter (25%) the price listed in the charts above.
-Magical ammunition may still be lost or broken exactly as normal ammunition.
-Reminder: 50% of Ranged Ammunition (Arrow, Bolt, Blowdart, Bullet) is lost after use in combat.
Weapon Enchantments - Additional Details & Explanations (Chapter 12.2c)
Weapon Enchantments – Additional Details & Explanations: Magic Weapons – All Types
-The spell needed to craft the magic weapon is listed in parentheses after the description.
Unless specifically indicated, all weapon enchantments listed here may be placed on melee weapons and ranged weapons. Any magic from a ranged weapon that uses ammunition is applied to the projectile it launches.
Ex: A +1 Flaming Longbow(0) gains a +1 Attack Bonus and launches an arrow that deals 1d8+1 [p] +1d6 [fire] dmg.​​
Armor-Piercing: (Passive) This weapon gains the Anti-Armor (AA) property. If it already has the Anti-Armor property, it instead gains the Anti-Adamantine Armor (AAA) property.
This enchantment may only be placed on weapons capable of dealing Piercing Damage. (Spell – Blink)
Called Weapon: (Command) On command, the weapon magically flies into your hand. You must have a free hand available to call the weapon. Attuning to a Called Weapon requires a 10-minute ritual during which you hold the weapon and recite the command word. After you attune to the weapon you may call it whenever you desire.
-You must be within 300 feet (100m) to call the weapon to you. At this distance, it returns to your hand at the end of this round. It can fly around barriers and through openings but cannot pass through solid barriers.
-If within 10 feet when called, the weapon appears in your hand immediately after the command.
-If the weapon is being held by another creature when called, the creature may make a DC20 Wrestling Check to prevent it from moving to you. You may attempt to call the weapon once per round. (Spell – Fly)
Disrupting Weapon: (Passive) A burst of Positive Energy erupts from the weapon whenever it strikes an undead creature, dealing +2d6 [PE] to the creature. The weapon appears normal. It has no other effect on living creatures.
-Undead struck by a Disrupting weapon must also make a DC17 WILL Save or be Stunned for 1 Turn.
-This is a special version of the stunned condition that affects all undead creatures, regardless of their normal immunities. Undead creatures that grasp this weapon are affected as if struck. (Spell – Disrupting Weapon)
-The Disrupting enchantment may only be placed on weapons that deal Bludgeoning Damage.
Enhanced Weapons (+1, +2, +3): (Passive) Magic power hones the weapon beyond natural perfection. You gain a +1, +2, or +3 Enhance Bonus to Attack Rolls and physical damage dealt. (Physical Damage is multiplied on critical hit.)
-Note: MW weapons also provide an Enhance Bonus to Attack Rolls, but not damage. These bonuses do not stack.
-An Enhanced (+X) Weapon is called a “+X Weapon” Ex: An Enhanced +2 Dagger is referred to as a “+2 Dagger.”
-A weapon may never have an Enhance Bonus greater than +3. (Spell - Magic Arms & Armor)
-You may improve an Enhanced Weapon to a higher Enhance Bonus. (Ex: Upgrade from +1 to +2)
Elemental Weapons: (Command) 4 Types - Fire (Flaming), Water (Frost), Air (Lightning), Earth (Corrosive)
-The element can never damage the wielder of the weapon, nor their equipment.
-Elemental weapons remain active until deactivated by command. They deactivate when not wielded.
-Elemental Damage is not multiplied on a Critical Hit.
-A weapon can only have one Elemental enchantment. (Ex: You cannot have a “Flaming Corrosive Dagger.”)
(Elemental-Air) An active Lightning Weapon deals +1d6 Electric Damage on a successful strike. Electricity constantly crackles, and small sparks of light jump up and down the weapon. An active shocking weapon sheds light like a candle, but of a blue-white color. (Spell – Lightning Bolt)
(Elemental-Earth) An active Corrosive Weapon deals +1d6 Acid Damage on a successful strike. A foul smoke and hiss emerge from this weapon whenever it strikes organic material. The striking surface always appears as if wet with a clear liquid shine, but no liquid ever actually drips off. (Spell – Acid Bomb)
-A Corrosive Weapon cannot be tattered, damaged, or destroyed by rust, acid, or corrosive effects.
-The Corrosive enchantment may only be placed on weapons made of wood, silver, stone, or obsidian.
(Elemental-Fire) An active Flaming Weapon deals +1d6 Fire Damage on a successful strike. This weapon is always warm to the touch. It sheds light like a flaming torch when active. These flames can be used to set fires as a real torch. A different option is that the blade itself glows red hot, shedding light as a candle. This type of flaming weapon can be used to start fires as well, but requires more effort than the open flame. They cannot be damaged or destroyed by fire. (Flames or red-hot metal are selected upon item creation). (Spell – Fireball or Flame Blade)
(Elemental-Water/Ice) An active Frost Weapon deals +1d6 Cold Damage on a successful strike. This weapon is always cool to the touch. When active, it causes vapor to condense around it, leaving cool, shadowy, fog trails. A small amount of frost will appear on the blade. (Spell – Sleet Storm)
Keen Weapon: (Passive) The blade of the weapon becomes magically honed to a more lethal edge. The weapon’s Critical Threat is increased as follows: Base 20: 19-20 / Base 19-20: 17-20 / Base 18-20: 16-20
-Ex: A Longsword has a 19-20/x2 Critical Threat. A Keen Longsword has a 17-20/x2 Critical Threat.
-Note: A weapon may never have a Critical Threat greater than 15-20.
-The Keen enchantment may only be placed on weapons that deal Slashing and/or Piercing Damage.
-This is considered a Power Bonus to Critical Threat. (Spell – Keen Edge)
-If you have the Improved Critical Feat, Keen increases Critical Threat by +1. (16-20 becomes 15-20, etc)
Returning Weapon: (Passive) A purposefully thrown weapon returns to your hand at the end of your turn. As your turn ends, it appears in the hand used to throw it. If the hand is occupied, it appears in your other hand. You may choose not to grasp the item when it returns. (Spell - Dimensional Shift)
-This ability may only be granted to Thrown weapons; Melee weapons with a Throw Range, plus Darts & Shuriken -If no free hand is available, the weapon does not return to you, and instead remains where it landed.
-If you drop the weapon, give it to someone else, or it is disarmed, it does not return to you.
-Just after impact after being thrown, the weapon disappears (before it magically makes its journey back to you).
-If an enemy catches the thrown weapon without being harmed by it, they successfully gain control of that weapon.
Spell-Storing Weapon: (Special) This weapon can store any one single-target spell of SL0-SL3. Any time you strike with the weapon, you can choose to release the stored spell onto your foe as an Immediate Action.
-The spell automatically hits the target and functions as if cast at that moment. Any required Saving Throws are made as normal.
-A stored spell must have a casting time of 1 Big Action or less. Once the spell has been released from the weapon, a spellcaster can “re-charge” the weapon by casting any other single-target spell of SL0-SL3 into the weapon while holding its striking end.
-Anyone holding the weapon while charged with a spell learns the name & effect of the spell currently stored within it (if any). (Spell – Magic Trap)
Swift Weapon: (Passive) While wielding this weapon, you gain a +4 Haste Bonus to Initiative.
-If stored in a side sheath, you may draw/sheathe this weapon as a Swift Action. If stored in a Back Sheath, you may draw/sheathe this weapon as a Little Action (AOO).
-You may make a single attack with this weapon as a Swift Action. (Consecutive Attack Penalties apply normally)
Cost: Light or 1-Handed Weapon: +3000 / 2-Handed Weapon: +4000 (Spell – Haste)
Vampiric Weapon: (Passive) A blood red burst of Negative Energy erupts as you strike, then flows into your body. A successful strike against a living target deals +1d4 Negative Energy Damage, and the wielder is healed the same amount. This cannot heal you beyond your maximum HP. This is a Necromancy effect.
-Non-Living creatures (undead, construct) are neither repaired nor harmed by this enchantment. (Exception: Vampires that wield vampiric weapons may repair lost HP using these weapons.) (Spell – Vampiric Touch)
-The Vampiric enchantment may only be placed on melee weapons that deal Slashing or Piercing damage.
Vorpal Weapon: (Passive) This weapon gains all the benefits of the Keen enchantment and deals +1d6 Force Damage on any strike. This Force Damage is multiplied on Critical Hit (by the weapon’s multiplier).
-A Perfect Critical from this weapon that strikes a limb severs it, regardless of damage dealt & without allowing a FORT Save. If a Critical Hit deals enough damage to reduce the target to 0HP or less, the target is decapitated & killed instantly (assuming it has a head you can reach). This enchantment may only be used on weapons that deal Slashing damage. This is a more powerful version of the Keen enchantment. (Spells – Keen Edge, Disintegrate)
Wicked Weapon: (Passive) Increases the weapon’s physical damage by two die sizes.
Enhancing a weapon with this ability costs +2500gp if it has a base damage of 1-1d6. Weapons with a base damage of 1d8+ cost +3000gp to be enhanced. (1d3 -1d4 -1d6 -1d8 -1d10 -2d6 -2d8 -3d6 -3d8) (Spell – Quantum Closet)
Calculating Magic Weapon Costs
Calculating Magic Weapon Costs (12.2d): The Magic Power cost is added to the Masterwork cost of the item to determine the full Merchant Price of the magic item.
-For a Weapon with 2 magic abilities, the total cost of the magic power is multiplied by 1.5.
Ex: +2 Flaming Shortsword = 3000+2500 = 5500x1.5 = Magic Value 8250gp
+100gp MW Shortsword = 8350gp Merchant Price
-For an item with 3 magical abilities, the total cost of the magic power is multiplied by 2.
Ex: +1 Wicked Inert Longsword = 500+3000+500 = 4000x2 = Magic Value 8000gp
+200gp MW Longsword = 8200gp Merchant Price
-When adding new abilities to a weapon that already has some magic abilities, the cost for the added enchantment is the difference between the current Magic Power Cost and the final Magic Power Cost.
Ex: +1 Weapon upgrade to +1 Vampiric Weapon: Enhanced+1 = 500gp, Vampiric = 6000gp
6500x1.5 = 9750gp Final Magic Value – 500gp Current Magic Value = 9250gp to upgrade.
Specific Magic Weapons & Ammunition (Chapter 12.2e)
Arcane Dagger (1250gp): (Passive) This +1 Mithryl Dagger is etched with magical runes representing each of the 7 schools of magic. This dagger may be treated as an Arcane Focus for all Arcane magic. (Spell – Arcane Sight)
Arrow of Torrents (600gp): This single magic arrow functions as +1 Arrow from any bow. The arrow returns to your quiver immediately after impact, returning fast enough to allow up to 2 attacks each turn. If you attack twice, the arrow will return to your quiver at the start of your next turn. (Spell - Dimensional Shift)
Assassin’s Dagger (1400gp): (Passive) This Infernal Obsidian Dagger can magically coat itself in poison.
-1/day: (Touch) The dagger coats itself with a Killer 1 Poison (FORT DC14 to resist) for 1 hour.
-Weapon Stats due to Infernal Obsidian: MW +1 Enhance Bonus to Attack, 1d3 [s/p] / 18-20 / x2+Bleed 1
-Killer 1 Poison: 10 min Duration. Initial Effect: 1d6 [bio-pois] Dmg, Secondary Effect: Distressed (Spell – Poison Weapon)
Bone-Breaker (3650gp): (Passive): This +1 Adamantine Mace delivers bone-shattering strikes.
-On any successful Critical Hit, the target must make FORT Save DC15 or suffer a broken arm, broken leg, or broken ribs. (Roll 1d6: 1 = Right Arm, 2 = Left Arm, 3 = Right Leg, 4 = Left Leg, 5 or 6 = Ribs.)
-If you score a perfect critical, it automatically breaks a bone, regardless of damage dealt and without any allowed FORT Save. This weapon can even break the bones of the shield-wielding arm. (Spell – Break Bones)
-This weapon deals +1d6 [b] damage to any Skeleton creatures on successful strikes.
Bow of the Khan (10450gp): (Passive) This powerful horsebow functions as a +1 Ultralight Swift Composite Shortbow (4). While wielding or carrying this bow, you suffer no penalty for riding without holding the reins, and any horse you ride gains a +5’ Power Bonus to Move Speed. (Spells – Charm Animal, Haste)
Claws of the Nemean Lion (26000gp): These legendary weapons are actually the massive claws of an ancient, magical beast. Apart from their signature curved shape and leather wrapped “handles,” the claws function as +1 Inert Armor-Piercing Adamantine Daggers with the Sunder property. The mysterious magic allows them to bypass all types of physical DR. They always deal [s+p] damage on any successful strike.
-The physical structure and magical properties of these weapons cannot be replicated using any known Craft Skill. They cannot be formed into other shapes; the base of the claw is wrapped and used as a handle. As a general rule, only 10 of them should exist in your game world at a time. They cannot be dispelled. The price and stats are for a single Claw.
Collapsible Weapons: (Command) While being held, a command word may be used to transform this weapon into a smaller or larger version of itself. The weapon remains in the selected form until commanded again.
-These weapons can also resize to fit a wielder of Small or Medium Size.
-Making a Collapsible Weapon that can also become Large Size costs double the indicated price.
-In any form, a Collapsible Weapon functions as a MW Weapon. These weapons may gain other enchantments, but additional enchantments cost 25% more than normal. (Spell – Shrink Item)
Collapsible Axe (600gp): This weapon can become any of the following: Hatchet, Battleaxe, Dane Axe, Pollaxe, Heavy Greataxe (An Adamantine-Headed version of the Collapsible Axe is available for 1900gp.)
Collapsible Sword (700gp): This weapon can become any of the following: Dagger, Shortsword, Arming Sword, Longsword, Greatsword (An Adamantine version of the Collapsible Sword is available for 2000gp.)
Collapsible Crossbow (500gp): This weapon can become any of the following: Hand Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, War Crossbow
Dragonfrost Crescent (8750gp): (Passive) This mighty glaive appears to be made of solid bronze covered with engravings of spiraling dragons. The weapon weighs 25 pounds and requires MINSTR16. It deals 1d12[s] instead of 1d10[s/p] due to its added heft and wide, cleaving blade that is always sheathed in a layer of frost.
-This weapon has the Sunder property and gains a +2 Innate Bonus against defenders using Active Parry.
-In all other respects, the Dragonfrost Crescent functions as a +2 Frost Glaive.
Faelight Ammunition (1000gp per 20): This ammunition always has a dim phosphorescent glow (LL1). Any foe struck by a faelight projectile is outlined in a shimmering glow for 1 minute. This glow has the following effects:
-Affected creatures take a -20 penalty on all Hide checks and actively radiate light as bright as a candle.
-Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness or dim lighting, though a magical Darkness effect of SL2+ functions normally.
-Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by Blur, Displacement, Invisibility, or similar spells or effects. The shimmering glow is applied even if the target is not damaged.
-These arrows are destroyed upon impact and cannot be re-used. (Spell – Faerie Fire)
Gae Bolg Spear (10700gp): (Passive) This brutal magical spear is carved from a single massive bone from an unknown sea creature of immense proportions, ending a ferociously barbed head.
-The Gae Bolg functions as a +2 Wicked Spear with the following statistics:
2d8+2 [p]/ 20 / x3 +Impale / 20’ Range
Impale: Upon a Critical Hit, magical barbs extend from the spear causing it to become lodged within the target. A creature impaled by the spear in this manner is Hindered until it is removed.
-Directly after striking your foe with a Critical Hit, you may spend a Reaction to quickly yank the spear out with a DC10 STR check, which causes 2d6 [bio] dmg and inflicts Bleed 2. The immense pain causes the Sickened condition for 1 minute (FORT DC20 to resist). If do not pull the spear back, you must release the spear and leave it impaled within your foe. Anyone who grabs the impaled spear may also attempt to remove it forcibly with a DC10 STR Check as a Big Action(AOO). This causes damage, bleeding, and pain as described above.
-Carefully removing the impaled spear requires both hands, 1 minute, and a DC20 Heal Check. Even if successful, the creature struck suffers from Bleed 1 upon removal. If you fail this check, you may try again.
-You may attempt to remove the spear as a Full-Round Action with a DC25 Heal Check, but failure automatically results in a Forced Removal. -The spear is made entirely of bone but is as hard as steel. It weighs 5 pounds and is immune to rust.​
Goblin Hunter (3000gp): (Passive) This +1 Shortsword emits a pale blue glow as bright as a candle from its blade whenever within 100 feet (30m) of any creature of the Goblinoid subtype. (Goblins, Orcs, Trolls) When these foes are within range, the sword also generates a slight vibration that can be felt by the wielder just by grasping the hilt. When attacking Goblinoids, the Goblin Hunter functions as a +2 Shortsword (+2 Attack Rolls & Damage).
-This special sword is often made for small wielders at the same price. (Spells - Locate Creature, Faerie Fire)​
Gram the Dragon Slayer (13150gp): (Passive) This weapon normally functions as a +2 Arming Sword. However, when used against any creature of the Dragon type, it functions as a +3 Vorpal Arming Sword. This sword bypasses any Damage Resistance granted by a dragon’s tough hide. (Spells – Locate Creature, Disintegrate)​
Green Destiny (25800gp): (Passive) This dark green straight sword functions as a +3 Adamantine Shortsword.
-While wielding the Green Destiny, you gain a +2 Focus Bonus on Initiative, Acrobatics, and Concentration.
-This blade can cut through non-magical, Masterwork, and even +1 Enhanced Magical weapons with a clean strike using the following rules:
-If you roll a Nat20 on an Active Parry Roll against an enemy using a metal blade or wood-hafted weapon, the Green Destiny cuts cleanly through the enemy weapon, destroying it.
-If you attack with Green Destiny and an enemy rolls a Nat1 on their Active Parry Roll, you cut through their weapon and strike them normally (or you may choose not to harm them after their weapon is destroyed).
-Green Destiny cannot cut through solid metal hafts. Green Destiny cannot cut through a +2 or +3 Enhanced Magic Weapon, nor any artifact weapons. It cannot cut through +1 Enhanced Adamantine.
-The Green Destiny is modeled after a traditional Chinese jian sword. The magnificent, double-edged straight blade has a mesmerizing tortoise-shell pattern of iridescent green & black. The guard and handle are decorated with jade accents and wrapped with golden cord. Although the blacksmith did not have access to adamantine, legend says that the blade gained its immense power as the swordsmith’s beloved through herself into the forge to aid her husband in its creation.​
Igneous Bow (7370gp): (Passive) This +1 Flaming Shortbow(2) provides the wielder with confidence in battle. It is made using a curious mixture of infernal obsidian, horn, and wood. It is extremely resilient to physical damage.
-2/day (Thought): You are Fortunate on your next attack with this bow. (Spells – Flame Blade, Confidence)​
KA-47 (4650gp): (Passive) This enchanted +1 Repeating Crossbow automatically spans itself after each shot, readying another bolt from the bolt-stack. The magic power boosts projectile velocity, granting it a 50’ Range & 1d8 [p] damage instead of only 1d6. (The Small-Sized version deals 1d6 damage, but maintains 50’ Range & same cost.)
-It comes with 2 enchanted Bolt-Stacks that can hold 10 bolts each (size & weight of normal Bolt-Stacks).
-Known to its gnomish inventors as “Krossbow, Automated - Model 47,” or KA-47 for short, the previous 46 models self-destructed after a few shots, but they’re pretty sure they’ve got it right with this one! (Spells – Make Whole, Telekinesis)​
Masamune Katana (5000gp): This weapon functions as a MW Keen Katana. The special properties of this blade are considered non-magical and cannot be dispelled or suppressed. Instead, these properties have been imbued by the masterful craftsmanship of the blade. It can be enchanted, but cannot gain the Keen or Vorpal enchantments. (Craft[Blacksmith] DC35, 350 hours of work)​
Monsoon Arrow (4800gp): This single magic arrow functions as +2 Arrow from any bow. The arrow resets in the bow as soon as fired, leaving a double of itself flying until it strikes the target, then it disappears. This arrow may be used to attack as many times per round as any archer is capable. (Spells - Dimensional Shift, Haste)​
Parashu of Balance (13150): This functions as a +2 Battle Axe made of solid steel. The axe deals +1d6 Force Damage on any successful strike against a foe who damaged you or an ally within the last 1 minute.
-The parashu axe weighs 8 pounds & requires MINSTR11 to be wielded properly.
-If proficient with the axe, you may spend a Reaction to defend any 1 ally within your Melee Reach. Using this ability causes the next enemy melee attack against your ally to be Unfortunate.
-If you have Balanced Morals: If you accept a duel to the death and wield this axe in the duel, you gain +1 Confidence Token that may be used in the duel. You gain +1 Confidence Token if you use this axe to save an innocent, loved one, or close friend from certain death or torture. (GM Discretion)
-This is also known as the “Axe of Retaliation & Redemption.” (Spells – Prayer of Shifting Fortunes, Confidence)​
Stormbow (7660gp): (Passive) This MW Longbow(1) is incredibly effective against heavily armored foes. Any projectile loosed from the bow becomes a bolt of lightning, which strikes as a Ranged Touch Attack. The bow does not deal damage as a normal bow. Instead, a strike with the Stormbow deals 1d8+1 Electricity Damage. If a target takes at least 5 Electricity Damage, they must make a DC15 FORT Save or be Staggered for 1 Turn. The bow does not deal extra damage on Critical Hit, but instead deals maximum damage (9 Elec). (Spell – Call Lightning)​
Wicked Sisters (20000gp - pair): These terrifying yet elegantly simple looking weapons are a pair of +1 Wicked Stabilized Infernal Obsidian Hatchets with Darkwood hafts. While wielding or wearing both of these hatchets, you gain a +2 Power Bonus to Initiative and Intimidate.
-While wielding both Wicked Sisters in melee, you gain +1 Reaction per Round (Power Bonus to Reactions)
-If you throw one Wicked Sister while still wearing or wielding the other, the thrown hatchet gains the Returning property. (Spells – Divine Champion, Skilled)
-The stats of the Wicked Sisters are as follows: 1d8+1 [s+b] / 19-20 / x3 +Bleed 1 / 15’ Range
Magic Armor (Chapter 12.3)
Reminder: Only Masterwork Armor can be enchanted to become magic armor!
Armor Enchantment: What this enchantment is called.
Cost +(GP): This column indicates the Merchant Price value of the selected enchantment. This cost is added to the Masterwork cost of the item to determine the full Merchant Price of the magic item.

Calculating Magic Armor & Shield Costs:
-For an armor or shield with 2 magic abilities, the total cost of the magic power is multiplied by 1.5.
-For an armor or shield with 3 magical abilities, the total cost of the magic power is multiplied by 2.
-When adding new abilities to a weapon that already has some magic abilities, the cost for the added enchantment is the difference between the current Magic Power Cost and the final Magic Power Cost.
-Costs are calculated using the same method as used for magic weapons.
Armor Enchantments - Additional Details & Explanations (Chapter 12.3b)
-The spell needed to craft the magic weapon is listed in parentheses after the description.
-Note: Magic Weapons, Armor, Helmets, and Shields do NOT resize unless specifically indicated in their description.
Enhanced Armor (+1, +2, +3): (Passive) Magic power increases the armor’s defensive properties.
-An Enhance Bonus to Armor Rating (AR), which also applies to Armor Rating vs Critical (ARvC).
-You may upgrade an Enhanced Armor to a higher bonus. (Ex: Upgrade from +1 to +2)
-Armor may never have an Enhance Bonus greater than +3. (Spell - Magic Arms & Armor. SL3 for +2, SL6 for +3)
Aquatic: (Passive) The armor grants a +5 Power Bonus to the Swim Skill and allows you to hold your breath for double the standard time. You do not suffer any Attack Penalty for Melee Attacks made underwater.
-The armor is also less susceptible to rust from entering and leaving fresh or salt water; it does not require additional maintenance in these situations. (Spells – Water Breathing, Freedom of Movement)
Comfortable (Armor of Comfort): (Passive) Armor gains the Comfort quality & Mobility Penalty improves by 1.
-Comfort Quality: reduce DC of Perseverance checks caused by wearing armor by 5. (Spells – Restful Healing, Endure Elements)
Death Resistance: (Passive) You gain Negative Energy Resist 5 and are Fortunate on Saves against Necromancy Spells. Any Bleed damage is reduced by 1 at the start of your turn. You cannot cast Necromancy spells or use the Channel Negative Energy ability while wearing this armor (Spell – Death Ward)
Elemental Resist 5: (Passive) Choose 1 upon creation: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire (Spell – Elemental Resistance)
-The armor grants Elemental Resist 5 against the chosen element. Ex: Fire Resist 5, Cold Resist 5
Reminder: Multiple versions of the same elemental resistance do not stack. Only the most powerful resistance applies.
Elemental Resist 10: (Passive) Choose 1 upon creation: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire (Spell – Elemental Resistance)
-The armor grants Elemental Resist 10 against the chosen element. Ex: Acid Resist 10, Fire Resist 10
Elemental Ward: (Passive) You gain Elemental Resist 5 against all elements.
-You gain Acid Resist 5, Cold Resist 5, Electricity Resist 5, and Fire Resist 5 (Spell – Elemental Ward)
Featherfalling: (Passive) If you fall 10 feet or more, the armor instantly casts featherfall on you.
-This occurs as an Immediate Action. (Spell – Featherfall)
Garbed Armor: (Command) A suit of armor with this ability appears normal. Upon command, the armor changes shape and assumes the appearance of a specific set of clothing. The change is completed at the beginning of your next turn. The armor retains all its properties (including weight & Mobility Penalty) when disguised in this way. The disguise may be any of the following basic sets of clothing (Shirt/Pants/Jacket/Robe/Shoes) with traditional patterns and color combinations:
-Merchant, Bartender/Maid, Clergy/Mage (Solid Color Robe), Peasant, Blacksmith
-The clothes all appear as average quality clothes. You may choose to have all your other equipment (bags, sheathed weapons, etc) remain visible or be hidden by the illusion. Items held in your hands are not disguised.
-These outfits only come in black/white/brown traditional color combinations.
-If people purposefully touch or feel your clothes while garbed, such as doing a pat-down, they may make a WILL Save DC14 to see through this illusion. Apart from that, only magic that can bypass illusions can allow an onlooker to see the armor as it truly is. (Spell – Disguise Appearance)
-Armor that is tattered cannot properly create the outfits and must be repaired to work properly.
Healing: (Passive) Gain a +2 Power Bonus to the Heal Skill. At the start of your turn, reduce Bleed damage by 1.
-(Touch) 1/day: The armor heals you +2d8+2 HP using Positive Energy. (Spell – Cure Wounds, SL2)
Inert: (Passive) This armor does not rust, rot, corrode, or burn. If wearing a full-body set or this armor, you are Fortunate on any Save to resist the Ablaze condition or pain from an Acid AoE effect.
-The armor itself is not damaged by acid, rust, fire, rot, or similar chemical changes.
-The armor requires maintenance half as often as normal armor.
*The wearer does not gain any Elemental Resistance from this enchantment. (Spells – Mend, Elemental Resistance)
Self-Strapping: As a Big Action (AOO), you may touch a piece of the armor to the appropriate body part and it quickly straps itself in place (or otherwise fastens itself). You may have allies help place pieces upon you.
-Assume Light Armor has 2 pieces, Medium Armor has 4 pieces, and Heavy Armor has 6 pieces.
-A full harness of Heavy Armor can be donned in only 6 Big Actions if you have all the pieces ready.
-The same actions are used to remove the armor, but only if the wearer desires the armor to be removed.
-A command word may be added to the armor to prevent unwanted people from wearing it. (Spell – Mage Hand)
Slick: (Passive) You gain a +3 Alchemical Bonus any Wrestling check or other d20 roll or made to escape a grapple or other physical binds. (Spell – Grease)
Stealthy: (Passive) You gain a +2 Power Bonus to Hide and Move Silently.
-(Thought) At-Will: This armor can change color from its natural material color to a dull brown, green, white, gray, black, or a mottled mix of these colors. (Spell - Disguise Appearance)
Strong / Dexterous / Resilient: (Passive) You gain a +2 Power Bonus to STR or DEX or CON. (Choose 1 at creation)
-Ex: +1 Strong Chainmail, Resilient Half-Plate, +2 Chain Shirt of Dexterity (Spell – Prowess[Physical])
Ultralight: (Passive) The magical power drastically reduces the effective weight of the armor to only 25% of its original weight. This improves the Mobility Penalty by 2 and increases MAXDex by 1. The inertia of the material can still be felt when quickly changing direction, and the physical bulk still impedes motion, but less than a normal armor kit. The armor impacts your Move Speed as if armor of 1 category lighter. (Still requires normal proficiency)
-The “Hot” quality of Medium or Heavy Armor is reduced to the “Warm” quality.
Cost: Light Armor – 800gp, Medium Armor – 2000gp, Heavy Armor – 4000gp (Spell –Defy Gravity)
Wild: (Passive) This armor provides its Armor Rating (and any other magic abilities), while the wearer is polymorphed or using Wild Shape (or any similar shape-changing ability). The armor remains visible in all forms, altering its shape and size to properly fit your new form. This enchantment cannot be applied to any form of metal plate armor or metal chain armor. (Spell – Polymorph)
Specific Magic Armors (Chapter 12.3c)
Dragonscale Armor: This special armor is made of dragon scales held together in a llamelar-like fashion. It comes in a Light Armor and Medium Armor version. Dragon scales are nearly as hard as steel, but are lighter in weight. The armor has different special properties depending on the color of the dragon scales used to make it, which are listed in the armor descriptions below.
-Although listed in the “magic armor” section, the special abilities of this armor are innate properties of the dragon scales themselves and cannot be dispelled, suppressed, or disenchanted.
-Dragonscale Armor is Masterwork and may be enchanted. However, any enchantment applied to it costs +25% more than normal. Dragonscale armor may not be enchanted with anything that directly affects its color, nor with enchantments of different elements than those provided by the dragon’s color.
-Ex: White Dragonscale armor cannot gain Fire Resist or Acid Resist.
-Dragonscale Armor is not metal; it cannot rust. It does not impact Druid spellcasting.
-Dragonscale Hauberk (1670gp): This light armor is a three-quarter sleeve llamelar hauberk which extends to protect the thighs with a split for riding. It is fastened across the waist with a sturdy belt. The inner portion of the hauberk has layers of cloth that allow it to be worn without additional arming wear.
Black/Gold = Acid Resist 5. The armor is immune to acid damage, rust, and corrosion.
Red/Iron = Fire Resist 5. The armor is immune to damage from fire.
Blue/Copper = Electricity Resist 5. You cannot be Stunned or Staggered by electrical effects.
White/Silver = Cold Resist 5. This armor is always cool to the touch and grants Endure Elements[Heat].
Arming Wear: None Time to Don: 1 Full Round
-Making this armor requires DC18Craft(Leatherwork) & 15 pounds of dragon scales.
-Dragonscale Armor Kit (5500gp): This set of medium armor uses a longsleeve llamelar hauberk over arming wear and reinforced with additional dragonscale pauldrons, tassets, and greaves.
Black/Gold = Acid Resist 10. The armor is immune to acid damage, rust, and corrosion.
Red/Iron = Fire Resist 10. The armor is immune to damage from fire.
Blue/Copper = Electricity Resist 10. You cannot be Stunned or Staggered by electrical effects.
White/Silver = Cold Resist 10. This armor is always cool to the touch and grants Endure Elements[Heat].
Arming Wear: Cloth Simple Armor Kit Time to Don: 2 Minutes
-Making this armor requires DC21 Craft(Leatherwork) & 30 pounds of dragon scales.
Dwarven Defender’s Harness (8600gp): This Self-Strapping +1 Inert Adamantine Dwarven Battle Plate was designed for elite guardians of dwarven royalty, gold mines, sacred sites, or tactical entry-points.
-This armor kit is normally sold with a Heavy Adamantine Helm (cost +900gp). The self-strapping armor allows even a lone guardian to become a formidable defensive force at a moment’s notice. Due to the numerous strange creatures found within the depths of dwarven mines & tunnels, the armor is also enhanced with the inert quality.
Elven Chain (4265gp): This +1 Mithryl Chainmail of Stealth is often used by high-ranking elven guards & warriors.
-No Attack Penalty due to armor. Does not reduce Move Speed.
-Grants +2 Power Bonus to Hide & Move Silently. Able to alter colors to dark greens, browns, and other natural, matte colors. (Spells – Magic Arms & Armor, Disguise Appearance)
Emergency Gambeson (1765gp): This +1 Padded Armor of Comfort protects you in many survival scenarios. You gain a +2 Power Bonus on Survival checks and always know which direction is north.
-Any damage taken from falling is reduced by half.
-The “Comfort” ability grants +2 Power Bonus to all checks to resist environmental effects.
-The armor is magically buoyant; you float in water as if wearing a life vest.
-You automatically stabilize if reduced to negative Hit Points. (Spells – Restful Healing, Helping Hand)
-The magic benefits of this armor stop working if it is worn as arming wear for another set of magic armor.
Ethereal Half-Plate (15450gp): (Passive) This +1 Ultralight Mithryl Half-Plate weighs a mere 9 pounds. This shimmering silver-white armor includes a set of silken, sky-blue arming wear with Mithryl chain voiders.
-This armor only causes a -1 Attack Penalty, -1 Mobility Penalty, and has no negative impact on your Move Speed.
-(Touch) 1/day – You may be affected by the Gaseous Form spell. (Spells – Gaseous Form, Control Gravity)
Fanciest Doublet (3530gp): This is an exquisitely crafted +1 Fresh Armored Doublet, made to look like a fine dress coat of any style. (Touch) The wearer of the doublet can change the colors, patterns, heraldry, symbols, and other markings. It may only create heraldry or symbols if you have a good mental image. (AR 3, ARvC2, MaxDEX 6)
-A Knowledge[Civilization] check may be used to recall specific heraldry or other symbols as needed, or a Craft[Fine Arts] check may be used to make your own designs; DC at GM Discretion. (Spells – Mend, Alter Body)
Magic Shields (Chapter 12.4)
12.4a – Magic Shields - Shield Enchantment: What this enchantment is called.
Cost +(GP): This column indicates the Merchant Price value of the selected enchantment. This cost is added to the Masterwork cost of the item to determine the full Merchant Price of the magic item.
12.4b - Shield Enchantments – Additional Details & Explanations:
Animated: (Attuned) The shield can magically hover around you or an ally, granting protection without any drawbacks. Attuning to an Animated Shield requires a 10-minute ritual during which you hold the shield and recite the command word. Only after you attune to the shield can you use its animated ability. (Spell – Telekinesis)
-(Command) The shield becomes animated and defends you or a selected target creature within 30 feet, granting all its normal benefits to the selected creature. *Only light and heavy shields can have this ability.
-While Animated, the Shield Rating is applied to AC, TouchAC, and FFAC.
-While animated, the shield shares your space and moves wherever you go. You suffer no penalties for the protection of the animated shield in any way, and both of your hands are free.
-The shield may remain animated for up to 10 minutes at a time. After 10 minutes, the shield falls to the ground. You may choose to call the command word and grasp the shield while animated to end the animation and use it as a regular shield. Once the animation has ended, it cannot be reactivated for at least 1 hour.
-(Command) You may have your shield move to protect a different creature within 30’, or you may call it back to you. If you desire, you may grasp the shield to end the animation and use it as a normal shield.
-The shield cannot take its own actions. It may be wielded normally. It may be targeted & damaged when animated.
Bashing: (Passive) The shield acts as a “+1 Enhanced Magic Weapon” when used to bash (+1 Attack Roll, +1 Damage). Only light and heavy shields can have this ability. You gain +1 Enhance Bonus on Wrestling Checks while wielding this shield. Only light and heavy shields can have this ability. (Spell – Magic Arms & Armor)
Enhanced Shield (+1, +2, +3): (Passive) Magic power increases the shield’s defensive properties.
-Shields may never have an Enhance Bonus greater than +3. (Spell - Magic Arms & Armor)
-You may improve an Enhanced Shield to a higher bonus. The cost to upgrade the enchantment is calculated as the difference between the cost of the desired enchantment and the current enchantment.
Ex: Upgrading a +2 Shield to a +3 Shield would cost 10000gp-3000gp = 7000gp
Reflective: (Passive) You gain a +5 Gear Bonus to Touch AC against magical Ray Attacks. If a magic ray attack misses you with a Natural 1 Attack Roll, the ray is reflected directly at the attacker, striking them with full effect.
-The polished surface functions as a mirror; you may look at it instead of at your foes to avoid their gaze. While doing so, you take a -4 Attack Penalty, a -4 Spot penalty, and a -2 penalty to AC, but suffer no chance of being affected by a magical gaze or similar effect.
-Reflective Armor can also reflect magic “Gaze” attacks from creatures with dangerous vision (GM Discretion). The incredibly bright, shiny surface contrasts with most surroundings. A shield with this enchantment cannot gain any other magic abilities that would alter its color. This enchantment may only be added to steel or Mithryl shields. (Spell – Mirror Image)
12.4c – Specific Magic Shields:
Collapsible Shields: While being held, a Command Word may be used to transform this shield into a smaller or larger type of shield. The shield remains in the selected form until commanded again.
-These shields can also resize to fit a wielder of Small or Medium Size.
-Making a Collapsible Shield that can also become Large Size costs double the indicated price.
-In any form, a Collapsible Shield functions as a MW Shield. These shields may gain other enchantments, but adding these enchantments costs 25% more than normal. (Spell – Shrink Item)
Collapsible Shield-Steel (600gp): This steel shield can become any of the following shields: Buckler, Light Shield, Heavy Shield. It has Hardness 10 and 25 Hit Points in any form.
An Adamantine version of this Collapsible Shield is available for 1600gp. It has Hardness 20, HP 35.
Collapsible Shield-Wood (700gp): This wooden shield can become any of the following shields: Light Shield, Heavy Shield, Tower Shield, Pavise. It has Hardness 5 and 15 Hit Points in any form.
Invincible Shield (10050gp): This +2 Inert Mending Adamantine Heavy Shield is immune to all Physical Damage.
-(Spells – Invincibility, Mend) Shield Stats: SR5, 50HP(20hardness), -2 Mobility Penalty, 4 MAXDex, 20lbs, MinSTR13
Shield of Absorption (8000gp): (Passive) This +1 Darkwood Shield comes in both light and heavy versions. It has a unique special ability that allows it to resist and even absorb a small amount of incoming Force Damage.
-This shield has Force Damage Resist 5, which activates on each individual strike. If the Force Damage of any single impact is completely absorbed by the shield, it instead repairs the shield for an equal amount of HP.
-Any Magic Missile or Murderous Missile spells targeting the wielder instead strike this shield.
-Other Force Damage effects that strike the wielder directly without impacting the shield will harm the wielder normally. (Ex: A Flamestrike Spell or a Magic Stone that strikes your torso will not have any force damage resisted.)
Heavy Shield Stats: SR4, 30HP(10hardness), -1 Mobility Penalty, 4 MAXDex, 12lbs, MinSTR11
Light Shield Stats: SR3, 20HP(10hardness), No Mobility Penalty, No MAXDex, 7lbs
(Spells – Force Barrier, Absorb Magic) -The price is the same for the Light & Heavy Shield versions.
Magic Helmets (Chapter 12.7b)
12.7b – Magic Helmets:
Reminder: Helmets are considered a type of armor & require proficiency to wear properly.
-Helmets do not resize when worn and cannot receive the same enchantments as body armor.
Anysize Sallet (3000gp): (Touch) 1/day - You may be affected as per the Enlarge Creature or Shrink Creature spell.
-This open-faced steel helm automatically shifts to the appropriate size for any creature holding or wearing it.
Aquatic Helm (1300gp): (Passive) This light steel helm allows the wearer to breathe and see normally underwater and grants a +4 Power Bonus to the Swim Skill. (Spell – Water Breathing)
Black Knight’s Helm (6660gp): (Passive) This adamantine heavy helm makes the wearer immune to Pain (distressed/agonized) and allows you to ignore any negative effects of the Injured status. It also grants +3 Power Bonus to Bluff & Intimidate. This full-face helm does not have a visor. (Spell – Symbol of Pain)
Helm of Awe (6500gp): (Passive) This enchanted light helm provides a +1 Helm Bonus to AR & a +3 Helm Bonus to ARvC. You gain a +4 Power Bonus to Intimidate.
-(Touch) 1/day: You may cast Divine Power upon yourself. -The powerful runes inscribed upon the exterior and interior of this exquisite light steel helm make you a devastating foe in combat. (Spells: Divine Power, Magic Arms & Armor)
Helm of Resilience (4000gp): (Passive) This steel medium helm grants a +2 Power Bonus on WILL Saves and makes you immune to the following spells: Command, Charm Person/Monster, Domination. (Spell - Blessing Against Magic)
Helm of the Steppe (2450gp): (Passive) This light helmet is made with cone of hardened leather reinforced with metal bands and lined with warm fur. A decorative horse-tail plume adorns the top of the helm.
-You gain a +2 Power Bonus to FORT Saves and a +2 Power Bonus to Initiative. If riding a horse (or other mount), your mount also gains these benefits.
-You gain a +3 Power Bonus to Handle Animal and Ride and are considered proficient with all shortbows.
-You may wield any bow as if your STRMod was 1 point higher. (Spells – Gaea’s Guidance, Prowess[Physical])
Helm of Wariness (1100gp): (Passive) This mithryl medium helm causes NO penalty to Initiative, Perseverance, Listen, or Spot. Its magic power grants the wearer a +2 Power Bonus to Listen & Spot checks. (Spell – Wariness)